They went to a café located in the university boulevard to have some ice-cream. The Otabek accompanied Raykhona till the beginning of makhalla located not far from the Registan Square and the girl stopped him just there and said:
“I will go myself from here. You needn’t see me to home. As you know neighborhood, friends and enemies…”
“Ooops, do you have negative heroes of Abdulla Kodiriy in your makhalla? We are not credulous, as you know we are from special forces of colonel Yusufbek Yalangtush of Tashkent. I will not surrender so easily.” – Otabek said.
“You are a talkative guy! But do not lie, or you will stay with Zaynab…” – Zaynab departed with laughter.
Otabek shivered for a while after jokes of Raykhona because tragic life of Kumushbibi and Otabek was memorized by him as he had read the book for several times. He decided not pay attention and he thought past days are different from the modern times. These unfavorable days will not come back.
The two months, that passed by, lit the fire of love of hearts in their bodies, and it was impossible to extinguish it. In one of their dates Otabek mentioned that his parents are going to marry him.
“Go ahead! Who is stopping you?” – Raykhona said.
“I will marry you! If you consent I will send my parents to your home…”
“What else do you want sir? I am the only child in the family, they will not let me go so far…”
“Then I will steal you…” – Otabek said to Raykhona. “Do not joke, I have told about you to my parents. What do you say?”.
What could Raykhona reply? “Love is cureless, we can no longer escape from it…”
According to our people’s tradition when they go somewhere to seek a girl for marriage they say that they come to be “slaves”. This doesn’t mean that someone becomes a lord and the other a slave, it just emphasizes the responsibility of marriage.
We should, first of all, care about the groom’s intelligence and honesty, but not his nationality, origin or wealth. An intelligent person allows her daughter to get married to a groom, who can preserve their honor, who will be satisfied by their relatives and most important – with whom his daughter will be happy. Marriage will let the girl to the door of maternity. Imam Ghazali, in his work “Ihyau ulumiddin”, mentions Asmo binti Khorija’s advice, said to her daughter as follows: “Oh my daughter! You are leaving your nest and going to a place you know nothing about.
Be an earth for him, and he will be a sky for you. Be a house for him, and he will be a column for you. Be a maid for him, and he will be a slave for you. Do not bother him over trifles, do not demand everything from him, he will get sick and tired of you. Do not go far away from him, he will forget about you. If he is close to you, be close to him. If he goes far from you, be away from him. Keep his nose, ears and eyes safe, let him smell nice from you, let him hear good things from you and see your beauty.”
The more nicer a wife to his husband the more stronger their relations will be within a family. Girl’s education and explanation of marriage responsibility is an important step for a stable and strong family…
Although Raykhona was the only child in the family she was not spoiled. She can do any homework and she is diligent – and this feature comes from her mother Masturakhon. Her father Mansurjon is a humble person, he is very obedient and he may reply only once while his wife may ask ten questions. Long time ago he worked as an engineer in technical repairing factory, located in so called “Abramov Boulevard”, now the University Boulevard. The factory stopped its activity, moved to another place and he was left unemployed. Fortunately he is very good at his profession – a turner. He made a special room for his instruments and opened a workshop, and bought a turning machine. This profession is considered to be very rare and perhaps this is the main reason to have endless customers at his workshop – one asks to make a spare part this car, another asks something different to be turned and so on. Mansurjon’s habit is that he doesn’t negotiate with the customers, doesn’t argue with them and makes his service of best quality. He can say, due to the volume of the order: “I need at least two days to make this spare part.” or “Come back in two hours, please. Then you can take your item.” If the money that customers pay his service is more than he deserves, he returns part of it.
No matter the customers say: “Please take, it is yours, you did it as I wanted!”, he doesn’t agree.
He is used to say: “Conscientiousness is important! I am happy if you are satisfied with my work. I am sure you will share your ideas with your friends, and feel satisfaction from my work. In such a way your friend informs about me to another person and so on. As a result I will have more customers. And that kindness of you is enough for me…”
Most of the population, living near Siyab Bazaar in the Old City, do business in or near the bazar, as well. One buys goods and sells it there, the other prepares food at home and sells it in the bazaar. Another person buys for cheaper price from wholesale traders and sells in retailers’ stall, or delivers his goods to the women who occupied the stalls in the bazaar for retail sales. Even a youngest member of a family can bring a bucket of cold water and sell water in the hottest days of summer.
Masturakhon is a tailor, customers take the costumes and women’s clothes, that she sews, directly from her house. With the help of makhalla executives they opened a personnel record book in the knitting factory and recorded her as a craftsman.
Her neighbor Khamida is engaged in baking bread. The bread she bakes become a piece of art. There exist a lot of generations of bread bakers. Khamida is the 7th generation of bread bakers, and she has baked bread for 40 years. Thanks to their business they built beautiful houses, organized pompous wedding parties. Now her children and grandchildren are continuing her business and Khamida just controls them.
Samarkand bread, named Gala Osiyo bread, is famous all over the world with its taste, weight and elegance. The tourists coming from foreign countries get astonished as they see Samarkand bread and define it as one of the seven wonders of the world. In fact Samarkand bread has been well known and famous throughout the centuries in the Great Silk Road. Tradesmen,who started in a caravan, would bite a piece from Samarkand bread and leave the rest at home in a good hope to come back to Samarkand safe and sound. After a year or two, or even five years later, when he came back home he would eat the rest of the bread hung on the wall. Regardless of time this bread doesn’t lose its taste, if the dried bread is soaked in water it will become soft and eatable.
There are a lot of legends and myths about Samarkand bread all over the world. A tourist, who visits the Registan Square – the symbol of the city, becomes astonished by its view, and wishes to taste Samarkand bread, as well.
Bread is consumed on daily basis and praised as a blessed boon. Whenever a guest comes home we place bread on the table first of all. Although it is carried in a basket it is liftedto the head. These traditions show Uzbek people’s respect to bread.
One day Khamida came to Raykhana’s home and complained that her daughter couldn’t catch up with selling bread in Siyab Bazaar, she came to ask Raykhona help her in sales. Masturakhon couldn’t reject her. Late tonight her daughter came home with some money in her hands.
“Whose money is this?” – she asked in a surprise.
“Mine!” – Raykhona replied in a triumphal tone and added: “Khamida gave this money as my salary for today!”
Like this Raykhona started helping Khamida in sales of bread. She has an easy hand, everyone wants to buy bread from her, not a single bread returns back from the bazaar. Masturakhon objected to her daughter’s selling bread in the bazaar.
“Stop selling bread, what do you miss?” – once she said to her daughter.
“I am idling at home, mommy, is selling bread embarrassing? The money I earned I am using for myself, buying books, I can give you as well…”
“I don’t need your money, just stop it. You are already a big girl, every day we have guests at home regarding you, and it wouldn’t good if they say that you sell bread in the bazaar…you see me?”
“Their tongues are not subject to them, is a person selling bread not a good man? Furthermore, I am always before the eyes of everybody. Have you heard something bad about me?” – Raykhona asked.
“No, no, my darling, I am just worrying about you… Just want to say…you’d better take care of yourself…my girl!”
Although her mother warned, Raykhona continued selling brad in the bazaar after her lessons, and used to do her lessons till midnight. And then she would sleep after a tiresome day…
A father and a son may not tell their secrets to each other in a family, but, on the contrary, a mother and a daughter can trust each other. A daughter learns many unspeakable things from her mother, tells her secrets to her mother and gets many useful advice. Masturakhon and Raykhona were of the same kind of mother and daughter. Once Raykhona told her mother about Otabek after having hesitated a lot. She told about the first meeting, about his smartness, but she hid that she had fallen in love. It was because of her shyness. But the mother understood everything.
“Daughter, you are our only child in the family, forget about Tashkent, you know that we have a lot of smart guys in our neighborhood, each one smarter than the other, with wealth families. Will I have to seek the way of Tashkent every time when I want to see you?” – Masturakhon reprimanded her daughter. “Now a family from Kircha is wooing you to marry their son, their son won a Green Card Lottery and in America now, and working as a lawyer there. They say he erns thirty thousand dollars a month. I would have married you to him, but America is far away, if you go far from me, I will not endure that…”
“Mommy, Tashkent is not far away. If you catch Afrasiyob train it will get you there in two hours…”
“No, I will marry you here, in our makhalla. Do you know shop holder Ato? He has more than 10 shops in Siyab Bazaar. They also reauest you for their son, if you agree you can meet him, and we can make the deal with them…”
“He hasn’t a definite job, he spends all he earns in the street, do you want to spend my life with him?” – Raykhona said sorrowfully.
“OK, then. What about the grandson of the Valikhodjaevs. He is good guy. He knows five languages, travels to 3-4 countries every month. He has done his PhD…”
“No, I will not marry him. I do not like being buried in the books…”
“You keep rejecting everybody I say. What have you seen in that guy from Tashkent? We don’t know him, his relatives. Your father will not agree, as well. There is another guy from the neighborhood. The son of Academician Vohid Abdullo’s sister. They also want you. We can start preparations if you consent.”
Having seen her daughter peeling at one point Masturakhon went out of the room being upset of that her daughter wasn’t hearing her advice.
Raykhona also doesn’t want to go to Tashkent, who wants to go far from relatives, friends? But life has its own rules, precepts of hearts and dreams. Does love not mean marrying a person who you adore, having kids from him, living with the beloved person? Raykhona entered her room with these thoughts and murmured to herself: “You stand between two fires, Raykhona”. She put her head on the pillow and went asleep.
The next day her mother told her daughter’s story to her father. He didn’t object, but said: “Of course, I want my daughter be with us, but if they suit each other we should not hinder. We have to investigate about the guy’s family.”
“You are also on her side, instead of making her change her mind!” – Mastura said angrily and continued: “Tell her that Tashkent is far, instead, there are a lot of wealthy families here, as well and so on… Your daughter won’t reject you.”
Tonight Masturakhon told her father’s ideas to Raykhona. Her father agreed the boy’s relatives come to ask her daughter. It doesn’t mean that he agreed. First of all, we will get acquainted with his parents, their behavior. We will go to Tashkent and get information about them from their makhalla. If their generation and family suit us then we will consider about our reply. Raykhona also agreed. She knows that her parents are educated people, and that they will do all their best to make their daughter happy in life.
In their next date Raykhona old Otabek that her parents are ready to meet his parents.
Otabek finally told her mother that he liked a girl from Samarkand and told everything about her. Will you please go to Samarkand to ask that girl for me. Of course, his mother didn’t like that suggestion. Why Samarkand girls, when there are girls of Tashkent, like moons shining in the sky. Besides, we are from a noble family, and it is not our tradition to attach to the first girl we see…
On the contrary, his father didn’t find it strange. “That’s my son! It is not an easy deed to find a girl from Samarkand. I couldn’t do it once, but you managed it.” – his father said pushing his wife’s nerves. “Ah-ha! Better late than never! You go and find one for yourself, as well!”– said Kimyokhon nervously. In the end they decided to go to ask the girl from her family…
Otabek prepared the car from the early morning. Future relatives started to the ancient city of Samarkand to have a look at the future bride. After an hour of driving on their way to Samarkand his mother, sunk in her thoughts, said: “Turn your car back to Tashkent, it’s not easy to have a bride from a far and unfamiliar place, and who knows what people they are, are there less girls in Tashkent?”
“You must be joking, mommy!” – Otabek said astonished.
“Do not bother your son when he is driving, woman!” – his father interfered in the conversation.
“Please calm down! It was you who let our son find a girl from Samarkand while we have a lot pretty ones here in Tashkent!” – here were tears in his mother’s eyes.
Yusufbek usually visits Samarkand on business issues. His colleagues, friends don’t let him go in case they happen to know that he is in Samarkand. That’s why he didn’t tell anybody that he was going to Samarkand. It is Kimyohon’s first visit to Samarkand.
“The city is beautiful.” – she said from far looking at the visible minarets, madrassahs and modern buildings.
“There is no other city like this!” – Otabek added.
“I am worrying our relatives may deride that we are accepting a bride not from Tashkent, but Samarkand.” – his mother continued – “Hope we will not be embarrassed before neighbors and relatives…”
“Do not worry, wife! You will be proud that you have such a bride from Samarkand.” – said Yusufbek.
As the Eiffel Tower, Taj Mahal of India, the symbol of love, Egyptian Pyramids – the Registan Square is also the symbol of Uzbekistan. That’s the reason why many tourists rush to see this place. The city has changed a lot in the years of Independence. Wide roads, charming buildings and rainbow fountains were built.
Mansurjon lives in Koshkhavuz makhalla along the way leading to the Reqistan Square from Tashkent Street. As he was the youngest in his family his house was left as a heir to him. He didn’t want to destroy his house, which is already 100 years old. He destroyed a four-meter wall beside the entrance gate and constructed a two storied house. Is he hadn’t done so there exists the problem of space in the territory of the old city, and everyone has to take this situation into account. He renewed the gate and made protruding ornaments for the sun rays go through to the house. There is no transportation in Tashkent street, the way to makhalla goes through Koshkhavuz Makhalla from Registan side.
Seeing Raykhona to her house every time he estimated how to go to her house by car but this time he was confused and got lost. He stopped just beside a woman and asked the house of Mansurjon.
“Why are you asking?” – the woman asked looking at the plaque of the car – “I guess you are foreigners.”
“Yes, we are coming as guests to his house.” – Kimyokhon said angrily.
“The second house on the right of the second turn over there.” – the woman said having felt Kimyokhon’s condition and added: “Let me say that their daughter sells bread in Siyab Bazaar, as I guess you are coming to ask her to be a bride. A lot of guys go around her every day in the bazaar. I have seen by my own eyes that she talks to several of them. I am just saying to warn you. It is a matter of life, I do not want you get deceived…His father doesn’t come to makhalla at all, everybody runs away from her mother as she has a poisonous tongue.” – the woman said all this and fled home. After all this Otabek was astonished and turned his head to his parents.
Yusufbek was astonished by what he heard and continued peeking at the gate the woman fled in.
“Turn the car back!” – Kimyokhon ordered angrily. “That’s what I meant. Drive back to Tashkent! It is good that we met that woman on our way. As I said we had to investigate them thoroughly…”
“Calm down, wife! Anger takes away the reason! Do we have to go back with respect to the words of an unfamiliar woman in the street? Who knows which of the facts she said is true and which one is untrue?…” – Yusufbek rejected.
“She lies!” – Otabek said with his face turned pale. “If she had a boyfriend or wandered with them she would have told me about, and she wouldn’t let us come at all!”
“Where do you the cunningness of girls from? In case required they can easily deceive you by their words and control you as they wish!”
Everyone in the car was upset. Otabek looked at his father with a question on his face.
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