Книга Multiphase Catalytic Reactors. Theory, Design, Manufacturing, and Applications, Ahmet Kerim Avci — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Ahmet Kerim Avci - Multiphase Catalytic Reactors. Theory, Design, Manufacturing, and Applications

Multiphase Catalytic Reactors. Theory, Design, Manufacturing, and Applications0
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Автор: Ahmet Kerim Avci
Название: Multiphase Catalytic Reactors. Theory, Design, Manufacturing, and Applications

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Автор: Ahmet Kerim Avci
Название: Multiphase Catalytic Reactors. Theory, Design, Manufacturing, and Applications
Аннотация на книгу:

Provides a holistic approach to multiphase catalytic reactors from their modeling and design to their applications in industrial manufacturing of chemicals Covers theoretical aspects and examples of fixed-bed, fluidized-bed, trickle-bed, slurry, monolith and microchannel reactors Includes chapters covering experimental techniques and practical guidelines for lab-scale testing of multiphase reactors Includes mathematical content focused on design equations and empirical relationships characterizing different multiphase reactor types together with an assortment of computational tools Involves detailed coverage of multiphase reactor applications such as Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, fuel processing for fuel cells, hydrotreating of oil fractions and biofuels processing

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