Книга Innocence in Regency Society, Diane Gaston — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Diane Gaston - Innocence in Regency Society

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Автор: Diane Gaston
Название: Innocence in Regency Society

Рейтинг: 5

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Автор: Diane Gaston
Название: Innocence in Regency Society
Аннотация на книгу:

THE MYSTERIOUS MISS MThe Mysterious Miss M is a living male fantasy, until Lord Devlin Steele finds himself responsible for her – and her child. The real Maddy, the passionate woman who drives away his nightmares of Waterloo battlefields, is so much more. But the aristocratic soldier can’t support his new family. He will only inherit his fortune on marriage to a suitable lady – and Maddy is far from suitable.CHIVALROUS CAPTAIN, REBEL MISTRESSAmid the chaos of Waterloo, Captain Allan Landon stumbles upon the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen, disguised as a young boy. Back in London, the battle may be won, but Allan and Marian are now on opposing sides of a different war… As Marian’s enemy, Allan has three options: to fight her, to bed her or to unconventionally wed her!

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