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[0250a] Burnett C. Bauer Papers, 1947-1962, BCB
Location: University of Notre Dame. Archives, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556
Description: Burnett "Burnie" Bauer (1916-2011) served as an Indiana State Representative and Indiana State Senator. He was a founder of the Christian Family Movement and a member of the National Right to Life, Democrats for Life, and Citizens for Educational Freedom. The series Manuscripts contains files on Abortion; Action Line - Christian Action Council Newsletter; All About Issues American Life League 1987-1990; American Life League; Buchanan Reports - From the Right 1990; Catholics United for Life; Christian Family Movement (CFM); Christian Coalition Congressional Scorecard; Citizens for Educational Freedom (CEF); Crusade For Life - Lifegram; Equal Rights Amendment; Father Marx - Human Life International; Federal Aid to Non-Public Schools; Hatch Amendment; Human Life Alliance; Indiana Federation of Right to Life; Indiana Right to Life, Inc.; Indiana Democrats for Life; International Life Times; LaRouche 1986; LaRouche - United Nations 1994; Life and Family News; Life-Pac Report and National Pro-Life Pac; Life Letter 1984-1986; Life Amendment Political Action Committee, Inc.; Life Line - National Democrats for Life; Life Con - Wisconsin Right to Life Convention 1983; Lutherans for Life; National Committee for a Human Life Amendment Newsletter 1987-1988; National Right to Life Committee, Inc.; National Pro-Life Political Action Committee; National Right to Life Convention; National Right to Life News; National Democrats for Life; Pro-Life and Abortion Articles; Right To Life News; Right to Life of St. Joseph County Newsletter; Right to Life Reference Book 1983-1984; Right To Life; State Abortion Laws 1973; State Bills to Restrict Abortion 1991-1992; The National Pro-Life Journal; The Human Life Center; and United Methodists for Life. The series Printed Material contains files on Christian Family Movement; The Human Life Review; Journal of the American Family Association; The AUL Newsletter - Americans United For Life; and The National Pro-Life Journal.
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[0250b] Henry H. Bauer Papers, 1950-2010, Ms1999-0085
Location: Special Collections, University Libraries (0434), 560 Drillfield Drive, Newman Library, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
Description: Henry H. Bauer (1931– ) is Emeritus Professor of Chemistry and Science Studies, and Emeritus Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences (1978-1999) at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. He is also an HIV/AIDS denialist. Following his retirement in 1999, he was editor-in-chief of the Journal of Scientific Exploration, a fringe science publication, from 2000-2007. The papers contains correspondence, grant reports, newspaper clippings, memoirs, class notes, chemistry files, evaluations, appointment books, lectures, talks, and conference materials, particularly those pertaining to the Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE). Much of the material relates to Bauer's work as academic professor and administrator, as well as his interest in the study of anomalies, especially the Loch Ness Monster. Series I: Talk, Conferences, and Publications, contains files on AIDS in Historical Context, HIV, and HIV/AIDS Blunder.
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[0251] Baumgarten, A. Testimony in the trial of the Schweizerischer Israelitischer Gemeindebund and the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde, Bern. Plaintiffs vs. Th. Fischer, Zurich, and others, defendants, Bern, 1935 [microfilm]
Location: Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-6010
Description: The trial was held before the Amtsgericht, Bern. The testimony deals with the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion."
C. A. Loosli, Testimony in the trial of the Schweizerischer Israelitischer Gemeindebund and the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde, Bern. Plaintiffs vs. the Bund Nationalsozialistischer Eidgenossen, defendant, Bern, 1935; Guide to the Hoover Institution Archives, by Charles G. Palm and Dale Reed (Stanford, Calif., Hoover Institution Press, 1980), p. 271.
[0252] Ruth Porter Baures Collection, 1931-1971
Location: Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, 18001 Yorba Linda Blvd., Yorba Linda, CA 92886-3903
Description: Collection of Anti-Communist publications including government hearings and investigations relating to Communist activities. Also includes a complete run of the House Committee on Un-American Activities hearings. Includes reports on Amerasia, Institute of Pacific Relations, Army McCarthy hearings, Voice of America Hearings, Matusow case, and Tax-Exempt Foundations; documents on Hiss, Chambers, Katyń Massacre; reports and statements by J. Edgar Hoover; testimony of Otto Otepka;"Chronicle of Treason" (reprint of series of articles by Representative Francis E. Walter appearing in the Philadelphia Inquirer, March 3-9, 1958). The following documents: Language as a Communist Weapon. Consultation with Dr. Stefan T. Possony (1959), Communist Psychological Warfare (Brainwashing). Consultation with Edward Hunter. March 13, 1958, The Effect of Red China Communes on the United States. Hearing. Testimony of Edward Hunter. March 24, 1959, Exposé of Communist Activities in the State of Massachusetts (Based on the Testimony of Herbert A. Philbrick). Hearings. 1961, 80th Congress, 1st Session. Document No. 401. Fascism in Action. A Documented Study and Analysis of Fascism in Europe. 1947, International Communism (The Communist Mind). Staff consultation with Frederick Charles Schwarz. 1957, The Communist Program for World Conquest. Consultation with Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer. 1958, Hearings on American Aspects of the Richard Sorge Spy Case (Based on testimony of Mitsusada Yoshikawa and Maj. Gen. Charles A. Willoughby). 1951, International Communism (Communist Designs on Indonesia and the Pacific Frontier). Staff consultation with Gen. Charles A. Willoughby. 1957, International Communism (Communist Encroachment in the Far East). Consultation with Maj. Gen. Claire Lee Chennault. 1958. Communist Exploitation of Religion. Hearing. Testimony of Rev. Richard Wurmbrand. May 6, 1966. Also, numerous documents and reports on Communist infiltration in the following areas: Government, Military Prisoners, Defense Establishment, Telegraph. Radio. Mine Workers, Hollywood Motion-Picture Industry, Vital Industries, Education, Entertainment, Government-Labor, Youth, Labor Unions, Minority Groups, Radiation Laboratory and Atomic Bomb Project at the University of California, Berkeley, Calif., Basic Industry, United States Government, Army Civilian Workers, Defense Plants, the Army, the Anti-Vietnam Agitation and the Teach-in Movement, Latin American Educational Systems, the Nuclear Test Ban Movement, the Telegraph Industry, Radio, Television and the Entertainment Industry, Certain Industrial Plants (Eastern Pennsylvania), Certain Labor Organizations, the Dining Car and Railroad Food Workers Union, the Educational Process, the United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America, the United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America, Pittsburgh and Erie, Pa.
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[0253] Bay Area Student Committee to Abolish the House Committee on Un-American Activities Records, 1958-1965, Mss 90
Location: Wisconsin Historical Society, Library-Archives Division, 816 State Street, Madison, WI 53706
Description: Records of an organization (1960-1964) of students from the San Francisco area that was active in both national and local opposition to the House Committee on Un-American Activities. Much of the collection focuses on BASCAHCUA's exposé of the biased representation of a 1960 anti-HUAC demonstration in San Francisco that appeared in the film Operation Abolition. Organizational and operational records consist of internal and external correspondence, financial records, public relations materials, legal material, minutes, and agenda. The internal correspondence between officers Burton White and Irving Hall reflects the dissatisfaction felt by San Francisco members with White's neglect of them in favor of national activities. In the external correspondence there are letters from Aubrey Williams and James Roosevelt. Five boxes comprise a reference file of newspaper clippings and printed matter on related topics. There are files on the John Birch Society, Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, Barry Goldwater, the House Committee on Un-American Activities, McCarthyism, Nazis, Operation Abolition, Communism, and Radical Right.
Menzi L. Behrnd-Klodt and Carolyn J. Mattern, Social Action Collections at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin: A Guide (Madison: The Society, 1983), p. 14.
Finding aids:;cc=wiarchives;view=text;rgn=main;didno=uw-whs-mss00090
[0253a] Victor M. Baydalakoff Collection, 1932-1965 (bulk 1948-1956), GTM.720920
Location: Georgetown University Manuscripts, Booth Family Center for Special Collections, Georgetown University, 37th & O Streets NW, Washington, DC 20057-1174
Description: The Natsionalno-Trudovoi Soiuz (NTS) (The National Worker's Alliance) was a Russian anti-Communist émigré organization, founded in Germany in 1930. Its founder and first chief executive, Victor Mikhailovich Baydalakoff (1900-1967), served with the anti-Bolshevik Don Cossack Army until its defeat and evacuation in 1920. The NTS was dedicated to the liberation of Russia from the yoke of Communism, seeking to replace it with a society based on the precepts of Russian Christian brotherhood and solidarity between all classes. In 1955, Baydalakoff left the organization to form a splinter group, the Russian National Labor Alliance (RNTS). The collection consists of organizational materials, documents, reports, and publications relating to the NTS, including examples of anti-Communist agitational literature.
Benjamin Tromly, "The Making of a Myth: The National Labor Alliance, Russian Émigrés, and Cold War Intelligence Activities," Journal of Cold War Studies 18.1 (Winter 2016), pp. 80-111.
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[0253b] Robert John Bayer Chesterton Collection [partly digital collection]
Location: Special Collections, Grasselli Library, John Carroll University, 1 John Carroll Blvd, University Heights, OH 44118
Description: Includes copies of The Cross & the Plough: The Organ of the Catholic Land Associations of England and Wales, the official journal of the Catholic Land Movement, which was founded in Great Britain in the first half of the twentieth century.
Robert R Yackshaw, "The Robert John Bayer 'Chesterton' collection," Catholic Bookseller & Librarian (March 1968); John C. Bruening, "Behind the closed door: The G.K. Chesterton Room houses the printed word's rich history," John Carroll Magazine (April 13, 2012),
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[0254] Bayfield, CO Ku Klux Klan records, 1921-1992 (bulk 1921-1928), M075 & I103 [digital collection]
Location: Center of Southwest Studies, Fort Lewis College, 1000 Rim Drive, Durango, CO 81301
Description: This collection contains the historically significant records retained from activities of the Ku Klux Klan in Bayfield, CO, specifically the Pine River Klan #69 of Colorado, in the 1920s. The collection consists of printed materials, letters and correspondences, membership records reports, and other records pertaining to the Bayfield KKK. Consists of two series: Series 1: Knights of the Ku Klux Klan printed materials. Series 2: Pine River Klan #69 of Colorado Knights of the Ku Klux Klan records. Includes filled-out applications for membership in the Invisible Empire, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Inc.
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[0255] Charles Austin Beard and Mary Ritter Beard papers, 1874-1976, MSD.1898.002
Location: Archives of DePauw University and Indiana United Methodism, Roy O. West Library, 2nd Floor, 11 E. Larabee Street, Greencastle, IN 46135
Description: Charles A. Beard (1874-1948) was an American historian and a proponent of the economic interpretation of history. In 1900 he married Mary Ritter (1876-1958), an American historian who collaborated on several history books with her husband and wrote some fifteen books of her own. The collection includes numerous articles, correspondence, programs and photographs. Article about Charles Austin Beard by Harry E. Barnes, 1940-1950. Charles Austin Beard correspondence with Herbert Hoover, Charles A. Lindbergh, Raymond Moley, George N. Peek, and Burton K. Wheeler. Mary Ritter Beard correspondence with Raymond Moley and Porter Sargent.
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[0256] Hugh Joseph Beard Papers, 1971-1992, MS0161
Location: J. Murrey Atkins Library Special Collections, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223-0001
Description: Hugh Joseph Beard (1946-2002) was a lawyer and conservative political activist. Includes correspondence documenting his involvement with various conservative political and religious groups, including the North Carolina Conservative Union, the North Carolina Fund for Individual Rights, the Southern Employees Education Fund, Young Republicans, and anti-abortion groups Birthchoice and Pro-life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians. Also includes material about his involvement with community organizations such as the Charlotte Jaycees, his unsuccessful political campaigns, and his involvement with gay conservative political organizations. Series 2. United States Department of Education. Office of the General Counsel. Subject files 1981-1983, contains files on Rockford College, School desegregation, Title IX--Abortion, Busing, Desegregation, Hillsdale College v. Dept. of Education, Knights of the KKK v. East Baton Rouge Parish School Board, and U.S. Supreme Court--Thomas nomination. Series 3. United States Department of Justice. Office of Civil Rights. Subject files 1983-1992, contains files on American life league, Citizens for God and Country, Civil rights Restoration Act--Abortion 1987, Desegregation, Family Research Council--Bauer letter, Gay rights, and Immigration. Series 4. Organizations 1970-2000, contains files on Capital Area Log Cabin Republicans, Cato Institute, Christian Freedom Foundation, Citizens for Reagan, Committee for Western Civilization, Conservative groups, Conservative Network, Eagle Forum, Federalist Society, Foundation for Economic Education, Helms for senate, Human Events, Institute for Humane Studies, Intercollegiate Studies Institute, John Birch Society, Libertarian Party of North Carolina, Log Cabin Republicans, Manhattan Institute, North Carolina Conservative Society, Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians, and Pro-life and right-to-life groups.
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[0257] John O. Beaty controversy papers, 1949-1964, SMU 1992.0167
Location: Southern Methodist University Archives, DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University, 6404 Hilltop Ln, Dallas, TX 75205
Description: The papers pertain to controversy surrounding Beaty's 1954 publication of a pamphlet entitled "How to Capture a University," which asserted that un-Christian and even Communist influences were infiltrating SMU. This collection includes copies of that pamphlet, in addition to depositions and exhibits taken by a school committee, newspaper clippings, and letters both condemning and supporting his charges.
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[0258] John Owen Beaty Papers, 1949-1961, Coll. 135
Location: Special Collections and University Archives, Knight Library, 2nd floor North, Mail: UO Libraries--SPC, 1299 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1299
Description: Beaty (1890-1961) was an educator and writer. The papers include correspondence with several prominent conservatives such as William F. Buckley, Pedro A. del Valle, Merwin K. Hart, George W. Robnett, and George E. Stratemeyer; articles and pamphlets written by Beaty; and correspondence of his wife, Josephine Powell Beaty, who was also active in conservative circles.
Finding aid: Included in National Inventory of Documentary Sources in the United States (ProQuest UMI's microfiche series).
The Creative Arts in Texas, p. 74
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[0258a] James M. Beck Papers, 1787-1936 (bulk 1880-1936), MC007
Location: Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Public Policy Papers, Princeton University Library, 65 Olden Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08540
Description: James Montgomery Beck (1861-1936) was a lawyer, Assistant United States Attorney, United States Attorney, Assistant Attorney General, Solicitor General of the United States, a Republican member of Congress, author, and public speaker. As a Congressman from Pennsylvania (1927-1933) he was the leading spokesman in the campaign against Prohibition. His book Neither Purse Nor Sword (1936) treats the destruction wrought by the New Deal upon the Constitution. The papers consist primarily of correspondence, articles, addresses and scrapbooks. Series 1, Correspondence, 1890-1936, contains correspondence with Hiram Bingham, William E. Borah, Nicholas M. Butler, William Randolph Hearst, David Lawrence, Alexander Lincoln, Robert McCormick, H.L. Mencken, James A Reed, Archibald B. Roosevelt, Elihu Root, Baron George Sydenham Clarke, Sydenham of Combe, James True, Charles Warren, and Owen Wister. Series 2, Subject Files, 1893-1936, contains correspondence arranged by subject matter, then chronologically. Subjects include American Liberty League, New Deal, Prohibition, Republican Party, and states' rights.
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[0259] John Beckett Collection, 1914-1998, MS 238
Location: Special Collections, The University Library, The University of Sheffield, Western Bank, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK
Description: John Warburton Beckett (1894-1964) was a British politician and a leading figure in the Fascist movement. The collection consists of books, journals, and some documents formerly belonging to Beckett, together with research materials assembled by his son, the journalist Francis Beckett, during the writing of his biography of his father The Rebel Who Lost His Cause, published in 1999. In 1933 he was declared bankrupt and his second marriage failed, and he joined the British Union of Fascists, like Mosley having been impressed through visits to Italy by the achievements of the Mussolini regime. During his years with the BUF he was widely involved in agitational work, took a full share in rowdy meetings, became Director of Publicity, and for the years 1936-7 edited both Action and Blackshirt. By Spring 1937, when he was dismissed from the BUF, Beckett was openly critical of Mosley. With William Joyce, dismissed at the same time, he founded the National Socialist League, but this organisation never achieved more than a small number of members. He left the League in 1938 but remained in contact with Joyce until the latter left for Germany shortly before World War II. In September 1938 Joyce joined with Viscount Lymington to form the British Council Against European Commitments, to which the NSL became affiliated. Beckett and Lymington published a monthly journal, the New Pioneer, championing non-involvement in European affairs. Beckett then moved to a new organisation which he joined with Lymington and the Marquis of Tavistock (later the Duke of Bedford), the British Peoples Party, of which he became Secretary, which had as its slogan Campaign against War and Usury. Its aims were monetary reform, the championing of small shopkeepers against trusts, security of employment, and electoral reform. In May 1940 Beckett was arrested under Defence Regulation 18B and interned, along with many other political detainees considered a potential danger by the Home Secretary, Herbert Morrison. The series Books and Journals contains copies of Fascist Quarterly; Oswald Mosley: portrait of a leader, by A.K. Chesterton (London, Action Press, [1937]); B.U.F.: Oswald Mosley and British Fascism, by James Drennan [i.e., W.E.D. Allen] (London, Murray, 1934); The Spectre of Communism, by Henry Gibbs (London, Selwyn & Blount, [1936]); The Greater Britain, by Oswald Mosley (New edition. London, BUF, 1934); Decline and Fall of the Labour Party, by John Scanlon (London, Peter Davies, [1932]); National Socialism now, by William Joyce (London, National Socialist League, 1937); The New Pioneer, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-9 (London, British Council Against European Commitments, Dec 1938-August 1939); Famine in England, by Viscount Lymington (London, Witherby, 1938); Failure at Nuremberg: (an analysis of trial, evidence and verdict), by Anne Cutmore (Mrs Anne Beckett) (London, Research Department of the British Peoples Party, n.d.); The Truth about this war, by Anne Cutmore (Mrs Anne Beckett) (London, Research Department of the British Peoples Party, 1939); Alternative to death: the relationship between soil, family and community, by the Earl of Portsmouth (Viscount Lymington) (London, Faber and Faber, 1943); The Red network: the Communist International at work, ed. J. Baker White (London, Duckworth, 1939); and The new unhappy lords: an exposure of power politics, by A.K. Chesterton (London, Candour, 1965). The series Notes and documents compiled by Francis Beckett towards the biography of his father "The Rebel Who Lost His Cause" (1999) contains Subseries 238/5. British Union of Fascists [Oswald Mosley's Fascist movement], Subseries 238/6. Home Office Reports on John Beckett [notes and copies from official files in the Public Record Office], Subseries 238/7. A.K. Chesterton and William Joyce [period of the National Socialist League], Subseries 238/8. 18B [internment under Defence Regulation 18B; includes Duke of Bedford and Viscount Lymington letters], Subseries 238/9. Guy A. Aldred [the proprietor of the Strickland Press, Glasgow, a civil libertarian who took up the cause of opposition to the principle of internment under Defence Regulation 18B without charge or trial], Subseries 238/10. Harry Edmonds [Major Harry Morton Edmonds, novelist; pre-war association with the Peace movement and member of BPP; alleged Nazi sympathiser, Hon. Sec. of Constitutional Research Association post-war; includes report of an address to the Constitutional Research Association by Monsignor John Van Ryswyck (10 Oct 1946) and letter from Lord Hankey to Edmonds], and Subseries 238/10. British Peoples Party [Duke of Bedford's political movement].