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Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо
Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо
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Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо

but I want to test their usefulness to others.

I do not want to write anything

in the manner of philosophy,

my outlook is scientific.

I want to say something about yoga

based on certain psychological

and parapsychological experiments.

There are many illusory notions held about it

and these have to be refuted.

Therefore I am experimenting here also.

It is clear to me

that this work is not for promoting any group or cause.

If you ever come here we can talk more about all this.

4. My respects to you.

I am grateful for your affectionate letter.

You are meditating – that is a matter for joy.

Drop all ideas of achieving in meditation,

just do it naturally;

what happens, happens on its own.

One day, effortlessly,

everything starts happening by itself.

Effort does not lead to meditation,

in fact it is a hindrance.

In effort, practice, study,

there is tension.

Any expectation,

even the expectation of peace,

brings restlessness.

The tension has to go.

As soon as this happens

a divine peace sets in.

Stop feeling: I am doing it;

realize instead: I leave myself in the hands of that-which-is.


surrender yourself completely;

as soon as you do this, emptiness comes.

Breathing and the body are becoming relaxed, you say.

This will happen with the mind too.

When the mind goes

what takes place is indescribable.

I know that this is going to happen to you both.

Just go on naturally and without purpose.

Soon I shall be there,

until then, go on quietly with what I have told you to do.

My respects to all.

Write whenever you feel like it.

I am in complete bliss.

5. Love.

It is through God’s grace

that you are working towards the discovery