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Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо
Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо
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Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо

you will find the whole world

flowing in love towards you.

To respond with unconditional love towards all,

towards that which is,

is the God-experience.

54. Love.

Can two people ever meet?

It is just not possible on this earth,

communication seems impossible –

but at times the impossible happens.

The other day it did.

Being with you, I felt meeting is possible,

and also communication,

and without words, too.

Your tears answered me.

I am deeply grateful for those tears.

Such response is very rare.

I have seen your Madhu Shala,

seen it again and again.

If I could sing

I would sing the same song that is there.

I call that sannyas the real sannyas

which accepts the world with joy.

Aren’t sansara and moksha really one?

Duality exists in ignorance,

in knowledge there is only one.

Oh, can that really be religion

which cannot sing and dance the songs of bliss and love?

P.S. I hear you are due to come here.

Come, and come soon.

Who can trust time?

Look – it is morning and the sun rises.

How long will it be before it sets?

55. Love.

I am one with all things –

in beauty, in ugliness,

for whatsoever is, there I am.

Not only in virtue

but in sin too I am a partner;

and not only heaven but hell too is mine.

Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tzu –

it is easy to be their heir.

But Genghis, Taimur and Hitler?

They are also within me!

No, not half – I am the whole of mankind!

Whatsoever is man’s is mine –

flowers and thorns,

darkness as well as light.

And if nectar is mine, whose is poison?

Nectar and poison – both are mine.