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Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо
Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо
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Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо

of the inner light.

That light is definitely there

and once it is met all darkness in life disappears.

Each step taken within

peels away the darkness layer by layer

unfolding a world of light in which everything is new.

This experience cuts away all bondage –

and then comes the realization that it was never there!

Liberation happens to that which is eternally free!

I am pleased with your progress.

Your letter was received long back

but as I was busy there was delay in replying,

but my memory of you is always there,

along with all those eager for the light.

My good wishes flow for ever towards them.

We have to keep going.

Many times one becomes disheartened on the path

but ultimately the thirsty pilgrim reaches the spring.

In fact the water is there before the thirst.

My kind regards to all.

6. My respects to you.

I was away, but your letter followed me here.

I am pleased to have it.

I see life as full of bliss.

Ordinarily, we do not have the eyes to see this

and so are deprived of it,

but this seeing can be created.

Perhaps it is not correct to say it can be created;

it is already there,

it is only a matter of opening the eyes,

and then – everything changes.

Meditation achieves this.

Meditation means: peace; emptiness.

This emptiness is there

but is concealed by the flow of thoughts.

As thoughts cease it comes into view.

It seems difficult to become free of thoughts

but it is very simple.

The mind seems very restless

but it can easily settle.

The key to this transcendence is witnessing.

One has to be a witness,

an observer of the mind.

One has to watch it,

just watch it.

The moment the witness state dawns,

that very moment one becomes free of thoughts.

This in turn opens the door to bliss

and then this very world changes

into a new world altogether.