Книга Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами. - читать онлайн бесплатно, автор Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин. Cтраница 5
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Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами.
Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами.
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Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами.

Ant. Disagree, clash, mismatch.


Becoming. Befitting, beseeming, fit, graceful, proper, neat, suitable, congruous, worthy.

Ant. Unseemly, indecent, derogatory, unsuitable.


Befall. Happen, occur, chance, betide.

Ant. Impend, threaten, loom.


Befitting. Decent, becoming, suitable, proper, appropriate, expedient.

Ant. Compulsory, obligatory; improper, inexpedient.


Before. Preceding, in front of; prior to, previous; in advance of, ahead of; hitherto; above, in a former place or previous passage; formerly, of old, already; under the judgment or control of.

Ant. Behind, after, subsequently, later.


Beg. Beseech, pray, ask, request, supplicate, solicit, sue, implore, importune.

Ant. Require, demand, extort, exact, insist; refuse.


Beggar. Mendicant, supplicant, pauper, suitor, applicant.

Ant. Bestower, giver, benefactor.


Beggary. Want, penury, indigence, destitution.

Ant. Riches, wealth, affluence, abundance, plenty.


Beginning. Origin, commencement, fountain, source, spring, start, opening, initiation, arising, outset, rise, inception, inauguration.

Ant. End, finish, fulfilment, outcome, conclusion, termination, result, effect, expiration, completion.


Beguile. Cheat, deceive, befool; amuse, entertain, cheer, solace.

Ant. Enlighten, advise; weary, bore.


Behavior. Conduct, deportment, manners, breeding, carriage, bearing, action, demeanor, life.

Ant. Misconduct, misdemeanor.


Behest. Command, injunction, charge, precept.

Ant. Option, liberty.


Behind. Back, astern, rearward.

Ant. Before, in front of.


Behold. See, look, discern, gaze, scan, observe, contemplate.

Ant. Ignore, miss, wink, overlook, disregard, connive.


Behoof. Advantage, profit.

Ant. Loss, detriment, disadvantage.


Being. Reality, existence, actuality; essence, inmost nature, substance, life, vital principle, root, heart.

Ant. Nonentity, nullity, non-existence.


Beleaguer. Besiege, beset, blockade, invest; compass, block up, surround, obstruct, environ.

Ant. Abandon; conquer, subdue.


Belief. Trust, confidence, conviction, credence, persuasion, reliance, assurance; dogma, creed, tenets, opinion, view; credit, acceptance, assent, currency.

Ant. Distrust, denial, discredit, dissent, rejection, disavowal.


Belligerent. Warlike, contending, conflicting, hostile, rival, opposed, adverse, antagonistic, pugnacious, contentious, quarrelsome.

Ant. Peaceful, friendly, forbearing, pacific, neutral.


Belonging, n. Quality, gift, endowment, attribute; property, goods, estate, chattel, possession; appendage, appurtenance, accessory.


Belonging, a. Related, connected, appertaining, congenial, cognate, accompanying.

Ant. Alien, optional, independent, irrelevant.


Below. Under, beneath, underneath, hereinafter.

Ant. Above, beforementioned, previously.


Bend. Curve, twist, crook, bow, deflect, deviate, diverge, twine; influence, persuade, incline, submit.

Ant. Straighten, stiffen, direct; resist, break, crush.


Beneath. Below, under, underneath; unworthy of, unbefitting.

Ant. Above, superior to; over, aloft.


Benediction. Benison, blessing, beatitude; gratitude, thanks, praise; benefit, grace, boon.

Ant. Curse, censure, execration, ingratitude.


Benefactor. Patron, supporter, upholder, friend, contributor.

Ant. Destroyer, enemy, oppressor, brute.


Beneficence. Charity, bounty, liberality, benevolence.

Ant. Malevolence, hatred, stinginess, miserliness, niggardliness.


Benefit. Boon, service, advantage, profit, favor, blessing.

Ant. Evil, loss, damage, calamity, injury, privation.


Benevolence. Kindness, humaneness, charitableness, good will, altruism, beneficence, liberality, philanthropy, benignity, bounty, humanity, sympathy, munificence, generosity, unselfishness, kind-heartedness.

Ant. Malevolence, malignity, selfishness, stinginess, unkindness, brutality, churlishness, barbarity, illiberality, self-seeking, niggardliness, harshness.


Benign. Kind, gracious, amiable, gentle, friendly, benevolent, humane, obliging, good.

Ant. Hateful, harsh, brutal, churlish.


Bequeath. Will, leave, devise; hand down, transmit, impart.

Ant. Withhold, alienate, disinherit.


Bereavement. Deprivation, loss, destitution, affliction, forlorn condition, desolation.

Ant. Blessing, compensation, reparation, consolation, restitution, restoration, substitution.


Bereft. Stripped, despoiled, deprived.

Ant. Endowed, blessed, enriched, compensated.


Beseech. Beg, implore, pray, ask, solicit, entreat, petition, importune.

Ant. Grant, requite, confer; disdain, defy.


Beset. Surround, circle, hem in, besiege, beleaguer; embarrass.

Ant. Defend, defy, repel.


Beside. Near, close together; aside from; out of.

Ant. Far, distant.


Besides or Beside. Except, save, distinct from; moreover, furthermore, else, beyond that.

Ant. Apart, separate from; exclusively; finally.


Bestow. Give, present, award, grant, confer; place, stow, store.

Ant. Receive; seize, appropriate, usurp; disperse, throw away.


Bet. Stake, wager, pledge.

Ant. Plan, calculate, dispose.


Betide. Happen, bechance, befall, come to pass, occur, take place.

Ant. Result, be destined or doomed.


Betimes. Seasonably, in good time or season.

Ant. Inopportune, late, tardy, unseasonable.


Betoken. Signify, denote, indicate, represent, imply, prove, show, augur; presage, prefigure, foretell, portend.

Ant. Mask, hide, mislead, belie, misrepresent.


Betray. Reveal, expose, divulge, deliver up, deceive; manifest, show, indicate; lure, ensnare, entrap, beguile; seduce, ruin, corrupt.

Ant. Protect, preserve, foster, cherish, conceal, suppress, guard.


Betrothal. Engagement, plighting, affiancing.


Better. Amend, ameliorate, improve, correct, advance, reform.

Ant. Make worse, degrade, wreck, weaken, cripple, impair, injure.


Between. Amid, among, betwixt.

Ant. Outside, beyond, without.


Bewail. Bemoan, lament, sorrow, grieve.

Ant. Rejoice, joy, exult.


Beware. Take care, be cautious, be wary, look out, mind.

Ant. Be reckless, careless; neglect, ignore.


Bewilderment. Confusion, embarrassment, daze, maze, perplexity, mystification.

Ant. Enlightenment, self-possession, calmness, discernment, perspicacity.


Bewitch. Charm, enchant, fascinate, captivate.

Ant. Repulse, avoid, recoil, annoy, harass.


Beyond. Over, across, remote, farther than, before; yonder, above, exceeding.

Ant. Beside, near, at hand, close; behind, back; below, less than.


Bias. Bent, inclination, tendency, leaning, proneness, proclivity, propensity, partiality, predilection.

Ant. Repulsion, reaction, repugnance.


Bicker. Wrangle, quarrel, dispute, squabble.

Ant. Agree, sympathize, understand, harmonize.


Bidding. Command, order, direction, appointment, mandate; offer, bid, proposal.

Ant. Request, solicitation; refusal, rebuff.


Bide. Dwell, stay, reside, wait, tarry, remain; endure, bear.

Ant. Depart, go, move, migrate; resist, rebel, protest.


Big. Large, great, wide, bulky, huge, gross, fat; proud, arrogant, haughty, pompous.

Ant. Small, little, least, thin, narrow; humble, subservient, unassuming.


Bigot. Zealot, fanatic, dogmatist, devotee.

Ant. Skeptic, liberal, apostate, proselyte, doubter, agnostic.


Bigoted. Intolerant, opinionated, prejudiced, dogmatical, narrow-minded, one-sided.

Ant. Liberal, broad-minded, open to conviction.


Bill. Account, charge, score, amount due, reckoning; draft of law; poster, placard, advertisement.


Bind. Fetter, tie, fasten, shackle, restrict, restrain, secure; compel, oblige, engage.

Ant. Free, loose, set free, untie.


Birth. Family, parentage, origin, source, lineage, nativity, descent, extraction, race; rise.

Ant. Death, extinction.


Bit. Part, piece, fragment, morsel.

Ant. Whole, mass, aggregation.


Biting. Gnawing, sharp, severe, sardonic, censorious, piercing, sarcastic, trenchant.

Ant. Pleasant, gentle, soothing, genial, flattering.


Bitter. Harsh, caustic, cutting, savage, acidulous, acrimonious, irate, sharp, sour, stinging, pungent, virulent.

Ant. Sweet, honeyed, nectared, luscious, dulcet, saccharine.


Blacken. Slander, malign, defame, daub, bespatter, befoul, asperse, traduce, vilify, decry, calumniate.

Ant. Clear, eulogize, vindicate, whiten, whitewash.


Blackguard. Rascal, scoundrel, villain.

Ant. Gentleman.


Blame. Censure, rebuke, chide, reprove, reproach, condemn, vituperate, reprobate, reprehend, dispraise.

Ant. Approve, praise, exonerate, acquit, exculpate.


Blameless. Pure, innocent, irresponsible, without fault.

Ant. Guilty, implicated, blameworthy, faulty.


Blanch. Bleach, whiten, whitewash.

Ant. Blacken, stain, dye, darken, color.


Bland. Soft, gentle, mild, affable, gracious, tender, benign, courteous, complaisant.

Ant. Harsh, abrupt, rough, biting, savage, severe, impolite.


Blandishment. Flattery, coaxing, fascination, wheedling, attraction, charm, fawning, cajolery.

Ant. Bluntness, unmannerliness, roughness, scolding, severity, sternness.


Blank. Bare, drear, bleak, void, empty; utter, pure, simple, mere, unqualified, unmitigated; amazed, astonished, confused, disconcerted.

Ant. Full, replete; complex; modified, qualified; composed, controlled, self-possessed, cognizant, intelligent.


Blasphemy. Profanity, sacrilege, impiety, swearing.

Ant. Reverence, godliness, veneration.


Blast. Shrivel, destroy, blight, kill, ruin, wither, annihilate; explode, rend, burst.

Ant. Restore, expand, swell.


Blazon. Exhibit, show off, blaze, blare, trumpet, proclaim, publish.

Ant. Conceal, hush, cover, hide, suppress, shroud, bury.


Bleach. Blanch, whiten.

Ant. Blacken, darken, soil, stain.


Bleak. Windy, exposed, bare; cold, chill, raw, desolate, comfortless, cheerless.

Ant. Sheltered, protected, warm, balmy, cheerful, comfortable.


Blemish. Blot, spot, flaw, fault, imperfection, stain; defacement, tarnish, disfigurement, disgrace, defect, dishonor, stigma, taint.

Ant. Purity, unsulliedness, honor, integrity, wholeness.


Blend. Mix, unite, fuse, merge, mingle, amalgamate, combine, coalesce, harmonize.

Ant. Separate, run, dissociate, divide.


Bless. Delight, gladden, make happy, thank, glorify, exalt, praise, extol, felicitate, cheer.

Ant. Curse, anathematize, sadden, grieve.


Blessing. Benediction, benison; good, benefit, happiness, profit, boon, gain; glory, praise, gratitude.

Ant. Malediction, curse; bereavement, impoverishment, calamity, deprivation, disaster, damage, detriment.


Blight. Pestilence, withering, blast, destruction.

Ant. Development, maturity.


Blind. Sightless, unseeing, eyeless, undiscerning, ignorant, unconscious, uninformed.

Ant. Clear-sighted, far-seeing, discerning, penetrating, conscious, keen, aware, sensitive.


Blink. Wink, ignore, connive, overlook.

Ant. Notice, note, mark.


Bliss. Blessedness, happiness, joy, ecstasy, rapture, felicity, beatitude.

Ant. Torment, woe, suffering, misery, accursedness.


Blithe. Merry, joyous, cheerful, gay, lively, airy, sportive, blithesome, mirthful, jocund, elated, vivacious, joyful.

Ant. Dejected, heavy, dull, sullen.


Block. Obstruct, arrest, stop, fill.

Ant. Free, open, clear.


Blockhead. Dunce, dolt, stupid fellow, numskull, ninny, simpleton, ignoramus, dullard, booby.

Ant. Sage, adept, savant, philosopher, schoolman, luminary.


Blood-thirsty. Cruel, savage, ferocious, murderous, bloody, bloody-minded, gory, barbarous, inhuman, ruthless, sanguinary.

Ant. Humane, kind, merciful, mild, tender, compassionate.


Bloom, n. Blossom, flower, flowering, efflorescence; flush, freshness, prime, vigor, glow; delicacy, innocence.

Ant. Decay, decadence, blight, blast, roughness, toughness, ghastliness, superannuation, cadaverousness, coarseness.


Bloom, v. Blossom, bud, flower, germinate, sprout, blow, develop.

Ant. Blight, be blasted, wither.


Blooming. Flourishing, flowering; young, beautiful, fair, fresh.

Ant. Fading, waning, old, unsightly, deformed, blasted, withered.


Blot. Sully, spot, tarnish, spoil, discolor, pollute, stain, erase, blur, blotch, smear, smutch, obliterate.

Ant. Cleanse, clear, whiten, blanch; perpetuate, preserve.


Blot out. Erase, cancel, expunge, obliterate, efface, destroy, wipe out.

Ant. Restore, replace.


Blow, n. Knock, thump, stroke, box, buffet, calamity, cuff, cut, concussion, disaster, lash, misfortune, rap, shock, stroke, wound, affliction, blast, gale, gust; disappointment.

Ant. Relief, comfort, blessing, consolation, assuagement.


Bluff. Abrupt, blunt, inconsiderate, open, rough, unmannerly, uncivil, blustering, bold, brusque, coarse, discourteous, frank, impolite, plain-spoken, rude.

Ant. Bland, courteous, genial, polite, refined, reserved, urbane, polished.


Blunder. Error, mistake, misunderstanding, fault, slip, oversight, inaccuracy, delusion.

Ant. Accuracy, correctness, truthfulness, exactness, ratification, foresight, achievement, success, correction.


Blunt, a. Obtuse, dull, pointless, edgeless, brusk, abrupt, plain, informal, stupid, stolid.

Ant. Sharp, keen, acute, sensitive, polished, courteous, refined.


Blunt, v. Subdue, numb, harden, dull, make dull, deaden, paralyze, stupefy; moderate, allay, mitigate, assuage.

Ant. Quicken, sharpen, instigate, excite, stimulate, animate, vitalize.


Blush, n. Bloom, color, reddening, carnation, complexion; shame, confusion, guiltiness.

Ant. Pallor; innocence, purity, unconsciousness; boldness, effrontery.


Bluster. Storm, rage, insult, roar, swagger, vaunt, boast.

Ant. Cringe, whine, whimper.


Boast. Vaunt, brag, swagger, magnify, make much of, swell, bluster, triumph, glory, vapor.

Ant. Whine, cringe; minimize, apologize.


Bodily. Corporeally; completely, wholly, altogether, entirely, collectively, unitedly.

Ant. Spiritually, ghostly; piecemeal, partially, gradually, fragmentarily.


Body. Material or physical substance; carcass, corpse; trunk, stem, bulk, main part; person, individual, mortal, creature, being; company, society, corporation; system; consistency, substance; ashes, form, dust, frame, remains, clay.

Ant. Intellect, intelligence, soul, spirit, mind; branch, limb; world, universe; mass, conglomeration.


Boil. Bubble, rage, effervesce, explode, fume.

Ant. Calm, subside, cool, recover.


Boisterous. Loud, unrestrained, stormy, noisy, furious, violent, clamorous.

Ant. Quiet, silent, unostentatious, mild, gentle, peaceful, calm, serene, self-possessed.


Bold. Courageous, fearless, adventurous, brave, intrepid, dauntless, audacious, daring, valiant.

Ant. Timorous, fearful, retiring, shy, bashful.


Bolster. Support, prop, help, sustain, aid, buoy, patch, defend, maintain.

Ant. Depress, fail, relax.


Bombast. Bluster, pomposity, fustian, braggadocio, rhodomontade.

Ant. Modesty, humility, veracity, moderation, temperance.


Bond. Tie, fastening, manacle, fetter; compact, obligation, security.

Ant. Option, freedom, parole, honor, discretion.


Bondage. Servitude, slavery, imprisonment, captivity, incarceration, subjection, serfdom, confinement, thraldom.

Ant. Liberty, freedom, manumission, independence.


Bondsman. Slave, serf, captive, vassal, prisoner.

Ant. Freeman, gentleman, master, lord.


Bonny. Fair, pretty, pleasant, handsome, shapely, buxom.

Ant. Homely, ugly, unseemly, deformed, ill-favored.


Bonus. Premium, douceur, boon, benefit.

Ant. Fine, penalty, discount, mulct.


Booby. Dunce, idiot, numskull.

Ant. Wiseacre, solon, oracle.


Bookish. Pedantic, studious, learned, erudite, educated.

Ant. Illiterate, ignorant.


Boor. Rustic, clown, lout, peasant, countryman, plowman, swain, bumpkin.

Ant. Gentleman, courtier.


Boorish. Rude, rustic, clownish, loutish, ungainly, awkward, coarse, rough, gawky.

Ant. Polite, civil, polished, urbane, courtly, affable, gracious.


Bootless. Useless, unavailing, unprofitable, profitless, vain.

Ant. Effectual, profitable, useful, effective.


Booty. Plunder, prey, spoil, pillage, loot.

Ant. Restitution, fine, forfeiture, confiscation, penalty.


Border. Edge, limit, boundary, brink, rim, verge, enclosure, confine, band.

Ant. Land, tract, interior, center, space, substance.


Bore. Pierce, perforate, penetrate, drill; weary, plague, trouble, vex, worry, annoy.

Ant. Delight, gratify, please.


Bosom. Breast, heart, affection; hollow, depths, midst, inmost recesses; retreat, retirement, quiet, privacy.

Ant. Surface, exterior, expanse; manner, deportment, demeanor.


Both. Twain, two.

Ant. Either, each, every, neither, none, not any, no one.


Bother. Worry, pester, perplex, harass, plague, tease, vex, molest, annoy, excite.

Ant. Aid, assist, calm, quiet, compose.


Bottom. Deep, profound, base, foot; foundation, basis, groundwork; valley, meadow; ship, vessel; seat; grounds, lees, sediments; stamina, power of endurance.

Ant. Top, height, acme, apex, summit, crown, brow; surface.


Bound, v. Skip, leap, frisk, jump, spring; confine, limit, circumscribe, terminate, restrict, restrain.

Ant. Hobble, limp, crawl, creep, shamble; enlarge, open, extend, spread out.


Boundary. Margin, limit, confines, border, bound, frontier, line, marge, verge, termination, term, barrier, bourn, edge, enclosure, landmark; circumference.

Ant. Land, region, estate, interior, territory; center, citadel; inside.


Boundless. Unlimited, illimitable, unbounded, measureless, infinite.

Ant. Narrow, restricted, confined, circumscribed.


Bountiful. Liberal, generous, benevolent, unselfish, munificent.

Ant. Miserly, selfish, stingy, niggardly.


Bounty. Liberality, gift, generosity, charity, benefaction, benignity, benevolence, munificence, donation; premium, reward, bonus.

Ant. Closeness, stinginess, niggardliness, miserliness.


Bower. Recess, arbor, retreat, alcove, summerhouse.

Ant. Open place.


Brag. Boast, vaunt, bully, swagger.

Ant. Cringe, whine, whimper.


Braid. Bind, weave, plait, tie.

Ant. Unbind, dishevel.


Branch. Member, bough, limb, shoot, arm, twig, scion, offshoot, ramification; section, department, division; article, part, portion; tributary; derivative line, cognate stock.

Ant. Trunk, stock, stem; race, family, house.


Brand, v. Denounce, mark, stigmatize, disgrace.

Ant. Honor, decorate, distinguish.


Brandish. Flourish, wield, whisk, shake, wave.

Ant. Suspend, stay, arrest.


Bravado. Boasting, bragging, bluster.

Ant. Diffidence, reserve, concealment, modesty.


Brave. Fearless, heroic, undaunted, undismayed, adventurous, bold, courageous, daring, dauntless, gallant, intrepid, valiant, venturesome, doughty, chivalrous, chivalric, splendid, courteous.

Ant. Afraid, cringing, fearful, shrinking, timid, timorous, frightened, cowardly, faint-hearted, pusillanimous, churlish, discourteous, fearsome.


Brawny. Muscular, strong, powerful, athletic, sinewy, herculean, robust, stout.

Ant. Weak, fragile, delicate, feeble, effeminate, lean.


Breach. Break, rupture, opening, fracture, flaw, fissure, rent; violation, infringement, non-observance; quarrel, difference, variance, dissension, schism, alienation.

Ant. Integrity, wholeness, flawlessness, completeness; reconciliation, healing; conservation, observance; inviolateness; union, fidelity, amalgamation.


Break. Fracture, rend, part, sever, shatter, smash, shiver; weaken, impair, enfeeble, enervate; tame; make bankrupt; dismiss, discard, degrade, cashier; mitigate, assuage; interrupt, stop, cut short; open, unfold; destroy, sunder, burst, rive, crack, crush, demolish, rupture, split, transgress.

Ant. Fasten, join, mend, secure, unite, weld, attach, bind, solder, heal, piece, conjoin, rejoin; protect, conserve; encourage, strengthen, preserve; observe, obey.


Breast. Bosom, heart, affection, conscience.


Breathless. Out of breath; lifeless, dead; exhausted, eager, absorbed, attentive, fascinated; astonished, astounded, bewildered.

Ant. Calm, collected, cool, composed; indifferent, uninterested.


Breed, n. Lineage, race, pedigree, progeny, stock, line, family, extraction, strain.

Ant. Ancestor, source, original, origin.


Breed, v. Bring forth, bear, beget, produce; nurture, foster, nourish; discipline, educate, instruct, train, teach, school; occasion, originate, generate, procreate, propagate, cause, evolve.

Ant. Destroy, extirpate, stifle, extinguish.


Breeding. Discipline, instruction, education, nurture, training, schooling; manners, deportment.

Ant. Ill manners, misbehavior; ignorance, illiteracy.


Brevity. Shortness, terseness, conciseness, compression, pithiness, succinctness, pointedness; abbreviation, abridgment.

Ant. Prolixity, diffuseness, verbosity, length, protraction, elongation, extension, tediousness.


Brew. Concoct, compound, mix, hatch, foment, excite; prepare, collect, gather, grow; threaten, impend; form.

Ant. Disperse, break, spoil, mar, miscompound.


Bridle, v. Restrain, curb, control, govern, check; bristle, ruffle; master, moderate, compress, repress.

Ant. Relax, loosen, give vent, liberate, discharge; soothe, calm.


Brief. Short, concise, succinct.

Ant. Long, tedious, diffuse.


Bright. Shining, resplendent, luminous, glowing, lustrous, beaming, gleaming, glistening, blazing, flaming, flashing, radiant, ruddy, refulgent, brilliant, dazzling, sparkling, scintillating, burnished; lucid, clear, transparent, pellucid, lambent, cloudless, limpid; glorious, famous, illustrious; intelligent, acute, discerning, keen, ingenious; auspicious, promising, propitious, favorable, inspiring; cheerful, merry, lively, happy, animated.

Ant. Opaque, dull, dark, gloomy, black, ebon, shadowy, rayless, sunless, murky, cloudy, overcast, pitchy, lurid; obscure, mysterious, enigmatical, mystic, unintelligible, occult, recondite, abstruse, cabalistic, transcendental; disheartening, discouraging, dismal, cheerless; ignorant, unlettered, untaught, imbecile, rude, benighted; foul, infamous, horrible, damnable, vile, infernal, wicked, sullen, atrocious, dejected.


Brilliant. Bright, radiant, flashing, lustrous, glorious, luminous, effulgent, beaming, sparkling; illustrious, distinguished, celebrated, famous, renowned, eminent.

Ant. Dark, dull, stupid, gloomy; notorious, infamous; obscure, insignificant.


Bring. Bear, fetch, convey; conduct, guide, lead, attend, accompany, convoy; obtain, gain, procure, produce; induce, prevail upon.

Ant. Remove, export, send, exclude, debar, transport, abstract, subtract.


Brisk. Lively, quick, vivacious, active, alert, animated, prompt, sprightly, nimble, spry, agile.

Ant. Slow, heavy, dull, sluggish, indolent, inactive, unenergetic, stagnant.