Ant. Calculation, inference, deduction, proof; fact, surety, certainty, security.
Conjuncture. Combination, concurrence; emergency, crisis, exigency, juncture.
Ant. Provision, preparation, arrangement.
Connection. Conjunction, combination, union, association, dependence.
Ant. Independence, disjunction, dissociation, dissolution.
Conquer. Overcome, subjugate, master, vanquish, subdue, rout, defeat, overpower, overthrow, prevail over, reduce, win, surmount, worst, checkmate, beat, crush, down, discomfit.
Ant. Surrender, capitulate, cede, forfeit, fly, yield, retreat, withdraw, retire, submit, succumb, fall, lose, resign, fail.
Conquest. Victory, subjugation, triumph.
Ant. Defeat, failure, surrender, submission.
Conscience. Moral sense, intuition, integrity, principle.
Ant. Irresponsibility, laxity, undutifulness, unscrupulousness.
Conscientious. Scrupulous, exact, upright, high-principled, honest, honorable, equitable, incorruptible, fair, faithful.
Ant. Lax, unprincipled, unscrupulous, reprobate, dishonorable, faithless.
Conscious. Sensible, cognizant, aware, intelligent, advised, apprised, assured, sure, certain, informed; thinking, reflecting, rational, intellectual.
Ant. Insensible, unaware, ignorant, dead, cold, deaf; irrational, thoughtless.
Conscription. Drafting, impressment.
Ant. Volunteering, enlistment.
Consecrate. Dedicate, ordain; sanctify, hallow.
Ant. Desecrate, defile.
Consecutive. Sequent, continuous, orderly, following.
Ant. Disordered, rambling, discursive, illogical.
Consent. Assent, approve, agree, yield, comply, acquiesce.
Ant. Refuse, resist, decline, dissent.
Consequence. Result, issue, sequel, effect, outgrowth, event, end, upshot; importance, dignity, moment.
Ant. Cause, occasion, origin; axiom, postulate, premise, antecedence; insignificance, paltriness.
Consequential. Following, resulting, coherent, cogent, connected; pompous, self-conceited, arrogant, vainglorious.
Ant. Incoherent, illogical; affable, accessible, humble, considerate.
Conservation. Protection, perpetuation, preservation, maintenance.
Ant. Neglect, exposure, destruction, abolition.
Conservative. Stationary, traditional, opposed to change.
Ant. Radical, progressive, changeable, transitional, modifiable, innovating.
Consider. Think, ponder, meditate, reflect, investigate, weigh, deliberate, observe, attend, regard.
Ant. Guess, conjecture, ignore, chance, hazard.
Considerate. Kindly, thoughtful, reflective, careful, prudent, deliberate, serious, charitable, forbearing, cautious.
Ant. Rash, careless, imprudent, thoughtless, rude, selfish, overbearing, injudicious.
Consignment. Custody, commission, delegation; sending, shipping.
Ant. Miscommitment.
Consistency. Density, solidity, compactness, coherence; agreement, congruity, correspondence, uniformity, harmony, invariableness.
Ant. Tenuity, subtility, volatility; incoherence, incongruity, contrariety, contradiction.
Console. Comfort, condole with, sympathize, encourage, soothe, assuage, solace.
Ant. Distress, grieve, disturb, annoy, sadden, trouble, wound, hurt.
Consolidate. Solidify, harden, condense, compress, compact; thicken, strengthen, solder, cement, fuse; conjoin, combine.
Ant. Dissolve, melt, vaporize, weaken, dissipate, sublimate, pulverize; dissect, disjoin.
Conspicuous. Visible, apparent, discernible, plain, clear, perceptible, noticeable; eminent, distinguished, prominent, famous, noted, manifest.
Ant. Invisible, microscopic, hidden, imperceptible, unseen; ordinary, mediocre, commonplace.
Conspiracy. Intrigue, treason, cabal, plot, machination, combination; sedition.
Ant. Legislation, congress, parliament, synod.
Constant. Fixed, immutable, invariable, unchanging, permanent, perpetual; resolute, firm, steady; persevering, assiduous; incessant, unbroken, continuous; faithful, true, loyal, devoted.
Ant. Irregular, exceptional, casual, incidental, fickle, faithless, broken, treacherous, untrustworthy, false.
Consternation. Amazement, terror, alarm, dismay, panic, bewilderment.
Ant. Fearlessness, boldness, composure, presence of mind.
Constituent. Elector, patron, voter, supporter, sender; ingredient, component, element.
Ant. Representative, nominee; constitution, system, compound, whole.
Constitution. Organization, formation; quality, character, temperament, peculiarity, characteristic; charter, law.
Ant. Conspiracy, rebellion, tyranny, anarchy, despotism, destruction, disorganization; disposition, mood, frame of mind, temper.
Construct. Build, erect, invent, form, shape, combine.
Ant. Demolish, overthrow, destroy, derange.
Construction. Building, erection, composition, fabrication; structure, formation, form, figure; explanation, version, rendering, interpretation.
Ant. Dislocation, dismemberment, dissolution; misunderstanding, misconception.
Consult. Deliberate, take counsel, confer, advise with, canvass, question, consider, regard.
Ant. Dictate, counteract, contradict.
Consume. Eat up, devour; destroy, lavish, dissipate, waste, spend.
Ant. Discard, reject, throw aside; preserve, replenish, supply, provide.
Consummate, a. Perfect, excellent, supreme, finished, complete.
Ant. Common, faulty, defective, ordinary, mediocre.
Consummation. Achievement, attainment, completion, termination, accomplishment, fulfilment, realization, close, finish, finale.
Ant. Beginning, attempt, inception, initiation, source, origin.
Consumption. Expenditure, use, waste, extinction, destruction.
Ant. Development, increase, growth, enlargement, augmentation.
Contact. Touch, junction, contiguity, closeness, union.
Ant. Adjacence, proximity; separation, distance, isolation.
Contagion. Infection; contamination, taint, pestilence, corruption.
Ant. Prevention; antisepsis, disinfection.
Contain. Include, embody, comprehend, comprise, embrace; restrain, hold.
Ant. Omit, exclude, drop, discharge; yield, give way.
Contaminate. Taint, defile, corrupt, sully.
Ant. Cleanse, purify.
Contemn. Despise, scorn, disdain, slight.
Ant. Venerate, respect.
Contemplate. Meditate, study, ponder, survey, reflect; intend, design.
Ant. Overlook, waive, abandon; execute, complete, do.
Contemptible. Despicable, abject, base, worthless, mean, low.
Ant. Respectable, venerable; worthy, estimable, important, grave.
Contend. Strive, fight, struggle, combat; debate, argue, dispute; affirm, assert, maintain, claim.
Ant. Concede, allow, surrender.
Content. Satisfied, pleased, easy, willing, resigned, gratified.
Ant. Reluctant, unwilling, unsatisfied, rebellious, discontent.
Contention. Strife, dissension, quarrel, rupture, dispute, debate, controversy, altercation.
Ant. Peace, amity, harmony, concord, reconciliation.
Contingent, a. Casual, happening, fortuitous, dependent, incidental, provisional, uncertain.
Ant. Independent, absolute, positive, uncontrolled, uninfluenced, unaffected.
Continual. Incessant, ceaseless, invariable, perpetual, constant, uninterrupted, unbroken, unremitting, continuous.
Ant. Exceptional, irregular, casual, contingent, intermittent, interrupted, suspended.
Continually. Constantly, perpetually, ever, always, repeatedly, frequently, continuously.
Ant. Occasionally, rarely, sometimes.
Continue. Remain, endure, persist; abide, stay, tarry; persevere, be constant or steadfast.
Ant. Stop, cease, fail, pause.
Contract, n. Compact, stipulation, agreement, arrangement, bargain, covenant, pact, obligation, pledge, engagement, bond.
Ant. Promise, parole, assurance, understanding, assumption.
Contract, v. Narrow, abbreviate, abridge, lessen, reduce, compress; shrivel, shrink; agree, stipulate, bargain.
Ant. Expand, amplify, dilate; reverse, cancel, abandon.
Contradict. Deny, gainsay, dispute, impugn, controvert; oppose, counteract, annul, thwart, abrogate.
Ant. Maintain, argue, confirm, state, affirm, endorse.
Contrary. Opposite, opposed, adverse, counter; conflicting, contradictory, antagonistic, repugnant; perverse, obstinate, stubborn, headstrong.
Ant. Compatible, agreeing, kindred, compliant, submissive; consistent.
Contrast, v. Differentiate, discriminate, oppose, compare.
Ant. Resemble, be like or similar, liken, harmonize.
Contribute. Add, give, coöperate, assist, subscribe, supply.
Ant. Refuse, withhold, deny.
Contribution. Donation, offering, gift, subscription, subsidy, aid, assistance.
Ant. Withholding, retention, reservation.
Contrive. Plan, design, devise, invent, project, form, frame, scheme, plot, consider; manage, make out; concert, adjust.
Ant. Hit, chance, venture, bungle, hazard; mismanage, miscontrive.
Control, v. Direct, manage, rule, command, sway, superintend; hinder, repress, restrain, curb, check.
Ant. License, free; neglect, abandon; mismanage, misconduct.
Controversy. Dispute, altercation, contention, disagreement.
Ant. Agreement, unanimity, coincidence.
Contumacy. Obstinacy, stubbornness, perverseness, pertinacity, obduracy; disobedience, insolence.
Ant. Docility, tractableness, flattering, fawning, servility.
Contumely. Obloquy, reproach, opprobrium, insolence, abuse, contempt, scorn, disdain, arrogance.
Ant. Regard, consideration, adulation, obsequiousness.
Convene. Assemble, meet, congregate, summon, master, collect.
Ant. Dismiss, disperse, disband, dissipate.
Convenient. Suitable, fit, appropriate, proper, adapted; advantageous, commodious, comfortable, useful, serviceable.
Ant. Inconvenient, useless, awkward, superfluous; inopportune.
Convention. Assemblage, conference, meeting, concourse, session, synod, congress, convocation; treaty, compact.
Ant. Recess, dissolution, prorogation; dispersion, scattering; promise, understanding, parole.
Conventional. Usual, customary, ordinary, habitual, regular, wonted, prevalent, social, everyday; stipulated.
Ant. Unusual, erratic, extraordinary; legal, compulsory.
Conversant. Familiar, skilled, acquainted, proficient, versed.
Ant. Strange, ignorant, unversed, unlearned.
Conversation. Converse, communion, intercourse, parley, talk, chat, conference, communication, discourse, colloquy, dialogue.
Ant. Speech, oration, harangue, soliloquy, apostrophe, monologue, silence, taciturnity.
Converse, a. Opposite, reverse, contrary, counter, contradictory.
Ant. Identical, one, same, indistinguishable; direct, primary.
Conversion. Alteration, transmutation, change, transformation.
Ant. Permanence, identity, persistence, conservation.
Convertible. Equivalent, interchangeable, identical; reversible.
Ant. Variant, contrary, incommensurate.
Convey. Take, transfer, move, change, carry, shift, transmit, transport, remove, consign, relegate.
Ant. Retain, preserve, hold, cling to, possess.
Conviction. Belief, assurance, persuasion; confutation, refutation; proof, detection.
Ant. Doubt, disbelief, misgiving; vindication, justification.
Convince. Persuade, satisfy, enlighten, indoctrinate, inoculate.
Ant. Mislead, mystify, perplex, puzzle, unsettle, upset; turn, convert.
Convivial. Social, festive, hospitable, jovial, jolly, companionable, gay.
Ant. Inhospitable, unsocial, unneighborly, churlish; abstemious, ascetic, austere.
Convocation. Convention, congress, assemblage, council, synod.
Ant. Dispersion, disruption, dismission, dismissal.
Convolution. Coil, involution, spiral, twist, contortion.
Ant. Unfolding, evolution, unraveling, explication.
Convoy. Escort, guard, attendance, protection.
Ant. Capture, betrayal, onset, onslaught, hold up.
Convulse. Disturb, shake, agitate.
Ant. Calm, compose, soothe, assuage.
Cool. Somewhat cold, chilling, frigid, freezing; unimpassioned, composed, collected, unruffled, self-possessed, sedate, placid, quiet; indifferent, unconcerned, apathetic.
Ant. Hot, warm, burning, heated, excitable, ardent, eager.
Coöperate. Assist, abet, help, conspire, concur, co-labor.
Ant. Oppose, thwart, rival, counteract, conflict, hinder, defeat, frustrate.
Coördinate. Equal, equivalent, proportionate, commensurate, tantamount, equipollent.
Ant. Subordinate; disparate, extraneous; inferior, superior.
Copy. Portraiture, facsimile, duplicate, imitation, likeness, image, transcript, counterfeit.
Ant. Model, original, pattern, example, prototype, archetype, exemplar.
Cordial. Earnest, warm, hearty, ardent, affectionate, sincere, invigorating, refreshing, pleasing, grateful.
Ant. Cool, formal, ceremonious, distant, reserved, disinclined.
Corner. Angle, bend, crotch, knee; nook, recess, niche, retreat.
Ant. Abutment, protrusion, prominence, convexity, projection.
Corollary. Inference, conclusion, deduction, consequence.
Ant. Problem, proposition.
Corporal, Corporeal. Fleshly, bodily, material, physical.
Ant. Spiritual, mental, intellectual, moral, ethereal, immaterial.
Corps. Body of troops, division of army, squadron, band, company.
Ant. Aggregate, army, host, mass, force, organization.
Corpse. Remains, dead body, cadaver, carcass, dust.
Ant. Soul, spirit, individual, personality, mentality.
Corpulent. Fat, fleshy, plump, obese, portly, round, stout.
Ant. Lean, thin, attenuated, emaciated, slight, slender, frail.
Correct. True, exact, accurate, proper, faultless, right.
Ant. False, untrue, wrong, inexact, inaccurate, fallacious, defective.
Corrective. Regulative, preventive, alterative, preservative, rectifying, modifying, improving, reformatory.
Ant. Confirmative, stimulative, intensitive, provocative, conducive.
Correlation. Interrelation, correspondence, apposition, interdependence, mutuality, reciprocation, interchange, reciprocity.
Ant. Contradiction, independence, opposition, inconsistency, incongruity.
Correspond. Agree, suit, match, fit, tally, harmonize, answer, correlate, stand counter; communicate, write.
Ant. Vary, disagree, clash, jar; ignore, disregard, neglect.
Correspondence. Adaptation, agreement, congruity; writing, letter, despatches, communication.
Ant. Conversation; withdrawal, non-intercourse; incongruity, discord, disagreement.
Corroborate. Strengthen, establish, sustain, support, confirm.
Ant. Weaken, confute, rebut, invalidate, shake, enfeeble, overthrow.
Corrode. Consume, eat away, waste, impair, rust, canker, wear, crumble.
Ant. Renew, restore.
Corrupt, v. Defile, pollute, infect, taint, vitiate, demoralize, contaminate, debase, spoil, deteriorate.
Ant. Cleanse, purify, better, correct, ameliorate.
Corruption. Decay, decomposition, pollution, defilement, infection, contamination, adulteration; depravity, immorality, laxity, wickedness; dishonesty, bribery.
Cost. Price, worth, expenditure, expense, charge, disbursement, outlay; preciousness, richness, splendor; loss, damage, pain.
Costume. Dress, livery, robes, uniform.
Ant. Disguise, incognito; nudity, nakedness.
Council. Cabinet, bureau, chamber, conclave, synod, convocation, meeting, conference, parliament, consultation, convention.
Ant. Cabal, league, conspiracy; multitude, mob.
Counsel. Advice, consultation, opinion, suggestion, recommendation, instruction, caution, admonition; deliberation, forethought; plan, design, scheme; purpose; lawyer, barrister, attorney.
Count. Compute, reckon, add, tell, estimate, number, enumerate, sum, calculate.
Ant. Guess, conjecture, surmise, think, fancy.
Countenance, v. Approve, support, sanction, help, aid, abet, encourage, patronize, befriend, assist, favor.
Ant. Oppose, confront, discourage, browbeat, face, compare, disparage.
Counter. Contrary, opposed, opposite, against.
Ant. Accordant with, coincident, consonant.
Counteract. Oppose, foil, baffle, thwart, hinder, rival, resist, defeat, cross, frustrate, neutralize.
Ant. Aid, coöperate, subserve, promote, advance, assist.
Counterfeit, n. Forgery, fraudulent copy, cheat, artifice, pretense, sham, fabrication.
Ant. Exposure, detection; verity, fact, truth, reality.
Countermand. Abrogate, annul, revoke, rescind, recall, make void.
Ant. Order, command, bid, charge, enjoin, direct, instruct.
Counterpart. Duplicate, copy; correlative, complement, supplement, obverse; match, mate, tally, twin.
Ant. Antithesis, contradiction, contrast.
Countervail. Balance, compensate, make up, counterbalance, offset.
Ant. Overthrow, unbalance, weigh down.
Countryman. Rustic, agriculturist, farmer, swain, yeoman, laborer, peasant, husbandman; clown, boor.
Ant. Citizen, townsman; alien.
Couple, v. Link, unite, connect, join, clasp, tie, yoke, buckle, pair, splice, button; marry, wed.
Ant. Loose, part, separate, detach, isolate, unclasp; divorce.
Courage. Bravery, valor, fearlessness, spirit, heroism, fortitude, hardihood, boldness, daring, mettle, pluck, resolution, intrepidity.
Ant. Cowardice, timidity, fear, dread, terror, dismay, consternation.
Course. Route, way, road, track, race; direction, bearing, progress, process; career; succession, order, regularity; deportment, conduct; series, system.
Ant. Deviation; disorder, discursion; hindrance, error.
Court, v. Woo, flatter, seek, invite, solicit.
Ant. Avoid, shun, repudiate, repel, antagonize.
Courtesy. Politeness, affability, urbanity, civility, complaisance.
Ant. Rudeness, incivility, churlishness, ungraciousness.
Courtly. Polished, elegant, polite, ceremonious, formal, respectful.
Ant. Undignified, unrefined, coarse, awkward, boorish, plebeian.
Covenant. Agreement, stipulation, bond, compact, contract, bargain, arrangement, concordant, pact, treaty.
Ant. Promise, understanding, assurance, parole.
Cover, v. Hide, conceal, overspread, overlay, secrete, cloak, veil, screen, mask, shroud, disguise; invest, clothe, wrap; protect, shelter, shield, guard, defend; comprehend, comprise, embrace; balance, compensate, countervail.
Ant. Expose, reveal, produce, exhibit; betray, divulge; omit, exclude.
Covet. Desire, long for, wish for, aim after, aspire to.
Ant. Dislike, despise; undervalue.
Covetous. Eager, avaricious, desirous, greedy, grasping, acquisitive, rapacious.
Ant. Liberal, unselfish, generous, bountiful.
Coward. Craven, recreant, dastard.
Ant. Hero, champion; daredevil, desperado.
Coy. Bashful, shy, modest, reserved, retreating, shrinking.
Ant. Bold, forward, impertinent, pert, brazen, flippant.
Crack. Split, break, chop, rend, cleave, snap; craze, madden.
Ant. Mend, unite, repair; restore, heal.
Craft. Skill, ability, power, talent, dexterity, aptitude, tact; artifice, shrewdness, guile, deception, cunning, deceit; art, trade, employment, vocation, calling; vessel.
Ant. Inaptitude, tactlessness; fairness, openness, candor, sincerity, frankness, ingenuousness, straightforwardness.
Cramp. Restrain, hinder, check, confine, hamper, clog, fetter, cripple.
Ant. Free, liberate, loose, expand, ease, relieve, extricate.
Crash. Jar, uproar, clash, rending, noise, clang, resonance.
Ant. Murmur, whisper; silence.
Crassitude. Grossness, thickness, density, corpulence, obesity.
Ant. Tenuity, agility, activity; spareness, slightness.
Crave. Intreat, beg, beseech, implore, supplicate, desire, long for, hunger for, yearn.
Ant. Demand, insist, require.
Crazy. Shattered, broken, tottering; distracted, mad, lunatic, insane, delirious, cracked, demented, deranged.
Ant. Sound, robust, vigorous, sane, whole.
Create. Form, produce, make, originate, cause, occasion, appoint, constitute; beget, engender, generate; imagine, compose, fashion, design.
Ant. Destroy, demolish, annihilate.
Creature. Created being, being, animal, man, person; dependent, vassal, parasite; wretch, miscreant.
Ant. Chimera, ghost, hallucination, fantasy, phantom, conceit, crotchet.
Credence. Belief, trust, faith, acceptance, confidence, reliance.
Ant. Denial, distrust, disbelief, doubt, skepticism.
Credentials. Diploma, missive, title, warrant, vouchers, certificates, testimonials.
Credible. Probable, possible, reliable, trustworthy, likely.
Ant. Improbable, unlikely, incredible, unreliable, untrustworthy.
Credit. Trust, belief, faith, confidence, credence, reliance; reputation, influence, power; esteem, regard; loan, securities.
Ant. Insecurity; distrust; shame, disgrace, censure.
Credulity. Gullibility, credulousness, simplicity.
Ant. Skepticism, suspiciousness, incredulity, shrewdness.
Creed. Belief, catechism, confession, articles of faith, tenets, dogmas, doctrines.
Ant. Protest, abjuration, disbelief, recantation, retraction.
Crestfallen. Downcast, dispirited, dejected, disheartened, depressed, desponding, low-spirited, down-hearted.
Ant. Exuberant, elated, confident, inspirited.
Crew. Gang, set, band, horde, crowd, mob, throng.
Ant. Supercargo; bevy, galaxy, cream, élite.
Crime. Offense, misdeed, wrong, felony, sin, iniquity, misdemeanor, enormity, transgression, wickedness, delinquency.
Ant. Good deed, well-doing, exploit, achievement, duty, service, benefit, benefaction, heroism.
Criminal, a. Immoral, iniquitous, sinful, unlawful, wicked, wrong, vile, nefarious, culpable, abominable, illegal, vicious.
Ant. Virtuous, moral, innocent, just, honorable, praiseworthy, lawful, legal, right, meritorious.
Criminate. Charge, accuse, arraign, impeach.
Ant. Acquit, absolve, extricate.
Cripple, v. Weaken, disable, impair, break down, cramp, curtail.
Ant. Renovate, strengthen, augment, liberate, ease, expedite.
Criterion. Standard, test, rule, touchstone, measure, canon, proof.
Ant. Eye, glance; intention, conjecture.
Critic. Judge, censor, reviewer, connoisseur; caviller, carper; arbiter, savant.
Ant. Artist, author, writer, performer, maker, poet, composer.
Critical. Accurate, nice, exact; decisive, crucial, determining, important; dangerous, hazardous, imminent, momentous, dubious, precarious.
Ant. Inexact, loose, undiscriminating; unimportant, inconclusive; safe, sure, settled, decided, retrieved, redressed.
Criticism. Censure, stricture, animadversion, review, critique.
Ant. Approbation, praise, approval.
Criticize. Examine, estimate, judge, discuss, analyze, anatomize, scan, animadvert.
Ant. Survey, overlook, slur, skim, slight, neglect.
Crooked. Bent, curved, bowed; distorted, twisted, wry, askew, deformed, disfigured; perverse, contumacious, capricious; dishonest, unfair, unscrupulous, knavish, deceitful, tricky.
Ant. Straight, linear, upright, direct, honest, straightforward.
Cross. Fretful, petulant, peevish, snappish, touchy, morose, ill-natured, sullen, snarling, cynical, sour, out of humor, captious, crabbed, sulky.