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The coordinates of awakening. 2022
The coordinates of awakening. 20220
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The coordinates of awakening. 2022

Everyone will hear and see with their whole body, constantly, 24/7.

One day I came across a man who could also observe everything he wanted in my life. And I could hear him watching me.

His idea of women was completely superficial, on the level of pickup lines. His age was over forty, his family life wasn’t successful. His life can be characterized by the term” former”: ex-military, ex-husband, ex-womanizer. He had a lot of women and a lot of love stories. It was in his mind every time he turned to mine. His curiosity was attracted by the intimacy of my life, moments of depilation, or morning toilet, or washing in the shower, or other intimate moments. He didn’t like me. Sometimes he thought about “hooking up with me” completely disregarding the fact that I have a child and a husband and I am happy with them. About my future, about the fact that he is absurdly breaking into my personal space, about the fact that I am unpleasant, he didn’t not think even once. He liked showing me his sexual intercourse, too.

I asked him several times not to peek. He laughed and when we met, he was happy to discuss with me what and how I do in my personal life.

After a while, his constant presence in my intimate space, his hungry curiosity, tired me very much. I urged him to stop interfering with my life. But he couldn’t. I blocked him. He began to rush into my reality, as it was cooler for him than for some people watching the reality show “The House 2”. I once hit him with energy, breaking his ability to see. I haven’t heard from him since. Our mutual friends told me that he then disappeared from communication for three months. And out of my life forever.

This is not the only case where people can look into other people’s lives. There is even a special term for this – “mental Internet”. However, using this case as an example, I wanted to show that in the boundless transparency, spirituality will play a significant role and you will have to make an effort in interpersonal communication to make everything fall into place and take comfortable forms.

We are not in the habit of living like this. The life-support system of virtually the entire population is crippled and depleted by constant cruelty, improper deaths, black spots, extraneous energy interventions that are not usually noticed, and many other extremely destructive phenomena.


Self-destruction of the planet is inevitable with such approaches. However, your planet is not one world, but nine. Of these, you are the dominant stream. Eight-other vibrations that align the models of the universe into a single network of interconnected systems.

The energy flows crippled by your civilization require urgent radical changes in the flow vibrations that determine the self-preservation system of all systems of this world.

The ascent to normal is possible only with a total reorganization of the processes of self-healing of the planet.

We have started the process of restoring the chosen [earth gods] as a system of control over the development of reality; demigods-to monitor changes in the methodology of the way of life and traditions; geniuses – to revive the ways of action. Traditions that have lost their vitality will go away forever.


If you’ve been paying attention, geniuses wake up at 33 or 40. Then they live. If a genius is awakened before the age of 12, his life is extremely short or at the next age turn he is carried away into self-destruction.


Change is coming. Do not expect external destruction. There won’t be any. Changes will occur imperceptibly, and one reality will replace another by changing the governing forces. The true rulers will return to the world.

It is not people who make the decision about the movement of the universe. And it’s not for people to decide what to do with their World. Rather, the World decides what to do with people and everyone living in it.

Garbage processes initiated from the outside are very frightening to us, since you have lost your bearings and live as if you are really born once, and the Universe is just a place of accumulation of Celestial bodies.


And this is already about the fact that humanity is included in the life support system of super-systems. As a painful part of them, the super-systems will either have to heal us against our understanding, or cut us out by the roots.


Remembering the true essence of yourself is the key to restoring processes. We send you the elements of true knowledge about the system of the world, so that when you recognize it, you will be imbued with faith and come back to us with others who have risen from the ashes of non-existence, who are going to the highest wisdom through the centuries of their paths, who are able to reproduce and give birth to true worlds and create the souls of other worlds.

You are indestructible. Remember this when the hand goes up to destroy. You will be born again to see the destruction and live in it.

To stop the processes of self-destruction, it is necessary to realize the points from which you are moving in your civilization:

* Residual effects of military actions that block the correct reproduction of the gene pool;

* Blood loss, which excludes movement on its own Path, as the energy balance of forces is disrupted, and the entire system of connections and relationships among people is shifted;

* Remnants of the minds and consciousness of alien beings whose interventions clog the information space;

* The desire for destruction, dictated by the stopping of the processes of consciousness.


Here it is said that with a sharp, poorly realized death, a person is born several subsequent incarnations according to psychophysical indicators below his natural level, and he is actually not able to fulfill his own Measure of usefulness to the required extent.

The blood carries energy codes. The loss of blood by a person is the devastation of the ability to realize the plan.

At best, a person will strive to complete the Task at the limit of their physical and emotional strength, making a lot of mistakes along the way, but some will not master it at all or will die in the process. And now imagine, there are more than fifteen million such people from the Second World War, plus millions who died incorrectly from the wars of the twentieth century, plus those who died from violence and other things. Recovery in these forms of violations takes from three to seven incarnations. That is, in fact, the entire mass of humanity is reborn with extremely unpleasant errors.


You are able to perceive [consciously] up to 4 processes, fixing them in oral speech, and you miss 1000, because the speech you use is destructively slow.

What you call clairvoyance is actually a natural way of transmitting information. But due to some conditions, you are so isolated from each other that it is easier for you to destroy the other than to show your imperfection.

Moving forward requires contemplation and returning in the transfer of the image series to each other. This will allow you to clear your thoughts properly and stop the processes of destruction by forcing the acceleration of information exchange. Low thoughts will go away because of their absurdity; loneliness will disappear as a phenomenon.


By the way, animals easily use the transfer of the figurative series to each other. They can transmit their experience to another individual in a few seconds and maintain contact with any other animal being on the planet from any distance.

They laugh at us. But their programs force them to serve us, and they obey. Often consciously accepting death, knowing what awaits them. The form of death of many excludes their development.

I do not know if it was the same before the Disease of our World.

However, when faced with various life situations, I understand that many animals seek and call their people, serve them, putting all their efforts to fulfill their higher Tasks.

Dogs, cats, birds and other animals very clearly distinguish people with abilities from the general mass and consider it a great honor to serve such people.


We do not argue, it is painful and shameful to show yourself in the ugly form in which you are now. Therefore, you will need to return to your original image in order to understand your true essence. Not everyone is capable of this now. Your civilization has produced a lot of creatures in which the true processes are simply absent. We can’t classify them any other way than as genetic garbage. Their paths are finite. We have to admit that their paths will be interrupted. If they die, they will not be born again. Their energies will be distributed to their true owners.


This is about people who are parasitic, and about those who have allowed parasitic energy creatures into their life support system, but feed them and harm other people under their influence, quite deliberately.

Without genocide, by natural aging, such people will be removed from the incarnation. But forever.


When you begin to hear each other clearly, the races will be resurrected. This is because every energy stream of the planet has a carrier – race; the rebirth of the energy stream is the rebirth of the carrier.

In large numbers, people will be born who can speak and understand languages that were considered lost or dead. Nations that you only remember as legends will rise from oblivion.

Not everyone will be able to marry each other, as joint paths are difficult for such couples. They exclude the full birth of a new soul corresponding to a particular kind of world.

You are not the first and not the only ones in the universe who take such a path, however only you reside so painfully long in a dark period. There are worlds in which there is aggression similar to yours and those without aggression. And every world has a twin, tied to kindred energy flows.

It is very important that the connection of such worlds is wholesome. In your case, the twin world is isolated, which excludes the management of aggression in your world. A person was born who is able to remedy this, but we do not know if she can do it, since her psyche has undergone significant changes. Mother of the World is a woman – whose prototype is a system of self-reproduction, the umbilical cord of the World. Her integrity is broken and more than one reincarnation is needed to restore her, but we activated her, returning to the world what was lost. It’s too early to broadcast this knowledge for the sake of this woman. Although her life, exaltation and restoration are inevitable. It is useless to kill and torment her. Her essence is the essence of the world, and pain is the source of the birth of catastrophes and destruction. Let her go her way without pain – it will save millions of lives.

Energy flows will not be restored chaotically. We have provided some twists and turns of events to facilitate your rebirth:

We will encase aggression in their carriers until they completely withdraw from their active states; We will restore the true energy of the masculine principle [by the way, I have never heard of the concept of “male happiness”, have you?].

We will restore the energy flows of the planet destroyed by battlefields, explosions, beasts, mistreatment.

We will restore places of power and the ability to hear higher beings [your saints].

We will remove otherworldly consciousness from your world.

We will protect the lives of the first true ones, since for self-healing and self-regeneration they will have to rise from the most destroyed and wretched human communities.

The world will gradually become kinder, as the children who come to replace you will be born different.

Stopping destruction is also important, because your world is interweaved with others. Everything that happens to it is reflected in neighboring worlds and leads to failures in the system.

The transmission of [energies] through the worlds occurs spontaneously and constantly. Since reality is a combination of all kinds of transitions that you can feel. Exhausted energetically, you begin to absorb filth [elements of unfinished processes], some soaked in false images, hence the acceleration of civilization on the path to self-destruction.

Everything that makes you Human, [prototype of Gods], you have replaced with technical means [memory, ability to think, clairvoyance], giving the body a dominant role. However, you are not a body. You are a coordinated energy flow management system with four levels:

– the body is the lowest level. Exchange of matter, material self-reproduction [and all]; – operator – an element of consciousness, coordinator, carrier of “I”. The code identifier of the task, immersed in this world, in this embodiment gathers the body, the dynamics of activity and is responsible for specific tasks. They also determine the route of the Path [destiny] to advance the idea of God in this world. Two henchmen: – The Soul – most often an element of artificial origin; an energy-informational portal raised as a living creature. The basis of duplication of the Consciousness and Body. – Spirit is an information matrix endowed with elements of consciousness to the extent necessary for controlling the system. A navigator that determines the possible spectra of solutions based on high-speed information flows [based on information accelerated by many times]. If Human Consciousness is capable of processing up to nine thousand flows, then the Spirit can do so in millions. Access and codes of the entire information system of the Universe are collected in a unit of energy the size of a matchbox.

Purification of the system of consciousness synchronizes four of these key components, creating the right direction of human thought. However, your civilization is not meant for pure consciousness. By possessing harmonious knowledge, a person becomes inappropriate in society, lonely, not adaptable and forced to leave the incarnation until better times [in complete confusion].

Purification of the system of consciousness synchronizes four of these key components, creating the right direction of human thought. However, your civilization is not meant for pure consciousness. By possessing harmonious knowledge, a person becomes inappropriate in society, lonely, not adaptable and forced to leave the incarnation until better times [in complete confusion].

Because of this, we are forced to influence your civilization by force, changing people in key roles in one or two generations. This involves cleansing and death. Therefore, we will simply turn off the consciousness of those who came to power through misdeeds. The Awakened ones are not able to achieve power and make their way to it through death. They will not destroy others to achieve power. They will find many ways to solve the problem, but it will take more time. It will look a little strange. People in power will begin to lose interest in it, jeopardize themselves, resign, get in trouble, perish in accidents if their place is not on the Map of the Paths. The peak of this process will be in 2008—2014. When the attitude towards people changes and they are confused from a slightly altered information situation. The term “End of the World” will disappear. People will begin to see and seek their destiny, trying to recreate themselves.

Civilization will begin to change everywhere. Conversations will change, everyone will feel their own way, and will have to search for it, no matter how unusual this quest may be. This phase will be completed by 2015.

The second stage is the unification of people, the restoration of traditions. It must pass in seven years everywhere. By this time, people will grow, native speakers of ancient languages and the energy of extinct peoples will raise in number. The structures of knowledge will change. There will be no need to hide knowledge, since external aggression (directed outward), if a person has not eradicated it, will become the basis for self-destruction. Most of them will never be incarnated again. The Map of the Paths will change irreversibly. Those who had been blocked before by freaks and the weak will come into the. There is a huge work awaiting to recreate true races. In the twenty second year, a huge war may happen. However, this will not be a war between nations, but a war with oneself, when everyone will take their own path, whether they want it or not. It can be painful. Not everyone will be able to withstand the discoveries. Wails will be heard, due to the funerals of the past and the pain of the deeds being revealed.

The third stage: The path of restoration – over time – that will take three generations -two or three incarnations, when people will be born with purified knowledge and will look for friends. Rules and traditions will be formed in social groups, and guides will be given identical tasks. Not everyone will be beautiful and healthy, because bodies – the echo and protection of the prototype will purify perception in this way. Interests will change. True rulers with super-knowledge will return to the world. They will have a lot of work to bring harmony back to the world. The restoration of the planet’s energy will begin.

The fact is that the energy flows of the planet had also undergone devastating changes. And the planet will be shaken. Our goal is to save as many lives as possible. We will begin to revive the Call – this is an internal desire to act within the framework of God’s plan. It is connected to the restoration of the human consciousness system. The call is a sign that consciousness has strengthened to accept the true state of things. The world will become different. There will be a lot of pain for a long time, but the world will become cleaner. The need to kill each other, for isolation and loneliness – will disappear at this stage.

The fourth stage – restoration: return to the world of harmony. By this time, the need to kill and eat meat will disappear. So far, for most people this is difficult. Hence the carnivore. But this is not a necessary condition for the existence of the body. Rather, the opposite. Predation is instilled artificially. All this hinders the processes of the recovery of consciousness. If the processes are compressed today, many will give up consciousness, and this is more dangerous than suicide, since after madness it is rather difficult to be born full-fledged – a ritual of withdrawal is necessary. And we, fearing mass madness, are stretching the recovery processes.

Alienation from ourselves is another problem that requires us to be very careful concerning the processes. You are used to living without being aware of yourself. Feelings of guilt and attempts to comprehend your own actions are one-sided, since the system of your values does not imply the concept of REINCARNATION. Simultaneous birth and death scare you, but make you unscrupulous, since you have nothing to compare the correctness of your actions with. Science (that which embodies knowledge and truth in your civilization) serves the worldview, but does not force one to think. Therefore, your knowledge is separated from the truth. What is knowledge without truth? This is a candle without a wick – garbage that clogs the space. Hence all your useless inventions are crutches with which you try to “learn” the world.

You are repeatedly burned, destroying layers of civilizations, but you still have not reached the true road. We will gradually activate the memory of previous incarnations [of all people] so that you can recognize the mistakes and not repeat them again. We took note of the inertia of the processes of your consciousness, even the most dedicated ones, and the lowest of your thoughts, even the most spiritual, as a result of the self-organization of your world, and therefore we have developed these stages of overcoming difficulties and returning you to the roots. We will be happy to open up to you and accept harmonious worlds into our system of interacting harmonious worlds, and we will help you complete this way painlessly.

Therefore, the fifth stage is the stage of full awareness of the world’s system, when you take your rightful place in the world, all life will delight you. The concept of “danger” will be forgotten like a bad dream. We are counting on fitting all these five stages in the first millennium with your help and conscious consent, after which together we can restore the interaction system in all nine worlds of your system and activate all the energy flows that are necessary for the further harmonious development of your unit. Do not worry about the overpopulation of the planet. It is a myth, the same as the one about its total destruction. The consciousness of the planet in the system is identical to the consciousness of man. You are the thoughts of this world with a high probability of realization. Each of you is valuable and each of you can change from the destructive to constructive, introducing your own measures of change during the era. A person does not have only one thought, if they are healthy, and the World cannot remain the same without people if it is alive and not zombified. You call it “mental health.” A healthy World cannot be overpowered with thoughts, or have one thought, or a limited number of them, or distribute thoughts by degree of value, or push thoughts together, or want to destroy them. Thoughts just happen, each in their own time. But it is also difficult for the World to learn to think correctly if its thoughts [are not pure] and confuse themselves. Or based on comparison: what is more important? Which is more important: to live or to rejoice; to give birth to children or embrace yourself; to love or be loved? These are destructive questions based on the loss of guiding lines to the Truth [Creator] of the world Movement, the life pattern and knowledge of your civilization.

We came to the conclusion that this state of affairs could not happen by chance, since a viable World is not formed on painful forms of consciousness. It is harmonious and ideal in its embodiment. What happens to your world is of an artificial nature, the roots of which we are trying to determine.

Therefore, we appeal to you to return to a state of awareness. To understand what is happening to you and your world, so that, having realized your experience, you would help to quickly correct the situation and reduce its destructive consequences. We fear that your desire for destruction will still prevail over the mind, and we will have to observe your changes until the end of the cycle [incarnations], without the ability to stop them and help you.

The fact is that there are no secondary worlds, especially if the population is capable of processing consciousness. When a World with a high level of organization of Consciousness is born, it is a great joy in the Universe. To lead and nurture such a World is always a great victory, such as raising a successful person who paved the way towards the light for others with his life. And we, being mentors of your world, address to you: Come to your senses! Remember who you are and your true destiny, take it and carry it with honor through the whole cycle of incarnations, taking in the end a worthy place among us, so that your world becomes a guiding light for others who follow you.

Your thoughts are repeatedly distributed throughout the Universe, defining its general “health”. There is no need to be a cancer cell devouring everything around you. It hurts. The habit of living and being in pain is not natural; the desire to exclude happiness from life or to live as if harmony does not exist at all – is contrary to the laws of nature; the search for one-day bliss, without taking into account tomorrow’s state, is not advisable; loneliness [self-isolation] is akin to suicide and creates helplessness; life in constant fear and blood is hopeless and painful. Do you want you and your children to experience this in multiple incarnations?

Look around you for what gives you strength to cleanse yourself; find your essence; identify the thoughts that you are able to keep clean, no matter what.

Find an occupation that matches your nature, no matter how strange it may seem to you. Ready yourself for the acceptance of a new world system. Get ready to learn and accept that knowledge that will rise in you, that feeling that will beckon you to search for truth, those rules that will allow you to save your lives and the lives of those who are with you.

It is impossible to stop in the middle of the process. You would have experienced to the fullest what was intended one way or another. Our task is to save and facilitate the life of each of you, since we have already lost many while the system of your world was collapsing. It hasn’t been decided yet who is going to take their place. Perhaps we will try to recreate the chosen ones or recover geniuses from your world. Your psyche is flexible and everyone can become like God by one incarnation. What is needed is a selfless desire to go through this, as the elite have passed, whom you now call saints.