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Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо
Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо
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Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо

Silence can speak even where words fail.

The void envelops even that which lines cannot contain.

In fact what can resist the embrace of the great void?

Nothing is left unsaid by silence.

Where words fail, silence is full of meaning.

Where form ends, the formless begins.

Where knowledge (veda) ends,

transcendental knowledge (vedanta) begins.

When knowledge dies, the beyond begins.

Freedom from the word is truth.

61. Love.

How can I describe how happy I am

to have received your letter?

Whenever I saw you,

only one question arose in my mind –

How long are you going to keep away from me?

I knew you had to come closer to me, it was only a matter of time,

so I kept waiting and praying for you.

To me, prayerful waiting is love.

I also knew you were going through the pangs of a new birth

and that rebirth is very near –

for only this can give soul to your songs.

Words are the form and form has its own beauty,

its own melody, its own music.

But this is not enough, and he who considers this enough

remains discontented forever.

The soul of poetry lies in silence.

To me, prayerful waiting is love, and the void

is the door to the divine temple.

You have come to me and I want to take you to the Lord

for how can you come close to me

without first coming closer to him?

In fact without coming close to him you cannot come close

even to yourself.

Then as soon as you come near him you attain that life

for which you have gone through so many lives.

To come close to oneself is to be reborn –

the principle of being twice born is just this.

And remember, not even the pebbles lying on the road are just pebbles;

they too await a new birth, for that second birth turns them

into diamonds.

P.S. To run after desires is to run after a mirage.

It is a journey from one death to another.

In the illusion that is life

man dies this way time and time again.

But those willing to die to their desires discover that death itself

dies for them.

62. Love.

Where is truth?

Do not search for it, for when has truth