Книга Bodyguard Reunion, Margaret Daley — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Margaret Daley - Bodyguard Reunion

Bodyguard Reunion
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Автор: Margaret Daley
Название: Bodyguard Reunion

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Автор: Margaret Daley
Название: Bodyguard Reunion
Аннотация на книгу:

REUNIONS CAN BE DEADLYTeaming up with an old flame is not what bodyguard Chloe Howard would call a smart move. Nine years ago Chloe and T. J. Davenport worked on a case together, fell in love, then went their separate ways. Now she's reunited with the fearless bodyguard to protect a controversial couple on a book tour through Texas. And the reunion reminds Chloe of dreams best forgotten. She knows she has to keep her emotions in check so their clients' protection remains their top priority. Protection that is the only thing keeping them from falling prey to a stalker's deadly schemes.

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