Location: Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin, 2300 Red River St., Sid Richardson Hall, Unit 2, Room 2.106, Austin, Texas 78712-1426
Description: Files on American Conservative Union; American Legion; American Pistol and Revolver Association; American Security Council; Americans for Constitutional Action; Busing; Citizens' Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms; Communism; Communist China; Connally Amendment; Conservative Caucus; Representative Tom DeLay; Gun Owners of America; H.R. 11827, Amendment to the National Labor Relations Act National Right to Work law; Harris County Republican Party; Harris County Young Republicans; J. Edgar Hoover; Houston Republican Women's Club; Kemp; National Federation of Republican Women; National Republican Congressional Committee; National Right to Work Committee; National Tax Limitation Committee; National Taxpayers Union; Panama Canal; Ron Paul; Dr. Ralph E. Reed; Republican National Committee; Republican National Convention, 1976, 1980, 1988; Republican Party of Texas; Republican Policy Committee; Ripon Society; Phyllis Schlafly; Sons of Confederate veterans; St. Thomas Episcopal School; Taxpayers Union Inc.; Teenage Republicans; Texas Eagle Forum; Texas Right to Life; Texas Right to Work Committee; and Cal Thomas.
Finding aid:
[0172c] Bill Archer Papers, Part 3, 1970-2000
Location: Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin, 2300 Red River St., Sid Richardson Hall, Unit 2, Room 2.106, Austin, Texas 78712-1426
Description: Files on Abortion (con); Anti-spending; Busing; Contract with America; H. R. 2915, Right to Work Act, 1991; House Joint Resolution 61, balanced budget constitutional amendment; House Joint Resolution 322, Constitutional amendment, flag desecration; House Joint Resolution 350, Constitutional amendment, flag desecration; Flat rate tax; Free Enterprise; Free enterprise system; Genocide treaty; Immigration; Colonel North; Panama Canal; Pro Balanced budget; United Nations; Value Added Tax (VAT); and Voting rights.
Finding aid:
[0172d] Bill Archer Papers, Part 4, 1970-2000
Location: Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin, 2300 Red River St., Sid Richardson Hall, Unit 2, Room 2.106, Austin, Texas 78712-1426
Description: Files on Anti-balanced budget amendment; Anti-gun control; Anti-special gay rights; Anti-spending; Anti-tax cut; Anti-U.N.; Anti H-1B Visas; Anti Illegal Immigration; Anti National Testing; Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment; Border Control; Born Alive (abortion); China, Anti Permanent Normal Trade Relations; China, Pro Permanent Normal Trade Relations; Contract with America; Defense of Marriage Act; Family Planning; Flat Tax; Fundamental tax reform; Hate Crimes; H.R. 929, Ban Partial Birth Abortions; H.R. 1279, National Right to Work Act; House Joint Resolution 7, Balanced Budget Amendment; House Joint Resolution 54, Flag-burning amendment to Constitution; House Joint Resolution 79, Flag Protection Amendment; Panama Canal; Pro-abortion and pro-Title X; Pro-balanced budget amendment; Pro English; Pro Gun; Pro-gun control; Pro H-1B Visas; Pro-life; pro-Regulatory reform; Pro tax cut; Pro World Trade Organization; Regulatory reform; Religious Freedom Amendment; Republican National Convention; Right-to-Work; RU-486/Abortion Pill; Pro-Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), special gay rights; Taxpayers' Bill of Rights (TBOR); Tax Reform; Title X and Pro Abortion; United Nations; Value Added Tax (VAT); Violence Against Women Act; and Vouchers.
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[0173] Gleason Leonard Archer Personal Papers, 1790-1999 (bulk 1899-1962), MS 108 [partly digital collection]
Location: Moakley Archive and Institute, Suffolk University, 73 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02108
Description: The papers document the personal and professional activities of Suffolk University's founder, Gleason Leonard Archer (1880-1966). In addition to being an educator, Archer was also a prolific writer and popular radio broadcaster. By 1936, Archer had associated himself with the National Jeffersonian Democrats, an anti-Roosevelt splinter organization. Archer's book On the Cuff (Boston: Suffolk University Press, 1944) was a scathing attack on the New Deal and its programs. The materials in the collection include manuscripts and typescripts of his books, journals, articles, speeches, and radio addresses; correspondence; biographical information; genealogy records; photographs; and personal artifacts. Correspondence from Wendell Willkie to Elizabeth Archer. Correspondence from former Senator Harry F. Byrd (D-VA) to Gleason L. Archer.
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Finding aid to digital collection:
[0174] Archiv der sozialen Bewegungen Bremen [Archive of Social Movements Bremen]
Location: St. Pauli Strasse 10/12, 28203 Bremen, Germany
Description: The Archive of Social Movements contains material from the various resistance and protest movements of the last decades up to the present. Documents include books, newspapers and magazines, handbills, newspaper articles, brochures, and posters. Topics include National Socialism, Communist groups, anti-Fascism, and racism/anti-Semitism.
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[0175] Archival Biographical Files, circa 1890-2010
Location: Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library, 1100 East 57th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637
Description: The Archival Biographical File was established in order to organize and make accessible information on faculty members, officers, trustees, staff members, and other individuals related to the University. Files on William Benton, Yale Brozen, Nicholas Murray Butler, William T. Couch, Milton Friedman, Friedrich A. Hayek, Archibald Henderson, Maynard C. Krueger, Charles E. Merriam, Raymond Moley, John Ulric Nef, Jr., Henry C. Simons, and Richard M. Weaver.
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[0176] Archival collections of territorial SNB and StB units
Location: Department of Archival Collections of the State Security Service (StB), P.O.Box 29, Vlkova 2481/4, 628 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Description: The archival collections of territorial SNB (Sbor národní bezpecnosti – National Security Corps) and StB (Státní bezpecnost – State Security Service) units contain papers concerning fascist and Nazi parties and organizations (NSDAP, SD, Vlajka, Hitlerjugend, etc.) and individual issues, including right-wing-opportunist forces.
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[0177] Archivbestände des Otto-Stammer-Zentrums [Archives of the Otto Stammer Centre], 1950-1990
Location: Antifaschistisches Pressearchiv und Bildungszentrum Berlin e. V. (Antifascist Press Archive and Education Center (apabiz)), Lausitzerstr. 10 (Stadtplan), 10999 Berlin, Germany
Description: The Anti-Fascist Press Archive and Educational Center in Berlin has an extensive historical archive and repository of right-wing extremist artifacts, including product catalogs, flyers, stationary, political brochures, and other material objects. The Archives of the Otto Stammer Centre contain extreme right-wing periodicals and other primary sources from the old Federal Republic between 1950 and 1990, press reports dating back in part to 1950, thematic evaluations in more than 200 folders, interviews with leading figures of the Nazi scene from the 1970s and 1980s, and more.
Cynthia Miller-Idriss, "The Extreme Goes Mainstream? Commercialized Right-Wing Extremism in Germany," Perspectives on Europe, Volume 42, Issue 1 (Spring 2012), pp. 15-21, https://councilforeuropeanstudies.org/file
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[0178] Archives of Contemporary History - Documentation Centre Jewish Contemporary History
Location: ETH Zürich, Archives of Contemporary History at the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) [Das Archiv für Zeitgeschichte der ETH Zürich], Hirschengraben 62, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland
Description: The Documentation Centre Jewish Contemporary History collects private personal papers and institutional archives that shed light on Jewish life in Switzerland from the second half of the 19th century up to the present. Topics include anti-Semitism and right-wing extremism in Switzerland. The Bibliothek des Archivs für Zeitgeschichte (AfZ) is a supplement to the archives, with materials on right-wing extremism, including National Socialism and revisionism.
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[0179] Archives Organization File. Part 1, 1875-1986, Coll. 5583/1
Location: Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives, Martin P. Catherwood Library, 227 Ives Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853
Description: Publications, manuals, policies, and plans issued by a large sample of Fortune 500 corporations and by a variety of organizations, such as professional and trade associations, government agencies, and educational and cultural organizations. Includes materials from Americans Against Union Control of Government; Council Against Communist Aggression (U.S.); Employers' Labor Relations Information Committee; and Foundation for Economic Education, Inc.
Kim Phillips-Fein, Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan (New York and London: W.W. Norton, 2009).
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[0180] Archivio delle associazioni e rappresentanze studentesche universitarie
Location: Via Oreste Tamassini 1 - 00162 Roma, Italy
Description: The Archive is an association that seeks to preserve the papers produced by student institutions. Contains files on Fronte universitario di azione nazionale (Fuan), which brought together students from the right.
Guida alle fonti per la storia dei movimenti in Italia (1966-1978), a cura di Marco Grispigni and Leonardo Musci (Roma: Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali, 2003), http://www.archivi.beniculturali.it/dga/uploads/documents/Strumenti/Strumenti_CLXII.pdf.
[0181] Argentine Subject Collection, 1933-2003, Coll. XX797
Location: Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-6010
Description: Speeches, bulletins, pamphlets, flyers, serial issues, reports, and sound recordings, relating to political, social and economic conditions in Argentina, and especially to the presidential administration of, and political movement led by, Juan Peron. The series Oversize File, 1953-1985, contains serial issues relating to the Peronist movement. The series Audiovisual File, 1975-1992, contains audiotape cassettes concerning the Perons. The series Subject File, 1933-1994, contains extreme right and anti-Semitic pamphlets, 1964-1979; material from the Fundación Libertad, a conservative policy organization, and serials relating to right-wing Peronism.
Finding aid:
[0182] Arizona AFL-CIO Records, 1905-2003 (bulk 1933-1997)
Location: Arizona Collection, Arizona State University Libraries, P.O. Box 871006, Tempe, AZ 85287-1006
Description: This collection documents the AFL-CIO's work in Arizona (under the name Arizona AFL-CIO). Materials include federal and local laws and regulations; workshop and convention proceedings; budget information; COPE papers; public employee information; correspondence; studies; newspaper articles; AFL-CIO handbooks; speeches; posters; awards; scrapbooks; subject files; business records; and a wide variety of audio-visual materials. Series II: State and National AFL-CIO, contains files on Civil Rights; Civil Rights: School Integration; Committee on Political Education (COPE): "Right Wing" Material; Committee on Political Education (COPE): Right-to-Work; Right Wing; Right-to-Work; and Right-Wing Material Compiled by the Committee on Political Education. Series III: United Steelworkers of America, Local Union #938, contains files on Civil Rights. Series V: Committee on Political Education (COPE), contains files on Civil Rights; Committee on Political Education (COPE): Right to Work; and Right-to-Work Survey.
Finding aid:
[0183] Arizona Civil Liberties Union records, 1958-1968, AZ 182
Location: University of Arizona Library Special Collections, 1510 E. University Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85721
Description: Correspondence, financial reports, minutes of meetings, publications, clippings, tape recordings of radio broadcasts, and material on various local cases and projects. Series III: Projects and Cases, 1959-1966, contains files on House Un-American Activities Committee; miscegenation law, Arizona; "Operation Correction" and "Operation Abolition," 1961; Prayers in Schools; and segregation.
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[0183a] Arizona Collection Small Manuscripts, 1701-2009 (bulk 1850-2009), CM MSM 1-CM MSM 250
Location: Arizona Collection, Arizona State University Libraries, P.O. Box 871006, Tempe, AZ 85287-1006
Description: The small manuscript collections generally consist of 1-2 folders and document Arizona as a territory and state. Manuscripts, personal papers, and professional papers are included. Among the collections are the following: CM MSM:25 Anti-Catholicism of the Ku Klux Klan in Arizona: Two Unpublished Letters... , Undated; CM MSM:26 The Ku Klux Klan in Arizona 1921-1925, 1971; CM MSM:57 The Night the Klan Came to Arizona, Undated [on Arizona Klan violence, attempted election takeovers, and eventual disappearance of Klan activity in 1922]; and CM MSM:183 Fulton Lewis, Jr. Interview of Senator Carl T. Hayden, circa 1950.
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[0184] Arizona Historical Foundation Small Manuscript Collection, 1776-2011, FM MSM 1-600
Location: Arizona Historical Foundation, Charles T. Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Box 871006, Tempe, AZ 85287-1006 [former location was the Arizona Historical Foundation, which closed on June 8, 2012; current location unknown]
Description: The Small Manuscript collection includes correspondence, eye witness reports, genealogies, diaries, old newspaper clippings, reminiscences, short stories, early histories of cities and towns, small maps, surveys, and military documents. Box 22 contains Papers of the American Protective League, 1918. Box 62 contains in 12 folders a Ku Klux Klan Collection, 1923-1973, consisting of such materials as Forms for the Grand Dragon, Realm of Arizona Report Forms Membership and Interest Cards Brochures Forms and Cards Regarding Women in KKK, Publications of the Women of the Klan, Correspondence regarding financial reports, donations, and other Klan business, Kaktus Klan, Realm of Arizona, Application Questionnaires, Articles on Intolerance, and The Ku Klux Klan in Arizona.
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[0185] Arkansas Archives of Public Communication, 1890-1996, MC 942 [sound recordings]
Location: Special Collections Department, University of Arkansas Libraries, 365 N. McIlroy Avenue, Fayetteville, AR 72701-4002
Description: The Arkansas Archives of Public Communication consists of materials relating to politics, with an emphasis on politics in Arkansas. The Archives include materials from the political campaigns of Bill Clinton, Orval Faubus, and almost 400 other politicians.. Series 3. Audio and Video Tapes. Subseries 4. B Series Audio Tapes, contains 543 tapes from the conservative National Education Program's "Behind the News" radio show, featuring George Benson, president of Harding College in Searcy, and his successor, J. Terry Johnson of Enterprise Square, Oklahoma. These tapes are dated from March 1975 to August 1985. Topics discussed include Abortion, Anti-Catholicism, Anti-Communism, Busing, Communism, Communism--World Domination, Conservatism--Assaults on, Conservative Ideology, Conspiracy Theory, Constitutional Convention--Need for, Council on Foreign Relations, Cuba, Cults, Equal Rights Amendment, Fairness Doctrine, Federal Gov.--Limiting of, Federal Gov.--Socialistic Trends, Federal Reserve System, First Amendment, Ford Foundation, Foundations--Tax-Exempt, Free Enterprise System, Freedom House, Gun Control, Edward Hunter, Individualism, Dr. Walter Judd, Douglas MacArthur, Monroe Doctrine, Moral Decay, National Education Program, National Health Insurance, Nicaragua, Operation Rescue, Panama Canal, Prayer in Schools, Private Property--Right to, Pupil Rights Amendment, Race Relations, The Reuther Memorandum [online at http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2011/08/reuther-memorandum-1961.html], Right to Work, Sagebrush Rebellion, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Sons of the American Revolution, Texas Free Enterprise Project, Textbook Evaluation, Trilateral Commission, UNESCO, United Nations, United States Day, Ludwig von Mises, and World Government.
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[0186] Arkansas Council on Human Relations Office Records, 1954-1968, MS Ar4 ACHR
Location: Special Collections Department, University of Arkansas Libraries, 365 N. McIlroy Avenue, Fayetteville, AR 72701-4002
Description: The records pertain to the creation, organization, and functioning of the Council, and to the activities and interests of its officers, directors, staff, membership, supporters, and opponents in regard to race relations in Arkansas. Subject files on Richard Arens, "The Communist Campaign Against Our Immigration Service," The American Mercury Magazine (March 1958); Association of Citizen's Councils of Arkansas; Association of the Citizen's Council, Greenwood, Mississippi; Augusta Courier [Roy V. Harris]; Circuit Riders, Inc.; Common Sense; Communism; The Cross and the Flag; James O[liver] Eastland; Far Right; Orval Eugene Faubus; Firing Line; John T. Flynn, "Fifty Americans in Search of a Party," The American Mercury Magazine (Feb. 1955); John W. Hamilton; J. Edgar Hoover; John Birch Society; The Lowdown on Little Rock, by Joseph P. Kamp (New York, 1957); "We Do Not Believe In God"... said Walter Reuther, by Joseph P. Kamp (New York, 1958); John Kasper; Ku Klux Klan; National Citizens Protective Association; "Operation Abolition"; R. Carter Pittman; R. Carter Pittman, "The Federal Invasion of Arkansas in the Light of the Constitution," Georgia Bar Journal, Vol. XX, No. 3 (February 1958); Pro-Segregation Groups; George Lincoln Rockwell; School Desegregation; George E. Sokolsky, "Air Force Manual Charge Against the Churches"; Tennessee White Citizens Councils; Un-American Activities Committee; The Virginian; The Virginian Pilot (Norfolk - Portsmouth, Va.) - 1955 clippings; Thomas R. Waring, "The Southern Case Against Desegregation," Harpers (January 1956); Robert H. W. Welch, Jr.; White Citizens Groups; White Sentinel (National Citizens Protective Association); White America, Inc.; White Citizens Council; and John Bell Williams. A file of attacks on the Southern Regional Council, Dec. 10, 1954-Apr 14, 1961, contains copies of "Help Save America", a publication of "The Grass Roots League" of Charleston, South Carolina, and The Firing Line, published by the American Legion's National Americanism Commission.
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[0187] Arkansas Gazette and Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Indexes, 1880s-1990s [online newspaper index]
Location: Library, Arkansas Tech University, 305 West Q Street, Russellville, AR 72801
Description: Searchable PDFs of many years of the Arkansas Gazette Index. The documents are organized by themes and citations of newspaper articles. The 1963 index, for example, includes the following topics: George S. Benson, John Birch Society, Civil Rights and Discrimination, Communism, Desegregation, Medford Evans, Gov. Orval Faubus, Harding College, Billy James Hargis, Ku Klux Klan, Patriots League at Pine Bluff, Edwin A. Walker, and White Citizens Council.
Shannon J. Henderson, Arkansas Gazette Index: An Arkansas Index (Russellville, Arkansas, Arkansas Tech University Library, 1993), http://library.atu.edu/research/AGI/PDF/AGI-1963-64_ABOR-GRAN.pdf, http://library.atu.e
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[0188] Arkansas Ku Klux Klan materials, 1923-1972, BC.MSS.04.30
Location: Butler Center for Arkansas Studies, 100 Rock Street, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72201
Description: This collection contains materials related to the Ku Klux Klan in Arkansas and across the South. Copies of "The Menace of Modern Immigration" address by Dr. H. W. Evans, Imperial Wizard, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, 1923; Booklet: "The Pope Clutches at World Supremacy," reprint from The Kourier Magazine, June 1929; Pamphlet: "You Are Being Robbed," by Russell Maguire, from American Mercury Magazine, LXXXV.402, July 1957, p. 162, online at http://unz.org/Pub/AmMercury-1957jul:164; Flyer: "Patriots and Klansmen of Arkansas Beware," with an open letter to George F. Edwards from R. E. Davis, National Imperial Dragon, November 1959; Pamphlet: "Know the United Nations: a Page from American History 1945-1962" from the United Klans of America, Inc.; Pamphlet: "The Ugly Truth About Martin Luther King," undated; Two page flyer: "What We Can Do as an Individual to to [sic] Preserve White America," Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, undated; Flyer: "We Challenge the Jews!" undated; Flyer: "Conquer and Breed," undated; Pamphlet: "Mystic Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Ride Again!," Little Rock, Ark., undated; Derogatory NAACP membership application; The Cross and the Flag (Christian Nationalist Crusade), Vol. 23 No.8, November 1964; The Fiery Cross, Vol. 1 No. 1, Alabama, June 1959, Vol. 1 No. 2, Alabama, July 1959; The Fiery Cross, Vol. 1 No. 1, Dallas, Texas, November 1959; The Kourier: The Magazine of Americanism, Vol. 7 No. 2, January 1931; Voice of Freedom, Vol. 7 No. 1, January 1959; Declaration of Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, undated; Oath of Allegiance. One copy with a heading for U.S. Klans, Knights of the Klu[sic] Klux Klan, Inc. and one copy with a heading for Mystic Nights[sic] of the Ku Klux Klan, undated; Kloran, U.S. Klans of Georgia, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, 1953 [The Kloran is the handbook of the KKK]; Copyright certificate for Kloran U.S. Klans of Georgia Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, by Eldon Edwards, 1953; Constitution and Laws, of U.S. Klans, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, 1955; Copyright certificate for Constitution and Laws, of the U.S. Klans, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, by Eldon Edwards, 1957; Constitution and Kloran, Association of Arkansas Klans of the Ku Klux Klan, 1959-1961; Knights of Columbus Oath (blank), written on and stamped with the name of Rubin Johnson, Little Rock, Ark., undated; Informational card for Mystic Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Little Rock, Ark., 1959-1961; Ku Klux Klan Application, Little Rock, Ark., 1959; "Kaukasia Krusade," application (blank) for membership in the Knights Ku Klux Klan, Little Rock, Ark., undated; Klipgrapp's Quarterly Report for Klan No. 1, Realm of Arkansas, 2nd Quarter, 1959; Mystic Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Inc., The Klonklave meeting structure and ceremony outlines, undated; Certificate of Acceptance appointing A. C. Hightower Grand Dragon of the Realm of Arkansas, signed by E. L. Edwards, Imperial Wizard, Invisible Empire, May 20, 1959; Booklet: "Kloran of Ritual of The Women of the Ku Klux Klan," Imperial Headquarters, Women of the Ku Klux Klan, Little Rock, Ark., ca. 1925; Booklet: "Constitution and Laws of the Women of the Ku Klux Klan," adopted at the First Imperial Klonvocation at St. Louis, Missouri, January 6, 1927; and Booklet: "Musiklan," Imperial Headquarters, Women of the Ku Klux Klan, Little Rock, Ark., Membership certificate, Women of the Ku Klux Klan, Little Rock, Ark. (blank).