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[0509] Center for Popular Culture Records, 1988-2003, Coll. 2005C25
Location: Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-6010
Description: The Center for the Study of Popular Culture aims to promote traditional conservative values, particularly regarding racial and social issues, and mold public opinion by challenging opposing points of view. Contains writings, correspondence, memoranda, schedules, legal and financial records, printed matter, sound recordings, and video tape, relating to conservatism and the mass media in the United States. Includes papers of David Horowitz, founder and president of the Center. Files on American Enterprise Institute, Americanism Educational League, Dick Armey, Bill Bennett, black anti-Semitism, Robert Bork, CATO Institute, Charles G. Koch Foundation, Inc., Dinesh D'Souza, Eagle Forum, Jerry Falwell, Newt Gingrich, Charlton Heston, Immigration (Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster, by Peter Brimelow, 1995), Jack Kemp, Alan Keyes, Bill Kristol, Laurel Foundation, Rush Limbaugh, Frank S. Meyer Society, Oliver North, Paul Revere Society, and George Will. Audio recordings of Dick Armey, William Kristol, and Tom Delay. A copy of The Limbaugh Letter.
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[0509a] Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions (CSDI) Collection, Series 12: Audio-Visual, ca. 1956-1987, Mss 18 [audio recordings; partly digital collection]
Location: Department of Special Collections, Davidson Library, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Description: The Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, established in 1959, grew out of the 'Basic Issues' program of the Fund for the Republic, a grant-making institution designed to combat the rampant abuses of American civil liberties that characterized the McCarthy era. 'Basic Issues' included "the current status" of corporations, trade unions, the common defense, religion, the mass media, political parties, pressure groups, and professional associations. The CSDI was a residential center in Santa Barbara, California, for a core of full-time participants and invited experts to spend extended periods of time examining the issues. Contains ca. 3,500 audio tapes of Center conferences, convocations, meetings and interviews. Also 127 reels of film, and 57 videotapes in various formats. Series 12: Audio-visual Materials. Sub-series A18-1201: Audiotapes. Sub-subseries 12.01.01: Taped Programs ca. 1961-1978, contains copies of A Matter of Genes (July 1, 1969): Educational psychologist Arthur Jensen, of the University of California at Berkeley, discusses his controversial theory that "genetic factors are strongly implicated in the average black-white intelligence difference" in this interview with the Center's Donald McDonald; Population Control Begins at Home (Oct. 30, 1969): Biologist Paul R. Ehrlich, of Stanford University, offers a plan that he sees as a realistic solution to the progressive destruction of life on earth due to overpopulation, a problem compounded by the Western world's avaricious consumption of non-renewable resources; and Foreign Policy - The Kissinger View (Oct. 8, 1973): Secretary of State Henry Kissinger discusses recent changes in the international scene and gives his views of the realities and limits of foreign policy. With an introduction by Robert M. Hutchins. Sub-subseries 12.01.02: Transcription Tapes 1965-1987, contains copies of Jim Garrison - The Assassination, Nov. 16, 1967; Michael Novak - The Church in Society, Feb. 8, 1968; Thomas O'Dea and Michael Novak - The Church in Society, Feb. 9, 1968; Arthur R. Jensen - How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement, Mar. 28, 1969; William Gorman, John Wilkinson - Discussion of a paper by Arthur R. Jensen entitled "I.Q. And Academic Achievement," May 13, 1969; William Gorman, John Wilkinson - Discussion of a paper by Arthur R. Jensen entitled "I.Q. And Academic Achievement," May 14, 1969; Arthur R. Jensen, Donald McDonald (Library Conversation Interview by McDonald), July 1, 1969; Bertrand de Jouvenel - Discussions - 1970 Plans for Associates, Nov. 21, 1969; Prof. Paul Marx - The Problems of Abortion, Aug. 16, 1972; Bertrand de Jouvenel, John Wilkinson - Library Conversation, Oct. 23, 1972; Bertrand de Jouvenel, Harvey Wheeler, Barnard Norris - Library Conversation, Oct. 26, 1972; Bertrand de Jouvenel- Concentrations, Oct. 26, 1972; Bertrand de Jouvenel- The Role of the Intellectual, Oct. 27, 1972; Michael Wright - Gobineau: Alive and Well in the Promised Land, Dec. 29, 1972; Bertrand de Jouvenel - Is the United States Turning Away from Europe, Feb. 28, 1978; Garrett Hardin - A National Population Policy, Nov. 9, 1978; and Seymour Lipset - The Politics of Unreason: Right Wing Extremism in the United States, 1790-1977, Mar. 5, 1979. Sub-subseries 12.01.05: Chronological ca. 1953-1983, contains copies of Hank Greenspun (publisher of Las Vegas Sun News) - Comments by and about Joseph McCarthy, [ca. 1953]; David Horowitz (3 tapes), Jan. 15, 1962; Story of the Center - Chicago Symposium, June 1963 (Bertrand de Jouvenel - For Story of the Center, June 1963); Michael Novak - Political Morality (2 tapes), Jan. 10, 1972; Bertrand de Jouvenel - Is the United States Turning Away from Europe, Feb. 28, 1978; and Bertrand de Jouvenel interviewed by Donald McDonald, Feb. 28, 1978.
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Finding aid for Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions (CSDI) Audio Archive:
[0509b] Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions / Princeton University Files, 1957-1969 (bulk 1962-1965), Mss 253
Location: Department of Special Collections, Davidson Library, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Description: The collection mainly contains post-1961 administrative files which the Center had microfilmed, then shipped to Princeton University, and which subsequently were transferred from Princeton University to UCSB in 1999. Series I: Administration, 1962-1965, contains correspondence, financial statements, mailings, membership lists, memoranda, minutes, papers, press clippings, press releases, proposals, reports, and speeches. Files on American Right Wing – Hallock Hoffman; Americans for Freedom; William Benton ("The Economics of a Free Society"); M. Bertrand de Jouvenel; Fund for the Republic; Barry Goldwater; Garrett Hardin – "A Second Sermon on the Mount"; Henry R. Luce; Mass Media – William Benton; Mindszenty Foundation; National Council for Civic Responsibility; John Nef; Wright Patman; Press Clippings (Anatomy of Extremism, John F. Cronin, Right to Work, Edith Kermit Roosevelt); Press Clippings (William F. Buckley, Jr., Ford Foundation, John Birch Society, Edith Kermit Roosevelt, Alice Widener); Press Clippings (American Right Wing, Hugo L. Black, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Ford Foundation, Foundations, A Conservative Looks at War and Peace – John De Blois Wack, Prayer in Schools, Race – Miscellaneous Items, Edith Kermit Roosevelt, Alice Widener); Race Relations; George Santayana – "Spirit in the Sanctuary"; Robert Strausz-Hupé; Technology Symposium, Dec. 19-23, 1965 - Participants ( Marshall McLuhan); and [Birch] John Birch Society.
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[0509c] Collection of the Center for the Study of Political Graphics, 1900- (bulk 1960- ) [posters]
Location: Center for the Study of Political Graphics, 3916 Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 103, Culver City, California 90230
Description: The collection of the Center for the Study of Political Graphics (CSPG) contains over 85,000 domestic and international political posters and prints relating to historical and contemporary movements for social change. Topics include abortion, abortion clinics, anti-abortion, Anti-Arab racism, anti-black, anti-choice politicians, anti-Communism, anti-gay violence, anti-immigration, anti-labor laws, anti-Sandinista, anti-Semitism, anti-socialism, brainwashing, criminalization of abortion, Jim Bakker, Tammy Faye Bakker, British National Party (BNP), California Proposition 8 (anti gay marriage), Christian fundamentalists, climate change, Roy Cohn, Colorado Amendment 2 (anti-gay rights), Derek Beackon, Communism, conservatism, cults, William E. Dannemeyer, Tom DeLay, Robert Dole, evolution, extreme right-wing politics, far-right, fascism, forced sterilization, Gerald Ford, Newt Gingrich, guns, hate, Jesse Helms, Rudolf Hess, Adolf Hitler, Holocaust, homophobia, J. Edgar Hoover, House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), Iran-Contra Affair, Islamophobia, Japanese internment, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 (Taft-Hartley Act), Joseph McCarthy, McCarthyism, Ed Meese, Minutemen, Karl E. Mundt, Nazi Germany, Nazi skinheads, Nazism, neo-Nazi organizations, Richard Nixon, Oliver North, Operation Rescue, patriotism, population control, The Potsdam Conference (1945), pro-gun movement, pro-life, pro-life movement (abortion), pro-life murder, racial integration, racial segregation, racism, racism in the U.S., radical right, Ronald Reagan, the red menace, Red-baiting, reproductive rights, Republican Party for George Wallace, right to bear arms, right-wing, right-wing extremism, right-wing extremists, right-wing fraternities, right-wing fundamentalism, right-wing political parties, right wing politicians, right-wing politics, right-wing propaganda, right wing religious groups, right wing violence, right-wing young organizations, Karl Rove, Antonin Scalia, Phyllis Schlafly, sex education, socialism, Jimmy Swaggart, swastikas, terrorism, Margaret Thatcher, Clarence Thomas, Strom Thurmond, John Tower, ultra-conservative, ultra-right, Unidad Nicaragüense Opositora (UNO), violence against abortion providers, violence against women, George Wallace, white supremacy, World Anti-Communist League (WACL), and xenophobia.
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[0510] Central American Historical Institute Records, 1980-1993, DG 174
Location: Swarthmore College Peace Collection, 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, PA 19081-1399
Description: Central American Historical Institute (CAHI) was established in 1982 as an independent educational and research center based at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. It was affiliated with the Instituto Histórico Centroamericano, a 25-year-old documentation center of the Jesuits of Central America; worked in Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama. The CAHI ceased operation around 1993. This collection contains reference files on various Central American countries in the 1980s, especially concerning work of Jesuits in Central America; most material is about El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua; in English and Spanish. Files on the Contras, Godoy and Right Wing, 1989- , Right Perspectives, 1990's, The Right, The Right II, Contra Supporters: Recent Activity 1991, North and Company Aid to Contras, El Salvador- ARENA (Alianza Republicana Nacionalista - Nationalist Republican Alliance, a right-wing party founded by Roberto D'Aubuisson), El Salvador- Death Squads, CIA in El Salvador, CIA in Guatemala, and CIA in Nicaragua.
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[0511] Central American Political Ephemera Collection, 1983-1986, MSS 684 BC [ephemera collection]
Location: Center for Southwest Research and Special Collections, Zimmerman Library 1st floor, West Wing, MSC05 3020, University of New Mexico, 800 Yale Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87131
Description: This collection contains materials from Central American political campaigns during the mid-1980s, including political material from Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, and El Salvador. The majority of the collection consists of campaign pamphlets and information about candidates running for the presidency in the 1985 and 1986 elections. In addition to the material specific to the presidential campaigns are numerous stickers, calenders and newspapers. Among the newspapers are multiple issues of Nicaragua Hoy and Hacia Nuestra Liberación, publications of the reactionary, counter-revolutionary forces in Nicaragua, the Contras (Unidad Nicaragüense Opositora (UNO)). Contains copies of Por el rescate democrático de Nicaragua (Unidad Nicaragüense Opositora (UNO), 1986); Hacia Nuestra Liberación (Unidad Nicaragüense Opositora (UNO), 1985-1986); Nicaragua Hoy (Unidad Nicaragüense Opositora (UNO), 1985-1986); and miscellaneous Contra-related materials, 1985-1986.
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[0512] Central office of the State Security Service, 1945-1948, Record Group 305
Location: Department of Archival Collections of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Na Struze 3, Prague 1, Czech Republic
Description: Materials of diverse character, mainly consisting of messages and investigations of activities of former members and functionaries of Nazi and collaborationist organizations (including the NSDAP, Freikorps, Wehrwolf, Hitlerjugend, Kuratorium, Vlajka). Screening of national and state loyalty of public and state employees. Enquiries, messages and protocol testimonies of persons detained in illegal state border crossings. Reports and investigations into activities of resistance and partisan groups. Reports on the activities of various associations in the Czech Socialist Republic (CSR), their characteristics, political focus and findings on functionaries and members, including the Rotary Club, Association of Friends of Democratic States, Association of Friends of the USA, spiritists, Masons, Jewish and Zionist associations, etc.
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[0513] Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine et Mémorial de la Shoah
Location: 17, rue Geoffroy-l'Asnier, 75004 Paris, France
Description: In 1943 the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine (Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation, or CDJC) was founded in Grenoble as a clandestine organisation. Its specific objective was to document the Shoah by pooling the information of Jewish organizations and scholars and by collecting documentary evidence. After the liberation of France in 1944, the founder, Isaac Schneersohn, and Léon Poliakov, in charge of research, moved the CDJC to Paris to save it from destruction and to sequester the archives of the Vichy government and of the German occupying forces. Among documents that they obtained were the French archives of the Gestapo, part of the Wehrmacht archives, and Vichy documents. Later the CDJC became one of the official repositories of the Nuremberg trial documents. In addition to the minutes and background documentation for the trials, the CDJC obtained original archival material and the personal archives of Alfred Rosenberg, Nazi Party ideologue and ERR chief. (Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR) was a looting agency set up in July-August 1940 to spoliate western Europe's cultural heritage, but especially Jewish libraries, archives, and private art collections and, later on in the war, to pillage cultural objects in south east Europe and the former Soviet Union.) The archive collections currently contain more than thirty million archive documents, including papers from the Direction Régionale de l'Aryanization Economique de Toulouse; documents from the French Commissariat Général aux Questions Juives (General Commission on Jewish Affairs), the agency principally active in stripping French Jews of their property and transcripts of the trials of the top level of management; the archives of Georges Montandon (1879-1944), a Swiss anthropologist and "expert on racial issues" with the Commissariat Général aux Questions Juives (CGQJ). This partial archive group covers the period from 1924 to 1944 and deals first with his scientific ethnology work, then with his activities in anti-Jewish propaganda from 1938; and records of the Institut d'Étude des Questions Juives or IEQJ (a German organisation created by Theodor Dannecker in 1941 for anti-Jewish propaganda set up under the Occupation).
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[0514] Centre for Policy Studies, 1974-1991, Ref. No. CPS
Location: Archive and Special collections, British Library of Political and Economic Science, 10 Portugal Street, London WC2A 2HD, England
Description: The Centre for Policy Studies was established by Margaret Thatcher and Keith Joseph in 1974 as an independent centre right think tank with a remit to develop and publish public policy proposals and arrange seminars and lectures on topical policy issues, with a view to influencing policy world-wide. According to its mission statement, the core principles upon which the Centre bases its policy proposals include the value of free markets, the importance of individual choice and responsibility, and the concepts of duty, family, respect for the law, national independence, individualism, and liberty. This collection is composed of various administrative records, publications, reports, and papers of study groups of the Centre for Policy Studies.
The Routledge Guide to British Political Archives: Sources since 1945, [edited by] Chris Cook in association with the LSE Library (London, New York, Routledge, 2006), pp. 258-259.
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[0515] Centro operativo tra genitori per l'iniziativa democratica e antifascista nella scuola (Cogidas), bb. 14 (1971-1978)
Location: Istituto romano per la storia d'italia dal fascismo alla resistenza, Piazza di Porta Capena 1 - 00184 Roma, Italy
Description: Documents, flyers, correspondence, newsletters, press clippings, and magazines on the initiatives of Cogidas, as well as a collection of press clippings on neo-fascist violence in schools in Rome and other issues.
Guida alle fonti per la storia dei movimenti in Italia (1966-1978), a cura di Marco Grispigni and Leonardo Musci (Roma: Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali, 2003),
[0515a] Century Company records, 1870-1930s (bulk 1886-1918), MssCol 504 [partly digital collection]
Location: Manuscripts and Archives Division, Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, Brooke Russell Astor Reading Room, Third Floor, Room 328, New York Public Library, Fifth Avenue at 42nd Street, New York, NY 10018-2788
Description: The Century Company, founded in New York City in 1881, published the Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, the children's magazine St. Nicholas, dictionaries, and books. The records chiefly contain correspondence with contributors, readers, public figures, and literary agents. Series I. General Correspondence, contains files on Brooks Adams, Gertrude Breckenridge Beeks (Mrs. Ralph M. Easley), Hilaire Belloc, Charles Francis Brush, Luther Burbank, Nicholas Murray Butler, John Jay Chapman, Arthur Cherep-Spiridovich, Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Ralph Adams Cram, George Creel, Josephus Daniels, Charles Benedict Davenport, Alexander Del Mar, C.F. Dight, Ralph Montgomery Easley, Max Forrester Eastman, Thomas Alva Edison, Livingston Farrand, Irving Fisher, Henry H. Goddard, Madison Grant, Prescott F. Hall, Archibald Henderson, Hamilton Holt, Rossiter Johnson, David Starr Jordan, Paul Underwood Kellogg, Rudyard Kipling, Abbott Lawrence Lowell, David Lubin, Paul Elmer More, National Economic League, Henry Fairfield Osborn, Robert L. Owen, Sir William Mathew Flinders Petrie, Gifford Pinchot, Ezra Pound, Ogden Mills Reid, Edith Kermit (Carow) Roosevelt, Elihu Root, Edward A. Rumely, Jouett Shouse, Marie C. Stopes, George Sylvester Viereck, Oswald Garrison Villard, Luigi Villari, William Allen White, John Sharp Williams, Jennings C. Wise, Owen Wister, and Robert Mearns Yerkes.
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[0516] The Senatorial Papers of John H. Chafee, Washington Office, 1976-1999, Mss. Gr. 115.2
Location: Special Collections and Archives, University of Rhode Island Library, Unit 15 Lippitt Road, Kingston, RI 02881-2011
Description: Chafee (1922-1999) was a senator from Rhode Island, 1976-1999. Series I, Subject File, 1970-1977, contains files on Bilderberg Meetings and Contras: Opposition to Aid. Series II, Defense/Foreign Policy, 1979-1999, contains files on Iran-Contra Investigation, Israeli Attack on USS Liberty, McCarran-Walter Act: Immigration, and Pearl Harbor Commanders Kimmel, Short Resolution, 1999 [a non-binding resolution passed by the Senate to exonerate Kimmel and Short]. Series III, Health Care/Welfare Reform, 1977-1999, contains files on Abortion, Abortion: Anti-Choice Initiatives, and Abortion: Gag Rule, Title X. Series V, News Clippings, 1977-1999, contains files on Abortion, Bork Appointment, Busing, Equal Rights Amendment, Gag Rule (Title X), Global Warming, Gun Control, Iran Arms-Contra Scandal, Prayer in Schools, and Ronald Reagan. Series VI, Press Releases/Subject File, 1977-1999, contains a files on Contras. Series XXX, Nesbit Files, 1976-1991, contains a file on Contras. Series XLIV, Abortion, 1977-1999, contains files on Operation Rescue: Anti-Abortion Group; Title X Regulations (1970-1995), prohibiting the use of federal funds to family planning programs that provide abortion services; and Title X Gag Rule (1991), barring federally financed family planning centers from discussing abortion with pregnant women. Series LXIV, Trips, 1977-1997, contains a file on Bilderberg Meetings. Series LXV, Judicial Nominations, 1987-1994, contains a file on Robert Bork. Series LXIX, Personal Correspondence, 1971-1996, contains a file on William F. Buckley.
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[0517] Victor-Louis Chaigneau Papers, 1910-1954, Coll. XX219
Location: Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-6010
Description: Manuscripts of writings, memoranda, political campaign literature, and clippings, relating to social and economic legislation in France, particularly during the Vichy regime, and to French politics. Includes doctoral thesis of V.-L. Chaigneau, La Charte du Travail: Loi d'Octobre 1941. Subject File, 1913-1954, contains files on France - Antisemitism; France - Right-wing newspapers; France - Right-wing organizations; Royalism; Adolf Hitler; persecution of Jews; and Racism.