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[0221] Consuelo Northrop Bailey Papers, 1797-2006 (bulk 1900-1976), mss.044
Location: Special Collections, Bailey/Howe Library, University of Vermont, 538 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05405-0036
Description: Consuelo Northrop Bailey (1899-1976) was a prominent political figure in Vermont from the 1920s to the 1970s, serving as State's Attorney, State Senator, State Representative, Speaker of the House, Lt. Governor (the first woman to hold such an office in the U.S.), and Republican National Committeewoman. The Consuelo Northrop Bailey Papers contain materials documenting Bailey's political and legal careers, as well as her personal papers, which include correspondence, school papers, financial papers, writings, and similar materials documenting her life as well as the lives of family members and friends. Correspondents include Styles Bridges, Everett Dirksen, Governor Alf Landon, Charles Lindbergh, Clare Boothe Luce, Thruston Morton, John Spargo, Senator Robert Taft, and Wendell Willkie.
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[0222] Helen Tufts Bailie Papers, 1886-1959, MS 9
Location: Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, Northampton, MA 01063
Description: Bailie (1874-1962) was a social reformer and radical. She joined the Anne Adams Tufts chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) in 1915. In 1927 she discovered that the society's officers maintained blacklists of "doubtful speakers," which she made public in February 1928. In March she wrote a pamphlet entitled "Our Threatened Heritage" protesting the blacklist. The pamphlet, distributed nationally, led to her expulsion from the DAR. The collection documents the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) "blacklist" controversy and the "Red Scare" of the mid to late 1920s and her fight to repeal the Teacher's Loyalty Oath in Massachusetts from 1935 to 1937. Correspondents include Grace L.H. Brosseau (President General of National DAR, 1925-28). The subseries on The Daughters of the American Revolution and the Red Scare contains publications from a number of organizations involved in this controversy, both those on the "blacklist" and patriotic organizations in support of the DAR. Patriotic organizations include Better America Federation (Joseph Joplin), American Vigilant Intelligence Federation, Key Men of America (Fred Marvin), Lusk Committee (Joint Legislative Committee to Investigate Seditious Activities), Massachusetts Public Interest League, and National Defense Life Insurance Company.
Kathleen Banks Nutter, "Collecting in the Cold War Era," Imposing Evidence: Newsletter of the Sophia Smith Collection 2 (Dec. 1998), p. 4,
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[0223] Elizabeth N. Baker miscellaneous papers, 1938-1966, Coll. 66027
Location: Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-6010
Description: Leaflets, bulletins, correspondence, and clippings, relating to American politics and government, and conservative, anti-Communist, and pacifist political groups in the United States.
Guide to the Hoover Institution Archives, by Charles G. Palm and Dale Reed (Stanford, Calif., Hoover Institution Press, 1980), p. 21
Finding aid:
[0223a] Balch Institute political ephemera collection, 1941-1974, undated (bulk 1970s), 3472 [ephemera collection]
Location: The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1300 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Description: This collection of material contains various publications and other printed matter generally related to elections, politic matters, and political parties. Contains materials relating to the Nixon/Agnew campaign in the 1972 presidential election, including publications, flyers, advertisements, pamphlets, and other ephemera); miscellaneous Republican Party publications and documents 1944, 1964-1968, undated; and miscellaneous publications and ephemera from the Constitution Parties of the United States, Medina, North Dakota, 1972.
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[0224] Wilbur & Mary Alice Baldinger Collection, 1929-1976, UP000902
Location: Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University, 5401 Cass Ave., Detroit, MI 48202
Description: The papers of Wilbur Baldinger (1906-1976) and Mary Alice Baldinger (1908- ) contain minutes, correspondence, reports, articles, clippings and other publications documenting Ms. Baldinger's career with the National Civil Liberties Clearing House and Mr. Baldinger's journalistic activities and writings. Also included are Mr. Baldinger's reference files for a directory of extremist right-wing organizations he had hoped to publish. Files on A Common Cause; ADA (Americans for Democratic Action); AFL; Spiro Agnew; America's Future: A Weekly Review of News, Books, and Public Affairs (Rosalie M. Gordon, R.K. Scott); American Challenge (American States Rights Association); American Association of Small Business; American Opinion (Robert Welch); American Mercury (Russell Maguire, William LaVarre, Natasha Boissevain, Maurine Halliburton); American Academy of Public Affairs; American Coalition; American Communication Association; American Conservative Union; American Council of Christian Laymen (Verne P. Kaub); American Economic Foundation; American Education Association; American Enterprise Institute; American Enterprise Association; American Flag Committee (W. Henry MacFarland, Jr.); American Good Government Society; American Heritage Protective Committee, Blue Book for Patriots; American Jewish League Against Communism; American National Research Inc. (Karl Baarslag); American Nazi Party (George Lincoln Rockwell); American Progress (Willis E. Stone); American Security Council; Americans for Constitutional Action (Ben Moreell); Americans for National Security; Americas Future Inc.; Anti-Communist Liaison; Anti-Communist League; Anti-trust; The Appeal to Reason (Lawrence Dennis); Automobile unions; Aware Inc.; Ben Bagdikian, What Price Security; Wilbur Baldinger (miscellaneous manuscripts; "The Era of the Fascist Front," 1957; "The Union Wreckers;" Communist history of United Electrical Workers Local 447; "New CATV Frontiers," 1961; Newsweek article drafts; New Leader, Nation, New Republic; articles;"The Faces of Children;" integration in District of Columbia); Behind the Headlines (John Flynn); Black Muslims; Book Publishers and shops; William F. Buckley, Jr. (Young Americans for Freedom, Conservative Party, etc.); Building trade unions; Business political action; Mary Cain (Summit Sun, Cain editorials); Campaign for the 48 States; CATV (Community antenna television); Caucasian League; Christian Anti-Communism Crusade Newsletter (Dr. Fred Schwarz); Christian Crusade (Billy James Hargis); Christian Crusade: The National Christian American Monthly (Christian Echoes National Ministry, Inc., Billy James Hargis, L.E. White); Christian Anti-Communism Crusade (Dr. Fred Schwarz); Church League of America (Major Edgar C. Bundy); CIO; CIO Councils; Circuit Riders, Inc.; The Citizen (Citizens' Council of America, W.J. Simmons); Citizens Foreign Aid Committee; Citizens Foreign Relations Committee, Committee of Endorsers; Citizens Foreign Aid Committee News; Citizens Committee for a Free Cuba (Spruille Braden); Citizens Committee on the Fair Labor Standards Act; Citizens Councils; Civil rights; Civil Rights, reports; "Closer Up," Don Bell Reports; Coal unions; Kenneth Colburn, Southern Black Mayors: Local Problems and Federal Responses; Committee of the States; Committee of the 1,000,000; Committee for Constitutional Government; Committee for a Free Gold Market (Major George Racey Jordan); Committee for the Monroe Doctrine; Communism booklets; Communists; Congress of Freedom; Congress; Congressional voting record (ADA press); Constitution Party; Consumer finance; Coordinating Committee for Fundamental American Freedoms, Inc.; Counterattack; Kent Courtney (Conservative Society of America, Independent American); The Cross and the Flag (Gerald K. Smith); CSG Spotlight (Committee for Constitutional Government); Dan Smoot Speaks; Defenders of the American Constitution; Defenders of American Education; Defenders of American Liberties (Robert Morris); DeMille Foundation; Economic Council Letter (National Economic Council, Inc.); Electrical unions; Electronic design; Facts Forum; Facts Forum (Robert Dedman); Farm unions; Fascists; Federation for Constitutional Government; Notes From FEE (Foundation for Economic Education); Fighting Homefolks of Fighting Men (Captain Eugene Guild); For America; Gerald Ford; Foundation for American Principles and Traditions; Foundation for Economic Education; Freedom Club (First Congregational Church); Freedom School; Freedom Club Bulletin (James Fifield, Jr.); Freedom Magazine (Willis E. Stone); Freedom in Action; Freedom School; Freedoms Foundation; Freeman: Ideas on Liberty (The Foundation for Economic Education, Inc.); Fund for the Republic (B. Carroll Reece); Government unions; The Greater Nebraskan (George J. Thomas); Group Investigation Associates; Group Research Inc.; Richard Harris, "New Justice," New Yorker; Harvard Veritas Foundation (Alliance Inc., Archibald Roosevelt); Headlines and What's Behind Them (Joseph P. Kamp); Herald of Freedom (Freedom Club, First Congregational Church); Henry Hoke, It's a Secret [online at]; Homefront (Institute for American Democracy); Housing; HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee); HUAC; Human Events; Human Events (Frank Hanighen); Immigration; Information Digest; Institute for American Democracy; Institute for American Strategy; Intelligence Digest (Kenneth de Courcy); Internal security; Internal Security Subcommittee (Senate); International labor (Lovestone); International Fur and Leatherworkers Union; International Union of Mines, Mill, and Smelter Workers; International Council of Christian Churches; International labor, reports; International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union; John Birch Society (Robert Walsh); Justice Department; Katanga Freedom Fighters (American Afro-Asian Educational Exchange, Marvin Liebman); Ku Klux Klan; Labor booklets; Liberty Amendment Committee (Willis E. Stone, National Committee for Economic Freedom); Liberty and Property Inc. (Right, Alert Americans Association); Liberty Lobby; Liberty Lobby, Trade Policy Committee; Liberty Letter (Liberty Lobby); Life Lines; Lobbies; Loyalty oath; Loyalty statements for press releases; Loyalty; Mafia; "The Honored Society," New Yorker series; Magazine correspondence; Manion Forum; Manion Forum, Clarence E. Manion; Manpower, poverty; Maritime unions; Lawrence Martin, Faceless Informers and Our Schools; Mayors; Joseph R. McCarthy; Metropolitan areas; Minute Women; Minutemen; National Right to Work Committee; National Labor-Management Foundation; National Association of Pro-America; National Education Program; National Youth Alliance; National Economic Council (Merwin K. Hart); National Urban Coalition; National Renaissance Party; National Renaissance Bulletin (National Renaissance Party, James H. Madole); National Civil Liberties Clearing House; National States Rights Party; National Citizens Protective Association (White Sentinel); National Association for the Advancement of White People; Natural resources; Nix in '56 (Sally Stratton); Richard Nixon; Northern World (Northern Europe); Obituaries; Operation Abolition (National Council of the Churches of Christ); Party platforms, Republican and Democrat; Herbert A. Philbrick (Americanism Educational League, US Constructive Action); Anti-Communist Congress; Police; Politics; Progressive correspondence, drafts; Progressive Citizens of America; Railroad unions; Reapportionment; B. Carroll Reece; Revenue sharing; Right-To-Write Committee; Right: The National Journal of Forward-Looking Americanism (also ...Forward-Looking Nationalism, and A Monthly Newsletter Of, by and For the American Rightwing); Right to Work National Newsletter; Right wing; clippings; Right wing index draft; Right wing; Right wing project; correspondence; First National Directory of "Rightist" Groups, Publications, and Some Individuals in the United States (And Some Foreign Countries), 2nd-6th editions, published by Liberty and Property (4th edition online at; SACB (Subversive Activities Control Board); Senate Internal Security Subcommittee; Gerald L. K. Smith; Sam Cook Jr.; Dan Smoot; Southern States Industrial Council; Spies, Wennerstrom; New Yorker series; Spies; SPX Research Associates (Col. Tom R. Hutton); Steel unions; Subversive Activities Control Board, Communist Party; Subversive Activities Control Board; Supreme Court of the United States; Robert Alphonso Taft (US Senator-Ohio); Taft-Hartleyism in Southern Textiles: Feudalism With a New Face; Task Force (Defenders of the American Constitution); Tax Fax pamphlets (The Independent American); Teachers unions; Teamsters; Telephone unions; Textiles Workers Union of America; Things We "Know" That Are Not So, American Economic Foundation; Transport Workers Union; U.S.A.; UAW Convention, PM clippings; Unification Church (Rev. Sun Myung Moon); United Packinghouse Workers; Urban issues; USA: An American Bulletin of Fact and Opinion (Alice Widener); The Virginian (William Stephenson, Lacy Jeffreys); General Edwin A. Walker; Henry A. Wallace; Washington Observer; Rowland Watts, The Draftee and Internal Security: A Study of the Army Military Personnel Security Program; We the People! (Council of 100, Free Enterprise Federation); Robert Welch (American Opinion, One Man's Opinion, The Life of John Birch); Welfare; What's Happening in America? (American Heritage Protective Committee); and Women's Voice (We the Mothers Mobilize for America).
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[0225] Fondo Adalberto Baldoni
Location: Fondazione Ugo Spirito e Renzo de Felice, Via Genova, 24, 00184 Roma, Italy
Description: Adalberto Baldoni (1932–) is an Italian journalist and editor. He was president of Fuan-Caravella (1969-1971). The collection contains 150 folders on the Italian post-war right, including brochures and newspaper clippings.
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[0226] Clifford H. (Baldy) Baldowski Editorial Cartoons, 1946-1982, 1997 [cartoons; partly digital collection]
Location: Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies, University of Georgia Libraries, 300 S Hull St, Athens, GA 30605
Description: Clifford H. (Baldy) Baldowski (1917-1999) was an American editorial cartoonist. The collection includes his original editorial cartoons (6,740 pen and ink drawings and 2,460 velox) from both the Augusta Chronicle (1946-1950) and The Atlanta Constitution (1950-1982). Subjects include the American Independent Party, Ross Barnett, Busing for School Integration, Central High School, Little Rock, Ark., Orval Eugene Faubus, Barry M. Goldwater, Marvin Griffin, Roy Vincent Harris, Ku Klux Klan, Lester Maddox, Joseph McCarthy, Richard M. Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Strom Thurmond, George C. Wallace, and Lurleen Wallace.
Finding aid:
Digital collection: Baldy Editorial Cartoons, 1946-1982, 1997: The Clifford H. Baldowski Collection at the Richard B. Russell Library:
The digital database contains approximately 2,600 cartoons from the collection.
[0227] Hanson Weightman Baldwin Papers, 1900-1988, MS 54
Location: Manuscripts and Archives, Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University, 128 Wall Street, P.O. Box 208240, New Haven, CT 06520
Description: The papers consist of correspondence, writings, subject files, research materials, publicity for books, and other papers of Hanson W. Baldwin (1903-1991), Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and military affairs reporter and editor for the New York Times from 1929-1968, and editor for Reader's Digest, 1968-1976. Correspondents include Frank Altschul, American Enterprise Institute, The American Mercury, John G. Crommelin, Hamilton Fish, James Forrestal, Barry Goldwater, Herbert Hoover, Patrick J. Hurley, Robert Morris, Karl E. Mundt, Arthur Radford, Reader's Digest, Phyllis Schlafly, George E. Stratemeyer, George Holden Tinkham, Thomas R. Waring, A.C. Wedemeyer, and Charles A. Willoughby. Files on the Panama Canal Treaty.
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[0227a] Papers of Jack Bales, 1909-1993, MS-762
Location: Rauner Special Collections Library, Dartmouth College, 6065 Webster Hall, Hanover, NH 03755-3519
Description: James E. "Jack" Bales (1951- ) has been a reference librarian at the University of Mary Washington's Library since 1980 and is the author of two books on Kenneth Roberts. The collection consists of book manuscripts, correspondence, clippings, photographs, articles, pamphlets, papers, research materials, excerpts from bibliographies, theses, an index card file, and other items. A section of Articles about Kenneth Roberts includes a copy of "Mr. Roberts: An Author in Search of America," by E. Merrill Root, in American Opinion, April 1973. A section of Articles by Kenneth Roberts includes copies of "Before Enlarging the Quotas" (holograph, 1922); "Canada Bars the Gates," in Saturday Evening Post, August 12, 1922; "The Fight of the Black Shirts," in Saturday Evening Post, September 8, 1923; "Hitler Youth," in Saturday Evening Post, May 26, June 2, 1934; "The New Immigration," in Saturday Evening Post, October 24, 1925; and "Plain Remarks on Immigration for Plain Americans," in Saturday Evening Post, February 12, 1921. A section of Articles on Immigration include copies or excerpts of Congressional Record; entries for House of Representatives concerning immigration, March 16, 1922; Xenophobia and Immigration 1820-1930, by Thomas J. Curran (Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1975); American Immigration Policy, 1924-1952, by Robert A. Divine (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1957); Strangers in the Land: Patterns of American Nativism 1860-1925, by John Higham (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1955); The Rise of Anti-Immigration Sentiment, from Ellis Island, by Wilton S. Tifft (Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1990); Statement of Kenneth Roberts, from Hearings Before the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, House of Representatives, 67th Congress (Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 1922); and "The Saturday Evening Post and the 'Mexican Invasion,'" by Raymond A. Mohl, in Journal of Mexican American History, Vol. 3, 1973.
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[0228] Papers of Honor Balfour, 1916-2001, Shelfmarks: MSS. Balfour dep. 1-146
Location: Department of Special Collections and Western Manuscripts, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3BG United Kingdom
Description: Correspondence and papers of Honor Balfour (1912-2001), politician and journalist. Series N. People, 1930s-1980s, includes press cuttings, articles, dispatches, pamphlets, speeches, reports, and some correspondence. Files on Mark Wayne Clark, Dwight D. Eisenhower, T.S. Eliot, Barry Goldwater, Adolf Hitler, William Joyce, Arthur Kitson, Cardinal Mindszenty, Benito Mussolini, Douglas MacArthur, Richard Nixon, and Enoch Powell.
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[0229] William Watts Ball papers, 1778-1952 and undated, RL.00075
Location: David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University, Box 90185, 103 Perkins Library, Durham, North Carolina 27708
Description: Newspaper editor and author (1868-1952). Collection houses personal and political correspondence, financial and business papers, speeches, editorials, notes, printed materials, account books, a diary, photographs, and scrapbooks, documenting William Watts Ball's activities as editor of several South Carolina newspapers, including The State and the News and Courier, both of Columbia. Topics referred to include the Great Depression and the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration; opposition to the New Deal and the formation of the Southern Democratic Party; prohibition; and states' rights. Involved with the issue of states' rights versus federal control, the "Negro problem" includes the anti-lynching movement, enfranchisement and control of the African American vote, racial unrest, segregation, and other matters. Correspondents include Thomas R. Waring, James F. Byrnes, and Wendell Willkie.
Guide to the Cataloged Collections in the Manuscript Department of the William R. Perkins Library, Duke University, edited by Richard C. Davis and Linda Angle Miller (1980), and
Finding aid:
[0229a] The Ballot Measure Archive Project (BMAP) Collection, 1959-2007, SC/2011.6
Location: PSU Library Special Collections & University Archives, Portland State University, 1875 SW Park Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97201
Description: The Ballot Measure Archive Project (BMAP) Collection contains materials relating to the ballot initiative process in Oregon, including correspondence, petitions, newspaper articles, research relating to the ballot's issue, campaign and public relations materials, signs, bumper stickers, posters, television and radio advertisements, speeches, financial records, t-shirts, buttons, and more. The quantity and types of documentation vary greatly from ballot to ballot, but many of them also contain the personal or organizational records of key members on both sides of the campaign issue. Materials on Ballot Measure 8 (1988), Ballot Measure 9 (1992), Ballot Measure 9 (2000), Ballot Measure 13 (1994), and Ballot Measure 36 (2004) (Oregon), as follows: Series 44: 1988-8 (Repeals Executive Order Banning Sexual Discrimination in State Executive Branch), 1988-1992; Series 53: 1992-9 (Government Cannot Facilitate, Must Discourage Homosexuality, Other "Behaviors"); Series 85: 2000-9 (Prohibits Public School Instruction Encouraging, Promoting, Sanctioning Homosexual, Bisexual Behaviors. would have prohibited "encouragement" of homosexuality); Series 104: 2004-36 (Amends Constitution: Only Marriage Between One Man and One Woman is Valid or Legally Recognized as Marriage); Series 118: Basic Rights Oregon (BRO): Includes Measures 1988-8 (Revokes Ban on Sexual Orientation Discrimination in State Executive Branch), 1992-9 (Government Cannot Facilitate, Must Discourage Homosexuality, Other "Behaviors"), 1994-13 (Governments Cannot Approve and/or Create Classifications Based on Homosexuality), 2000-9 (Prohibits Public School Instruction Encouraging, Promoting, Sanctioning Homosexual, Bisexual Behaviors. would have prohibited "encouragement" of homosexuality by public schools), 2004-36 (Only Marriage Between One Man and One Woman is Valid or Legally Recognized as Marriage); and Oversized Box 5: Ballot Measures - Series 85: Posters and Banners (including No on 13 Defend Everyone's Basic Rights ; Yes on 13 Protect our Children; No on 9 (One is signed by committee and given to Janis); No on Discrimination - No on 9; Stop Special Rights for Homosexuals - Vote Yes on 9).