Providing the latest information on preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of tuberculosis and AIDS, this is the only book to place a major emphasis on the increasing coexistence of these two life-threatening diseases in individuals. Edited by outstanding scientists in the field, this ready reference is divided into three main sections covering immunology and vaccination strategies, drugs,…
This collection of presentations from the Ciba Foundation Symposium of 1985 deals with the central role of calcium in intracellular processes. Discusses control of intracellular calcium as well as control by intracellular calcium, covering such topics as muscle contraction, metabolic processes, hormone and transmitter secretion, membrane transport and permeability, cellular architecture and growth…
This collection of presentations from the Ciba Foundation Symposium of 1985 deals with the central role of calcium in intracellular processes. Discusses control of intracellular calcium as well as control by intracellular calcium, covering such topics as muscle contraction, metabolic processes, hormone and transmitter secretion, membrane transport and permeability, cellular architecture and growth…
A comprehensive, edited volume pulling together research on manipulation of the crop microbiome for climate resilient agriculture Microbes for Climate Resilient Agriculture provides a unique collection of data and a holistic view of the subject with quantitative assessment of how agricultural systems will be transformed in coming decades using hidden treasure of microbes. Authored by leaders in th…
The newly revised and updated third edition of the bestselling book on microbial ecology in the oceans The third edition of Microbial Ecology of the Oceans features new topics, as well as different approaches to subjects dealt with in previous editions. The book starts out with a general introduction to the changes in the field, as well as looking at the prospects for the coming years. Chapters co…
This book helps evaluate the state of the art of rhizosphere microbial ecology and biotechnology. Experts in the field review methods and strategies applied to the detection, identification and monitoring of microorganisms in the rhizosphere. Major topics treated include: – construction of genetically marked rhizosphere bacteria – detection of marked wildtype and genetically modified organisms (GM…
Compiles the most current information on the Zika virus and its associated diseases This comprehensive book provides the most up-to-date information for students, medical students, and scientists on Zika virus and its associated diseases. It includes all the information related to the Zika virus since its discovery in 1947; its epidemic outbreak in 2007-2014; how the epidemiology changed in Americ…
Combating bacterial infections calls for a multidisciplinary approach and this is what is on offer here. Written by an experienced international team of researchers from various fields ranging from biotechnology to traditional medicine, the book provides complete and comprehensive coverage of topics relevant to new antibacterial drugs. This ready reference and handbook adopts a novel approach, foc…
Introduced by Crafoord Prize winner Carl Woese, this volume combines reviews of the major developments in archaeal research over the past 10–15 years with more specialized articles dealing with important recent breakthroughs. Drawing on major themes presented at the June 2005 meeting held in Munich to honor the archaea pioneers Wolfram Zillig and Karl O. Stetter, the book provides a thorough surve…
Many common human diseases have a multifactorial origin: they are influenced by a person's genetic predisposition as well as by factors in the environment. This volume deals with the application of recombinant DNA techniques to the identification of diseases that have more than one inherited component. Focus is on the polygenic factors responsible for coronary atherosclerosis. Several other disord…
The book describes the different and exciting pathways which have been developed by pathogenic microbes to manage living inside host cells. It covers intracellular life styles of all relevant pathogenic but also symbiotic microorganisms with respect to the cell biology of the host-microbe interactions and the microbial adaptations for intracellular survival. It features intracellular trafficking p…
The 20th century has seen improvements in both public health and disease prevention which, in turn, have had a dramatic impact on our lives. Success in preventing infection by vaccination and treating infection with antibiotics led some to believe that infectious disease was a thing of the past. However, the adaptability of pathogens and the emergence of new diseases has presented microbiologists …
Inspired by the pace of change in the taxonomy of the aerobic endospore-forming bacteria, the «Bacillus 2000» symposium on which this book is based was held in Bruges, Belgium, in August 2000, and was supported by the Federation of European Microbiological Societies, the Belgian Society for Microbiology, and several commercial sponsors. Bringing taxonomists interested in Bacillus and its relatives…
В монографии обоснована позиция о том, что существуют не только методы, способы и средства лечения основанные на эффекте лекарственного воздействия, но также принципы лечения, использующие ответную реакцию организма на это воздействия. Различные принципиальные подходы помогут значительно расширить возможности медицины и добиться успехов там, где применение лекарственных средств на основе общеприня…
В основу работы положена диссертация Е. В. Праздновой «Антимутагенное действие пробиотиков как основа их биологического эффекта» на соискание степени доктора наук. Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке Министерства науки и высшего образования РФ в рамках госзадания (Южный федеральный университет, проект № 0852-2020-0029). Рассматривается взаимодействие пробиотиков с животными-хозяевами, в том …