Книга Understanding Intracardiac EGMs. A Patient Centered Guide, Fred M. Kusumoto — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Fred M. Kusumoto - Understanding Intracardiac EGMs. A Patient Centered Guide

Understanding Intracardiac EGMs. A Patient Centered Guide
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Автор: Fred M. Kusumoto
Название: Understanding Intracardiac EGMs. A Patient Centered Guide

Рейтинг: 4

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Автор: Fred M. Kusumoto
Название: Understanding Intracardiac EGMs. A Patient Centered Guide
Аннотация на книгу:

Dr Kusumoto’s unique new book takes a step-wise, patient-centered approach to guide readers through the thought process required during an electrophysiology study and the development of new findings. Follows a case based step-wise approach focused on the EP lab that allows readers to follow along with the thought process behind how experienced electrophysiologists first diagnose, then prepare, treat and manage patients with common rhythmic abnormalities, including atrial fibrillation Written by award-winning Mayo Clinic Physician-educator Dr. Fred Kusumoto Ideal for fellows, new EPs, nursing and technical staff in the EP lab Includes clinical questions to help readers test their understanding of the steps and concepts covered in the book and prepare for certification exams

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