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Finding aid:
[0076] American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota records, 1940-2012 (bulk 1951-1996), File no. 00497, Accession numbers: 14,123, etc.
Location: Minnesota Historical Society, 345 W. Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55102-1906
Description: Organizational files, subject files, news media files, files relating to relationships with other organizations, investigation files, fund raising events, lobbying files, and case files documenting the 1952 formation and subsequent activities of the Minnesota state affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union. Organizational Files, 1940-1997 (bulk 1951-1996), contains a file on the film Communism on the Map (National Education Program, Searcy, Ark.; produced by Glenn A. Green), 1961-1962. Subject Files, 1951-2012. Topic I: Freedom of Belief, Expression, and Association, contains files on Free Speech (National Committee to Abolish the HUAC, 1958-1966; House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) - "Operation Abolition" (film), 1960-1962; Hate crimes rulings; Racism hate speech); Cases (Nazi march in Skokie, 1978-1988); Flag burning; Mississippi KKK case, 1978; Freedom of Assembly (Anti-abortion protests); and Religion and the Public Schools (Creationism, Prayer in the public schools). Topic II: Equality Before the Law, contains files on Discrimination in education: desegregation; Grove City decision and aftermath; and Racial discrimination. Topic V: Abortion and Reproductive Freedom, contains files on Pro-life movement clippings and Right to Life publications. Topic VIII: Miscellaneous Subject Files, contains files on American Legion, American Nazi Party, anti-Communism, Civil rights, Euthanasia, Anti-gay legislation: an attempt to sanction inequality, Gun control, Holocaust studies, Iran Contra, Loyalty oaths, Moral majority/new right, and Segregation. Organizations, 1969-1995, contains files on American Nazi Party, Ku Klux Klan, Minnesota Family Council, Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life, Moral Majority, Morality in Media, National Socialist White People's Party, and Religious Right.
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[0077] American Civil Liberties Union of North Carolina records, 1960-2005 and undated, RL.00012
Location: Human Rights Archive, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Box 90185, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708-0185
Description: North Carolina affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union, founded in 1969 and based in Raleigh. The records of the American Civil Liberties Union of North Carolina (ACLU of N.C.) date from the 1960s to the mid-2000s. There are many files on the Ku Klux Klan, Confederate displays, and right-wing organizations in North Carolina. Files on Creationism; Picketers at Crist Clinic being charged with interference, 1982; telegram from ACLU-NC to Jesse Helms; Ku Klux Klan/Nazi rally, 1984; Greensboro: press credentials, coverage of Ku Klux Klan rally; Sons of Confederate Veterans, denied access to city festival, 1992; and Skokie.
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[0078] American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California records, 1900-2000 (bulk 1934-2000), MS 3580
Location: California Historical Society, 678 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94105-4014
Description: Comprising correspondence, minutes, policy statements, annual reports, legal documents, attorneys' working notes, scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, and other printed material created or collected by the ACLU-NC, these records document the establishment and activities of the northern California branch, including and especially its efforts to protect and extend individual liberties in California. Files on Nazi Party, Far right, Ku Klux Klan, Nazis, Nazi groups, Skokie case (1977), Mankind United, Operation Abolition, American Liberty League, California Crusaders, John Birch Society, and Nazism and fascism.
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[0079] The American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio, Cleveland Chapter records. 1958-1978, MS 5047
Location: Western Reserve Historical Society, 10825 East Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44106
Description: The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), an organization formed to "defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties" guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States was first established in the in 1920 by Roger Baldwin and a group of associates formerly of the National Civil Liberties Bureau. In the years after World War I, a fear of Communism known as "The Red Scare" was overtaking America. In 1919 and 1920 Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer began having those considered left wing radicals arrested and deported without regard to their constitutionally protected rights against unlawful search and seizure (the Palmer raids). The formation of the ACLU became the outgrowth of opposition to what became known as "The Palmer Raids" and other such violations of civil liberties. The Cleveland chapter of the union was founded in 1922 and remained active throughout the 1920s and 1930s focusing on cases concerning unionization, Communism, and religious freedom. The chapter closed during World War II, but was revived in 1950 with the advent of McCarthyism. Series III: National American Civil Liberties Union, 1963-1977; undated. Sub-series G: General Subject Files, 1966-1972, contains a file on school desegregation.
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[0080] American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio records, MSS 253, 1951-1982
Location: The Ohio History Connection, 800 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, OH 43211
Description: The American Civil Liberties Union (A.C.L.U.) was created by Roger N. Baldwin in 1920 as an outgrowth of the National Civil Liberties Bureau. The Bureau handled civil liberties cases involving freedom of speech, press, association, and conscience during World War I. An Ohio chapter of the A.C.L.U. known as the Youngstown Workers' Defense League, was formed in 1920, and chapters in other cities followed. In ca. 1954 the statewide affiliate was sanctioned by the national A.C.L.U., and in 1971 the A.C.L.U. of Ohio was incorporated. Records consist of correspondence, minutes, and newsletters documenting the ideology and administration of the Ohio ACLU, its chapters, and the national ACLU. Includes administration files of the Ohio office, copies of minutes and memoranda from the national organization, court cases of interest to the Ohio affiliate, and reference files on numerous topics. Series II, National ACLU Files, contains files on the Women's Rights Project, 1972-1975, concerning A.C.L.U.'s campaigns for the Equal Rights Amendment and abortion rights. Series IV. Reference Files, dates from 1951 to 1982 and is arranged alphabetically by subject. The files contain material relating to topics of interest to the Ohio A.C.L.U. and include clippings, printed material, memoranda, and correspondence. Files on abortion; civil rights legislation; closed shop, union shop, right-to-work laws; federal loyalty-security programs, n.d.; Fund for the Republic; House Un-American Activities Committee; housing integration material; integration; internal security; Jenner-Butler Bill; John Birch Society; The Ku Klux Klan of Ohio; loyalty and security; McCarran Act; Operation Abolition (film controversy concerning U.S. House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) allegations of Communist influence in the May 1969 student riots at a San Francisco HUAC hearing), 1957-1962, n.d.; race; Rockwell case (defense of George Lincoln Rockwell of the American Nazi Party in his attempt to distribute anti-Semitic literature in Washington, D.C.), 1960-1961; Fred Schwarz and the anti-Communist school, 1962; sterilization; and ultra right.
The Ohio History Connection was formerly known as the Ohio Historical Society. On the name change, see "Ohio Historical Society Changes Its Name To Ohio History Connection,"
Finding aids:
[0081] American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California records, ca. 1935-, Collection Number 900
Location: Special Collections, Manuscripts Division, Room A1713, Charles E. Young Research Library, University of California, Los Angeles, Box 951575, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575
Description: The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), established in 1920, originally began as the American Union Against Militarism in 1915, later becoming the National Civil Liberties Bureau in 1917. The ACLU of Southern California was established in Los Angeles in 1924. Collection consists of legal, educational, and organizational files of the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California. Includes minutes, correspondence, memoranda, clippings, case files, and briefs. Files on Anti-Mexican-Americans, Anti-Negro, Anti-Semitism, Attacks, Critics, Anti-ACLU, Pro-ACLU 1960-1963, Attacks on Supreme Court, Bible reading in schools, Civil Rights Act (1957), Communism, Communist Control Act of 1954, De facto school segregation, Joel Dvorman - Orange County, Group Research Report, Alger Hiss, J.E. Hoover, House Committee on Un-American Activities Cases - "Operation Abolition" and "Operation Correction," Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (Walter-McCarran Act), Internal Security Act (1950), Interracial marriage, Ku Klux Klan, Loyalty oaths, McCarthy, Matusow, Organized labor - Attack on, Lee Harvey Oswald, Public housing - Gwinn Amendment, Racism, Max Rafferty, Right to work, School Integration, School Prayer Decision [Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962), prohibiting the use of a Regent's prescribed prayer in New York public schools], Sumner, Mississippi - Till killing, Taft-Hartley Act, Taft-Hartley non-communist oaths, Subversive Activities Control Board, Tokyo Rose, Ultra Right organizations, and Women's rights. Files on Right groups include "Americans, On Guard," American Legion, Daughters of American Colonists, Gerald L.K. Smith, The Cross and the Flag, Keep America, Fifield, Merchants and Manufacturers, Minute Men (Gen. Holdridge), Neo-fascist groups (30's), Women of the Pacific, Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, and Rockwell. Newspaper clippings on Attacks, critiques, anti-ACLU and HUAC-operation abolition.
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[0082] American Civil Liberties Union of Washington Records, circa 1942-1996, Coll. 1177
Location: Special Collections, University of Washington Libraries, BOX 352900, Seattle, WA 98195-2900
Description: The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is an organization dedicated to the protection of constitutional rights and liberties in the United States. It was founded in 1920 by a group of civil libertarians. Established in 1935 as Seattle ACLU, becoming Washington state chapter in Seattle, Washington, in the 1960s. Accession No. 1177-001, American Civil Liberties Union of Washington Records, circa 1955-1975, contains general subject files on abortion, American Legion, Bricker Amendment, de facto segregation, equal rights, extremism, flag desecration, Fund for the Republic, Guaranteed Annual Income, gun control, Gwinn Amendment, homosexuality - gay rights, Ku Klux Klan, loyalty oaths, Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy, right to work laws, right wing activities, and Lawrence Timbers. Accession No. 1177-024, American Civil Liberties Union of Washington Records, circa 1960-1987, contains correspondence, mailings, planning files, committee files, conferences and conventions, other record series; three 16mm films, early 1960s. The 16mm movie film "Operation Abolition" is about the spread of Communism; ACLU fought its distribution to the public schools in the early 1960s. "Operation Correction" is a film produced by the ACLU to counter distortions in "Operation Abolition". The third film is untitled.
Finding aids:
[0083] American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 2, Organizational Matters Series, 1947-1995, MC001.02.01
Location: Public Policy Papers, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library, 2001 Princeton University Library, One Washington Road, Princeton, New Jersey 08544
Description: The American Civil Liberties Union Records document the activities of the Union in protecting individual rights from 1920 through 1995. Subseries 1E.1: Departments: Executive Directors, 1950-1978, includes material from Roger Baldwin, Patrick Murphy Malin, John de J. Pemberton, Jr. and Ayreh Neier, including a file on Malin: Free Speech - Rockwell Case - American Nazi Party. Subseries 1E.2: Departments: Executive Director Aryeh Neier, 1970-1978, documents Neier's service as National Executive Director of the ACLU from 1970 to 1978. The administrative files contain numerous internal memoranda and correspondence concerning the ACLU's involvement in various legal and social issues, including Abortion, Philip Agee, Anti-ACLU, Robert Bork, James L. Buckley, William F. Buckley, Busing, Cointelpro, Desegregation, Frank Donner, Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), gun control, Flag Desecration, John Heinz, III, Hyde Amendment, Jewish Defense League, Libertarian Party, Morality in Media, School Desegregation, Shockley Free Speech Case, Skokie Case (the ACLU's support of the right of Nazis to parade through the predominantly Jewish Chicago suburb of Skokie, Illinois), and Sterilization. Subseries 1E.3: Departments: Associate Director Alan Reitman, 1948-1986, contain correspondence, memoranda, reports, and statements which document Reitman's role in ACLU operations. Sub-subseries Subject Files, 1963-1989, contains files on Conservatives, Frank Donner, Ku Klux Klan, Moral Majority, and Nazi Party- Skokie, Illinois. Subseries 1E.4: Departments: Assistant Director Dorothy Dunbar Bromley, 1959-1962, documents her tenure as assistant director of the American Civil Liberties Union. The Church and State materials contain files on Bible Reading in Public Schools, Fairness Doctrine: Anti-Communist Programs, Regents' Prayer Case (Long Island, NY) [Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962), prohibiting the use of a Regent's prescribed prayer in New York public schools], and Right-Wing Attacks. Subseries 1E.8: Departments: Legal, 1937-1980. Sub-subseries Subject File, 1937-1954, contains files on Group Libel, Gwinn Amendment Data, Ku Klux Klan, and Poll Tax Research Material. Sub-subseries Subject File, 1946-1960, bulk 1954-1960, contains a file on School Integration: John Kasper, 1957. Subseries 1E.9: Departments: Membership, 1951-1971, contains a file on Ezra Pound Fake Application, 1954. Subseries 1E.10: Departments: Public Information and Education Office, 1966-1988, bulk 1975-1987, primarily contains the records of Trudi Schutz, who served as Press Director (1974-1975) and Director of the Public Information and Education Office (1975-1987). Files on Abortion, Philip Agee, Walter and Frances Bergman: FBI providing information to Ku Klux Klan, Robert H. Bork: Confirmation Hearings, Creationism Bills, Desegregation of Schools, and Nazis-in-Skokie. Subseries 1I: Meetings and Celebrations, 1947-1995, bulk 1949-1989, contains files on Conference on Effect of Ultra-Right Organizations on Democratic Process (1962), Greenwich Conference (1962), and Right Wing Analysis; Research; Conference on a Preserving Democratic Press (1962) [i.e., the Conference on Preserving the Democratic Process, sponsored by the American Jewish Committee and held in Greenwich, Connecticut, January 25-27, 1962]. Subseries 1M: Attacks and Commendations, 1936-1982, bulk 1948-1970. Sub-subseries Attacks, 1936-1982, documents attacks leveled against the ACLU by the press, various institutions, and individuals. The majority of the attacks on the ACLU came from the American Legion. The attacks on the ACLU occurred primarily during the McCarthy years, and were concerned with a suspected relationship between the ACLU and Communism. Files on American Council of Christian Laymen, American Mercury: J.B. Matthews, American Legion, American Mercury article, 1936, 1938, Anti-Communist League of America, Christian Broadcasting Network, Christian Economics Article, Firing Line Statement, 1958, John T. Flynn, Individualist, McCarthy Attack, 1954, Mullins' Attack on ACLU (re: "Hood-Smith Act Case"), 1954, National Economic Council Letter: Merwin K. Hart, 1948, Senator McCarthy Attack on ACLU during "Voice of America", 1953, Senator McCarthy Attack on ADA and Roger Baldwin, 1952, Tenney Committee - California, The Wanderer Attacks on Roger Baldwin, 1952, and The Freeman.
Finding aids:
[0084] American Civil Liberties Union Records: Subgroup 1, The Roger Baldwin Years, 1917-1950, MC001.01
Location: Public Policy Papers, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library, 2001 Princeton University Library, One Washington Road, Princeton, New Jersey 08544
Description: The American Civil Liberties Union Records, The Roger Baldwin years, document the activities of the ACLU from 1917 through 1950. Subseries 5 - General--Clippings, 1912, 1917-1946, 1949-1950, contains files on Open Shop Campaign, Ku Klux Klan, Lynchings/Mob Violence, Japanese-Americans, Patrioteering Organizations, Patrioteering Organizations: American Legion, and Patrioteering Organizations: Better America Federation. Subseries 6 - Legislation--Clippings, 1917-1923, 1926-1946, 1949-1950, contains files on Anti-Labor Legislation, Anti-Lynching Bill, and Geyer Anti-Poll-Tax Bill. Subseries 12 - Federal Legislation--Correspondence, 1919-1921, 1926-1950, contains files on Anti-Lynching Legislation, Anti-Japanese Bill, Anti-Poll Tax Legislation, Anti-Semitism, Dickstein Racial Hatred Bill, Dies Committee to Investigate Subversive Activities, Chinese Exclusion Act, Connally Resolution, Group Libel Legislation, Lynching Legislation, Race Hatred Bill, Race Hatred Legislation, Sterilization Laws, Taft-Hartley Act, and Women's Equal Rights Amendment. Subseries 13 - General--Correspondence, 1917-1924, 1926-1929, 1931-1950, contains files on American Legion, Communism, Fascism and Nazism, Lynchings, Poll Tax, and U.S. vs. Schwimmer. Subseries 15 - Labor and Liberal Organizations--Correspondence, 1921, 1931-1950, contains files on American Jewish League Against Communism and Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League. Subseries 17 - New York City Committee--Correspondence, 1936-1950, contains files on Anti-Semitic Speaker Arrests, Father Coughlin Activities, Christian Front Meetings, Fritz Kuhn Case, and Social Justice Parade. Subseries 18 - Organizational Matters--Correspondence, 1917-1950, contains a file on Ku Klux Klan. The Index Headings for the ACLU Card Index (1917-1946) (Names) include Harry Elmer Barnes, Charles A. Beard, William E. Borah, Frank Buchman, Louis F. Budenz, Nicholas Murray Butler, John Roy Carlson, John Chamberlain, George W. Christians, Grenville Clark, Upton Close, Charles E. Coughlin, Bronson Cutting, Virginius Dabney, George Deatherage, Cecil DeMille, Prescott Dennett, Lawrence Dennis, Arthur Derounian, Samuel Dickstein, Martin Dies, Elizabeth Dilling, John Dos Passos, Ralph Easley, Max Eastman, Robert Edmondson, Milton S. Eisenhower, Hamilton Fish, Irving Fisher, Henry Ford, Amos Fries, Frank E. Gannett, Benjamin Gitlow, Merwin K. Hart, William Randolph Hearst, Granville Hicks, Adolf Hitler, Hamilton Holt, Sidney Hook, J. Edgar Hoover, Herbert Hoover, Hiram Johnson, Harry A. Jung, Joseph P. Kamp, Vivien Kellems, Tyler Kent, Rudyard Kipling, Fritz Kuhn, David Lawrence, Charles A. Lindbergh, Huey Long, Jay Lovestone, Clare Boothe Luce, Douglas MacArthur, Fred R. Marvin, Joseph McWilliams, H.L. Mencken, Robert A. Millikan, Raymond Moley, George Van Horn Moseley, Oswald Mosley, Benito Mussolini, Gerald P. Nye, William Dudley Pelley, S.B. Pettengill, Amos Pinchot, Paul Popenoe, Ezra Pound, Carlos P. Romulo, John Stewart Service, Gerald K. Smith, John B. Snow, Vilhjálmur Stefánsson, Eugene Talmadge, Dorothy Thompson, George H. Tinkham, John B. Trevor, Harold Lord Varney, George S. Viereck, Anastase Vonsiatsky, Burton K. Wheeler, William Allen White, Wendell L. Willkie, and Gerald B. Winrod. The Index Headings for Card Index (Subjects) include Abortion; All Russian Fascist Party; Allied Patriotic Societies, Inc.; Amerasia; America First Committee; America, Incorporated; America First Party; American Coalition of Patriotic Societies; American Social Credit Movement; American Protective League; American Mercury (ACLU Libel Case); American National Action Party; American Alliance; American Patriots, Inc.; American Friends of German Freedom; American Coalition; American Freedoms Foundation; American Forward Movement (Reverend Ralph E. Nollner of Houston, Texas, organizer; publisher of the Christian American); American Coalition Society; American Constitutional Association; American Liberty League; American Legion; American Flag Movement; American Birth Control League; American Vigilant Intelligence Federation; American Council of Christian Churches; American Constitutionalists; Anti-Evolution; Anti-Semitism; Anti-Evolution (Mississippi); Anti-Vaccination; Anti-Ism League of America; Better America Federation; Black Legion; Blacklist of Liberals; Caucasian Crusade; Chinese Exclusion Act; Christian Front; Christian American Crusade; Christian Mobilizers; Church League for Industrial Democracy; Citizens National League; Citizens Patriotic League; Citizens National Committee; Civil Rights; Committee of One Million; Committee for the Nation; Communists; Concentration Camps (Aliens); Conservatives; Constitution of American Coalition; Constitutional Educational League; Constitutional Protective League Of America; Coughlinites; Council of National Defense; Cox Committee; Crusader White Shirts; Crusaders; Daughters of the American Revolution; Defenders of Democracy; Defenders of America; Denaturalization; Dies Committee; Dirksen Bill; Discrimination/Segregation; Dumbarton Oaks Proposals; Equal Rights Amendment; Fascism/Fascists; German-American Bund; Guards of Washington; Hearst, William R; Highlander Folk School (Tennessee); Hobbs Bill (Concentration Camps); Hobbs Bill (Anti-racketeering); Hobbs Bill (Subversive Activities); House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC); Immigration Restriction League; Industrial Defense League; Industrial Espionage; Industrial Defense Association; James True Associates; Knights of Liberty; Ku Klux Klan; Labor/Anti-Labor; League for Democratic Control; League for Industrial Democracy; League for Constitutional Government; Lend-Lease Bill; Liberty League; Liberty Defense Union; Louisiana League for the Preservation of Constitutional Rights; Loyal Americans; Loyalty Oaths; Lusk Committee; Lynching; Militant Christian Association; Military Intelligence Association; Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States; Military Order of the World War; National Security League; National Sentinels; National Constitution Committee; National Civic Federation; National Republic; National Clay Products Industries Association; National Labor Relations Act; National Labor Relations Board; National Anti-Vaccination League (England); Nazis; New Vigilantes; New York State Economic Council; Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League; Open Shop; Order of '76; Order of Black Shirts; Order Of Independent Americans; Oregon Commonwealth Federation; Oriental Exclusion Act; Patriot Guard of America; Patrioteering Organizations (General); Patriotic League; Patriotic Laymen's Education Association; Patriotic Order of Sons of America; Patriotic Citizenship Association; Paul Reveres; Pennsylvania Security League; People v. Benjamin Gitlow [Briefs]; Poll Tax; Private Armies; Protocols of Zion; Race Relations; Race Hatred Legislation; Racism; Rapp-Coudert Committee Investigation; Royalist League (Texas); Security League; Sedition; Segregation; Sentinels of the Republic; Silver Shirts; Single Tax (California); Smith Committee Investigation (NLRA); Social Justice; Spider Web Chart; Sterilization; Storm Troop Bill (Sheppard); Subversive Activities; U. S. Patriotic Society; U. S. Flag Association; Un-American Activities (California); Vigilantes; White Supremacy Resolution; White Man's Union Association (Texas); White Shirts; and Woman Patriot.