FHP force health protection
FHSS frequency hopping spread spectrum
FIST fire support team
FIST-V fire support team vehicle
fld field
FLDCOM field command
FLIR forward-looking infrared
FLOLS Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System
FLOT forward line of own troops
flot flotilla
flt flight
flt con flight control
flt con sur flight control surface
FM (97) frequency modulation; frequency-modulated
FMC field maintenance company
FMF Fleet Marine Force
FMFLANT Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic
FMFPAC Fleet Marine Force, Pacific
fmn formation
FMS flight management system
FMT field maintenance team
FO forward observer
FOA field operating agency
F of F field of fire
FORSCOM US Army Forces Command
fps feet per second
frag fragmentation
frd friend (ly)
freq frequency
FS fin-stabilized
FS fire support
FS force sustainment
FS fuselage station
FSB forward support battalion
FSC forward support company
FSE fire support element
FSN federal stock number
FSNCO fire support noncommissioned officer
FSO fire support officer
FSO free-space optics
FSO comm free-space optical communication
FSSG Force Service Support Group
FSV fire support vehicle
ft foot
Ft fort
ftn fortification
ftr fighter
ftr-bmr fighter-bomber
FU fire unit
fus fuselage
FW fixed-wing
fwd forward
G1 (14) personnel section (officer)
G2 (14) intelligence section (officer)
G3 (14) operations (and training) section (officer)
G4 (14) logistics section (officer)
G5 (14) (уст.) civil affairs/military government section (officer); plans section (officer)
G6 Chief Information Office (officer); signal section (officer)
G7 information operations section (officer)
G8 financial management section (officer)
G9 civil affairs operations section (officer)
GA tabun
GAN global area network
GAS gunner’s auxiliary sight
GB sarin
GBI Ground Based Interceptor
GBMD Ground-based Midcourse Defense
GBS global broadcast system
GBU guided bomb unit
GCC geographic combatant commander
GCCS Global Command and Control System
GCCS-A Global Command and Control System-Army
GCCS-M Global Command and Control System-Maritime
GCE ground combat element
GCS guidance and control section
gd guard
GD soman
GE General Electric
gen general
GEO (93) geosynchronous
GEV ground effect vehicle
GIG global information grid
GLCM ground-launched cruise missile
gli glider
GM guided missile
GMD Ground-based Midcourse Defense
GMLA guided missile launch assembly
GMLRS guided MLRS (rocket)
GMLRS-ER guided MLRS extended range (rocket)
gnd ground
gnd cbt ground combat
gnd recon ground reconnaissance
gnr gunner
gp group
GP general purpose
GPMG general purpose machine gun
GPS Global Positioning System
GPWS ground proximity warning system
gr grade
GRF Global Response Force
GS general support
GSR general support reinforcing
GTP ground tactical plan
GVO green vinyl overboots
GZ ground zero
HAF Headquarters Air Force
HCLOS high-capacity line-of-site
HD (sulphur) mustard
HDD head-down display
HDSB heavy dry support bridge
HDTV high-definition television
HE high-explosive
HEAT (122) high explosive antitank
HEAT proj (122) high explosive antitank projectile
HEDP high-explosive dual purpose
hel helicopter
HEMAT heavy expanded mobility ammunition trailer
HEMTT heavy expanded mobility tactical truck
HEP high-explosive plastic
HERA high-explosive rocket assisted
HF high frequency
HGV hypersonic glide vehicle
HHB headquarters and headquarters battalion
HHB headquarters and headquarters battery
HHC headquarters and headquarters company
HHD headquarters and headquarters detachment
HHS headquarters, headquarters and service
HHT headquarters and headquarters troop
HIMAD high-to-medium-altitude air defense
HIMARS High Mobility Artillery Rocket System
HMD helmet-mounted display
HMG heavy machine gun
HMMWV High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle
HN nitrogen mustard
horiz horizontal
horiz stblz horizontal stabilizer
HOTAS hands on throttle and stick
how howitzer
HP, hp horsepower
HPK hull protection kit
HQ, hq headquarters
HQ co headquarters company
HQDA headquarters, department of the army
HQ ech headquarters echelon
HQMC Headquarters, Marine Corps
HQ USAF Headquarters US Air Force
hr hour
HRC Army Human Resources Command
HSC headquarters support company
HSC Homeland Security Council
HSS health service support
HTA acft heavier-than-air aircraft
HUD head-up display
HUMINT human intelligence
HVAP hypervelocity armor-piercing
HVM hypervelocity missile
HVU high value unit
HW hardware
I2 image intensifier; image intensification
I2R sys imaging infrared system
I2T image intensifier tube
IAC improved armor cab
IBAS improved Bradley acquisition subsystem
IBCT infantry brigade combat team
IC Intelligence Community
IC internal combustion
IC3 Integrated Combat Command and Control digital communications suite
ICAD individual chemical agent detector
ICAW integrated caution, advisory and warning
ICBM intercontinental ballistic missile
ICC integrated circuit chip
ICM improved conventional munition
ICP integrated control panel
ICV infantry carrier vehicle
ID identification document
ident identification
IED improvised explosive device
IFCS improved fire control system
IFF identification friend-or-foe
IFLIR improved forward looking infrared
IFPC indirect fire protection capability
IFV infantry fighting vehicle
IG inspector general
IGB intermediate gearbox
ILMS improved launcher mechanical system
ILS instrument landing system
IMA Individual Mobilization Augmentee
IMCOM Army Installation Management Command
IMETS integrated meteorological system
IMINT image [imagery] intelligence
in inch
IN inertial navigation
incd incendiary
inf infantry
info information
ING Inactive National Guard
INR initial nuclear radiation
INS inertial navigation system
INSCOM Army Intelligence and Security Command
instal installation
instl installation
intel intelligence
IO information operation
IOE irregular outer edge
IOS instrumental observation and survey
IPE individual protective equipment
IR infrared
IRBM intermediate-range ballistic missile
IRR Individual Ready Reserve
ISR intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance
IT information technology
ITW/AA integrated tactical warning and attack assessment
IVIS inter-vehicular information system
JAG Judge Advocate General
JAGC Judge Advocate General’s Corps
JCC joint command and control ship
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
JDAM joint direct attack munition
JFACC Joint Force Air Component Commander
JFCOM US Joint Forces Command
JNN joint network node
JS joint staff
JSLIST Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology
JTF joint task force
KE kinetic energy
KE proj kinetic energy projectile
KIA killed in action
kph kilometer per hour
kt knot
KV kill vehicle
L lewisite
LAAB Light Armored Assault Battalion
LAN local area network
LANTFLT Atlantic Fleet
LANTIRN Low-Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night
LAR launch acceptance region
laser light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
LAV Light Armored Vehicle
lb pound
LBP length between perpendiculars
LCAC landing craft, air cushion
LCC amphibious command ship
LCE logistics combat element
lchr launcher
LCS littoral combat ship
LCU landing craft, utility
LDGP low-drag general purpose
ldr leader
LDS light decontamination system
LEO low earth orbit
LF landing force
LG landing gear
LGB laser-guided bomb
LHA amphibious assault ship (general purpose)
LHD amphibious assault ship (multi-purpose)
LIDAR light radar
LJDAM laser joint direct attack munition
LLM launcher-loader module
LMG light machine gun
LNO liaison officer
LOA length overall
LOC line (s) of communication
loc location
log logistic; logistical
LOGGRU (combat) logistics group
LORAN long range navigation
LOS line-of-site
LPC launch pod container
LPD amphibious transport dock
LRBM long-range ballistic missile
LRF laser rangefinder
LRR long range rocket
LS launching station
LSD dock landing ship
LTA acft lighter-than-air aircaft
LTC lieutenant colonel
Lt. Col lieutenant colonel
LTG lieutenant general
LW light weapons
LWL length on load waterline
LWR laser warning receiver
LZ landing zone
M mobility
MAC Military Airlift Command
MACOM major command
MAGTF Marine Air Ground Task Force
maint maintenance
maint sec maintenance section
maint spt maintenance support
MAJ major
MAJCOM major command
MAJCON major air command controlled
MANPADS man-portable air defense system
MARCORLOGCOM Marine Corps Logistics Command
MARDIV Marine Division
MARFOR Marine Corps Forces
MARFORCOM Marine Forces Command
MARFORLANT Marine Forces Atlantic
MARFORPAC Marine Forces Pacific
MARFORRES Marine Forces Reserve
MARSOC Marine Special Operations Command
MaRV maneuverable re-entry vehicle
maser microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
MASINT measurement and signature intelligence
M-ATV MRAP all-terrain vehicle
MAW Marine Aircraft Wing
max maximum
mbl mobile
mbr member
MBT main ballast tank
MBT main battle tank
MC Marine Corps
MC Medical Corps
MC mortar carrier
MCCDC Marine Corps Combat Development Command
MCB mine-clearing blade
MCB movement control battalion
MCDU multifunction control display unit
MCG mobile command group
MCICOM Marine Corps Installations Command
MCM mine countermeasures ship
mcmron mine countermeasures squadron
MCP main command post
MCP multichannel plate
MCR mine-clearing roller
MCRD Marine Corps Recruit Depot
MCS maneuver control system
MCSC Marine Corps Systems Command
MCSF MC Security Forces
MCT movement control team
M-day sol man-day soldier
MDR medium data rate
MDW Military District of Washington
MEB maneuver enhancement brigade
MEB Marine Expeditionary Brigade
mech mechanized
mech inf mechanized infantry
mech inf bn mechanized infantry battalion
mech inf co mechanized infantry company
mech inf div mechanized infantry division
med medical
MEDCOM US Army Medical Command
medevac medical evacuation
med spt medical support
MEF Marine Expeditionary Force
MEHEL mobile expeditionary high energy laser
met meteorological
MEU Marine Expeditionary Unit
MEV Medical Evacuation Vehicle
MFD multifunction display
MFE maneuver, fires, and effects (branch)
mfld minefield
MFOM MLRS family of munitions
MFSB multi-finctional support brigade
MG, mg machine gun
MG major general
MGB main gearbox
MGB medium girder bridge
MGS mobile gun system
MHC mine hunter, coastal
MHTK miniature hit-to-kill projectile
MHz MegaHertz
mi mile
MI Military Intelligence
MIA missing in action
mic microphone
MICLIC mine-clearing line charge
MICO military intelligence company
mil military
MILDEC military deception
mil ops military operations
MILSATCOM military satellite communications
Milstar military strategic and tactical relay
min minimum
MIRV multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicle
misc miscellaneous
MLC military load classification
MLG Marine Logistics Group
MLRS (67) multiple launch rocket system
MLS microwave landing system
MMG medium machine gun
MML multi-mission launcher
mnvr, mvr maneuver
mob mobile
MOPP mission-oriented protective posture
mort mortar
mort sec mortar section
MOS military occupational specialty
MP military police
MPC Military Police Corps
MPF maritime prepositioning force
mph miles per hour
MR main rotor
MRAP mine resistant ambush protected
MRBM medium-range ballistic missile
MRE meals ready to eat
MSB main support battalion
MSC Medical Service Corps
MSC Military Sealift Command
msec millisecond
MSG Marine Security Guard
msg message
msgr messenger
MSL maneuver SHORAD launcher
msl missile
msl whd missile warhead
msn mission
MSR main supply route
MST maintenance support team
MT mechanical time
MTF military treatment facility
MTLR moving target locating radar
MTMC US Army Military Traffic Management Command
mtr motor
MULO Multipurpose Rain/Snow/CB Overboots
mvmt movement
mvr maneuver
mvr bn maneuver battalion
mvr elm maneuver element
MWR missile warning receiver
NAF numbered air force
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
navaid navigation aid
NAVSTAR (360) Navigation Signal Timing and Ranging
NBC nuclear, biological and chemical
NBCRV Nuclear Biological Chemical Reconnaissance Vehicle
NCA National Command Authority
NCO noncommissioned officer
NCO Network-Centric operations
NCW Network-Centric Warfare; Netcentric Warfare
ND Navy Department
NDO nuclear deterrence operations
NDU National Defense University
NEAF numbered expeditionary air force
nec necessary
NECC Navy Expeditionary Combat Command
NERA non-energetic reactive armor
NETCOM Army Network Enterprise Technology Command
NETF naval expeditionary task force
NG National Guard
NGB National Guard Bureau
NIC network interface controller
NIIN national item identification number
NIR near-infrared
NMAWC Naval Mine and Anti-Submarine Warfare Command
NMD national missile defense
NOD night optical/observation device
noncom noncommissioned officer
nonnuc nonnuclear
NORAD North American Aerospace Defense
NOTAR no tail rotor
NSC National Security Council
NSFS naval surface fire support
NSN national stock number; NATO stock number
NSW Naval Special Warfare
NTDR Near-Term Digital Radio
nuc nuclear
nuc atk nuclear attack
nuc wpn nuclear weapon
NVD night vision device
NVG night vision goggles
nw network
NxRA non-explosive reactive armor
obj objective
obs obstacle
obsn observation
obsn hel observation helicopter
OCA offensive counterair
OCAR Office of the Chief, Army Reserve
OCE Office of the Chief of Engineers
OCO offensive cyberspace operations
OCP operational camouflage pattern
OCS officer candidate school
OCSA Office of the Chief of Staff, US Army
OD officer of the day
OD olive drab
OF Operating Force (s)
off officer
OOD officer of the deck
op operation
OP observation post
OPCON operational control
opn operation
opns scty operations security
OPSEC operations security
ord ordnance
Ord C Ordnance Corps
orgn organization