Книга The chance to start a new life. How to make a conscious choice, Ida Prem (Turkan Gasimova) — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Ida Prem (Turkan Gasimova) - The chance to start a new life. How to make a conscious choice

The chance to start a new life. How to make a conscious choice
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Название: The chance to start a new life. How to make a conscious choice

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Название: The chance to start a new life. How to make a conscious choice
Аннотация на книгу:

With this book: You will be able to understand why and what for certain difficulties and problems occur in life. What really keeps you from finding love, achieving success, becoming a healthy and wealthy person. You will feel yourself in the flow of the source and understand where your negative attitudes come from. You will discover the rules of the universe, which work the same way absolutely for everyone. Take your chance in a new conscious life.

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