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Малый и средний бизнес

Автор: Diana Kander
Жанр: малый и средний бизнес
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If Owen Chase can't find a way to turn his company around in the next nine days, he'll be forced to shut it down and lay off all of his employees. He has incurred substantial debt and his marriage is on shaky ground. Through pure happenstance, Owen finds himself pondering this problem while advancing steadily as a contestant at the World Series of Poker. His Las Vegas path quickly introduces him to Samantha, a beautiful and mysterious mentor with a revolutionary approach to entrepreneurship. Sam is a fountain of knowledge that may save his company, but her sexual advances might prove too much for Owen's struggling marriage. All In Startup is more than just a novel about eschewing temptation and fighting to save a company. It is a lifeline for entrepreneurs who are thinking about launching a new idea or for those who have already started but can't seem to generate the traction they were expecting. Entrepreneurs who achieve success in the new economy do so using a new «scientific method» of innovation. All In Startup demonstrates why four counterintuitive principles separate successful entrepreneurs from the wanna-preneurs who bounce from idea to idea, unable to generate real revenue. You will likely get only one opportunity in your life to go «all in» in on an idea: to quit your job, talk your spouse into letting you drain the savings account, and follow your dream. All In Startup will prepare you for that «all in» moment and make sure that you push your chips into the middle only when the odds are in your favor. This book holds the keys to significantly de-risking your idea so that your success appears almost lucky. Join Owen and Sam for this one-of-a-kind journey that will set you on the right path for when it's your turn to put everything on the line.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 06:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Annie Tsai
Жанр: малый и средний бизнес
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The small business marketing experts at Demandforce help owners kick off their online strategy Small business owners are exceptional at delivering on their product or service. Many, however, don't know where to start when it comes to online marketing. The Small Business Online Marketing Handbook will show you how to effectively leverage email, social, online, and network marketing to get new customers and keep existing customers coming back. Author Annie Tsai shows you how to refocus just a small percentage of an offline marketing budget and create exponential return for your business. Author Annie Tsai is a popular blogger and Chief Customer Officer for Demandforce, an automated Internet marketing and communication company specializing in small- to medium-sized businesses, recently acquired by Intuit Features spot interviews and «do this now» advice from resident experts at Demandforce, including the founders With the proliferation of social media and the consumer voice on the web, small business owners need to take a deliberate approach to leveraging this new marketing channel to effectively convert online conversations into offline sales. The Small Business Online Marketing Handbook shows you how.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 06:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Stark Mathieu
Жанр: малый и средний бизнес
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”Book written by a former employee who became the most profitable freelancer on Fiverr France.” Please, stop looking for miracle solutions to earn money online, or through trainings made by people who have no notion of entrepreneurship.
In this book you will learn in a few weeks to: ✓ Generate an income of $1000 per week in less than 2 months ✓ Save time by avoiding rookie mistakes ✓ Implement the most effective strategies to set yourself apart from the competition If you really want to become a freelancer and work online, whether it's to supplement your income or to quit your job, it has to be done through an effective and thoughtful strategy. And what better way than Fiverr to get started as quickly as possible as a freelancer or as an individual. Apply the same method that allowed me to earn up to 15 000€ per month. Get started today!

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Rotimi Ogunjobi
Жанр: малый и средний бизнес
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É o desejo de cada pessoa racional alcançar um sucesso mensurável em seu trabalho. No entanto, a maioria das pessoas passam a vida infelizes com a maioria dos aspectos de suas vidas. Ansiamos por uma vida boa, mas raramente levamos nossas aspirações além da crença de que poderiam ser alcançadas por meio de trabalho duro, muitas vezes nas profissões erradas.
Trabalhamos regularmente em tarefas para as quais não somos adequados e, infelizmente, fazemos uma péssima imitação do que imaginamos ser o sucesso. O Empreendedor Cristão Poderoso é um livro para cristãos que creem na Bíblia, tanto jovens como idosos. Ele ilustra por meio de instruções e atividades como se reerguer das falhas na vida e criar um novo empreendimento de vida adequado ao que Deus te formou para ser.
O Empreendedor Cristão Poderoso mostra como usar princípios comprovados de definição de metas em conjunto com princípios cristãos sólidos para alcançar metas de vida e financeiras, mesmo nas dificuldades. Embora escrito para cristãos praticantes, este livro é destinado a qualquer pessoa buscando seriamente objetivos mensuráveis, progresso, realizações em sua vida e sinceramente capazes de se comprometerem com essa busca.
Capítulo 1 Como você sabe se sua vida está indo bem ou não? Muitas vezes é muito fácil descobrir se você conhecer os sinais indicadores. Faça uma auditoria em sua vida.
Capítulo 2 Se você está convencido de que está errando na vida,
é preciso se livrar das dores. Examine todas as suas más decisões, influências e falhas quantificáveis. Decida se perdoar.
Capítulo 3 Muitas das coisas e pessoas nas quais você confiou anteriormente não são nada além de um suporte desnecessário. Resolva se livrar deles.
Capítulo 4 Comece a construir seu espírito falando coisas boas para e sobre você. Defina uma meta com propósito e faça planos sobre como realizá-la.
Capítulo 5 Faça um inventário de suas habilidades. Decida quais você precisará para concretizar seu objetivo e quais novas habilidades você precisará aprender.
Capítulo 6 Uma reação é sempre o resultado natural de uma ação.
Examine os obstáculos que podem atrapalhar e interromper completamente seu progresso e lide com eles.
Capítulo 7 Agora é hora de começar a implementar seu plano, mas quão positivo você está sobre o sucesso e quão bem preparado você está para o fracasso? Perseguir um objetivo é muito parecido com a guerra, e você precisa fazer planos de batalha de contingência.
Capítulo 8 O sucesso requer uma atitude incomum ou várias dessas atitudes. Crie uma nova rotina e siga em frente com seriedade, com seu objetivo constantemente à vista.
Capítulo 9 É uma lei natural que você não pode semear laranjas e colher maçãs. Da mesma forma, para colher dinheiro, você deve necessariamente semear dinheiro.
Capítulo 10 Ter um objetivo é importante, mas ter uma visão é mais gratificante para a vida. Como você gostaria de ser lembrado? Aprenda como criar uma visão para coroar sua vida.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Stark Mathieu
Жанр: малый и средний бизнес
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Boken är skriven av en tidigare anställd som blev den mest lönsamma frilansaren på Fiverr i Frankrike. Snälla, sluta leta efter mirakellösningar för att tjäna pengar på nätet, eller via träningskurser som skapats av folk som inte vet ett skvatt om entreprenörskap.
I den här boken kommer du inom några veckor lära dig: ✓ Skapa en inkomst på $1000 i veckan inom 2 månader ✓ Spara tid genom att undvika nybörjarmisstag ✓ Implementera den mest effektiva strategin för att utmärka dig i konkurrensen Om du verkligen vill bli en frilansare och jobba på nätet, oavsett om du vill skaffa en extra inkomst eller sluta på jobbet, så måste det göras med en effektiv och genomtänkt strategi. Det går inte tänka sig något bättre alternativ än Fiverr för att komma igång så fort som möjligt som frilansare, eller som hobbyist. Tillämpningen av den här metoden har gjort det möjligt för mig att tjäna upp till 15 000 € per månad. Kom igång idag!

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Stark Mathieu
Жанр: малый и средний бизнес
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”Libro escrito por un antiguo trabajador que se ha convertido en el freelance más rentable en Fiverr France.” ⚠ Se lo ruego, deje de buscar soluciones milagro para ganar dinero en línea, o a través de formaciones llevadas a cabo por personas sin ninguna noción de emprendimiento. ⚠ ”Libro escrito por un antiguo trabajador que se ha convertido en el freelance más rentable en Fiverr France.” ⚠ Se lo ruego, deje de buscar soluciones milagro para ganar dinero en línea, o a través de formaciones llevadas a cabo por personas sin ninguna noción de emprendimiento. ⚠ En este libro aprenderá en unas pocas semanas a: ✓ Generar unos ingresos de 1000 $ a la semana en menos de 2 meses ✓ Ahorrar tiempo evitando los errores de los principiantes ✓ Poner en práctica las estrategias más eficaces para diferenciarse de la competencia. Si realmente quiere convertirse en freelance y trabajar en línea, ya sea para completar sus ingresos o para dejar su trabajo, deberá hacerlo mediante una estrategia eficaz y perfectamente planificada. Y qué mejor que Fiverr para lanzarse lo más rápidamente posible como freelance o como particular. Aplique el mismo método que me ha permitido ganar hasta 15.000 € al mes. ¡Láncese hoy mismo!

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Rotimi Ogunjobi
Жанр: малый и средний бизнес
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It is the desire of every rational person to achieve measurable success in their occupation. However, most persons pass through life unhappy with most aspects of their lives. We crave a good life but rarely carry our aspirations beyond the belief it could be achieved through hard work often in the wrong professions. We regularly work at tasks for which we are not suited and regrettably end up with a poor imitation of what we imagine success to be.
The High-Powered Christian Entrepreneur is a book for Bible-believing Christians, both young and the old. It illustrates through instructions and activities how to rise again from life failures and create a new life enterprise suited to what God has fashioned you to be.

The High-Powered Christian Entrepreneur shows how to use proven goal-setting principles in tandem with sound Christian principles to achieve life and financial goals in spite of the times. Though written for practicing Christians this book is meant for anyone in earnest search for measurable goals, progress, and achievements in their life and earnestly able to commit themselves to that search.

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 02:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Fraser Doherty MBE
Жанр: малый и средний бизнес
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Fraser Doherty’s 48-Hour Start-Up is your handy and essential cheat sheet to starting your own business giving the key steps for developing an idea and getting it to market quickly.Almost everyone dreams of starting their own business but very few do. But what if it only had to be a decision of a weekend and it didn’t cost a fortune?In 48-Hour Start-Up, Fraser Doherty uses his experience building a multi-million-dollar company to attempt an experiment; starting with a blank piece of paper, he sets out to start a profitable new business over a weekend, without relying on any technical ability whatsoever. He succeeds and you can, too.By following his journey, in which Fraser shares all of his lessons and mistakes, he will explain all of the shortcuts and online tools that make it possible to:• Come up with a business idea without the guesswork• Create a kick-ass brand, website and on-line marketing campaign• Promote your product48-Hour Start-Up pioneers the idea of a microbusiness, a creative outlet, income stream and business you can run in your spare time at the weekends without having to quit the day job. This book is perfect for• Young entrepreneurs• Students learning about start-ups• Established entrepreneurs looking for shortcuts• Teams within corporates who want to create a more innovative and competitive environment

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 00:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Veechi Curtis
Жанр: малый и средний бизнес
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Ensure success when starting your small business with this must-have introductory guide Have you always wanted to know what it takes to run a successful small business? This easy-to-follow guide includes everything you need to know to get started. Turn your business idea into reality with handy information on all the basics, from learning how to create a strong business plan to developing a solid online presence. Create your first business plan – discover how to develop smart business strategies and build a roadmap for success Learn the legal jargon – protect your ideas and register your business properly Market your business strategically – establish who your key customers are, research your rivals, and create a killer marketing plan Take the stress out of bookkeeping – ensure all of your admin is covered, from choosing accounting software to handling petty cash Master online marketing – explore different ways to reach customers with keyword optimisation and other online tools Open the book and find: Advice about being your own boss Secrets for matching sales goals to savvy marketing strategies Guidelines for keeping your finances in shape A step-by-step guide to profit margins Tips on using social media to promote your business Learn to: Decide what type of small business is right for you Put together a winning business plan Understand your financial and legal obligations Maximise your online presence

Добавлено: 31.08.2023 00:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.
Автор: Nicholas Bate
Жанр: малый и средний бизнес
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You’re half an hour away from a more productive life! Why not use your next spare half an hour to skill-up? Each of these short e-books can be read in just 30 minutes. Addressing those painful work problems, and giving practical tools and expert advice to overcome them, the 30 Minute Reads series will make your work-life more productive, less painful and more successful! Too much to do and not enough time to do it in? Spend 30 minutes boosting your productivity with this succinct, pragmatic guide then blast through your to-do list and leave everyone else trailing in your wake. Also available in a digital bundle with 4 other titles as part of 30 Minute Reads: The business skills collection. Boost Your Productivity will help you: Identify the problem and what isn't working Discover the 10 Big Strategies Put in place your super-structured, super-easy, 5-day count-down plan to no more pain.

Добавлено: 30.08.2023 22:08 Рейтинг: Будь первым кто оценит книгу Комментариев 0 шт.