Книга The Art and Science of NFC Programming, Anne-Marie Lesas — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Anne-Marie Lesas - The Art and Science of NFC Programming

The Art and Science of NFC Programming0
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Автор: Anne-Marie Lesas
Название: The Art and Science of NFC Programming

Рейтинг: 4

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Автор: Anne-Marie Lesas
Название: The Art and Science of NFC Programming
Аннотация на книгу:

NFC is a world standard since 2004 which is now within every smartphone on the market. Such a standard enables us to do mobile transactions (mobile payment) in a secure way along with many other information- based tap’n play operations. This book has a double role for computer scientists (from bachelor students in CS to IT professionals).

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