Книга Dirty Devil / The Fling, Stefanie London — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Stefanie London - Dirty Devil / The Fling

Dirty Devil / The Fling
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Автор: Stefanie London
Название: Dirty Devil / The Fling

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Автор: Stefanie London
Название: Dirty Devil / The Fling
Аннотация на книгу:

Dirty DevilSeduced by the thief…I didn’t make billions letting others rob me blind. So when I catch Thea Smith stealing a priceless necklace, I can’t release her…before she spends a few nights in my bed! But this sexy distraction will be dangerous if this thief steals my heart.The FlingAn irresistible allure!After a bad break-up, I'm not thrilled to go home for my twin sister's wedding. But my delicious neighbor–the anonymous 'Mr. Suit'–becomes a sinful indulgence. Until I discover he's the best man I've come to hate! With chemistry this hot, will someone get burned?

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