Книга Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том II. J – Z - читать онлайн бесплатно, автор Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин. Cтраница 4
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Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том II. J – Z
Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том II. J – Z
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Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том II. J – Z

SYN: Regardful, attentive, thoughtful, careful, recollective.

ANT: Regardless, inattentive, mindless, oblivious.


KEY: Mingle.

SYN: Mix, compound, blend, confound, confuse, intermingle, associate, amalgamate.

ANT: Separate, segregate, sift, sort, analyze, discompound, eliminate, classify, unravel, avoid, Minimum, [See MAXIMUM].


KEY: Million.

SYN: Favorite, darling, pet.

ANT: Antipathy, horror, aversion, bugbear.


KEY: Minister \n.\

SYN: Servant, officer, delegate, official, ambassador, subordinate, ecclesiastic, clergyman, priest, parson, divine, preacher, pastor, shepherd, reverend, curate, vicar.

ANT: Monarch, government, master, superior, principal, head, layman, told, flock, congregation.


KEY: Minister \v.\

SYN: Attend, subserve, wait, supply.

ANT: Lead, rule, command, exact.


KEY: Ministry.

SYN: Cabinet, council, administration, office of a minister or clergyman, ecclesiastical function, [See MINISTER].


KEY: Minor.

SYN: Less, inferior, junior, younger, unimportant.

ANT: Major, greater, superior, elder, senior, main, important.


KEY: Minstrel.

SYN: Singer, musician, bard.


KEY: Minute.

SYN: Diminutive, microscopic, tiny, exact, searching, specific, detailed.

ANT: Monstrous, enormous, huge, inexact, superficial, general, broad, comprehensive.


KEY: Miraculous.

SYN: Supernatural, hyperphysical.

ANT: Ordinary, natural.


KEY: Misacceptation.

SYN: Misunderstanding, misinterpretation, misuse.

ANT: Acceptation, meaning.


KEY: Misadventure.

SYN: Failure, mishap, misfortune.

ANT: Success, achievement.


KEY: Misanthropy.

SYN: Egotism, incivism, man-hating, cynicism, woman-hating.

ANT: Philanthropy, humanity, humanitarianism, universal benevolence.


KEY: Misapply, [See APPLY].


KEY: Misapprehend, [See APPREHEND].


KEY: Misappropriate.

SYN: Misassign, purloin, misdistribute, abuse, misuse.

ANT: Assign, distribute, employ, use.


KEY: Misarrange, [See ABRIDGMENT].


KEY: Misbecome, [See BECOME].


KEY: Misbehaviour, [See BEHAVIOR].


KEY: Misbelief, [See BELIEF].


KEY: Miscalculate, [See CALCULATE].


KEY: Miscall.

SYN: Misname, misindicate.

ANT: Name, call, indicate, denote, specify, denominate.


KEY: Miscellany.

SYN: Mixture, Intermixture, jumble, medley, variety, diversity.

ANT: System, collection, classification, assortment, group, selection.


KEY: Mischance.

SYN: Misfortune, misadventure, mishap, [See CHANCE and MISADVENTURE].


KEY: Mischief.

SYN: Damage, hurt, detriment, disservice, annoyance, injury, ill-turn, damage, barm.

ANT: Compensation, good-turn, benefit, favor, gratification.


KEY: Mischievous.

SYN: Detrimental, injurious, spiteful, wanton.

ANT: Beneficial, advantageous, reparatory, conservative, careful, protective.


KEY: Miscible.

SYN: Compoundable, amalgamate.

ANT: Uncompoundable, immiscible.


KEY: Miscompute, [See COMPUTE].


KEY: Misconceive, [See CONCEIVE].


KEY: Misconduct, [See CONDUCT].


KEY: Misconjecture.

SYN: Miscalculation, missupposition.

ANT: Hit, discovery, ascertain.


KEY: Misconstrue, [See CONSTRUE].


KEY: Miscount, [See COUNT].


KEY: Miscreant.



KEY: Misdeed, [See DEED and CRIME].


KEY: Misdemeanor.

SYN: Transgression, trespass, fault, misdeed, [See CRIME and FAULT].


KEY: Misdirect, [See STRAIGHT].


KEY: Misdoing, [See MISDEED].


KEY: Misemploy, [See EMPLOY].


KEY: Miser.

SYN: Niggard, churl, skinflint, curmudgeon, screw, scrimp, hunks.

ANT: Prodigal, spendthrift, rake.


KEY: Miserable.

SYN: Abject, forlorn, pitiable, wretched, worthless, despicable, disconsolate.

ANT: Respectable, worthy, happy, contented, comfortable.


KEY: Miserly, [See LIBERAL].


KEY: Misery.

SYN: Wretchedness, heartache, woe, broken heart, bleeding heart, great unhappiness, [See CALAMITY and MISFORTUNE].


KEY: Misestimate, [See ESTIMATE and VALUE].




KEY: Misgiving, [See DOUBT and DISTRUST].


KEY: Misgovern, [See GOVERN].


KEY: Misguide, [See GUIDE].


KEY: Mishap \n.\ [See HAZARD and MISADVENTURE].


KEY: Misinform, [See INFORM].


KEY: Misinstruct, [See INSTRUCT].


KEY: Misintelligence, [See INTELLIGENCE].


KEY: Misinterpret, [See INTERPRET].


KEY: Misjoin, [See JOIN and MATCH].


KEY: Mislay, [See LAY and LOSE].


KEY: Mislead, [See LEAD].


KEY: Mislike, [See LEARNED].


KEY: Mismanage, [See MANAGE], Mismatch, [See MATCH], Misname, [See NAME], Misnomer, [See NAME].


KEY: Mispersuade, [See PERSUADE].


KEY: Misplace, [See PLACE].


KEY: Mispronounce, [See PRONOUNCE].


KEY: Misproportioned.

SYN: Ungainly, {[minfuriut'tl]?}, ill-shaped.

ANT: Well-proportioned, elegant, harmonious, shapely.


KEY: Misquote, [See QUOTE].


KEY: Misreckon, [See RECKON].


KEY: Misreport, [See REPORT].


KEY: Misrepresent, [See REPRESENT].


KEY: Misrule, [See RULE].


KEY: Miss, [See LOSE and MEET].


KEY: Misshapen, [See FIGURE and MODEL].


KEY: Missile.

SYN: Projectile.

ANT: Artillery, band-arms, sidearm, Mission.

SYN: Commission, trust, office, delegation, ministry, embassy, legation, deputation, errand, message.

ANT: Assumption, usurpation, self-appointment.


KEY: Missive.

SYN: Communication, despatch, message, [See MISSION].



KET: Misspend, [See SPEND].


KEY: Misstate, [See STATE].


KEY: Misstatement.

SYN: Misrepresentation, wrong statement, falsification.

ANT: Correct statement, true statement.


KEY: Mist.

SYN: Fog, obscurity, bewilderment, perplexity, haze.

ANT: Brightness, clearness, lucidity.


KEY: Mistake, [See ERROR].


KEY: Misteach, [See TEACH].


KEY: Mistranslate.

SYN: Misconstrue, misrender, [See CONSTRUE].


KEY: Mistrust \v.\ [See ENCIRCLE].


KEY: Misunderstanding, [See UNDERSTANDING].


KEY: Misuse \v.\ [See USE].


KEY: Misuse \n.\

SYN: Abuse, perversion, prostitution, [See ABUSE].


KEY: Mitigate, [See AGGRAVATE].


KEY: Mix, [See MINGLE].


KEY: Moan, [See BEWAIL].


KEY: Mob.

SYN: Disorderly crowd, tumultuous rabble, rude multitude, [See BEVY].


KEY: Mobile.

SYN: Movable, sensitive, fickle, inconstant, variable, ductile.

ANT: Immovable, inexorable, unfeeling, unvarying.


KEY: Mock.

SYN: Jeer, ridicule, flout, mimic, insult, ape, deride, deceive, imitate.

ANT: Salute, welcome, respect, admire, compliment, Mode, [See METHOD].


KEY: Model.

SYN: Standard, pattern, example, type, mould, design, copy.

ANT: Imitation, copy, production, execution, work.


KEY: Moderate.

SYN: Control, soften, allay, regulate, repress, govern, temper.

ANT: Disturb, disorganize, excite, misconduct.


KEY: Moderate \a.\

SYN: Limited, temperate, calm, dispassionate, sober, abstinent, sparing, steady, ordinary.

ANT: Extravagant, intemperate, rigorous, excessive, violent, extraordinary.


KEY: Moderation.

SYN: Temperance, sobriety, frugality, calmness, sedateness, mildness, coolness, deliberateness.

ANT: Immoderation, intemperance, hastiness, rashness, precipitation.


KEY: Moderator.

SYN: chairman, regulator, conductor, manager, president.

ANT: Disturber, agitator.


KEY: Modern.

SYN: Present, existent, new, new-fangled, new-fashioned, recent, late, novel, later.

ANT: Past, bygone, former, olden, ancient, old-fashioned, antiquated, obsolete.


KEY: Modest, [See CHASTE and MEEK].


KEY: Modesty.

SYN: Sobriety, diffidence, bashfulness, humility, pure-mindedness.

ANT: Vanity, conceit, self-sufficiency, self-admiration, foppery, coxcombry, wantonness, shamelessness, effrontery.


KEY: Modification.

SYN: Alteration, revision, variation, qualification, species.

ANT: Retention, stereotype, stabilisation.


KEY: Modish.

SYN: Fashionable, stylish, modern.

ANT: Unfashionable, quaint, unstylish, gawky, dowdy.


KEY: Modulation.

SYN: Harmonization, harmonies.

ANT: Intonation, recital, monotone.


KEY: Moil.

SYN: Daub, stain, dirt, muck, soil.

ANT: Cleanse, clean, absterge, purify.


KEY: Moist.

SYN: Damp, humid, dank, wet.

ANT: Arid, dry.


KEY: moisture.

SYN: Dampness, humidity.

ANT: Drynes.


KEY: molecule.

SYN: Atom, monad.

ANT: Body, bulk, organism, compound, structure.


KEY: Molest.

SYN: Trouble, disturb, tease, annoy, irritate, vex, plague, worry, discommode.

ANT: Soothe, caress, pacify, assuage, pet, mollify.


KEY: Mollify, [See MOLEST].


KEY: Moment.

SYN: Instant, second, importance, twinkling, trice, weight, force, gravity, consequence, avail.

ANT: Age, period, century, generation, triviality, insignificance, worthlessness, unimportance, inefficacy.


KEY: Momentary.

SYN: Instantaneous, fleeting, transitory, [See INSTANT].


KEY: Momentous.

SYN: Significant, important, material, weighty, [See IMPORTANT].


KEY: Monad, [See MOLECULE].


KEY: Monarch.

SYN: King, sovereign, despot, tyrant, czar.

ANT: Peer, subject.


KEY: Monarchical.

SYN: Kingly, royal, despotic.

ANT: Republican, democratic, oligarchical, autocratic.


KEY: Monastic.

SYN: Conventual, cenobitical, regular, monkish.

ANT: Unconventual, social, secular.


KEY: Monition, [See ADMONISH].


KEY: Monitor.

SYN: Adviser, instructor, mentor, warner.

ANT: Misadviser, misinstructor, deceiver, misdirector, back-friend, seducer.


KEY: Monitory.

SYN: Advisory, hortatory.

ANT: Deceptive, seductive.


KEY: Monkish, [See MONASTIC].


KEY: Monopoly.

SYN: Privilege, engrossment, appropriation, exclusiveness, preoccupancy, impropriation.

ANT: Participation, partnership, community, competition, free-trade.


KEY: Monotheism.

SYN: Deism.

ANT: Polytheism.


KEY: Monotonous.

SYN: Uniform, unvaried, dull, humdrum, undiversified, tedious.

ANT: Varying, changing.


KEY: Monotony.

SYN: Sameness, unvaryingness, tedium.

ANT: Variation, relief, diversion.


KEY: Monster.

SYN: Prodigy, portent, marvel, deformity, abnormity, fright, colossus, monstrosity, leviathan, fiend, brute.

ANT: Beauty, Venus, Adonis, Narcissus, gem, pet, jewel, angel, augury, harbinger.


KEY: Monstrous.

SYN: Prodigious, portentous, marvellous, deformed, abnormal, hideous, preposterous, intolerable.

ANT: Ordinary, familiar, unnoticeable, fair, comely, shapely, regular, natural, reasonable, just.


KEY: Monument, [See MEMORIAL].


KEY: Mood.

SYN: State, temper, humor, feeling, vein, disposition.

ANT: Mind, character, disposition, nature.


KEY: Moody.

SYN: Sullen, humorsome, gloomy, morose.

ANT: Blithe, genial, sociable, merry.


KEY: Moot.

SYN: Agitate, discuss, ventilate, argue.

ANT: Suppress, stifle, burke, hush, shelve.


KEY: Moral.

SYN: Mental, ideal, intellectual, spiritual, ethical, probable, inferential, presumptive, analogous, virtuous, well-conducted.

ANT: Physical, material, practical, demonstrative, mathematical, immoral, vicious.


KEY: Morals.

SYN: Manners, conduct, behavior, morality, habits, [See {[MASNEKS]?}].


KEY: Morass, [See MARSH].


KEY: Morbid.

SYN: Diseased, unsound, unhealthy, sickly.

ANT: Wholesome, healthy, sound.


KEY: Mordent.

SYN: Biting, keen, pun, gent.

ANT: Mellow, mild, soothing.


KEY: Moreover.

SYN: Besides, also, likewise, furthermore, [See LIKEWISE].


KEY: Morose.

SYN: Sullen, austere, moody, crabbed, surly, crusty.

ANT: Genial, indulgent, kindly.


KEY: Morsel, [See BIT].


KEY: Mortal.

SYN: Human, ephemeral, sublunary, short-lived, deadly, fatal, perishable, destructive.

ANT: Divine, Immortal, celestial, life-giving, venial, salutiferous, superficial, Mortality, [See DEATH].


KEY: Mortify.

SYN: Deaden, subdue, master, vex, disappoint, annoy, rot, fester, humble, abash, chagrin, displace, putrefy.

ANT: Feed, pamper, indulge, plea?e, gratify, delight, satisfy, heal, recover.


KEY: Mostly.

SYN: Mainly, chiefly, in great measure, for the most part, for the greatest part, [See MAINLY].


KEY: Motherly.

SYN: Maternal, affectionate, tender, kind, [See KIND].


KEY: Motion, [See MOVEMENT].


KEY: Motionless, [See STILL].


KEY: Motive.

SYN: Inducement, purpose, design, prompting, stimulus, reason, impulse, incitement.

ANT: Execution, action, effort, deed, attempt, project, preventive, deterrent, dissuasive.


KEY: Motley.

SYN: Parti-colored, variegated, mixed, medley, heterogeneous, diversified.

ANT: Uniform, homogeneous, alike, monochromatic, mottled, [See MOTLEY and MACULATED].


KEY: Mold.

SYN: Fashion, shape, manipulate, for, {[n]?}, cast, configure.

ANT: Distort, strain, pervert, mis shape.


KEY: Moldy.

SYN: Green, rusty, fusty, musty, over-ripe.

ANT: Fresh, wholesome, pure, sweet, receipt.


KEY: Mount, [See ASCEND].


KEY: Mourn, [See GRIEVE and BEWAIL].


KEY: Mournful.

SYN: Sad, melancholy, tearful, doleful, depressing, wailing, lugubrious.

ANT: Joyous, mirthful, exhilarating.


KEY: Movable, [See STATIONARY].


KEY: Move.

SYN: Change, [See CONTROL and GOVERN], progress, stir, affect, agitate, actuate, impel, propose, advance, propel, instigate, provoke.

ANT: Stand, stop, lie, rest, stay, allay, deter, prevent, arrest, withdraw.


KEY: Movement.

SYN: Motion, move, change of place.

ANT: Stop, rest, pause, stillness, quietness.


KEY: Much.

SYN: Abundant, plenteous, greatly, abundantly, fur, considerable, ample.

ANT: Little, scant, slightly, shortly, short, near.


KEY: Mucilaginous.

SYN: Gelatinous, albuminous, creamy, glairy, viscous, lentous.

ANT: Limpid, crystalline, bubbling, frothing, foaming, effervescent, sparkling, spirituous.


KEY: Muddle.

SYN: Fail, waste, fritter away, confuse, derange, misarrange.

ANT: Clarify, manage, economize, classify, arrange.


KEY: Muddy.

SYN: Luteous, swampy, turbid, clayey.

ANT: Dry, arid, rocky, arenaceous, sandy, limpid, pellucid, crystalline.


KEY: Muffle.

SYN: Shroud, enfold, disguise, conceal, envelop.

ANT: {[Unmuole]?}, unfold, exhibit, reveal.


KEY: Muggy.

SYN: Foggy, misty, dank, damp, murky, dim, vaporous, cloudy.

ANT: Clear, bright, vaporless.


KEY: Mulct \n.\

SYN: Amercement, damages, forfeiture, penalty.

ANT: Guerdon, douceur, bonus, reward, premium.


KEY: Mulish.

SYN: Stubborn, obstinate, headstrong, cross-grained, intractable, [See TRACTABLE].


KEY: Multifarious.

SYN: Various, varied, multigenerous, multitudinous, multifold, manifold, multiform.

ANT: Single, uniform, unvaried, unvarying, few.


KEY: Multifold, [See MULTIFARIOUS].


KEY: Multiform, [See MULTIFARIOUS].


KEY: Multiplication.

SYN: Multiplicity, plurality, multitudinousness, multifariousness, multitude, repetition, reiter ation, reproduction, augmentation, swarming, teeming.

ANT: Singularity, unity, scantiness, rarity, diminution, extinction.


KEY: Multisonous.

SYN: Many-voiced, tuneful.

ANT: Unisonous, droning, monotonous.


KEY: Multitude.

SYN: Crowd, swarm, accumulation, throng, concourse, number, host, mob, rabble.

ANT: Paucity, scantiness, sprinkling.


KEY: Multitudinous, [See MULTIFARIOUS].


KEY: Mummery.

SYN: Antics, masquerade, vagary, buffoonery.

ANT: Pageant, procession, exhibition.


KEY: Mundane.

SYN: Worldly, secular, temporal, earthly.

ANT: Unworldly, spiritual, heavenly, ethereal, supramundane.


KEY: munificent.

SYN: Liberal, princely, bounteous, generous.

ANT: Niggardly, beggarly.


KEY: Murky, [See MUGGY].


KEY: Murmur.

SYN: Undertone, whisper, mutter, grumble, complaint, repining.

ANT: Clamor, vociferation, bawling, outcry, defiance, execration, salutation, acclamation.


KEY: Murmur \v.\ [See GROWL].


KEY: Muscular.

SYN: Powerful, brawny, robust, sinewy, strong, stalwart, athletic, lusty, sturdy.

ANT: Debile, flabby, feeble, lanky.


KEY: Muse.

SYN: Reflect, ponder, cogitate, dream, think, meditate.

ANT: Stir, act, move.


KEY: Musical.

SYN: Melodious, harmonious, dulcet, concordant, rythmical, tuneful, mellifluous.

ANT: Unmelodious, inharmonious, harsh, discordant.


KEY: Muster \v.\

SYN: Marshal, collect, assemble, rally, enroll, gather.

ANT: Dismiss, disperse, relegate, remit, disband.


KEY: Musty.

SYN: Fusty, rank, mouldy, frowzy, stale, sour, fetid, mildewed.

ANT: Fragrant, fresh, balmy, aromatic, odorous.


KEY: Mutable.

SYN: Changeable, changeful, mobile, transient, ephemeral, inconstant, unsteadfast, fickle, fitful, undecided, restless.

ANT: Unchanging, permanent, immutable, persistent, changeless, Mutation, [See VARIATION].


KEY: Mute.

SYN: Silent, speechless, dumb, taciturn, voiceless, still, death-like.

ANT: Chattering, talkative, garrulous, loquacious, vocal, tuneful, loud.


KEY: Mutilate, [See MAIM].


KEY: Mutinous.

SYN: Turbulent, seditious, insurgent, riotous, tumultuous, unruly, refractory, insurrectionary.

ANT: Obedient, loyal, submissive.


KEY: Mutter.

SYN: Murmur, mumble.

ANT: Enunciate, exclaim, pronounce, vociferate.


KEY: Mutual.

SYN: Reciprocal, common, interchangeable, alternate.

ANT: One-sided, unreciprocated, unmutual.


KEY: Muzzle.

SYN: Silence, burke, restrain, gag, stop.

ANT: release, liberate, open, unmuzzle, free.


KEY: Mysterious.

SYN: Dim, obscure, unrevealed, unexplained, unaccountable, reserved, veiled, hidden, secret, incomprehensible, mystic, inexplicable.

ANT: Clear, plain, obvious, explained, understood, easy, explainable, simple, frank, communicative.


KEY: Mystery.

SYN: Enigma, puzzle, obscurity, secrecy, veil, shroud, arcanum.

ANT: Publication, solution, commonplace, truism, matter-of-fact.


KEY: Mystic.

SYN: Mysterious, cabalistic, magical.

ANT: Plain, matter-of-fact, everyday, familiar, commonplace, obvious, household.


KEY: Mystify.

SYN: Confuse, bamboozle, hoodwink, puzzle, confound, mislead, obfuscate.

ANT: Illumine, enlighten, inform, guide.


KEY: Myth.

SYN: Fable, legend, parable, supposition, fiction, allegory, fabulous story, fabrication.

ANT: Fact, history, narrative.


KEY: Mythological.

SYN: Fabulous, mythical, [See H].


KEY: Nab, (\coll.\)

SYN: Catch, clutch, grasp, seize, lay hold on, lay hands on, [See CATCH].


KEY: Nabob.

SYN: Millionaire, Croesus, mau of wealth, man of fortune, very rich man, man of great distinction.

ANT: Man not wealthy, man not distinguished.


KEY: Nacreous, [See IRIDESCENT].


KEY: Naked.

SYN: Nude, bare, unclothed, denuded, undraped, defenceless, destitute, unqualified, uncolored, unvarnished, mere, simple.

ANT: Dressed, robed, draped, muffled, protected, qualified, veiled, shrouded, colored, varnished.


KEY: Name \n.\

SYN: Designation, cognomination, appellation, title, fame, reputation, authority, appointment, stead, representation.

ANT: Namelessness, anonymousness, misnomer, pseudonym, obscurity, ingloriousness, disrepute, individuality, person.


KEY: Name \v.\

SYN: Spectry, designate, call, Indicate.

ANT: Misname, miscall, misdesignate, misindicate, hint, suggest, shadow, adumbrate.


KEY: Narrate.

SYN: recite, tell, report, detail, relate, rehearse, recount.

ANT: Suppress, conceal, blink, misreport, misrepresent, misrelate, misstate.


KEY: Narrow.

SYN: Straight, straightened, slender, thin, spare, contracted, limited, cramped, pinched, scant, close, scrutinizing, near, bigoted, niggardly, tight.

ANT: Wide, broad, ample, thick, expanded, easy, liberal.


KEY: Nascent.

SYN: Youthful, rising, green, incipient, embryo, rudimental, budding.

ANT: Mature, aged, confirmed, developed, grown.


KEY: Nasty.

SYN: Fool, offensive, odious, disagreeable, indelicate, impure, gross, unclean, obscene.

ANT: Nice, pleasant, sweet, savory, agreeable, pure.


KEY: Nation.

SYN: Race, people, realm, community, commonwealth, state, [See COMMUNITY and PEOPLE].


KEY: Native.

SYN: Indigenous, home, exported, artless, natural, proper, suitable, congenital, inbred, vernacular.

ANT: Foreign, Imported, exotic, alien, artificial, acquired, assumed, affected.


KEY: Natural.

SYN: Intrinsic, eventual, regular, normal, cosmical, true, probable, consistent, spontaneous, unless, original.

ANT: {[Acitition]?}, adventitious, abnormal, monstrous, unnatural, fictitious, improbable, unsupposable, forced, artful, affected.


KEY: Nature.

SYN: Essence, creation, constitution, structure, disposition, truth, regularity, kind, sort, character, species, affection, naturalness.

ANT: Thing, object, subject, man, being, creature, monstrosity, unnaturalness, art, fiction, romance, invention.


KEY: Naught.

SYN: Nothing.

ANT: Aught, anything, everything.


KEY: Naughty.

SYN: Worthless, vile, corrupt, bad, froward, refractory, wicked, perverse.

ANT: Worthy, good, precious, pure, docile, tractable, well-behaved.


KEY: Nausea.

SYN: Loathing, disgust, abomination, qualm, sea-sickness.

ANT: Taste, relish, enjoyment.


KEY: Nauseous.

SYN: Loathsome, sickening, disgusting, [See ABOMINABLE].


KEY: Nautical, [See MARINE].


KEY: Near.

SYN: Nigh, close, adjacent, neighboring, (Sometimes used in the sense of parsimonious).

ANT: Far, distant, remote.


KEY: Nearly.

SYN: Almost, closely, approximately.

ANT: Quite, entirely, distantly, remotely.


KEY: Neat, [See TIDY].


KEY: Necessary.

SYN: Certain, inevitable, indispensable, requisite, essential, compulsory, needful, expedient.

ANT: Contingent, casual, optional, discretional, unnecessary, unessential, free.


KEY: Necessitate, [See COMPEL].


KEY: Necessity.

SYN: Indispensableness, inevitableness, need, indigence, requirement, want, fate, destiny.

ANT: dispensableness, uncertainty, superfluity, uselessness, competence, affluence, casualty, contingency, freedom, choice.
