Книга The Principles and Methods of Osteopathy. Part 1. Biomechanical Methods, I. A. Aptekar — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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I. A. Aptekar - The Principles and Methods of Osteopathy. Part 1. Biomechanical Methods

The Principles and Methods of Osteopathy. Part 1. Biomechanical Methods0
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Автор: I. A. Aptekar
Название: The Principles and Methods of Osteopathy. Part 1. Biomechanical Methods

Рейтинг: 3

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Автор: I. A. Aptekar
Название: The Principles and Methods of Osteopathy. Part 1. Biomechanical Methods
Аннотация на книгу:

Teaching and Methodical Manual gives an idea of basic principles of systemic approach in Osteopathy. It describes the methods of Osteopathy, their integrity and sequence of study. Features of the biomechanical method in Osteopathy are revealed in detail. Attention is paid to BLT as a transitional therapeutic model between biomechanical and functional methods. Teaching manual performs informational, teaching and monitoring functions. It’s intended for students and doctors — osteopaths.

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Добавленo: Рейтинг: 3 Комментариев 0 шт.

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