Книга The Surgeon's Marriage, Maggie Kingsley — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Maggie Kingsley - The Surgeon's Marriage

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Автор: Maggie Kingsley
Название: The Surgeon's Marriage

Рейтинг: 3

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Автор: Maggie Kingsley
Название: The Surgeon's Marriage
Аннотация на книгу:

Doctors Tom and Helen Brooke have a great marriage–when they can find the time to see each other amidst the pressures of work at the Belfield Infirmary and the demands of their adorable twins. Despite feeling overworked and underappreciated, Helen knows that she and Tom have something very special.So when Tom's handsome friend becomes their new colleague and makes a play for Helen, she might be flattered but she's not going to stray.Then a series of misunderstandings makes her think maybe Tom doesn't care. Except he does, passionately, and now he's faced with the fight of his life–the fight to save his marriage….

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