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Mastering Azure Synapse Analytics: guide to modern data integration
Mastering Azure Synapse Analytics: guide to modern data integration
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Mastering Azure Synapse Analytics: guide to modern data integration

In the «Firewall and Virtual Network» settings, select «Private Endpoint connections.»

«dd a new connection and specify the virtual network, subnet, and private DNS zone.

Encryption and Data Protection:

Ensuring data is encrypted both at rest and in transit is crucial for maintaining data security. Azure Synapse Analytics provides encryption options to protect your data throughout its lifecycle.

Transparent Data Encryption (TDE): Encrypts data at rest in dedicated SQL pools.

SSL/TLS Encryption: Secures data in transit between Synapse Studio and the Synapse Analytics service.

Example: Enabling Transparent Data Encryption

Navigate to the «Transparent Data Encryption» settings in the dedicated SQL pool, and enable TDE to encrypt data at rest.

Azure Active Directory (AAD) Integration:

Integrating Azure Synapse Analytics with Azure Active Directory enhances security by centralizing user identities and enabling Single Sign-On (SSO). This integration simplifies user management and ensures that only authenticated users can access the Synapse workspace.

Example: Configuring AAD Integration

In the «Security + networking» section, configure Azure Active Directory settings by specifying your AAD tenant ID, client ID, and client secret.

Monitoring and Auditing:

Implementing monitoring and auditing practices allows you to track user activities, detect anomalies, and maintain compliance. Azure Synapse Analytics allows you to configure diagnostic settings to capture and store logs related to various activities. Diagnostic logs provide valuable information about operations within the workspace, such as queries executed, resource utilization, and security-related events.

Example: Configuring Diagnostic Settings

– Navigate to your Synapse Analytics workspace in the Azure portal.

– In the «Settings» menu, select «Diagnostic settings.»

– «dd diagnostic settings and configure destinations such as Azure Monitor, Azure Storage, or Event Hubs. Configure diagnostic settings to send logs to Azure Monitor, Azure Storage, or other destinations. This helps in monitoring and auditing activities within your Synapse Analytics workspace.

By following these examples and best practices, you can establish a robust security posture for your Azure Synapse Analytics environment. Regularly review and update security configurations to adapt to evolving threats and ensure ongoing protection of your valuable data.

Chapter 3. Data Ingestion

3.1 General Overview of Data Ingestion in Modern Data Engineering

Data ingestion is the process of collecting, importing, and transferring raw data from various sources into a storage and processing system, often as part of a broader data processing pipeline. This fundamental step is crucial for organizations looking to harness the value of their data by making it available for analysis, reporting, and decision-making.

Key Components of Data Ingestion:

Data Sources: Data can originate from a multitude of sources, including databases, files, applications, sensors, and external APIs. These sources may contain structured, semi-structured, or unstructured data. Below are specific examples:

Diverse Origins:

Data sources encompass a wide array of origins, reflecting the diversity of information in the modern data landscape. These sources may include:

Databases: Both relational and NoSQL databases serve as common sources. Examples include MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Cassandra.

Files: Data is often stored in various file formats, such as CSV, JSON, Excel, or Parquet. These files may reside in local systems, network drives, or cloud storage.

Applications: Data generated by business applications, software systems, or enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems constitutes a valuable source for analysis.

Sensors and IoT Devices: In the context of the Internet of Things (IoT), data sources extend to sensors, devices, and edge computing environments, generating real-time data streams.

Web APIs: Interactions with external services, platforms, or social media through Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) contribute additional data streams.

Structured, Semi-Structured, and Unstructured Data:

Data sources may contain various types of data, including:

– Structured Data: Organized and formatted data with a clear schema, commonly found in relational databases.

– Semi-Structured Data: Data that doesn’t conform to a rigid structure, often in formats like JSON or XML, allowing for flexibility.

– Unstructured Data: Information without a predefined structure, such as text documents, images, audio, or video files.

Streaming and Batch Data:

Data can be generated and ingested in two primary modes:

Batch Data: Involves collecting and processing data in predefined intervals or chunks. Batch processing is suitable for scenarios where near-real-time insights are not a strict requirement.

Streaming Data: Involves the continuous processing of data as it arrives, enabling organizations to derive insights in near-real-time. Streaming is crucial for applications requiring immediate responses to changing data conditions.

External and Internal Data:

Data sources can be classified based on their origin:

External Data Sources: Data acquired from sources outside the organization, such as third-party databases, public datasets, or data purchased from data providers.

Internal Data Sources: Data generated and collected within the organization, including customer databases, transaction records, and internal applications.

Data Movement: The collected data needs to be transported or copied from source systems to a designated storage or processing environment. This can involve batch processing or real-time streaming, depending on the nature of the data and the requirements of the analytics system.

Successful data movement ensures that data is collected and made available for analysis in a timely and reliable manner. Let’s explore the key aspects of data movement in detail:

Bulk loading is a method of transferring large volumes of data in batches or chunks, optimizing the transportation process. Its key characteristics are:

Efficiency: Bulk loading is efficient for scenarios where large datasets need to be moved. It minimizes the overhead associated with processing individual records. And

Reduced Network Impact: Transferring data in bulk reduces the impact on network resources compared to processing individual records separately.

Bulk loading is suitable for scenarios where data is ingested at predefined intervals, such as daily or hourly batches. When setting up a new data warehouse or repository, bulk loading is often used for the initial transfer of historical data.