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Did You Know That ? Encyclopedia of Curious and Interesting Facts
Did You Know That ? Encyclopedia of Curious and Interesting Facts
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Did You Know That ? Encyclopedia of Curious and Interesting Facts

? Minimize Stress: Provide a peaceful environment with ample hiding places and tank mates that are compatible with goldfish.

? Monitor Temperature: Ensure that the water temperature remains within the optimal range.

? Seek Veterinary Care: If you notice any signs of illness, consult a veterinarian



By providing our beloved goldfish with the best possible conditions, we can help them reach the full extent of their potential lifespan and enjoy their companionship for many years to come.


average – средний

lifespan – продолжительность жизни

proper care – надлежащий уход

incredible – невероятный

breeds – породы

regular tank cleaning – регулярная чистка аквариума

proper – надлежащий

essential – существенный

nutritious – питательный

vital – жизненно важный

avoid – избегать

overfeeding – перекармливание

are prone to – подвержены

obesity – ожирение

overcrowding – перенаселение

mates – товарищи

frequent – частый

handling – обращение

disease – болезнь

spacious – просторный

suitable – подходящий

pellets – гранулы

flakes – хлопья

compatible – совместимый

promptly – незамедлительно

conclusion – заключение


What is the average lifespan of a goldfish?

What is the oldest known goldfish on record?

Name three factors that can affect a goldfish's lifespan.

How can you minimize stress for goldfish?

What is the optimal water temperature range for goldfish?

What is a sign that you should seek veterinary care for your goldfish?

What are two types of food that you can feed goldfish?

What is one way to avoid overcrowding in a goldfish tank?

What is the importance of maintaining clean water in a goldfish tank?

Fact 6. Did you know that the human body contains about 60% water?

The human body contains about 60% water. That means that for every 100 pounds you weigh, about 60 pounds of it is water! Water is essential for life. It helps our bodies to:

?  Regulate temperature

?  Transpor nutrients and oxygen to cells

? Remove waste products

? Lubricatejoints

?  Protect organs and tissues