BLOMFIELD, Bishop, Acts II., 229.
BLOOD of the Passover, Exodus, 189, 190.
– The plague of, Exodus, 129-132.
– Prohibition of, Leviticus, 99.
– Revenge, Numbers, 400.
– Sprinkling of, Leviticus, 136.
BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST cries for pardon, Genesis, 39.
– See Atonement.
BOASTING, Foolish, II. Corinthians, 325-341.
BOAZ, Judges, 389-416.
BOCHIM, Judges, 35-44.
BODENSTEIN, Andrew Rudolph, James, 24.
BODY and the Christian life, Philippians, 310-314.
– and spirit, Exodus, 105.
– compare with society, I. Corinthians, 283.
– for the Lord, I. Corinthians, 152-155.
– influences the higher nature, Exodus, 320.
– The spiritual, in the resurrection, I. Corinthians, 371-386.
– to be kept under, I. Samuel, 55;
I. Corinthians, 223.
BOECKH, Augustus, Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, Acts II., 205, 278, 300, 363, 366.
BOEHME, Jacob, on the Divine shining, Numbers, 69.
BOETHIUS quoted, Job, 288.
BOILS, The plague of, Exodus, 144-146.
BOLLANDISTS, Acts I., 111, 162;
Pastoral Epistles, 248.
BONDAGE, Return to spiritual, Galatians, 256-271.
"BOOK OF THE DEAD," Job, 213.
BOOK OF ENOCH, Acts I., 25, 28, 119;
James, 409, 432-447.
BOOK OF JUBILEES, Acts I., 25, 28.
BOOK OF THE LAW found by Hilkiah, II. Kings, 386, 399-401.
BOOTH, Wm., John Epistles, 231.
"BORROWED JEWELS," Exodus, 69, 167.
BOSSUET, Jacob B., John Epistles, 136.
BRADFORD, John, Romans, 54.
BRAVERY, Disinterested, Exodus, 40.
BRAZEN SERPENT, The, Numbers, 248.
– and Jesus Christ, John I., 117-128.
– Symbolism of, Numbers, 249.
BREAD and faith, Deuteronomy, 207.
– of life, John I., 207-222.
– of the soul, Deuteronomy, 202-217.
BREDENKAMP, Conrad J., Isaiah I., 237;
II., 130, 178, 205, 211, 226, 435, 457, 458;
Twelve Prophets II., 134.
BRETHREN, Colossians, 15, 385.
– Love of the, Thessalonians, 151-158;
Peter, 249.
BRETSCHNEIDER, Karl T., Pastoral Epistles, 125;
John Epistles, 125, 307.
BRIBERY, Isaiah I., 47.
BRICK MAKING in Egypt, Exodus, 92-94.
BRIGGS, C. A., Isaiah II., 18, 336, 345, 412, 435.
BRIGHT, John, Twelve Prophets I., 241.
BROOKS, Phillips, Luke, 315.
BROTHER OF THE LORD, James, 28, 31, 374.
BROTHERHOOD, Genesis, 40, 41;
Numbers, 408.
– Christian, Peter, 55-68.
– Christ's, Hebrews, 39, 41.
– in the church, Joshua, 77;
Colossians, 476, 477.
– of man, Twelve Prophets I., 406;
Galatians, 234.
– of nations, Joshua, 76.
BROWN, David, The Book of Revelation, Revelation, 205.
– Epistle to the Romans, Romans, 207.
– The Second advent, Revelation, 130.
BROWNING, Robert, quoted, Numbers, 275, 294;
Deuteronomy, 115;
Judges, 379;
II. Kings, 319;
Chronicles, 443;
Proverbs, 351;
Ecclesiastes, 16;
Song of Solomon, 172, 181;
Isaiah I., 63, 220, 354;
Ezekiel, 120, 231;
John I., 27;
Romans, 88;
I. Corinthians, 119, 278;
Ephesians, 234.
BROWNLOW AND NORTHCOTE, Roma Sotteranea, Acts I., 112.
BRUCE, A. B., John I., 233;
Thessalonians, 176;
Hebrews, 44, 45;
James, 410.
BRÜCKNER, Benno B., James, 60, 378, 390, 418.
BRUGSCH, Heinrich, Jeremiah II., 221;
Ezekiel, 281.
BRYCE, James, Locusts in South Africa, Twelve Prophets II., 400.
BUCKLAND, F., John Epistles, 131, 132.
BUCKLE, Thomas, Ecclesiastes, 144.
BUDDE, Karl, Twelve Prophets II., 119, 121, 124, 125, 128, 134, 498, 505.
BUDDHA, Doctrine of Karma, Proverbs, 71.
– Early life of, John Epistles, 155-157.
BUDDHISM, Acts I., 400;
John Epistles, 110.
BULL, George, Acts I., 134.
BUNTING, Jabez, Acts I., 3.
BUNYAN, John, quoted, Job, 144;
Song of Solomon, 237;
Ephesians, 75;
Colossians, 269;
Thessalonians, 77, 144.
Galatians, 390-404.
BURGER, Johann G., Revelation, 330.
BURNET, Bishop Gilbert, Commentary on the thirty-nine articles, Acts I., 192.
BURNS, Robert, Proverbs, 293;
Isaiah I., 192;
Thessalonians, 143, 144.
BURNT OFFERING, Leviticus, 29, 62.
BUSHNELL, Horace, quoted, Job, 259;
John I., 359.
BUSINESS, Twelve Prophets I., 430.
– The highest good in, Ecclesiastes, 142-186.
BUTLER, Alfred J., Coptic Churches, Acts II., 256.
BUTLER, Archer, James, 383, 386.
BUTLER, Joseph, James, 99, 443.
– The analogy, Acts I., 18;
II., 133, 413;
John Epistles, 71, 249.
– Durham charge, Pastoral Epistles, 368.
BUTLER, Samuel, Hudibras quoted, Proverbs, 266.
BUXTORF, Johann, Lexicon, Acts II., 16.
BYRON, Lord, Jeremiah II., 217;
John Epistles, 158.
BZOVIUS, Abraham, Continuation of Baronius' annals, Acts I., 415.
CAESAR, Augustus, Acts II., 273.
– Claudius, Acts II., 323.
– Julius, Acts II., 31;
James, 287.
– Tiberius, Acts II., 36, 166, 185.
CAESAREA-ON-THE-SEA, Acts II., 101, 147.
– Paul at, Acts II., 4.
CAIN, Genesis, 28-41.
– Faith of, Hebrews, 223.
– Punishment of, Genesis, 43.
– Rejection of his offering, Genesis, 32.
CAIPHAS, Acts II., 30.
– and Christ's popularity, John I., 371, 372.
– and the trial of Christ, Matthew, 409;
Mark, 407-413;
John II., 299.
CAJETAN, Cardinal, James, 332, 336.
CALEB, Descendants of, Chronicles, 50.
– honoured, Numbers, 173.
– Inheritance of, Joshua, 262-274, 291-294.
– one of the spies, Numbers, 151.
CALIGULA, the Emperor, and the Alexandrian Jews, Ecclesiastes, 240;
Acts II., 82, 94, 166, 167;
James, 349.
CALL OF GOD, Belief in the, Genesis, 91.
– Christ and the first disciples, Matthew, 52-56;
Mark, 17-23;
Luke, 162-176.
– difficulties which interpose, Numbers, 110.
– for Moses, Exodus, 65-69.
– of Elisha, I. Kings, 445-450.
– ripens life into power, Judges, 148.
– Surrender and, Jeremiah I., 270.
– to Ezekiel, Ezekiel, 42-55.
– to Isaiah, Isaiah I., 57-90.
– to Jeremiah, Jeremiah I., 58-73.
– to Levi, Mark, 56-61;
Luke, 162-176.
– to the merchant, Isaiah I., 296.
– to the ministry, Isaiah I., 76-78;
I. Corinthians, 104, 105.
– to service, Joshua, 50.
CALVIN, John, Psalms II., 55, 59, 167, 283, 350, 405;
Isaiah I., 79;
II., 15, 215, 217, 218, 397;
Twelve Prophets II., 153, 159, 172;
John I., 342, 349;
Acts I., 384;
II., 128, 383;
Romans 151, 226;
I. Corinthians, 268;
II. Corinthians, 93, 129, 167, 189, 216, 239, 251, 260, 373, 376;
Galatians, 142, 273;
Ephesians, 98, 322;
Thessalonians, 177;
Hebrews, 100, 250;
James, 222, 283, 319, 325, 360, 417, 432;
Peter XVII.
CAMP, Arrangement of the, Numbers, 27.
CANA, The marriage in, John I., 69.
CANAAN, Degeneracy of its people, Judges, 8.
– Gods of, Judges, 52.
– promised to Israel, Joshua, 5.
– reported on, Numbers, 157.
– Rest of, Hebrews, 61.
– suited for its purpose, Judges, 7.
– to be explored, Numbers, 152.
CANAANITES admitted to fellowship, Numbers, 183.
– Bad influence of the, Joshua, 357.
– Extermination of the, Deuteronomy, 175-183.
– Low moral tone of, Leviticus, 381.
– Religion of the, Deuteronomy, 129;
Joshua, 382.
– Remnant of, Joshua, 246.
– to be driven out, Numbers, 389.
CANDACE, Acts I., 411, 412.
CANDELABRUM, Numbers, 78.
– Symbolism of, Numbers, 79.
CAPER-BERRY, Ecclesiastes, 267, 268.
CAPERNAUM, Christ at, Luke, 196.
– Last words of Christ at, Matthew, 249-266.
– Synagogues at, Luke, 203.
CAPES, W. W., The age of the Antonines, Acts I., 154.
– The early empire, Acts II., 109.
– in Christendom, Leviticus, 424.
CAPTIVITY, The, in Babylon, Psalms III., 370-375;
Ecclesiastes, 32-43;
Isaiah I., 128.
– The Jews return from, Ezra, 36-47;
Song of Solomon, 230-241.
– Persian period of, Ecclesiastes, 43-66;
Isaiah I., 148.
– Results of, Matthew, 6, 7.
– See EXILE.
CARDINALS, College of, Acts I., 280.
CARLYLE, Thomas, quoted, Job, 68, 223;
Psalms I., 190;
III., 295;
Proverbs, 305;
Song of Solomon, 207;
Isaiah I., 413;
Twelve Prophets II., 51;
John II., 194;
Ephesians, 273;
James, 166.
– and the Hebrew laws, Exodus, 276.
– Sadness of, Ecclesiastes, 130.
CARMEL, Mount, Elijah on, I. Kings, 393-398.
CARMEL, of Judah, I. Samuel, 382.
CARPOCRATES, James, 389.
CARPUS, Pastoral Epistles, 11, 411.
CASSIAN, John, James, 7.
CASSIODORUS, James, 2, 285, 369.
CASTE, Leviticus, 151;
Galatians, 238.
CATHARI, Pastoral Epistles, 127.
CATHOLIC CHURCH, The, The idea of unity in, Proverbs, 246.
CATHOLIC EPISTLES, Introduction, James, 1-12.
CATO, Acts I., 58.
CATULLUS, Thessalonians, 170.
CAVE, William, Historia Literaria, James, 6.
– Lives of the Apostles, Acts II., 256, 259, 263.
– Lives of the Fathers, Acts I., 219.
CELEBRATIONS, Evening, Acts II., 398-401.
CELLINI, Benvenuto, Pastoral Epistles, 50.
CELSUS, Pastoral Epistles, 229, 253;
James, 328;
John Epistles, 244.
CENCHREAE, Acts II., 332.
CENSERS, The two hundred and fifty, Numbers, 198, 205.
CENSURE, Love of, of others, James, 250-260.
CENSUS OF ISRAEL, Exodus, 420-422;
Numbers, 18.
– David's, II. Samuel, 376-387.
– the second, Numbers, 323.
– of all men, Numbers, 20.
– Results of the, Numbers, 22.
CENTURION, The, Faith of, Luke, 195-208.
CEREMONIAL DUTIES, The use of, Numbers, 47.
CERIANI, Antonio Maria, James, 422.
CERINTHUS, John Epistles, 49.
CERTAINTY, Nature of historical, Pastoral Epistles, 105.
CESNOLA, General Alexander P., Acts II., 205.
CHANGE and vicissitude help us to fear God, Deuteronomy, 155.
CHANNING, W. E., James, 381.
CHAOS no moral, Job, 273.
CHARACTER and glorying, Philippians, 288.
– and ritual, Galatians, 435, 447.
– and the understanding of truth, Hebrews, 90.
– attracts character, Judges, 392.
– benefited by delay, Genesis, 137.
– capacity to distinguish, Isaiah I., 257-261.
– Decision of, Judges, 378.
– Effect of change on, Deuteronomy, 155.
– Fountain of Christian, Colossians, 39-53.
– Love and, Philippians, 31, 35.
– National, Judges, 205.
– of Jacob analyzed, Genesis, 260.
– of Lot, Genesis, 188.
– Salvation aims at perfection of, Genesis, 221.
– a secret in the growth of, Genesis, 288.
– tested by power, Genesis, 125.
CHARITY and independence, Thessalonians, 151-168.
– characteristic of Christianity, Thessalonians, 158-160.
– for the suffering, Job, 129.
– The giving of, Judges, 400.
– in judgment, Genesis, 79;
Joshua, 338.
– See giving.
CHARLES II. of England, and Cromwell, Isaiah I., 162, 163.
CHARRAN, Abraham leaves, Genesis, 85 sq.
CHARTERIS, Dr. Archibald H., Acts I., 11.
CHASTITY, Law of, Leviticus, 379-390;
Deuteronomy, 396-401.
CHAUCER, Geoffry, Peter, 209.
CHEDORLAOMER, Expedition of, Genesis, 121 sq.
CHEREM, The word for ban, Deuteronomy, 169-171.
CHERITH, The brook, I. Kings, 363.
CHERUBIM, The, in the Tabernacle, Exodus, 380.
– in the Temple, I. Kings, 180-185.
CHEYNE, T. K., Psalm I., 21, 23, 33, 51, 59, 64, 103, 114, 151, 161, 166, 178, 195, 202, 265, 277, 286, 296, 303, 343;
II., 15, 31, 49, 59, 65, 69, 75, 76, 101, 105, 110, 121, 126, 127, 132, 143, 160, 167, 175, 185, 190, 195, 212, 214, 224, 227, 228, 230, 233, 240, 248, 256, 257, 261, 272, 280, 288, 291, 316, 345, 350, 360, 363, 377, 405, 415, 419, 426, 427, 441, 447, 480, 486, 499, 502;
III., 4, 17, 24, 30, 32, 59, 63, 65, 88, 90, 92, 120, 134, 145, 147, 164, 175, 188, 189, 190, 223, 226, 233, 248, 319, 349, 372, 391, 398, 407, 414, 431;
Proverbs, 1;
Isaiah I., 3, 13, 196, 198, 199, 211, 223, 375, 440;
II., 19, 121, 211, 299, 333, 343, 383, 412, 414, 435, 457, 459, 464;
Jeremiah II., 4, 30, 33, 72, 75, 176, 182, 204, 289, 314, 338;
Twelve Prophets I., 264, 311, 360, 365;
II., 60, 65, 176, 209, 215, 312, 319, 354, 359, 380, 444, 446, 498, 504, 525.
CHILDBEARING, Purification after, Leviticus, 320-344.
– Uncleanness of, Leviticus, 327-344.
CHILDREN, and parents, Colossians, 340-345.
– and religion, Exodus, 25.
– Care of, Pastoral Epistles, 256.
– commanded to honour parents, Exodus, 312-314.
– Early influence for, Proverbs, 53-56.
– growing up bad, Jeremiah II., 351.
– have a sense of incompleteness, Genesis, 22.
– Jesus Christ and the, Matthew, 252-258, 270-273;
Mark, 254, 268, 273.
– Mosaic view of the education of, Deuteronomy, 146-167.
– of Godly parents bad, I. Samuel, 44.
– represent fresh hopes, Genesis, 29.
– sacrificed, II. Kings, 354.
– Scant religious instruction of, Exodus, 191.
– Suffering of, Song of Solomon, 149.
– Training of, II. Samuel, 204;
Proverbs, 56-64, 303-313.
– unable to understand the full truth, Genesis, 7.
CHITTIM, Numbers, 306, 312.
CHOICE and appearance, I. Samuel, 258.
– between living and dying, Philippians, 65-76.
– made by God the best, Genesis, 244.
– No escape from personal, Judges, 379.
– of the good, Genesis, 22;
Psalms II., 448;
Proverbs, 258-261.
– of Lot, Genesis, 111 sq.
– of Moses, Exodus, 34-38.
– of occupation reveals disposition, Genesis, 22.
– of Solomon, I. Kings, 124.
– A right, Joshua, 156.
– Temptation to a wrong, Genesis, 113.
CHOSROES, king, Acts II., 159.
CHRISTIAN, as an athlete, Pastoral Epistles, 348, 349.
– as a husbandman, Pastoral Epistles, 350-352.
– as a soldier, Pastoral Epistles, 344-347.
– The incomplete, Philippians, 97.
– law, Rejection of, Numbers, 187.
– life criticised, Numbers, 158.
– Limitations of the, Numbers, 393.
– nation, Duty of, Numbers, 160.
– Right conception of the life, Philippians, 95.
– The title, Acts II., 159-162, 211.
CHRISTIAN COUNTRY, A, Jeremiah I., 194-196.
CHRISTIAN WORK and money, Chronicles, 414.
– Continuity of, Chronicles, 194, 195.
– Shrinking from, I. Samuel, 166.
– Variety of, Leviticus, 57, 363.
CHRISTIANITY, Alliances with, Numbers, 114.
– Freedom under, Numbers, 209.
– practiced, Acts I., 31.
– secularised, Judges, 330.
– Sympathy with, Numbers, 112.
– What is? John II., 406.
CHRISTIANS always need help, Joshua, 62.
– armor, Ephesians, 410-424.
– as pilgrims in the world, Peter, 355-364.
– death with Christ, Colossians, 243-251.
– The garments of the renewed soul, Colossians, 305-319.
– growth, Colossians, 238-241.
– Ideal and the steps thereunto, Peter, 41-54.
– in public life, Deuteronomy, 201.
– In what sense are we? I. Corinthians, 60.
– the light of the world, Matthew, 66-69.
– Kings to God, I. Samuel, 263.
– living epistles, II. Corinthians, 99-111;
Colossians, 493.
– The new nature and the new life, Colossians, 290-304.
– not free from the law, Exodus, 280.
– not exempt from calamity, Genesis, 97.
– precepts for the innermost life, Colossians, 354-370.
– present life a risen life, Colossians, 257-270.
– the salt of the earth, Matthew, 63-66.
– slaying self, Colossians, 271-289.
– what kind ought we to be? Peter, 355-364.
CHRISTOPHER, The legend of, Hebrews, 317.
CHRONICLES, The Book of, Age of, Chronicles, 92-110.
– and Ezra and Nehemiah, Ezra, 2-4.
– Date and authorship, Chronicles, 3-6.
– Historical setting, Chronicles, 6-12.
– Importance of, Chronicles, 22-28.
– Omissions of, Chronicles, 146.
– sources and mode of composition, Chronicles, 13-21.
I. CHRONICLES II., 55, Jeremiah II., 45.
I. CHRONICLES III., 5, Proverbs, 52.
– 15, Jeremiah I., 27.
– 11, Jeremiah II., 92.
I. CHRONICLES IV., 13, 15, Joshua, 263.
– 18, Joshua, 22.
– 43, Psalms II., 435.
I. CHRONICLES VI., 28, 34, Joshua, 350.
I. CHRONICLES VII., 5, Psalms I., 274.
– 20-27, Joshua, 22.
– 22-27, Deuteronomy, 23.
– 26, Joshua, 22.
– 29, Joshua, 304.
I. CHRONICLES IX., 19, Psalms II., 42.
– 33, Psalms III., 359.
I. CHRONICLES XII., 6, Psalms II., 42.
I. CHRONICLES XV., 2, II. Samuel, 91.
– 13, II. Samuel, 88.
I. CHRONICLES XVI., 34, 41, Joshua, 105.
I. CHRONICLES XVII., 23, Thessalonians, 288.
I. CHRONICLES XX., 1, Jeremiah II., 32.
I CHRONICLES XXI., 1, Song of Solomon, 220.
– 25, Jeremiah II., 312.
I. CHRONICLES XXIII., 5, II. Samuel, 217.
– 24, 27, Numbers, 41.
I. CHRONICLES XXV., 1-3, Daniel, 30.
I. CHRONICLES XXVIII., 1, I. Kings, 143.
– 4, Revelation, 78.
I. CHRONICLES XXIX., 5, Leviticus, 208.
II. CHRONICLES I., 9, Thessalonians, 288.
II. CHRONICLES VII., 1-3, Ezekiel, 37.
– 14, James, 129.
II. CHRONICLES IX., 15, 16, Psalms, 335.
– 17, Pastoral Epistles, 369.
II. CHRONICLES XI., 15, Leviticus, 370.
II. CHRONICLES XIV., 11, Joshua, 144.
– 27, John Epistles, 183.
II. CHRONICLES XIX., 5, Deuteronomy, 387.
– 9, Twelve Prophets II., 140.
II. CHRONICLES XX., 2, Psalms II., 433.
– 3, Ezra, 128.
– 7, Proverbs, 235;
Romans, 104;
Galatians, 186.
– 20, Twelve Prophets I., 75.
II. CHRONICLES XXIII., 17, Jeremiah I., 97.
II. CHRONICLES XXIV., 21, Hebrews, 264.
– 22, Jeremiah I., 159.
– 27, Twelve Prophets, 505.
II. CHRONICLES XXV., 12, Psalms III., 402.
II. CHRONICLES XXVI., 16, Jeremiah I., 92.
II. CHRONICLES XXVIII., 23, Isaiah I., 99.
II. CHRONICLES XXIX., 23, Psalms III., 186.
– 31, Leviticus, 208.
II. CHRONICLES XXX., 6, 11, Jeremiah I., 129.
– 8, Jeremiah II., 291.
– 11, 18, Jeremiah I., 120.
II. CHRONICLES XXXII., 1, Isaiah I., 304.
– 7, 8, Revelation, 66.
– 9-23, Isaiah I., 304.
II. CHRONICLES XXXIII., 7, Ezekiel, 84.
– 11, Twelve Prophets II., 11.
– 13-17, Daniel, 175.
II. CHRONICLES XXXIV., 3, Jeremiah I., 15, 97, 108.
– 6, Jeremiah I., 24, 77, 120.
– 9, Jeremiah I., 77, 120.
– 33, Jeremiah I., 132.
II. CHRONICLES XXXV., 20, Jeremiah I., 289.
– 22, Twelve Prophets II., 482;
Revelation, 272.
– 24, Jeremiah I., 27.
– 25, Song of Solomon, 77;
Jeremiah I., 25.
II. CHRONICLES XXXVI., 23, Twelve Prophets II., 69.
CHRYSOSTOM, John, Ecclesiastes, 204;
Acts I., 113;
II., 46, 55, 84, 251, 276, 352;
II. Corinthians, 13, 93, 123, 129, 137, 281, 317, 373;
Galatians, 143, 225, 457;
Pastoral Epistles, 34, 56, 95, 101, 249, 349, 369, 382, 397, 429;
James, 292, 331, 338, 368;
John Epistles, 9, 26, 50, 57, 58, 82, 202.
CHURCH, The, and the body, Ephesians, 143-154.
– and infidelity, Judges, 168.
– and the irresolute, Numbers, 107.
– and poverty, Job, 294.
– and state, Chronicles, 166, 167.
– Anticipations of the victory of, Revelation, 65-85.
– attacked, Judges, 186.
– based on fellowship, Exodus, 77, 359.
– Basis for unity of, I. Corinthians, 41.
– Catholic, I. Corinthians, 23.
– Christ and the, Ephesians, 366-379,;
Colossians, 81-84, 94-99.
– Coldness of, Exodus, 106.
– Community of goods in, Acts I., 193-210.
– Complaints against, Job, 264.
– Consciousness of, Hebrews, 187.
– customs, Hebrews, 187.
– discipline, II. Corinthians, 72-83.
– ever in Paul's thought, Ephesians, 193.
– Fellowship in, Joshua, 163.
– First great enemy of, Revelation, 196-216.
– First persecution of, Acts I., 173-192.
– Foes of, Ephesians, 317-409.
– Growth of, Ephesians, 244-258.
– Helpers of, Numbers, 113.
– Honesty and pretence in the primitive, Acts I., 211-228.
– Idea of, Hebrews, 185.
– Ideal, Pastoral Epistles, 116.
– Life, Ephesians, 211-258.
– Membership in, Ezra, 326.
– Mistaken claims of, Numbers, 176.
– must be filled with the Spirit, Judges, 152.
– National, Numbers, 21.
– Need of machinery in, Pastoral Epistles, 331-342.
– Never in danger, Judges, 187.
– on the field of history, Revelation, 21-64.
– one foundation, II. Corinthians, 35-46.
– Opposition to, Judges, 79, 82.
– Origin of the idea, Isaiah I., 126.
– Perils of, Numbers, 115.
– Perpetual duty of, Judges, 353.
– Position of, Numbers, 20.
– Primitive discussions in, Acts I., 246-267.
– Real work of, Thessalonians, 277.
– Right spirit of, Judges, 152.
– Second and third great enemies of, Revelation, 217-237.
– should keep close to its ideal, Deuteronomy, 188.
– True, I. Corinthians, 21.
– Unity of, Numbers, 203;
I. Corinthians, 23-25, 284-286.
– Union of, Acts I., 86-89.
– World in, Judges, 133.
CHURCH, Dean R. W., Ezekiel, 255;
John I., 281.
CICERO, Ecclesiastes, 137, 253;
Daniel, 216;
Acts I., 56, 298;
II., 275, 304, 327.
CIRCUMCISION, Genesis, 166.
– and uncircumcision, Romans, 72, 73.
– Controversy about, Acts II., 222-228, 392, 425;
Philippians, 178-180.
– of the Galatians, Galatians, 301, 315.
– of the heart, Genesis, 167.
– of Israel at the Jordan, Joshua, 117-121.
– of Timothy, Pastoral Epistles, 22.
– Ordinance of, Leviticus, 315-319.
– The true, Colossians, 199-212.
CISTERCIANS, Acts I., 174;
II., 227.
CITIES OF REFUGE, Numbers, 400;
Joshua, 326-339.
CIVILIZATION and Christianity, Twelve Prophets, 151;
Mark, 94.
– and judgment, Twelve Prophets, 141-155.
– of the Akkadians, Deuteronomy, 208, 209.
– without morality, Numbers, 372.
CLARKE, Adam, Acts I., 3.
CLAUDIA, Pastoral Epistles, 415.
CLAUDIUS, Pastoral Epistles, 414, 425.
CLAUDIUS, the Emperor, II. Corinthians, 88;
Hebrews, 318.
CLEANTHES' hymn to Zeus, Ecclesiastes, 199;
Acts II., 315;
Pastoral Epistles, 225.
II., 180, 356, 446;
Pastoral Epistles, 6, 97, 100, 228, 339, 373;
James, 4, 5, 21, 36, 76, 213, 307, 362, 369, 422;
Peter VI.;
John Epistles, 283.
CLEMENT OF ROME, Acts I., 3, 273, 280, 400;
II., 259, 344;
Pastoral Epistles, 5, 14, 97, 110, 416;
James, 18, 20, 23, 160, 215, 245, 292, 295;
Peter XII.
CLEMENT IV., Jeremiah II., 91.
CLERGY and laity, James, 324.
– and laity distinct, Pastoral Epistles, 109.
CLOKE, Pastoral Epistles, 412.
CLOPAS, James, 26, 27.
CLOTHING, Symbolism of, Genesis, 24.
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Hebrews, I. 1.
The Religions of Ancient Egypt and Babylonia, p. 258.
As represented for instance by the earlier editions of Dr. Angus's Bible Handbook, or by Keil's O. T. Introduction.