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Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо
Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо
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Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо

so that you can be reborn.

Gold has to pass through fire – only then is it purified.

Love is fire for you, and I pray to God

that your ego burns in it.

Then if love comes, prayer can come too;

without love prayer is not possible.

Remember that body and soul are not two.

The part of the person that can be seen is the body,

the part that cannot be seen is the soul.

The same holds true for God and matter:

God made visible is matter, and what cannot be seen is God.

Take life easily and naturally, just as it comes.

Welcome it in its endless forms with an attitude of complete acceptance.

And do not impose yourself on life;

life has its own discipline, its own wisdom,

and those who are ready to live totally

have no need for any other discipline or wisdom.

But you have always been afraid of life

and therefore you are afraid of love.

Now life has begun penetrating you,

breaking your walls of security.

So, God’s infinite grace showers on you!

Don’t run from it now, accept it gratefully

and my good wishes are always with you.

59. Love.

Be aware in the waking state,

don’t try to become aware in sleep or dreams.

If you become aware in the waking state

awareness in dreams and sleep comes easily –

but you don’t have to do anything for it.

Doing only creates difficulties.

Sleep reflects the waking state:

what we are when awake we are in sleep.

If we are asleep in the waking state only then is sleep really sleep;

the stream of thoughts during the waking state becomes the web

of dreams in sleep.

Being aware in the waking state will begin to reflect itself in sleep too,

and if there are no thoughts in the waking state

dreams disappear altogether in sleep.

Everything else is fine.

My regards to everyone there.

60. Love.

I was overjoyed to receive your letter –

as pure and innocent as your heart.

You want to write that which cannot be written

so you send an unwritten letter.

This is good, for it is better to remain silent about that which cannot

be expressed.

But beware, silence also speaks,

it speaks and speaks so much!