Книга научно-популярных очерков посвящена наиболее важным и интересным проблемам и процессам современного Ближнего Востока – арабо-израильскому конфликту, процессам модернизации в Турции, революции в Иране. Особое внимание уделяется истории национализма и политического ислама. Специальные разделы посвящены вопросу водных ресурсов и роли нефтяного фактора на Ближнем Востоке. Книга адресована восток…
Представлены материалы VII Всероссийской научно-практической и научно-методической конференции «Конфликты в социальной сфере» (15-16 марта 2013 г., г. Казань). Сборник предназначен для преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов, исследователей широкого спектра конфликтологических проблем современного общества, практических работников социальных учреждений, конфликтологических центров и общественных ор…
В этой книге опубликованы репортажи и собраны свидетельства очевидцев о том, что произошло в Украине в период с 22 февраля 2014 года (бегства Януковича) и до начала 2015-го: об аннексии Крыма, последовавшей за этим антитеррористической операции на Донбассе, о трагедии в Одессе и развернувшейся вскоре после незаконных референдумов полномасштабной войне, которую назвали тремя буквами: АТО. Авторы, н…
Инна Золотухина родилась в городе Сумы в семье журналистов. Работала на канале УТ-2 (1+1), в газетах «День», «Комсомольская правда в Украине», «Сегодня». В настоящее время – редактор отдела специальных корреспондентов журнала «Вести. Репортер». Начиная с 2008 года – войны России с Грузией – военный корреспондент. Побывала во многих «горячих точках» планеты – Чечне, Дагестане, Ливии, Сирии, Сомали,…
С чем в первую очередь ассоциируется Северный Кавказ? К сожалению, не с прекрасной природой, вкусной едой, гостеприимными жителями, а с конфликтами, радикализмом, терроризмом. Что только не объявляют причинами подобной ситуации! И отсталость проживающих там народов, и особый характер горцев, и агрессивность исламской цивилизации. Авторы данной монографии стремятся показать, что дело не в уникально…
The book analyses major manifestations of hatred in the European space in 2015, as well as factors that influenced the demand for radicalism in society. Special attention was paid to how European governments respond to modern challenges. Analysis is given on the basis of 8 EU countries (France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom), as well as Russia and …
The book analyses major manifestations of hatred in the European space in 2015, as well as factors that influenced the demand for radicalism in society. Special attention was paid to how European governments respond to modern challenges. Analysis is given on the basis of 8 EU countries (France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom), as well as Russia and …
The book analyses major manifestations of hatred in the European space in 2015, as well as factors that influenced the demand for radicalism in society. Special attention was paid to how European governments respond to modern challenges. Analysis is given on the basis of 8 EU countries (France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom), as well as Russia and …
The book analyses major manifestations of hatred in the European space in 2015, as well as factors that influenced the demand for radicalism in society. Special attention was paid to how European governments respond to modern challenges. Analysis is given on the basis of 8 EU countries (France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom), as well as Russia and …
The book analyses major manifestations of hatred in the European space in 2015, as well as factors that influenced the demand for radicalism in society. Special attention was paid to how European governments respond to modern challenges. Analysis is given on the basis of 8 EU countries (France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom), as well as Russia and …
The book analyses major manifestations of hatred in the European space in 2015, as well as factors that influenced the demand for radicalism in society. Special attention was paid to how European governments respond to modern challenges. Analysis is given on the basis of 8 EU countries (France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom), as well as Russia and …
The book analyses major manifestations of hatred in the European space in 2015, as well as factors that influenced the demand for radicalism in society. Special attention was paid to how European governments respond to modern challenges. Analysis is given on the basis of 8 EU countries (France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom), as well as Russia and …
The book analyses major manifestations of hatred in the European space in 2015, as well as factors that influenced the demand for radicalism in society. Special attention was paid to how European governments respond to modern challenges. Analysis is given on the basis of 8 EU countries (France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom), as well as Russia and …
The book analyses major manifestations of hatred in the European space in 2015, as well as factors that influenced the demand for radicalism in society. Special attention was paid to how European governments respond to modern challenges. Analysis is given on the basis of 8 EU countries (France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom), as well as Russia and …
The book analyses major manifestations of hatred in the European space in 2015, as well as factors that influenced the demand for radicalism in society. Special attention was paid to how European governments respond to modern challenges. Analysis is given on the basis of 8 EU countries (France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom), as well as Russia and …