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Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо
Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо
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Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо

Keep meditating.

Results will come slowly.

You are not to worry about that,

their coming is certain.

My kind regards to all.

7. Love.

It is a long time since I received your letter.

I am happy that you long for peace –

but drop this idea that you are way behind.

Nobody is lagging behind.

It is just a matter of turning in –

and the drop becomes the ocean.

Actually the drop is the ocean

but it does not know it –

that is the only separation.

In the emptiness of meditation even this separation goes.

Meditation is the center of life’s sadhana.

The thought process will slow down

and in its place will come peace and emptiness.

When thoughts vanish

the seer, the witness, becomes visible

and the complex of the unconscious disappears.

This complex is the cause of bondage.

In the beginning it appears as hard as stone

but the seeker who practices patiently

finds one day that it was just a dream,

a puff of air.

May the seed of your meditation

blossom into the flower of samadhi!

My kind regards to all.

The rest when we meet.


8. My respects to you.

Moving around for the whole of May affected my health so all

programs for June – Bombay, Calcutta, Jaipur – were canceled.

I am glad to hear you are experimenting with

samadhi yoga.

Don’t worry about results,

just be with the experimenting.

The return is bound to come one day – not gradually

but all of a sudden, effortlessly,

without one’s knowing, it happens.

Within a moment life becomes wonderfully different!

I am not writing anything on

Bhagwan Mahavir at the moment.

There is no urge whatsoever in me to write.

But if you persuade me it is a different thing!

Everything else is fine.

9. Love.

I read your letter on the way here.