Книга The Handbook of Energy Trading, Stefano Fiorenzani — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Stefano Fiorenzani - The Handbook of Energy Trading

The Handbook of Energy Trading
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Автор: Stefano Fiorenzani
Название: The Handbook of Energy Trading

Рейтинг: 3

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Автор: Stefano Fiorenzani
Название: The Handbook of Energy Trading
Аннотация на книгу:

To thrive in today's booming energy trading market you need cutting-edge knowledge of the latest energy trading strategies, backed up by rigorous testing and practical application Unique in its practical approach, The Handbook of Energy Trading is your definitive guide. It provides a valuable insight into the latest strategies for trading energy—all tried and tested in maintaining a competitive advantage—illustrated with up-to-the-minute case studies from the energy sector. The handbook takes you through the key aspects of energy trading, from operational strategies and mathematical methods to practical techniques, with advice on structuring your energy trading business to optimise success in the energy market. A unique integrated market approach by authors who combine academic theory with vast professional and practical experience Guidance on the types of energy trading strategies and instruments and how they should be used Soaring prices and increasingly complex global markets have created an explosion in the need for robust technical knowledge in the field of energy trading, derivatives, and risk management. The Handbook of Energy Trading is essential reading for all energy trading professionals, energy traders, and risk managers, and in fact anyone who has ever asked: 'what is energy trading?'

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