Accomplishment. Execution, achievement, performance, completion; acquirement, attainment, proficiency, ornament, grace.
Ant. Failure, blunder, folly, stupidity, incompetency, mismanagement, bungling.
Accord. Agree, correspond, harmonize; grant, concede, give, yield, deign, vouchsafe, consent, answer.
Ant. Differ, disagree; withhold, deny, refuse.
Accordant. Agreeable, suitable, consonant, harmonious, congruous, agreeing, corresponding, conformable.
Ant. Adverse, inconsistent, discordant.
Accordingly. Suitably, conformably, agreeably; consequently, therefore, hence, wherefore.
Ant. Conversely, inconsistently, impertinently.
Accost. Approach, address, salute, greet, confront, speak to.
Ant. Depart, rebuff, check, repulse, shun, elude, pass, ignore.
Account, n. Record, register, inventory; bill, charge; count, calculation, enumeration; statement, description, narration, relation, narrative, recital, chronicle, history; explanation, exposition; consideration, regard, motive, reason; importance, worth, dignity, profit, advantage, benefit.
Ant. Suppression, silence; attempt, project; misannouncement.
Account, v. Esteem, regard, deem, judge, think, hold, believe, consider, view; estimate, reckon, rate; explain, solve.
Ant. Underrate, undervalue; disesteem, misestimate; mystify, perplex, darken.
Accountable. Responsible, punishable, answerable, liable, amenable; accredited, delegated.
Ant. Independent, absolute, supreme, despotic, autocratic.
Accouter. Equip, furnish, dress, fit out, arm, array.
Ant. Despoil, impoverish, denude, strip, bare.
Accredit. Credit, authorize, trust, empower, commission, depute.
Ant. Recall, supersede, dismiss, discard; disbelieve, distrust, suspect.
Accredited. Authorized, commissioned, sanctioned; confidential, trusted, believed.
Ant. Unauthorized, distrusted, discredited.
Accretion. Growth, accumulation, adhesion, coherence, increase.
Ant. Abrasion, disintegration, diminution.
Accrue. Result, arise, issue, ensue, follow, proceed, come, increase, augment.
Ant. Cause, occasion; reduce, weaken, abate.
Accumulate. Pile, collect, gather up, bring together; store, amass, garner, treasure, husband, lay by, hoard; aggregate.
Ant. Separate, dissipate, disperse, scatter, waste, expend.
Accumulation. Collection, heap, mass, accretion, hoard, store.
Ant. Separation, segregation; unit, individual; prodigality, leakage, expenditure.
Accuracy. Exactness, precision, nicety, truth, carefulness, correctness, exactitude, fidelity.
Ant. Looseness, slovenliness, incorrectness, error, fallacy, misconception, misstatement.
Accurate. Careful, exact, faithful, precise, truthful, correct, rigorous, close, severe, just, unerring.
Ant. Inexact, faulty, inaccurate, defective, loose, careless.
Accusation. Charge, indictment, arraignment, impeachment, imputation, crimination, censure.
Ant. Discharge, acquittal, vindication, absolution, approval.
Accuse. Charge, indict, arraign, incriminate, impeach, cite, summon, tax, censure, taunt, blame, reproach.
Ant. Discharge, acquit, defend, vindicate, exonerate, pardon, absolve, condone, release.
Accustom. Habituate, use, be wonted, harden, familiarize, train, addict, drill, break in, discipline.
Ant. Estrange, wean, alienate, dishabituate.
Acerbity. Sourness, acidity, tartness, bitterness, roughness, harshness, acrimony.
Ant. Sweetness, mildness, softness, gentleness, smoothness.
Ache, n. Pain, dull or continued pain, anguish, suffering, agony.
Ant. Pleasure, relief, ease, refreshment, delight.
Achieve. Accomplish, perform, complete, finish, realize, bring to pass, work out, conclude; obtain, acquire, gain, win, get.
Ant. Neglect, undo, mar, omit; fail of, lose.
Achievement. Accomplishment, performance, attainment, completion, consummation; exploit, deed, feat.
Ant. Forfeit, failure, negligence, frustration, blunder.
Acknowledge. Recognize, be aware of; admit, concede, allow, accept; confess, avow; express thanks for; own or profess.
Ant. Disclaim, disown, deny, repudiate, ignore, disavow.
Acme. Summit, zenith, climax, top, apex, vertex, pinnacle, culmination.
Ant. Base, nadir, depth, ground, foundation, foot, root.
Acquaintance. Association, familiarity; friend; intimacy, companionship, experience, knowledge, friendship, fellowship.
Ant. Ignorance, inexperience, unfamiliarity, ignoring.
Acquiesce. Assent, concur, yield, comply, submit, agree, consent.
Ant. Object, demur, dissent.
Acquire. Gain, earn, win, reap, obtain, attain, achieve, get, secure; master, learn thoroughly.
Ant. Lose, surrender, miss, forego, forfeit.
Acquit. Discharge, exonerate, release, absolve, excuse, pardon, exculpate.
Ant. Charge, condemn, sentence, compel, indict, imprison.
Acquittal. Discharge, release, deliverance, liberation, absolution.
Ant. Judgment, punishment, penalty, trial, retribution, correction, castigation.
Acrimony. Bitterness, sharpness, sourness, tartness, severity, asperity, hardness, rancor, ill-temper, spite, unkindness.
Ant. Gentleness, good nature, kindness, sweetness, courtesy.
Act, n. Deed, performance, exploit, accomplishment, achievement, effect, movement, transaction, work.
Ant. Cessation, inertia, quiescence, inaction, rest, repose, quiet, deliberation.
Act, v. Work, do, perform, execute; behave; play, feign, pretend, dissemble; operate, have effect; be, realize, actualize.
Ant. Rest, cease, stop, stay; neglect, omit, mar, undo; expose, reveal, vaunt; be quiescent or latent; fancy; endure, suffer.
Action. Exercise, motion, movement, deed, performance; agency, force, operation; battle, conflict; gesture; representation, play; subject, plot; lawsuit, case.
Ant. Inertia, torpor, languor; quiescence, rest, passiveness; harmony, truce, peace.
Active. Agile, brisk, alert, lively, quick, prompt, ready, spry; industrious, energetic, busy, diligent.
Ant. Dull, idle, indolent, lazy, quiet, slow, stupid.
Actual. Real, true, genuine, certain, absolute, positive, veritable, substantial; present, sensible, perceptible.
Ant. Possible, fictitious, supposititious, virtual, theoretical, hypothetical, conjectural.
Acumen. Discernment, penetration, keenness, shrewdness, insight, sharpness, sagacity, acuteness.
Ant. Dulness, obtuseness, stupidity, bluntness.
Acute. Sharp, pointed, keen, shrewd; violent, intense; high, sudden, severe, distressing; subtile, ingenious, sagacious, discerning.
Ant. Dull, blunt, obtuse, stupid, heavy; chronic; stolid.
Adaptation. Adjustment, fitness, conformity, suitableness, aptness, harmony.
Ant. Incompatibility, incongruity, misfit, discord.
Add. Sum up, increase, adjoin, append, attach, augment, enlarge, amplify, annex, affix.
Ant. Deduct, subtract, lessen, reduce, remove, diminish.
Addicted. Habituated, disposed to, inclined, prone, attached to, devoted, given over to, wedded to.
Ant. Averse, disinclined, unaccustomed, indisposed, divorced from.
Addition. Accession, enlargement, increase, extension, accretion, augmentation, adjunct.
Ant. Subtraction, decrease, diminution.
Address, n. Courtesy, manners, politeness, tact, ingenuity, dexterity, discretion, adroitness; discourse, harangue, oration, lecture, speech, appeal, request, suit, solicitation.
Ant. Clumsiness, rudeness, stupidity, unmannerliness, folly; refusal.
Address, v. Accost, approach, court, greet, hail, salute, speak to.
Ant. Avoid, elude, ignore, shun, cut, pass, overlook.
Adduce. Offer, present, advance; cite, quote, introduce, name, mention; allege.
Ant. Withdraw, except, deduct, suppress, retract.
Adept. Expert, master, proficient, genius, veteran, professor.
Ant. Novice, tyro, blunderer, inexpert.
Adequate. Equal, competent, fitted, qualified, suitable, sufficient, capable, adapted, satisfactory; proportionate, commensurate.
Ant. Inferior, poor, useless, worthless, unfit, incompetent.
Adhere. Stick, cling, cohere, hold, cleave; belong, pertain; be attached, fixed, or devoted.
Ant. Part, separate, sunder, sever, give way.
Adherence. Tenacity, attachment, constancy, fidelity, devotion, partisanship; adhesion.
Ant. Desertion, separation, disunion, unfaithfulness.
Adjacent. Near, close, bordering, adjoining, contiguous, beside.
Ant. Separate, distant, remote, detached, disconnected.
Adjourn. Postpone, delay, defer; suspend, interrupt, close, end, dissolve.
Ant. Despatch, hasten, conclude, complete, terminate, consummate.
Adjunct. Addition, appendage, accessory, aid, advantage, help; colleague, associate.
Ant. Detriment, impediment, hindrance, obstruction, detraction.
Adjure. Entreat, beseech, pray, supplicate, implore, beg; swear by.
Ant. Defy, deprecate, remonstrate, dare, expostulate, warn.
Adjustment. Arrangement, disposal; settlement, agreement, understanding; fitting, adaptation, conformity; regulation, rectification, accommodation.
Ant. Disturbance, disorder, confusion; dissension, divergence; non-conformity.
Administer. Dispense, distribute, supply; direct, manage, control, superintend; offer, proffer, tender.
Ant. Withhold, refuse, retain; betray, mismanage; repulse, rebuff.
Admiration. Wonder, approval, love, surprise, astonishment, appreciation, reverence, high regard.
Ant. Disapproval, contempt, dislike.
Admire. Honor, esteem, approve, adore, wonder at, venerate, extol, marvel at, applaud, revere, respect.
Ant. Despise, dislike, execrate, hate, abhor, scorn, detest.
Admissible. Allowable, lawful, permissible, possible, probable.
Ant. Absurd, preposterous, improper, wrong, unlawful.
Admission. Admittance, entrance, access; avowal, acknowledgment, concession, concurrence, allowance.
Ant. Denial, contradiction, rejection, negation.
Admit. Receive; accept, acknowledge, own, confess; permit, allow, suffer.
Ant. Exclude, debar; disown, deny; dismiss, reject, repudiate.
Admonish. Advise, warn, caution, counsel, censure, rebuke, reprove; forewarn, remind, dissuade; instruct, teach, apprise, acquaint.
Ant. Encourage, urge, countenance, applaud, abet, instigate.
Admonition. Caution, warning, advice, counsel, instruction, reminder, hint, reproof, reprehension.
Ant. Applause, encouragement, incitement, urging, instigation.
Ado. Trouble, toil, labor, pains; bustle, stir, fuss, noise, turmoil.
Ant. Quiet, calm, composure, tranquillity.
Adopt. Appropriate, assume; approve, accept, support, maintain; affiliate, father.
Ant. Reject, discard; renounce, abandon, disclaim; disown, repudiate.
Adoration. Worship, devotion, homage, reverence, veneration, idolatry.
Ant. Execration, disesteem, abomination, abhorrence, hatred, detestation.
Adorn. Beautify, decorate, embellish, ornament, garnish, illustrate, gild, bedeck, grace, dignify, honor, exalt.
Ant. Mar, spoil, deface, disfigure, deform, denude, strip.
Adroit. Dexterous, expert, skilful, apt, handy, quick, clever, ready, deft, ingenious, cunning.
Ant. Clumsy, unskilful, awkward, bungling, unhandy, maladroit.
Adulation. Flattery, extravagant compliment, fulsome praise, fawning, sycophancy, blandishment, obsequiousness.
Ant. Defamation, obloquy, ridicule, satire, sarcasm, detraction, aspersion, libel.
Adumbrate. Shadow, outline, indicate, hint, trace, delineate; typify, represent, symbolize; darken, obscure, hide, conceal.
Ant. Fulfil, realize, embody; misrepresent; reveal, illumine.
Advance, n. Progress, improvement, growth; offer, proposal, overture, tender, proposition; rise, appreciation.
Ant. Regress, return, retrogression; diminution; depreciation.
Advance, v. Push or send forward, propel; promote, elevate, dignify, exalt; improve, strengthen, benefit; propose, offer; furnish, lend, loan; increase, augment, raise; proceed, progress; thrive, prosper; accelerate.
Ant. Retard, hinder, withhold, withdraw; suppress, degrade, depress; oppose, recall, weaken, retreat; lessen, diminish.
Advantage. Benefit, profit, expediency, favorable opportunity, blessing; behalf, account, interest; privilege, convenience, assistance, utility, service.
Ant. Loss, disappointment, frustration, difficulty, dilemma.
Advent. Approach, coming, arrival, accession.
Ant. Departure, exit, exodus, retirement.
Adventitious. Accidental, incidental, extrinsic, non-essential, foreign, casual; redundant, superfluous.
Ant. Intrinsic, pertinent, regular, proper, necessary, appropriate.
Adventure. Chance, hazard, risk, venture, experiment, trial; event, incident, occurrence, contingency, crisis.
Ant. Matter-of-fact, matter-of-course; prospect; monotony, routine.
Adventurous. Bold, daring, venturesome, rash, reckless, headlong; dangerous, perilous, uncertain; fearless, enterprising.
Ant. Timid, nervous, hesitating, cautious, cowardly.
Adversary. Foe, enemy, antagonist, opponent, rival, assailant.
Ant. Ally, helper, assistant, accomplice, aider, abettor, accessory.
Adverse. Opposite, contrary, conflicting; hostile, injurious, harmful; unlucky, unfortunate, disastrous.
Ant. Favorable, friendly, propitious, fortunate, lucky.
Adversity. Calamity, affliction, trouble, disaster, woe, distress, suffering.
Ant. Success, prosperity, advancement, good luck.
Advert to. Consider, notice, remark, heed, attend, refer, allude, mention, touch upon; regard.
Ant. Ignore, pass, drop, overlook, omit.
Advertent. Mindful, regardful, attentive, watchful, observant, thoughtful, considerate, heedful.
Ant. Thoughtless, heedless, inconsiderate, inattentive.
Advertise. Announce, publish, proclaim, declare, circulate, noise abroad; offer for sale; inform, notify, apprise; promulgate.
Ant. Suppress, ignore, hush, conceal; mislead, misinform.
Advice. Counsel, suggestion, admonition, instruction, caution; tidings, intelligence, notice; deliberation, care, forethought; recommendation, exhortation, information.
Ant. Remonstrance, restraint, expostulation, prohibition; deception, delusion.
Advisable. Judicious, expedient, politic, prudent, desirable, beneficial, profitable; proper, fitting.
Ant. Imprudent, undesirable, inexpedient, improper, detrimental.
Advocate. Counsel, lawyer, attorney; defender, promoter, friend, patron, supporter, pleader, maintainer.
Ant. Accuser, impugner, gainsayer, adversary, opponent.
Affable. Open, free, frank, unreserved; accessible, familiar; cordial, social, courteous, polite, obliging, urbane, benign, gracious, mild, well-bred; condescending.
Ant. Distant, unapproachable, inaccessible, haughty, contemptuous, supercilious.
Affair. Business, concern, function, matter, circumstance, question, subject; event, incident, occurrence, performance; battle, combat, engagement, skirmish, collision, brush, encounter.
Ant. Detail, item, feature, point.
Affect. Influence, change, transform, modify, alter; concern, interest, touch, move, impress; crave, yearn, desire, like; assume, adopt, feign, pretend; operate, act on; melt, soften, subdue, overcome.
Ant. Shun, repel, repudiate, spurn, dislike, eschew.
Affectation. Airs, mannerism, pretension, pretense, foppery, display.
Ant. Simplicity, artlessness, naturalness, genuineness.
Affection. Feeling, passion, attachment, fondness, tenderness, love; propensity, disposition; endearment, devotion, partiality; attribute, quality, characteristic, mark.
Ant. Indifference, repulsion, disaffection, repugnance.
Affiance. Trust, confidence, homage, reliance, betrothal, fealty, faith, plighting.
Ant. Disloyalty, distrust, treason, suspicion, infidelity.
Affiliate. Associate, adopt, join, connect, incorporate, annex.
Ant. Sever, transplant, separate, disjoin, dissociate.
Affinity. Relationship, kin, consanguinity, propinquity; likeness, resemblance, relation, analogy, connection, correspondence; sympathy, attraction.
Ant. Repugnance, discordance, antipathy, antagonism.
Affirm. Assert, swear, state, declare, maintain, allege, protest, confirm, ratify, approve, endorse, aver, asseverate, assure, avouch, establish.
Ant. Deny, doubt, demur, contradict, negative, gainsay, impugn, oppose, dispute.
Affirmation. Avowal, declaration, statement, assertion, testimony, deposition, confirmation, ratification, approval, endorsement.
Ant. Doubt, denial, contradiction, disputation, disapproval.
Affix. Join, annex, attach, fasten, connect to, unite to, append.
Ant. Remove, detach, separate, unfasten.
Affliction. Adversity, misfortune, grief, sorrow, distress, tribulation, disaster, trial, misery, calamity, pain, anguish, trouble, hardship.
Ant. Consolation, relief, blessing, gratification, pleasure.
Affluence. Wealth, fortune, riches, opulence, abundance, plenty, profusion.
Ant. Want, scarcity, poverty, penury, lack, indigence.
Afford. Supply, furnish, contribute, bestow, offer, confer, bear, endure, support, yield, impart, administer.
Ant. Withhold, deny, retain, stint, grudge, withdraw.
Affray. Quarrel, tussle, scuffle, scrimmage, collision, brawl, disturbance, fight, rumpus, struggle, contest, strife, encounter, feud, tumult.
Ant. Peace, amity, friendship, good will.
Affront. Outrage, insult, abuse, annoyance, displeasure, offense, provocation, wrong, vexation, wound, exasperation, irritation.
Ant. Courtesy, homage, amends, compliment, apology.
Afire. Ablaze, burning, ignited, aflame.
Ant. Out, quenched, extinguished.
Afloat. Adrift, at sea, abroad, loose; happening, betiding, brewing.
Ant. Moored, anchored, aground, stranded, fixed, steadfast, firm.
Afoot. Afloat, preparing, forthcoming, ready, brewing, on hand, astir.
Ant. Unprepared, unprovided for, inactive, sluggish, latent.
Aforesaid. Above-mentioned, foregoing, preceding, abovenamed.
Ant. Following, subsequent, subjoined, forthcoming, after-cited.
Afraid. Fearful, timid, apprehensive, anxious, alarmed, terrified, frightened.
Ant. Fearless, bold, confident, reckless, venturesome, indifferent, secure, hopeful, audacious.
Afresh. Anew, again, newly, frequently, repeatedly, once more.
Ant. Uniformly, connectedly, continuously.
After. Subsequent, later; following, behind, rear, back, posterior; concerning, about, for, in relation to; in imitation of, in the pattern of.
Ant. Before, preceding, introducing; in front of; opposite; facing; previous or prior to, afore; in advance; previously,
Again. Anew, afresh, repeatedly; further, moreover, besides; on the contrary; back, in answer or restitution, in return; once more.
Ant. Once, continuously, uninterruptedly, uniformly.
Against. Opposite, across, adverse to, counter to, athwart; facing, fronting, close up to, in contact with; for, in preparation for, in expectation of; in compensation for, in requital of, to match.
Ant. With, for, beside, accompanying, aiding, promoting.
Agape. Yawning, open-mouthed; wondering, gazing, dazed, amazed; curious, inquisitive, agog, astare, eager.
Ant. Listless, lukewarm, incurious, indifferent.
Age. Duration; period, date, epoch, time; maturity, generation; era, century.
Ant. Infancy, youth, boyhood, childhood; moment, instant.
Agent. Actor, doer, operator, promoter, performer; cause, force, power; deputy, factor, attorney, representative, substitute; means, instrument.
Ant. Counteragent, counteractor, opponent, neutralizer; chief, principal; originator, inventor.
Agglomeration. Accumulation, heap, pile, mass, conglomeration, cluster.
Ant. Dispersion, division, separation, sifting, dissipation.
Aggrandize. Exalt, honor, elevate, dignify, promote, advance, enrich, augment.
Ant. Degrade, impoverish, debase, humiliate, dishonor, lower.
Aggravate. Exasperate, provoke, wound, make worse, intensify, embitter, heighten.
Ant. Soothe, assuage, palliate, diminish, conciliate, alleviate.
Aggregation. Collection, accumulation, mass, heap, pile, amount, total, sum, result, whole, agglomeration.
Ant. Dispersion, dissipation, separation, division; unit; element, individual, ingredient, item.
Aggression. Attack, invasion, encroachment, assault, injury, offense, onslaught, provocation, intrusion.
Ant. Retaliation, repulsion, retreat, resistance, evacuation.
Aghast. Dismayed, horrified, terrified, frightened; amazed, astounded, startled, astonished, dumfounded.
Ant. Cool, fearless, indifferent, unmoved, unaffected, unexcited.
Agile. Nimble, active, lively, smart, prompt, alert, supple, brisk, quick, ready, sprightly, spry.
Ant. Slow, heavy, clumsy, bulky, awkward, inert, ponderous.
Agitate. Disturb, trouble, shake, jar, convulse; excite, rouse, ferment; fluster, hurry, disconcert; discuss, controvert, debate, examine, ventilate, investigate; deliberate, contrive, devise, plan.
Ant. Calm, allay, pacify, smooth, compose, quiet; solve, determine, settle.
Ago. Past, gone, since.
Ant. Future, coming, hereafter, hence.
Agony. Anguish, torture, torment, distress, throe, pangs, pain, suffering, woe, excruciation.
Ant. Assuagement, comfort, relief, composure, ease, enjoyment.
Agree. Accept, assent, approve, comply, consent, concur, admit, accede.
Ant. Contend, disagree, deny; dissent, dispute, protest, oppose, demur, differ; decline.
Agreeable. Suitable, proper, appropriate, befitting, accordant, conformable, consonant, welcome, amiable, pleasing, gratifying.
Ant. Unpleasant, disobliging, obnoxious, disagreeable, unwelcome, offensive, inharmonious, unaccommodating.
Agreement. Contract, compact, bond, bargain, covenant, harmony, liaison, obligation, undertaking, treaty.
Ant. Promise, understanding, parole; discord, dissension.
Agriculture. Farming, husbandry, cultivation of the soil, tillage.
Ant. Fallowness, sterility, unproductiveness, waste.
Aground. Ashore, stranded, not afloat; exhausted in resources.
Ant. Afloat, loose, abroad, adrift; flush.
Ahead. In front, forward, onward, in advance.
Ant. Abaft, astern, back, behind, aft.
Aid. Help, support, assist, serve, befriend, minister to, relieve, succor; supply, give alms to; foster, protect, encourage, favor.
Ant. Oppose, discourage, thwart, baffle, deter, confront.
Ailing. Sick, ill, indisposed, unwell, feeble, infirm, weakly, delicate, unhealthy, pining.
Ant. Well, healthy, energetic, strong, vigorous.
Ailment. Disease, malady, indisposition, distemper, complaint.
Ant. Health, sanity, convalescence, vigor, recovery.
Aim. Direction, course, tendency, bent, proclivity, bearing; intention, purpose, design, scheme; reason; view, scope, drift, mark, goal, point; endeavor, attempt, aspiration, determination.
Ant. Deviation, divergence, deflection, digression, aberration; tangent; venture, leap, fluke, chance, hazard, speculation; neglect, avoidance, carelessness, oversight.
Air. Atmosphere, gas; breeze, vapor, zephyr, wind; weather; appearance, aspect, manner, sort, style, way, behavior, carriage, bearing, expression, look, demeanor, mien, fashion; tune.