Location: Michigan Historical Collections, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan, 1150 Beal Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2113
Description: Jan BenDor (1946–) is an Ann Arbor-area women's rights activist. Series I. Tom Monaghan, contains files on Monaghan, Catholic Campaign for America, Home Schooling, and Right Wing. Series III. Women's Crisis Center, contains Abortion Protest News Clippings.
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[0271] Stephen Benedict Papers, 1952-60
Location: Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, 200 S.E. 4th Street, PO Box 339, Abilene, KS 67410
Description: Benedict (1927– ) was assistant to Dr. Gabriel Hauge, Research Director of Citizens for Eisenhower, 1951-53; Assistant to the Administrative Assistant to the President for Economic Affairs, 1953-54; Assistant Staff Secretary, 1954-55. A file of Anti-Eisenhower Smear Campaign material contains material on right-wing hate groups and anti-Semitism; Robert H. Williams; Joseph Kamp; Rev. Jonathan Ellsworth Perkins; Gerald L. K. Smith; Lawrence P. Reilly; DDE's mother a Jehovah's Witness; DDE's decision re Berlin in WWII; DDE supported by socialists, internationalists, and pro-Communists; E. B. Gallaher, "Clover Business Letter;" "Common Sense" newsletter; New Hampshire primary; DDE a Catholic; article on "hate merchants;" Gerald B. Winrod; DDE supported by Jewish bankers; Joseph Barnes, accused pro-Communist, alleged ghost writer of Crusade in Europe; reports by Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, American Legion, and Friends of Democracy; and correspondence, newsletters, booklets, clippings, articles, advertisements, and memoranda.
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[0271a] Benét Family Correspondence, ca. 1893?-1959, Za MSS Benét
Location: Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, P. O. Box 208240, New Haven, CT 06520-8240
Description: Correspondence, writings, diaries, personal and family papers, printed material, and photographs. Series I. Stephen Vincent Benét Correspondence, includes files on Cyril Clemens, John Dos Passos, Dwight D. Eisenhower, J. Edgar Hoover, Ezra Pound, and Owen Wister.
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[0272] Gilbert G. Benjamin, Jr. Subversive Activities Collection, 1918-1975, URB/GGB [partly digital collection]
Location: Urban Archives Center, Special Collections & Archives, Oviatt Library, California State University, Northridge, 18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, CA 91330
Description: Gilbert G. Benjamin, Jr. (1918–) became a Special Agent in the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1946, after serving in the US Navy during the Second World War. He worked in Virginia and the District of Columbia before being transferred to the Los Angeles Field Office in 1957. The collection documents "subversive" and "communist" activities in the United States through printed reports, statements, and testimony before the House Committee on Internal Security (formerly the House Un-American Activities Committee), as well as the Senate Committee on the Judiciary's Sub-Committee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws. Series II: Subversive Activities – Federal Government Investigations, 1946-1974, contains copies of The Communist Party's Cold War Against Congressional Investigation of Subversion, 1962 October 10; "Operation Abolition," The Campaign Against the House Committee on Un-American Activities, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Government Security Program by the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee and Its Affiliates, 1957 November 8; "Operation Abolition," The Truth about the Film, Part 1, 1961 October 5; "Operation Abolition," The Truth About the Film, Part 2, 1961 December 27; and Communist Legal Subversion: The Role of the Communist Lawyer, 1959 February 16. Series III: Political and Social Movements, 1918-1973, contains booklets, flyers, pamphlets, political postcards and related printed items documenting the political ideologies and activities of a large variety of home grown progressive and right wing organizations. Documents include Primer on Communism, A Fact-By-Fact Exposé (Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1951); Christian Nationalist Crusade, Treason in Washington: Exposed by Senator McCarthy, reprint from Senator Joe McCarthy speech, United States Senate, 1950; Committee of One Million Against the Admission of Communist China to the United Nations: The Lesson of China's Loss, n.d.; Constitutional Educational League, Inc. The Fifth Column Conspiracy in America, Authentic Map and Directory (1941) [online at http://digilib.usm.edu/cdm/ref/collection/manu/id/7565]; Communist Carpetbaggers in Operation Dixie, by Joseph P. Kamp (New York, Constitutional Educational League, Inc. 1946); Join the C.I.O. - And help build a Soviet America, by Joseph P. Kamp (New Haven, Connecticut, Constitutional Educational League, Inc., 1937); Jack B. Tenney, Zion's Fifth Column - A Tenney Report (Tujunga, California: Standard Publications, second printing, February 1953) [online at https://ia800301.us.archive.org/7/items/ZionsFifthColumnByJackTenney/zions-fifth-column-by-jack-tenney.pdf]; and Alice Widener, Teachers of Destruction: Their Plans for a Socialist Revolution, An Eyewitness Account, Epilogue by J. Edgar Hoover (The Citizens Evaluation Institute, Publishers, ca. 1970).
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[0273] Jonathan S. Benjamin Collection, 1960
Location: Special Collections and University Archives, Knight Library, 2nd floor North, Mail: UO Libraries--SPC, 1299 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1299
Description: Anti-Catholic literature distributed in Lane County, Ore., during the presidential campaign of 1960. 1 box.
Catalogue of Manuscripts in the University of Oregon Library, compiled by Martin Schmitt (Eugene, University of Oregon, 1971), http://library.uoregon.edu/ec/e-asia/read/schmitt.pdf.
[0274] A. E. Bennett collection, 1958-1979, Coll. 79096
Location: Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-6010
Description: Letters, clippings, leaflets, pamphlets, serial issues, and ephemeral printed matter, issued by conservative and anti-Communist organizations in the United States, relating to international Communism and Communism in the United States.
Guide to the Hanna Collection and Related Archival Materials at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace on the Role of Education in 20th-Century Society, by Fakhreddin Moussav (Stanford, Calif., Hoover Institution Press, 1982), p. 15
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[0275] Charles E. Bennett Papers, 1903-2001 (bulk 1949-1992), MS 5
Location: Special & Area Studies Collections, PO Box 117005, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, 205 Smathers Library, 1508 Union Rd, Gainesville, FL 32611-7005
Description: Charles "Charlie" Edward Bennett (1910-2003) was a Democratic Democratic representative from Florida in the U.S. House of Representatives (1949-1993). The collection includes legislative files, correspondence and subject files, campaign materials, bills and Bennett's voting record, press files, writings and speeches, biographical information, family correspondence, trip files, photographs, audiovisual recordings, scrapbooks and memorabilia. The General Files 1950-2000 have files on Christian Crusade, Conservatism, Barry Goldwater, Ku Klux Klan, Liberty Lobby, "Operation Abolition," Operation Water Moccasin (an Army training exercise in counterguerrilla warfare in Georgia, witnessed by foreign military officers, that generated fright mail from the far right), segregation, and Young Americans for Freedom.
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[0276] Marion Tinsley Bennett Papers, 1941-1948, C1043
Location: The State Historical Society of Missouri, 1020 Lowry Street, Columbia, Missouri 65201
Description: Bennett (1914-2000) served in the United States Congress as a representative from Missouri from 1943 to 1948. Subjects include America First Committee, Anti-Semitism, Charles A. Beard, George S. Benson, Bretton Woods Conference, Owen Brewster, John William Bricker, Styles Bridges, Edmund Burke, Harry Flood Byrd, James F. Byrnes, Committee for Constitutional Government, Communism, Martin Dies, Everett McKinley Dirksen, Dumbarton Oaks Conference, Fascism, Hamilton Fish, James Vincent Forrestal, Adolf Hitler, Clare E. Hoffman, J. Edgar Hoover, Herbert Hoover, Jeffersonian Democrats, Walter H. Judd, Ku Klux Klan, Alfred Mossman Landon, William Langer, David Lawrence, William Lemke, Lend-Lease, Fulton Lewis, Jr., Charles A. Lindbergh, Huey P. Long, Clare Boothe Luce, Lynching, Raymond Charles Moley, Nazism, Opposition to New Deal, W. Lee O'Daniel, G. Bromley Oxnam, Wright Patman, Attack on Pearl Harbor (Oahu, Hawaii), George Nelson Peek, Samuel B. Pettengill, Edgar Monsanto Queeny, John E. Rankin, B. Carroll Reece, James A. Reed, Richard Russell, Robert A. Taft, Townsend Plan, Francis E. Townsend, Burton K. Wheeler, Hubert Wheeler, Alexander Wiley, and Wendell L. Willkie.
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[0277] W.A.C. Bennett fonds, F-55
Location: Archives & Records Management Department, Maggie Benston Student Services Building (MBC) 0400, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 Canada
Description: W.A.C. (William Andrew Cecil) Bennett (1900-1979) was a businessman and politician. He was the Premier of British Columbia from 1952-1972. Series F-55-9. Progressive Conservative Party (1935-1950), consists of records compiled by W.A.C. Bennett as an active member of the federal Progressive Conservative Party. Activities documented are election campaigns and the 1948 Yale by-election for which W.A.C. Bennett was a candidate. Included are lists, statements, notices, newspaper clippings, 1948 poll statements, a map, minutes, memoranda, newsletters, pamphlets, reports, manuals, and correspondence addressed to W.A.C. Bennett as secretary-treasurer of the Yale Conservative Association. Series F-55-10. B.C. Progressive Conservative Association (1936-1953), consists of records relating to Bennett's association with the B.C. Progressive Conservative Association and his first successful election campaign in 1941. Included are correspondence, file notes, lists, statements, receipts, a certificate, ballots, minutes, resolutions, memoranda, proposals, pamphlets and transcripts. Series F-55-13. Social Credit League (1935-1979), consists of records relating to the Social Credit League. Records document early ideology, election campaigns, party developments in the 1970s, the 1973 leadership campaign and the conventions of 1975 and 1976. Included are pamphlets, poems, mimeographed statements, scripts, calendars, programs, a survey, posters, correspondence, invoices, a receipt book, speeches, lists, newspaper clippings, a folders, buttons, a portfolio, press releases, minutes, newsletters, cartoons, statements and resolutions.
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[0278] Marvin Bensman Radio Program Archive, 1920s-1983 [sound recordings]
Location: Special Collections/Mississippi Valley Collections, 126 Ned R. McWherter Library, The University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152-3250
Description: The collection features 1500 hours of recorded American radio programs. Contains programs by or about America First, America First Committee, American Legion, Army McCarthy Hearings, Sen. Bilbo, Hugo L. Black [speech on his Ku Klux Klan membership, Oct. 3, 1937], Senator A. Capper, Boake Carter, Senator William R. Castle, Claire Chennault, Father Charles Coughlin ["Twenty Years Ago," April 4, 1937; "Relief That Fails to Relieve," April 11, 1937], Dr. Lee de Forest, T.S. Eliot [a reading of selections from Eliot's "Four Quartets" by John Hall Wheelock and James Johnson Sweeney, March 16, 1946], J. Edgar Hoover ["Fortify Our Freedoms," 1966; on anti-Communism], Senator E.C. Johnson, William Joyce (Lord Haw-Haw) [last broadcast from Berlin, April 30, 1945], Gov. A.M. Landon, Lend-Lease Bill, Fulton Lewis, Jr., Charles A. Lindbergh ["Neutrality & War," Oct. 12, 1939; an America First speech of May 23, 1941], Douglas MacArthur [talk after Truman fired him during Korean War, April 19, 1951], Colonel Hanford MacNider, Joseph McCarthy, H. L. Mencken [interviewed by Don Kirkley, June 30, 1948], Adolphe Menjou, Edward R. Murrow [attack on McCarthy, 1954], Eddie Rickenbacker, President Franklin Roosevelt [report on Yalta Conference, March 1, 1945], Senator Robert A. Taft, Dorothy Thompson, Cong. James E. Van Zandt, Senator David I. Walsh, J. Webb, Senator Burton K. Wheeler, and Wendell Willkie.
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[0279] Ezra Taft Benson Papers, 1936-1961
Location: Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, 200 S.E. 4th Street, PO Box 339, Abilene, KS 67410
Description: The Papers of Ezra Taft Benson (1899-1994), Secretary of Agriculture during the Eisenhower Administration, 1953-61, span the years 1936-1961. The collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, reports, publications, statements, outlines, notes, articles, book drafts, legislative bills and acts, agendas, press releases, and speeches relating to Benson's activities during his tenure as Secretary of Agriculture as well as his work with farm cooperatives in the 1930's and 1940's and the effects of the New Deal and World War II on farm programs, food supplies, and farm prices. Names and subjects in the correspondence files include Americans for Constitutional Action, Brannan Plan, Sen. Harry Byrd, Communism, conservatism, Free Enterprise Foundation, Barry Goldwater, Herbert Hoover, J. Edgar Hoover, "Human Events" newsletter, Senator Knowland, Manion Forum, National Economic Council, right to work, Edward Rumley, Senator Taft, and The Naked Communist, by W. Cleon Skousen.
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[0279a] George S. Benson Archive, 1925-2000
Location: Ann Cowan Dixon Archives & Special Collections, Brackett Library, Harding University, Searcy, AR 72149
Description: George S. Benson (1898-1991) was a missionary to China, 1925-36; founder and principal, Canton Bible School, 1933-1936; president, Harding College, 1936-1965; chancellor, Oklahoma Christian University, 1956-1967. Files contain correspondence, manuscripts of sermons, speeches, and presentations along with general files on many subjects of interest to Dr. Benson.
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[0280] Alvin M. Bentley Papers, 1935-1969, bulk 1950-1968, 85746 Aa 2
Location: Michigan Historical Collections, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan, 1150 Beal Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2113
Description: Republican congressman from Michigan's Eighth District, 1952-1960. The collection includes correspondence, speeches, subject files, and other materials relating to his political career and public service activities. There are files on the Bow Resolution (regarding the status of forces treaties), the Bricker Amendment, Citizens Foreign Relations Committee, Committee on Communist Aggression, Communism, fluoridation, Alger Hiss, the House Un-American Activities Committee, Joseph McCarthy, and Supreme Court Amendment League.
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[0281] William Benton Papers, 1839-1973
Location: Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library, 1100 East 57th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637
Description: William Benton (1900-1973) was an advertising executive, publisher, university administrator, U.S. senator from Connecticut, and diplomat. His most significant action in the Senate was to challenge the nationwide Communist paranoia fuelled by Senator Joseph McCarthy's charges that the State Department had been infiltrated by disloyal, card-carrying Communists. Soon after winning election, Benton began a careful investigation into McCarthy's own activities. By the late summer of 1951 he had collected enough evidence to introduce a strong resolution demanding McCarthy's expulsion from the Senate. Contains personal and professional correspondence, reports, legal documents, account books, diaries, manuscripts, speeches, research notes, transcripts of radio and television broadcasts, scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, photographs, awards, and mementos. Series I: General Files. Subseries 2: General Correspondence, contains correspondence with Frank Altschul, Spruille Braden, William F. Buckley, Jr., Henry Ford, Foreign Policy Association, Charles Lindbergh, Clare Boothe Luce, Henry R. Luce, Ogden Reid, Carlos Romulo, DeWitt Wallace, and General Robert E. Wood. Subseries 4: Public Life. Sub-subseries 2: America First, 1939-1942, contains files on Charles A. Lindbergh speeches, 1941, and Gen. Robert E. Wood, Jan. 1941-Jan. 1942. Sub-subseries 7: McCarthy, documents Benton's stand against Joseph McCarthy, his orchestration of nationwide campaigns, and his defense against McCarthy's retaliatory attacks and lawsuit against him.
William Benton: A Public Life. Exhibition curated by Lamar Riley Murphy. Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library, Jan. 1, 1987-May 1, 1987.
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[0282] William Benton Papers, 1951-1961, U.S. Mss AY
Location: Wisconsin Historical Society, Library-Archives Division, 816 State St., Madison, WI 53706-1417
Description: Correspondence of Senator William Benton of Connecticut relating to his efforts to have Joseph R. McCarthy of Wisconsin expelled from the United States Senate for a number of reasons, but primarily in relation to tactics used by McCarthy in his fight against Communism. The collection is divided into two general sections. The first, correspondence with the general public in 1951-1952, relates to Benton's introduction of a resolution to investigate McCarthy and to McCarthy's lawsuit against him for libel and slander. The second section contains photocopies of Benton's correspondence with colleagues and associates relating to his later protests against McCarthy and to Benton's support for the Committee for an Effective Congress and the "Joe Must Go" movement in Wisconsin. Benton's correspondents included Joseph R. McCarthy and many other politicians, columnists, and public figures.
Menzi L. Behrnd-Klodt and Carolyn J. Mattern, Social Action Collections at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin: A Guide (Madison: The Society, 1983).
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[0283] Walter Bergman, Freedom Rider collection, 1984, RH WL MS 6
Location: Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas Libraries, 1450 Poplar Lane, Lawrence, KS 66045
Description: The collection consists of a ringbound volume in 1 folder. This volume, compiled by Laird M. Wilcox, contains copies of Federal Bureau of Investigation documents that were produced in a lawsuit filed against the FBI by civil rights advocate Walter Bergman (1899-1999) who, as a Freedom Ride participant, was beaten by Ku Klux Klansmen of the United Klans of America in 1961 at Birmingham, Alabama. The documents relate to the FBI's knowledge of events leading up to the attack, including its interactions with the Klan and with local police. Bergman won the lawsuit in federal district court in Kalamazoo, Mich., in 1983.
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[0284] Walter Bergman Oral History, 1981, WPR 0707 [oral history]
Location: Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University, 5401 Cass Ave., Detroit, MI 48202
Description: Interview with Warner Plug chronicling Bergman's activities as a socialist and an educator in Detroit in the 1920's and 1930's, his work with UNRRA in Europe after World War II and his experiences as a Freedom Rider.
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[0285] Enrique Bermúdez Varela papers, 1980-1990, Coll. 2011C43
Location: Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-6010
Description: Bermúdez (1932-1991) was the founder and for ten years the top official military commander of the Fuerza Democrática Nicaragüense (FDN-Northern Front), also known as the contras. The papers consist of reports, memoranda, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to political conditions and civil war in Nicaragua.