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Nectar for Your Soul
Nectar for Your Soul
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Nectar for Your Soul

In the following chapters we will reveal the basic sources of knowledge and give quintessential knowledge about them. Understandably, it is impossible for us to cram an entire course from our “School of Business” into one little book, but this is not necessary. From this book alone you will receive a large enough volume of knowledge for fast practical growth, along with the guiding threads which will allow you to independently follow the entire path which has been walked by us and many of our students.

We promised that we would discuss the special method of training which enables achievement of such outstanding results. In truth this is the method of self training, of internalizing the materials being studied. It requires only one thing, and that is perseverance. We will describe the method now, but first we’d like to make one observation.

In the process of preparing our classes we found a massive quantity of useful knowledge regarding each topic. Thousands of books have been written on the topic of achieving success and changing one’s consciousness, in which are contained hundreds of excellent formulas. Why, in the face of such an abundance of legitimately effective sources of knowledge, have millions of people failed to achieve success and continued to suffer physically, materially and spiritually? What prevents people from translating these formulas into real success?

The answer is simple: the improper approach to these materials. People buy books containing legitimate knowledge, read them, rave about the recipes contained therein and then throw the book on the shelf. Then they buy another book, read it as well, agree with its contents and place it on the shelf as well. As a result, they collect and entire library of beneficial books without receiving any of the benefit. And with such an approach it’s impossible to do so.

Our method is this (and we recommend that you apply it when working with this book):

Before all else, we reject the concept that printed sources of knowledge are books. If you treat them as books, you will follow the process described above: read, place on the shelf, forget. Books (unless we’re speaking of scientific treatises) as we usually understand them, are for reading, from which we expect either enjoyment or a method of passing the time.

We understand printed sources of knowledge to be tools for development. Even just this change in attitude alters the very character of our actions. We are constantly working with tools, but books we simply read.

Our work process proceeds like so: we take a marker in hand, let’s say, for example, a blue one, open our tool for development, and begin to study each phrase word by word. Study means to ponder, to get to the bottom of things, and if something isn’t immediately understandable, read it a second or third time. If even this is not enough in light of the complicated (unfamiliar) nature of the materials, we read it a fifth, even a tenth time, until we’ve finally got it. And until that point we don’t go any further, we don’t try to skip the difficult places.

If some phrase is set apart by cursive text or by a different font, we pay special attention to it, thinking about why the author wanted to draw our attention here.

We measure ourselves up against each concept included by the author, asking ourselves the question: how would I react in a situation similar to the one described? What do I know about these questions?

Those phrases that, in our view, are the most important, we highlight with our marker. And having completed our study of a particular source of knowledge, we review the places that we underlined one more time. We then create a written plan for the modification/expansion of our daily activities. Only then do we place the tool on the shelf and continue on to the next, beginning to put into practice the formulas that we have learned and accepted.

After a month or two, we return to the tool and reread it, this time with a red marker in hand. We mark out that which catches our attention on this, our second read. It always turns out that there are many things we had previously failed to pay attention to. As such, the tool’s rate of benefit to us grows. On our third read we use a green marker, and again we find places we wish to highlight. As a result, if a tool is truly valuable, it will end up entirely colored with different markers, and the ideas included in it will become part of our own world view and only then will they begin to work. By the way, almost all the authors of developmental books that we know of recommend rereading their book several times. For example, in his book The Greatest Salesman in the World, Og Mandino (1923—1996) suggests rereading the chapters of positive affirmations (he calls them “scrolls”) 90 (!) times. He rightly suggests that they will otherwise not become ingrained in one’s subconscious.

We will here give a simple example of the benefits of our training put into practice.

When our pupils study the formation of positive thoughts within oneself through the use of verbal self-affirmation, they each receive a printed tool (in the form of a small brochure) that we have prepared, which contain ancient Sumerian affirmations. They were used in the Kingdom of Sumeria five thousand years ago and the clay tablets on which they were inscribed were uncovered by archeologists while on a dig. We recommended arming oneself with this affirmation, written on a cardboard card. The affirmation goes like so:

You should place this card next to the place where you sleep in order to read it aloud first thing in the morning. You can place this card in the bathroom (in a place where you’ll notice it) or on the toilet seat – the important thing is that your eyes will come across it first thing after you open them.

You need to do this every day. Only then will the affirmation penetrate your subconscious and begin to really work. If you simply read a brochure full of affirmations and then place it on the shelf, its effect will be reduced to nothing, and the time and money that you spent on going to the seminar will simply be lost.

Of course the hardest thing is to form a habit of doing at least one of the things recommended in the seminars or taken from the printed materials every day. But there is no other way. The transformation of one’s conscious is a drawn-out process. Its length depends on the level of “trash” in one’s conscious, the amount and durability of false conceptions that have been soaked up during the course of one’s life. But believe us, the game is worth playing!

Chapter 2.

Farewell, ignorance!

The true reasons for global warming, natural disasters, economic crises and other negative processes. The pulse of the planet (Schumann Resonance) and precession of Earth’s axis. Scientific progress and spiritual degradation, materialism versus the Creator. The end of the Epoch of Ignorance and the Great Transition to the Era of Aquarius, mankind’s Golden Age.

Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.

George Bernard Shaw (1856—1950),British writer and Nobel laureate

At this point, many of our readers are likely feeling offended on the part of humanity; so many accusations of ignorance rang out from the pages of the first chapter! And to boot, people don’t know the meaning of life, and they aren’t even aware of their own destinies, and they haven’t even heard of sexual cycles. It would seem that humanity is just a mass of utter fools suffering in the grip of their own false knowledge and total ignorance.

In truth, we didn’t accuse people of being ignorant; we simply established that ignorance as fact. We couldn’t make accusations, since we know all too well that humanity as a whole is not to blame for the situation that has arisen. To blame modern-day people for their lack of awareness would be equivalent to condemning a bear for the fact that it hibernates during the winter. That’s just the way it is: bears go into hibernation in winter, wildflowers close at night, and trees shed their leaves in fall. Who made it like that? God, of course! He constructed the world so that everything proceeds in cycles and predefined rhythms; from the entire Universe down to each individual flower. People have cycles as well: infancy, childhood, youth, adulthood, and old age; throughout their lives people lay down to sleep at night and in the morning they get up. Cycles and rhythms penetrate every aspect of our lives. They can be found in the planets as well, and in human civilization, and in each individual person. And they are all so closely connected that each one’s movements are dependent on those of the next.

For example, the vibrational frequency of our planet, known as The Schumann Resonance, has, during the course of thousands of years, remained at a constant strength of 7.83 Hz. (Vibrational frequency is the number of full cycles completed by the source of an oscillatory motion in one second. The unit of measurement for frequencies is Herz (Hz), the number of oscillations per second.) It was so stable, that military personnel used it to calibrate their instruments.

Soon after its discovery by German physicist Otto Schumann in 1952, it was noted that, when in dream state, a healthy human mind pulses at exactly the same frequency of 7.8 Hz. It was then proven that the intensity of the Schumann Resonance directly affects the higher neural activity and the intellectual abilities of a human being.

A human being is, before all else, a complex electromagnetic system, for which reason we can, with full justification, refer to the Schumann Resonance as a tuning fork for life, any changes in the “hum” of which are immediately reflected in the workings of the human brain.

In relation to rhythms of the mind, the following information will be useful to us later on:

The human brain generates electric signals, the vibrational frequencies of which are dependent on the person’s state of being. In sleep, these frequencies are less than 8 Hz, in the process of awakening they rise to 12 Hz, and in an active, lively state the mind emits waves in the range of 13—30 Hz.

In 1994 the Schumann Frequency suddenly began to increase and reached a level of 8.6 Hz, after which it steadily rose to 13 Hz!

The intensity of our planet’s magnetic field is also changing; 2,500 years ago it was one and a half times greater than it is now. A sharp fall in intensity occurred 500 years ago, and during the past 200 years it has slowly descended to its current level.

The shifting of Earth’s magnetic poles has also been documented. It was first recorded in 1885 and since that time the south magnetic pole has shifted 900 km towards the Indian Ocean while the north magnetic pole has moved towards Eastern Siberia. The speed of this shifting has also increased. Until 1970 the north magnetic pole drifted no quicker than 10 km a year, but during the ‘90s its speed increased to 40 km a year, and at the current time it has already reached 60 km a year.

The movement of the magnetic poles has not only been observed on Earth; analogous processes take place on the other planets of the Solar System.

The effects of these processes are easily noticeable both in nature and in society.

Hurricanes, earthquakes and floods have veritably fallen upon the Earth. In comparison with the previous decade, the number of natural catastrophes in the world has more than doubled, from 130 to 288 a year.

Particularly unsettling for many people is the recent increase in volcanic activity. Scholars have calculated that it has increased four times over since 1973. Considering the fact that there are around twelve thousand volcanoes in the world and that roughly 1,000 of those are active, such concern is fully justified. In April of 2010 the eruption from just one volcano, Eyjafjallajökull, in Iceland, paralyzed air traffic throughout Europe for an entire week. Hundreds of thousands of people suffered from the cancellation of hundreds of flights; and yet it is far from the largest volcano!

Global Warming is another phenomenon that both excites and confuses the minds of scholars, government leaders and average citizens alike. Not too long ago the majority of scientists asserted that it was caused by the massive emission of industrial gasses. If this is the case, it can be stopped by cutting such emissions. Nowadays, many scientists have admitted that this is yet another misconception. The primary sources of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are volcanic activity and fires. This is not the first time that the Earth has seen global warming. The temperature anomalies that mankind is encountering in the twenty-first century “also took place on the planet many millions of years ago in a cyclical manner.” This was the conclusion reached in December of 2007 by the participants in a Russian-French climate change symposium in Saint Petersburg.

In addition to this, ice samples taken from deep within Antarctica and Greenland show significant variation in levels of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere and that the climate experienced warming in pre-industrial epochs. Furthermore, increased CO² concentrations didn’t precede these periods of warming, but rather were consequences of such changes.

This means that the theory of anthropogenic warming is mistaken. This point of view was upheld by American and Chinese scholars, and the governments of these and a number of other countries refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol, which would require governments to cut back their emissions of industrial gas.

The Earth’s climate really is changing, but this is not a result of human actions, but rather of the repeating processes (cycles) that take place in the Earth-Sun-Space System.

The changing of Earth’s magnetic field and shifts in its magnetic poles strongly influence the planet’s biosphere, of which we and you, our dear readers, are a part, along with all the animal world.

The “navigational instruments” of some animals that make seasonal migrations have begun to fail them. Newspapers increasingly inform us of the mass suicide of whales and dolphins, whole herds of which throw themselves onto land. Of course, we won’t be talking about any “whale suicides”; it’s simply that whales orient themselves according to the magnetic poles and don’t know that in some places their vector of alignment has moved towards land.

The same thing has happened with the birds’ “compasses”; they’ve been demagnetized and now point in the wrong direction.

During the past several decades, Great Britain has been literally attacked by flocks of wild tropical parrots, which are believed to have come from India. Their numbers are yearly rising by a third. Around 20,000 of these exotic birds occupy all the gardens and parks of London. Just one sports complex in the county of Surrey was found to be home to 3,000 wild parrots, though the rainy climate of England does not suit the birds very well.

In 2004 hundreds of Swedish carrier pigeons, sent from Arad (Romania) to Athens in order to mark the opening of the Olympic Games, went astray and failed to return to their dovecotes. More specifically, of the 850 pigeons only 50 managed to find the road home. The same thing happened to their Hungarian brethren; of 1,500 pigeons only 40 returned.

For hundreds of years 28,000 pelicans have flown the proper route to Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge in North Dakota (USA). But last season, the birds failed to return. It is believed by Ornithologists that they went astray on the way there. And so, their nests remained empty. The rare sight of the brown pelican has also disappeared from Northern California.

Humanity has reacted to these global cosmic changes with record levels of alcoholism, increased crime, psychological illness and a sharp fall in the birthrate in all the developed countries. One could say that people’s “navigational instruments” have also been damaged. Our conscious is as closely tied to the Earth’s magnetic field as an embryo is to the body of its mother. From this has arisen terrorism, common crime, stress, drug addiction, chronic fatigue, psychological illness and many other negative phenomena that we see in our everyday lives.

We can clearly see what is happening to our planet and to humanity, but few know of the true reasons for these happenings. Ignorance about this question gives rise to suffering, from which there is only one method of escape: understand the nature of these cataclysms and, having reached this understanding, change your attitude towards them and take effective measures to improve your state of being.

You have likely already noticed the repeated phrase cycles and rhythms. Our entire lives and, by the way, the economy as well, are subject to them. Academics have established that the economy, like the Sun, has periods of decline and of activity, short and long cycles of strictly defined length.

In the ‘30s the renowned Russian scientist Alexander Chizhevsky (1897—1964) not only proved the cyclical nature of all phenomena of a physical, biological, economic and social character, but found their uniting thread and showed that they are fully dependent on the oscillations of cosmic radiation and solar electromagnetic activity.

At the middle of the twentieth century and particularly in its second half appeared the works of hundreds of scholars from various countries affirming the cyclical nature of all Earthly processes, whether social, historical, economic, natural, or demographic, and the connections between them and, most importantly, the cycles of the cosmos.

Now we are close to arriving at a conception which answers questions about the reasons both for global ignorance and for the cataclysms that have assaulted the planet in previous decades.

We are referring to the precession of earth’s axis, or the precession of equinoxes (Latin: praecessio aequinoctiorum). The cycle of precession lies at the root of everything that is currently happening and that will happen in the near future on our planet.

The precession of equinoxes is the slow movement of the Earth’s axis of rotation in a cone-shaped path over a period of 25,920 years. This phenomenon is easily demonstrated using a spinning top (the children’s toy) as an example. If you spin a top, it will turn about its axis while simultaneously exhibiting a wavering motion which increases in relation to the decrease in the speed at which the top spins.

The thing is, the planet Earth is not a perfect sphere, it is somewhat flattened at the poles and slightly more convex at the equator. Additionally, the Earth’s core is shifted away from its center towards the surface by the irregular gravitational forces exerted on the Earth by the Moon and Sun. As a result we have precession, in the process of which the Earth’s axis of rotation moves in a cone, pointing in turn to various constellations, which are famous as the Signs of the Zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, twelve constellations in total. The projection of Earth’s axis changes from one Sign to the next in the course of 2,160 years (25,920:12) and people have long become accustomed to refer to these periods as epochs or eras, as in the Era of Taurus, the Era of Pisces and so on.

These epochs make up a unique chronological scale according to which proceed changes to both people’s consciousness and the psycho-physiological condition of humanity.

Having proceeded through all twelve constellations, the projection of Earth’s axis intersects two important points: its maximum and minimum distances from the center of our galaxy the Milky Way. The fact that the magnetic field at the center of the Milky Way is ten times stronger than in the rest of the galaxy is of principle importance to us.

The world renowned researcher of our civilization Drunvalo Melchizedek described the precession of the Earth’s axis in detail in his famed book The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life.

Diagram 1

In this book can be found drawings with images of the precession of equinoxes (the points at which the Earth’s celestial or astronomical equator intersects its ecliptic) thanks to the slow rotation of the Earth’s axis around the line perpendicular to its ecliptic (diagram 1).

The celestial equator is the large circle in the celestial sphere, the plane of which is perpendicular to the Earth’s axis.

Ecliptic is the name for the large circle of the celestial sphere along which the yearly movements of the center of the Sun proceed. The Sun is located exactly on the plane of the equator on the fall (September 23) and spring (March 21) equinoxes, when the length of the day is exactly equal to the length of the night.

The oscillating movement of the Earth’s axis takes the form of an oval: the large oval in diagram 2, which is taken from the same book, represents one such oscillation. The right end of the oval’s axis is called the apogee and points towards the center of the Galaxy. The lower half of the oval reflects the movement of the projection of the planet’s axis towards the center of the Galaxy, and the upper half shows when the axis, having returned to its point of origin, is moving away from the center of the Galaxy.

Diagram 2

Drunvalo Melchizedek writes: “Great changes do not happen on the outermost points of this oval, but soon after passing these points, as shown by the points labeled with small ovals A and C in diagram 2. Great changes occur at these two points… At this time, (in the ‘90s and in the first years of the twenty-first century) we are located on point A (the lower of the small ovals). This is a time of momentous change… As of recent the Earth’s magnetic field has been undergoing unheard-of changes.”

Drunvalo Melchizedek noted two more places in the drawing where serious change can occur using points B and D. He writes further:

“Point A is where we are right now and point C is the time when the Fall of Atlantis occurred. Point C also marks the moment of the shifting of the poles; science has established that it took place precisely then.

This is that time when the icecaps melted and the Great Flood from the story of Noah’s Ark occurred, resulting in all the changes that took place on the Earth at that time” [11].

And so, about 13,000 years ago, when half a cycle of precession of the Earth’s axis was completed, there occurred drastic changes in the Earth’s magnetosphere, which lead to the onset of a period of cataclysms. After this global tumult, the planet began to calm down and steadily proceed into a “hibernation period.” Those who survived the cataclysms also fell into slumber and during the span of thousands of years practically no evolution was seen on the Earth. Hunting, fishing and gathering were the primary concerns of humanity. However, around 6,000 years ago (point D in diagram 2) this slumber was suddenly interrupted. It was precisely then that highly developed civilizations arose practically simultaneously in Sumer (the territory of modern-day Iraq) and Egypt, for reasons completely unexplainable from the point of view of traditional science. As if at the call of a magic wand, amidst an almost complete absence of evolution, semi-wild tribes of hunters and fishers suddenly acquired fully developed language, literacy, and a deep knowledge in the areas of agriculture, astronomy, mathematics, geometry, hydraulics and simple sciences, including knowledge about the precession of equinoxes.