Книга Design and Implementation of Large-Range Compliant Micropositioning Systems, Qingsong Xu — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Qingsong Xu - Design and Implementation of Large-Range Compliant Micropositioning Systems

Design and Implementation of Large-Range Compliant Micropositioning Systems
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Автор: Qingsong Xu
Название: Design and Implementation of Large-Range Compliant Micropositioning Systems

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Автор: Qingsong Xu
Название: Design and Implementation of Large-Range Compliant Micropositioning Systems
Аннотация на книгу:

An innovative and timely guide to the modeling, design and implementation of large-range compliant micropositioning systems based on flexure hinges Features innovative compact mechanism designs for large-range translational and rotational positioning Provides original and concise treatment of various flexure hinges with well-presented design and control methods Focuses on design implementation and applications through detailed examples

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