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Zhandalee And The First Metamorphosis
Zhandalee And The First Metamorphosis
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Zhandalee And The First Metamorphosis

--Those bad people, those invaders have destroyed their home,-- Mosi said.

--Why do they these abuse of power?,-- Zandi asked.

--If I have well understood, another way must pass here to facilitate the arrival of trucks coming from the sacred mountain -- the old man answered.

--Why does the general state allow them to do that? Should not it intervene? -- Biko asked

--It cannot, because they are all corrupt, in exchange for gold they concede everything, they are selling our land to the stranger, they told me they are very powerful, this mine is managed by a very powerful international multinational -- Mosi answered.

Meanwhile, the animated conversation of the soldiers was heard.

-- Where will I go with my family? What can I bring them to eat? I had my field here, I cultivated it and with its fruits we lived in peace – the owner shouted crying.

--Our street must pass here, we have had the concessions, so you have to go away --the highest soldier answered.

--It cannot be that one morning you destroy a family, without telling anyone, and without an adequate compensation, this is steal –Nassor admonished in the direction of the soldiers.

--Silence! Do not you dare talk to us in this way!,-- the second soldier replied, threatening with the weapon.

--What problem is there?, he and his family can come and work with us, we will treat them well -- the first soldier answered looking at the others and bursting into a laughter.

--Yes, of course, work 16 hours a day, whipped, for a cup of rice just to make you enrich with our stolen land – Nassor made clear.

Meanwhile, Zandi began to feel a tingling that came from her chest. But it did not attract her attention, she made her way through the people present and she went in the middle of the dispute. Slowly everyone's eyes focused on her, when she was among the soldiers and the oppressed people ..

--Why do not you leave these people alone? Why do not you make pass your road more distant lengthening a bit the way? - Zandi said warning to the soldiers.

--Go away baby, these things for big people, go back to play with dolls--a soldier replied after a brief laugh.

-- Someone should make you pay for it!- the girl said.

-- Who? maybe you, insolent child -- the soldier replied pushing her and making her fall to the ground, and while he is trying to hit her with the butt of the rifle the soldier stopped saying:

--Hey! But what is shining under your shirt? what is that bright led?

Immediately from the adjacent forest a sort of boomerang came composed of ropes with two rotating stones that wrapped around his neck and knocked him to the ground, another soldier was hit by a dart on his neck and fell to the ground unconscious, the third man saw his companions dropped and threw the rifle into the air escaping, the bulldozer driver did the same..

Zandi turned towards the forest and from a thick tree behind a branch she saw in the distance the silhouette of a boy about her age, he was completely undressed except for the central part covered by a sort of garment that enveloped the abdomen until above his knees, it was made by small bright green leaves, he was not so dark, he watched Zandi for a few seconds and then he disappeared into the forest. The light of the medallion coming from his chest went out in the same instant, Zandi memorized the scene but she said nothing.

Biko and Ima immediately came to Zandi.

--Are you fine? – Ima asked.

--Yes, I have nothing,-- Zandi answered, getting up.

--That man was Demetrio, he's a smart guy, isn’t he?-- Biko added.

In the meantime, Efia arrived with her father.

-- You have risked a lot, you are unconscious even if you are a deity – Mosi admonished.

Nassor and the family of the house approached.

--You have a lot of courage, but if it were not for Demetrio I do not know how you would be now. We hoped you had some power after your magical coming, but maybe it is as we expected. However now the situation is more complicated because the soldier will report to general Kruken, furious. However I have to thank you the same. – Nassor ended shaking Zandi’s hands and she took the thanks of the oppressed family.

--Now What it happen to them?--Efia asked to Nassor.

--Do not worry! We will find a hidden place in the village, they will be able to stay calm for a while, afterwards I will find them a destination – the chief tribe explained.

People were starting to leave but Zandi remained pensive with her gaze fixed in the forest.

--What are you thinking?—Biko asked.

--There should be a connection between the medallions I wear around my neck and the boy of the forest, but I do not know exactly,-- Zandi replied.

--Let's all eat at my house,-- Mosi suggested.

--When we have finished we will go to the three essays on the sacred mountain, they will be able to reveal something to us, it is said that they know everything and they are centennials. Now let's go with Mosi – Biko proposed.

--It's right, let's do so—Ima confirmed.

Zandi nodded and they walked towards the village of Zebenjo.

Meanwhile, the soldier arrived at the mine field after passing the armed entrance, he immediately went to the command building, a sort of cube with countless mirrored glass also square, in front of the entrance there were two other soldiers that stopped him.

--Where do you want to go, soldier,-- one of them asked.

-- I had to inform the General Kruken about the order that had placed me this morning, a problem had happened -- the soldier answered without breath for the race.

--It's ok, come with me!-- The military manat the entrance answered.

They went together to the main hall where Kruken was with his three bodyguards.

As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the hall, they found two other guards, the picket soldier said he should bring news to the general through the first soldier, then the one who was at the door came inside to announce and after having received the consent of the general he let them in.

The general kruken was wearing a stiff red uniform with black trimmings, he sat in a sort of throne placed on a dozen steps, at his side there were three other small thrones, at his right and at his left, where the three chosen guards took place, all three wore a huge black cloak that covered their clothing, and they were seated according to their allegedly combative strength. As soon as he sat he beckoned to a waiter who brought him a glass of gold in a golden tray and while he sipped a drink...

--What's wrong with my land?-- General Kruken asked, looking at the glass.

The soldier was on his knees, he raised his head saying:

--My sir, we have been attacked and we could not continue the eviction we had to do for the new road, we also lost two men --

--Who did dare attack you? Who did dare to interrupt my order? – Kruken asked with an almost surreal calm.

The soldier realizes the answer he will give him will made him angry, so he starts shaking and sweating, the general understands and placing the glass in the tray and sacking the waiter gets up and approaches the window looking out.

--Then?!?—Kruken pronounced with a dry and authoritative tone.