Книга A Date With Dr Moustakas - читать онлайн бесплатно, автор Amy Ruttan. Cтраница 2
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A Date With Dr Moustakas
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A Date With Dr Moustakas

Lisa brightened. “I would like that, Dr. Moustakas.”

He nodded and shut the door. As he walked through the cobbled streets, he saw the little village at the edge of the sea where his yia-yia had lived was coming alive, and that the ferry boat from the mainland sat at the docks as people boarded it for the hour’s jaunt to the mainland and the docks at Piraeus.

It wasn’t too much farther to the clinic, and there was a bit of a spring in his step as he headed there. It felt good to be working again and helping out Ares, Theo and Deakin, his best friends, as well as their significant others—he was still having a hard time wrapping his mind around that.

All his friends were matched up. They’d finally found love. He was the only single one left among them. And that wasn’t going to change anytime soon. No way.

There had been only one woman he’d come even close to thinking about marrying, but he’d bungled that so badly that he’d broken her heart. He deserved to be alone. That was his punishment for the pain he’d caused her. One he’d bear gladly.

Chris sighed and opened the door to the clinic. No one was at the front desk, but the door had been unlocked.

“Ares?” he shouted. There was no answer. “Ares, where are you? Hello?”

“Good gravy, what is with all the shouting? I’m coming!” a soft Tennessee accent answered back. One that he knew so well.

His heart skipped a beat as the owner of the voice came charging out of the back of the clinic, dressed to the nines in business attire—the high heels that he’d always thought were ridiculous and a pristine white lab coat.

Her thick strawberry blond hair was swept up off her neck in a tight bun, which didn’t suit her, and her soft hazel eyes widened in shock as she froze to the spot.

“Naomi?” he said in a daze as he found his voice. “What’re you doing here?”

* * *

Oh, my good Lord, what is he doing here?

She knew that Dr. Christos Moustakas was Greek, but she’d had no idea that he was here in Mythelios. She’d thought he was still in Manhattan, playing all-knowing neurosurgical God and playboy.

She’d thought when she left him behind and started working for an international relief effort as a surgeon that she would never have to lay eyes on him again, and that had been good enough for her.

She’d given up so much to take a chance on love and she’d been rejected. He’d shattered her heart and soul three years ago, and she’d never wanted to see him again. Ever.

That’s not completely true.

She had longed to see him, but she just hadn’t been able to risk him hurting her again. Not when it had taken her so long to put her heart back together after he’d so coldly dismissed her—and then she’d lost their baby. The baby she hadn’t even known about until after he’d left for New York.

She’d tried to tell him, but he hadn’t returned her calls.

So she’d borne that pain alone.

She hated him. He was the reason she didn’t date anyone—ever. She’d put her career first because she was never going to make that mistake again.

Her heart was hardened.

You don’t hate him. Not really.

Yet here he was. Standing in front of her in clinic scrubs and looking just as good as the day he’d left her all those years ago. His thick dark hair still perfect. Those dark eyes still with that twinkle in them. And even though he wasn’t smiling, just seeing his chiseled handsome face made her go weak in the knees all over again.

No. Don’t let him have any power over you.

It had taken her a long time to get over Christos after he’d put his career over her. She’d made her peace with that, and even though she’d blown her chance with Mayo, she’d never blown another one.

And now she was one of the attending surgeons with International Relief. She had a lot of responsibility. Maybe she had him to thank for that—for focusing her mind on her career instead of on him.

Still, she was not happy he was here. Of all the places in the world, why did he have to be here in Mythelios?

Good gravy, why did he have to be here?

She’d been assigned to work between Athens and Mythelios as a surgeon for the next couple of months. When she’d come to Athens in July, she’d gone to the clinic a couple of times, and Chris hadn’t been there. Of course, during the first part of her assignment in Greece, she hadn’t spent a lot of time in Mythelios, since most of the seriously wounded from the earthquake had been sent to Athens.

And now that she was going to be spending more of her time lending a hand at the clinic, rather than working in the city, he was here—and he was in scrubs as if he belonged here.

You haven’t said one word since he asked you what you’re doing here. Speak!

“What’re you doing here?” she asked.

Oh, my Lord in heaven, that was the most pathetic...

She cringed inwardly, because she really didn’t know what else to say.

“This is where I’m from. I’ve come back here because my grandmother died and I inherited her home. Also, this is the clinic I helped found with a few friends of mine. I thought since I was here I would spend some time working here.”

“I’ve been in Greece since last month and I haven’t seen you here at the clinic before—and you haven’t been mentioned by anyone,” she said.

“I’ve been busy dealing with the passing of my grandmother.”

“I had no idea you were from here.”

“We didn’t do much talking when we were together.” There was a twinkle in his eye as he said that.

She groaned. Of course... She quickly jogged through all those memories—which were mostly of hot, passion-filled nights. He had once mentioned coming from a small Greek island and helping to found a charitable clinic, but of all the charitable clinics in all of Greece why did she have to walk into this one?

It’s simple. You’re cursed.

That was what her father’s mother had said, the one and only time she’d met her when she was fourteen. She’d told her that she was cursed by the gods because she had forsaken her father’s heritage and was doomed.

Naomi hadn’t given it much credence then, but after meeting Dr. Christos Moustakas four years ago, and having her heart completely trampled on a bare year later, she was beginning to believe her grandmother’s words.

She was cursed.

And this just proved it.

“I work with International Relief. I’m here to help on the island after the earthquake. Mythelios and Athens is my assignment for the next couple of months. I’m a general surgeon, and I also raise funds to cover the cost of surgeries for those who can’t afford it. The earthquake’s damage is wreaking havoc on people.”

A smug grin spread across his face. “Is that so? I hadn’t heard that.”

“Yes,” she said firmly, annoyed with him. She clutched the file she was holding tight to her chest. “Dr. Nikolaides did mention to me that a new surgeon would be coming today, but he didn’t mention it was you.”

“Would that have made a difference?” he asked.

“Yes, of course it would! I’m not happy about this, Dr. Moustakas.”

You’re supposed to be in New York.

Out of sight and out of mind. Except that was easier said than done. He’d completely crushed her heart. She didn’t trust men anymore, thanks to him.

She’d been head over heels in love with Chris. He’d even gotten her pregnant. But he’d made it clear that his career was more important to him than she could ever be. He’d broken things off, and although she’d tried to contact him to tell him about the baby, she’d lost it only a few short weeks after he’d left for New York.

It had destroyed her.

She’d been alone, heartbroken and mad at herself for getting involved with Chris in the first place when she’d known that he’d never wanted anything serious. She’d fallen for his charms. She’d been a fool.

It had taken her this long to pick herself up. To put herself back together. Seeing him again was the very last thing she needed, but it was clear that he was going to stay here and she was just going to have to suck it up and work in the same physical space with him. But that didn’t mean they had to work together.

This island was big enough for the both of them.

Oh, who are you kidding?

“Well,” Chris said, breaking the tense silence and running a hand through his hair, “I’m sorry that you’re not happy about this, Naomi...”

“Dr. Hudson.”

“What?” he asked, dazed, and for the first time she noticed the dark circles under his eyes, as if he hadn’t been sleeping.

“Dr. Hudson is how I wish to be referred to by you. We’re not on a first-name basis. Not anymore.”

His eyes narrowed and he frowned, crossing his arms.

He was annoyed by that.


“Fine. Dr. Hudson, do you think we can work together and remain professional?”

“Of course we can, Dr. Moustakas.”

She was relieved—or she should be relieved. Except that she wasn’t. Not really.

This is what you want, remember?

“Good, because I really am exhausted and I don’t have the energy for games. I’ve had enough games to last a lifetime.”

Her blood boiled and she could feel a flush rise in her cheeks. “I’m very aware of your games, Dr. Moustakas. Trust me.”

“I don’t have time for this,” he snapped. He pushed past her and headed to the back where the staff room was. “I need coffee.”

She turned and followed him, feeling bad. He was in the back lounge, pouring himself a cup of coffee. He rolled his eyes and groaned when he saw that she’d followed him.

“I’m sorry,” she said tentatively.

He eyed her cautiously and took a sip of coffee.

“Why are you so tired?” she asked.

“No reason. Late night,” he said quickly, not looking at her.

She knew he was hiding something. This was how he’d acted with her when he’d been given that job offer in Manhattan for an attending position. He would get self-protective—surly, even—and would feign exhaustion as he closed up tight.

She had no time to deal with this. So much was on her plate—including a bachelor auction she had to organize. Originally it had been planned by the clinic as a small affair on Mythelios, to raise funds for the clinic. But when Theo had realized the extent of the damage done by the earthquake to the entire island, he’d suggested to Naomi on her arrival that with her fund-raising background she should take the project on, on behalf of International Relief, and expand it to a much bigger event for maximum exposure and funds.

Having witnessed the desperate need for funds firsthand, Naomi had had no choice but to agree. The auction was now happening in Athens, in a little less than two weeks’ time, so she couldn’t afford to play Chris’s games.

“Well, I’ll let you get on with it, then,” she said as she backed out of the lounge and made her way to a small office where she could do her paperwork in relative peace.

Maybe she should cancel lunch with her cousin Lisa, who was working on the island as a nanny, and catch an earlier ferry back to Athens. Then at least she’d have the sea to separate herself from Christos Moustakas.

Only, deep down, she knew the sea wasn’t enough to keep him at bay. She closed her eyes and tried not to think about Chris and their lost baby, but it all came rushing back to her regardless.

Work was the only thing that kept the pain at bay, but she wasn’t sure even that would be enough now, because Chris was here in Mythelios—and he clearly still had the ability to invade both her dreams and her heart.


CHRIS MANAGED TO avoid Naomi for most of the morning by retreating into one of the offices to go over the file that Ares wanted an opinion on.

He leaned over the computer and frowned as the scans from the Athens MRI came up. The scans were of a local Mythelios bartender whom they all knew and loved.

He’d heard that since the earthquake in May Stavros had been experiencing debilitating headaches, but he’d always brushed them off until finally, the other day, he’d collapsed.

Now Chris knew why Stavros had been having such a hard time, because he was staring down at one of the biggest anaplastic oligodendrogliomas that he’d ever seen.


He knew men like Stavros; the older generation of men from the island were stubborn and brushed off what they thought were minor symptoms, like a headache, as nothing. “Minor symptoms” that might be warning them of something far more sinister. Like Stavros’s headaches.

Chris leaned back in the swivel chair and scrubbed a hand over his face in frustration. This surgery would be intricate and costly.

It was too expensive to have the clinic cover the cost—especially since the clinic was still trying to recover financially from the consequences of the earthquake. And even though Stavros had a successful taverna, Chris was pretty sure that he didn’t have enough money to pay for this surgery.

Yet Chris couldn’t let him die. He had to try to find a way to help Stavros. He had to get a surgical team together. He needed an operating room and post-anesthesia care. The list was endless.

He hated cases like this, but he also loved cases like this. It was a challenge, and he hadn’t had a challenge like this in so long.

“That’s one nasty-looking tumor,” Naomi said, interrupting his thoughts.

Chris turned to see Naomi leaning in the doorway, her eyes fixed on the screen. She was so close to him he could smell the sweet scent of her perfume. Jasmine and magnolia. It reminded him of his time in Nashville. The flowers from the trees there had bloomed and filled the air with their sweet fragrance, and every time he’d taken Naomi in his arms he’d thought of those flowers. The blooms so soft, so delicate and so beautiful...

Get a hold of yourself.

“Yes. It is. A local patient who hasn’t got time to wait for a place on a state-provided health care surgery list. To pay privately it’s going to be costly, and I don’t think he’ll be able to afford it, sadly. If he wants to live, I’m going to have to get him to Athens and do it myself.”

Which made him think about how he’d have to uproot Evangelos and take him to Athens too. He would have to find a big enough rental unit so that he, Lisa and Evangelos all had their privacy. It was going to be a nightmare, but Chris couldn’t sit back and do nothing. Stavros would die.

“Well, you know the International Relief effort might be willing to help this patient out.”

“I thought those funds could only be used to help out earthquake victims. He might have been a victim of the earthquake, but this tumor has been growing for several years.”

“Funds are to help those in need,” she said. “If he needs help—”

“I have to talk to the patient first and give him all the details,” Chris interrupted. “He may say no.”

“Yes, but you’re saying he needs the surgery. Correct?” she asked.

“Yes. He does.”

“Do you know him? Do you think he’ll agree to the surgery?”

“Only if he gets to pay his way. He’s stubborn—like most men from this island.”

He couldn’t help but grin at her, and for a brief moment he thought he saw a flicker of humor in her eyes and a small twitch of a smile on her lips.

“Well, I’ll try to find out more information. I would like to help in any way that I can. I used to...”

She trailed off and the pink flush of a blush bloomed in her cheeks. He knew what she was going to say, because he was thinking it too.

“You used to assist me in surgery. You were a brilliant neurosurgical resident. Please tell me you didn’t give up neurosurgery.”

“Oh, you mean after you got the fellowship and then the position in Manhattan?”

Chris sighed. “I didn’t take that position to hurt you, Naomi.”

She frowned. “I know that—and, yes, I’m still a neurosurgeon, as well as a more than competent general surgeon, which was what was particularly needed in the aftermath of the earthquake.”

“I’m glad.”

And he was. Naomi was far too talented to be wasted.

He had been so relieved when he’d gotten that position in New York. Naomi had been getting way too close to him for comfort. She’d become part of his life in a way he’d never wanted a woman to be. The Manhattan job had been an escape and he’d jumped at the chance.

He’d completed his fellowship and then become an attending all within three years, and he didn’t regret it. The only thing he regretted was losing her along the way. Being so scared of committing to one woman for the rest of his life that he’d run away rather than face up to his fears.

And he regretted hurting her career. He wanted to ask her about whether she’d ever got into Mayo. He wanted to know what she’d done after they’d parted. But he couldn’t find the words. He was still far too ashamed.

He glanced at his watch.

It was noon, and he had to head back to relieve Lisa for lunch. Besides, he wouldn’t mind having a light lunch at home and a quick nap. The coffee, though strong, had not woken him up. He needed sleep.

“Well, I’d better get some lunch.” He stood. “Are you eating here?”

“No, I have plans. A lunch date,” she said.

A lunch date? With who?

He was surprised by the sharp burst of jealousy that reared its ugly head deep inside him.

You don’t have any claim on her now.


“Yes,” she said noncommittally, not taking the bait and elaborating. “So, I’ll see you later, back at the clinic?”

“Yeah. Enjoy your lunch date.”

“Oh, I will,” she chirped.

Follow her. Find out who he is.

Only, he wasn’t going to do that. He wasn’t going to let that jealous, foolish part of him take over. It had been way too many years since he’d gotten into any kind of a brawl over a girl, and he couldn’t afford to have his hands out of commission now. Not when he had to get Stavros over to Athens as soon as possible and get that tumor out of him.

Theo was in the hall, waiting for the computer when he left.

“You done?” Theo asked.


“You okay?”

No. But he didn’t say that out loud. He’d never told his friends about Naomi and he wasn’t going to elaborate on that secret shame now.

“I just need a nap. Babies are bad for sleep,” Chris teased. “You’ll see soon enough.”

“Great. I can’t wait.” Theo grinned.

“Hey, is Stavros coming in again today?” Chris asked.

“No, he’s working.” Theo frowned. “Is this about those scans?”

“He has a very aggressive brain tumor. I have to get him to Athens and do a very expensive surgery.”

“He’s not going to like that,” Theo commented. “He never leaves his taverna. He’s not going to agree to surgery unless it can be done here on the island and he can be back to work in an hour or less.”

Chris laughed at that. “Well, none of that’s going to happen.”

“The surgery could happen here if necessary.”

“Theo, I’d need a surgical team that’s used to operating on grade three anaplastic oligodendrogliomas. I also think he’s going to need some chemotherapy afterward. And I’ll need more scans to see if the cancer has progressed.”

“I can tell you now—Stavros won’t leave Mythelios. You’re going to have to work a miracle,” Theo announced, ducking into the office and leaving Chris cursing under his breath.

Why did the men on this island feel they needed to be pigheaded and stubborn to the point at which it cost them everything? Stavros with his brain cancer...his father driving his mother away...and him doing exactly the same thing to Naomi because he’d taken the New York job without consulting her. He’d just upped and left.

Maybe he was cursed?

On days like today it didn’t feel as if he had any kind of blessing from the gods smiling down on him. Not that the patron saint of Mythelios had smiled on him in a long time.

What about Evangelos?

Chris’s bad attitude melted away.

Yeah, there was Evan. Chris might not have the love of a woman, but he had his son to brighten his life.

And that was all he needed.

“I’m headed for lunch, Theo,” Chris called over his shoulder.

“See you,” Theo called back.

Chris ducked out the back door and headed along the faster route, through the winding streets to his yia-yia’s home. He’d just slipped off his shoes when there was a knock at the front door.

Lisa came down the stairs. “That’s my cousin. I’m meeting her for lunch. I’m just finishing feeding Evan and then I’ll be there.”

Chris nodded. “Take your time. I’ll let her know.”

Lisa nodded and headed back upstairs to where Evangelos was hollering for strained peas—quite loudly.

Chris opened the door.

“Sorry I’m late, I got lost,” the woman outside began breathlessly. “I—Chris?

“Hi, Naomi. So you’re Lisa’s cousin.”

He mentally rolled his eyes at the gods, who were surely laughing at him now.

* * *

Just. Great. What’s he doing here? Can’t I get away from him?

“This is where my cousin works. I thought you were...” Then she trailed off as she realized. “This is your home?”

He nodded. “It is. You’d better come in.”

Naomi stepped over the threshold and he shut the wooden door to help keep the heat out of the house. She’d seen this house when she’d first arrived on Mythelios. It was on the topmost part of the hill and it overlooked the sea. It was brilliant white, surrounded by the bright colors of the other houses. It had a huge balcony, and she’d imagined what it would be like to live there. To always see the sea.

She’d wondered about the family who lived there. Her cousin hadn’t said much about the people she worked for. Only that it was a family with money and that her charge was a young baby.

Baby? But Chris lives here.

Of course he’d found someone else. Of course he was married now. His heart hadn’t been broken when things had ended between them.

She remembered hearing about all the women he’d been with. He was a playboy in Manhattan, regularly seen out and about with a variety of famous women. And he had money, so of course he would be married.

“My cousin is a nanny,” she stated, feeling foolish.

“Yes. I’m aware of that,” he said, and his mouth quirked up in a half smile—the one that had always made her melt in the past. “It’s my son she cares for when I’m working.”

Your son?”

“Yes,” he said. “My son, Evangelos. He’s eight months old now.”

“What about his mother?” Naomi asked.

“My, you’re full of questions today,” he teased.

“I’m sorry. I just... You were always very clear that you never wanted a wife or kids. You didn’t want a family.”

“I don’t understand. Why can’t I come to New York with you?”

“You don’t have a position there.”

“So? I want to be with you.”

His muscles had tensed and she’d seen a look that had made her stomach churn.

“You knew this wasn’t long-term. I don’t want marriage. I don’t want a wife or kids. Don’t follow me, Naomi. Don’t waste your life pursuing me when I can’t give you what you want.”

“Circumstances changed,” he said now.

Yes, because I wasn’t the right woman for you.

And her heart ached as she thought about the baby—their baby—the one she had lost. She would have loved that child. She’d always wanted children.