Книга Rosemary Oil: A new guide to the most invigorating rememdy, Julia Lawless — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Julia Lawless - Rosemary Oil: A new guide to the most invigorating rememdy

Rosemary Oil: A new guide to the most invigorating rememdy0
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Автор: Julia Lawless
Название: Rosemary Oil: A new guide to the most invigorating rememdy

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Автор: Julia Lawless
Название: Rosemary Oil: A new guide to the most invigorating rememdy
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Rosemary has been cultivated since ancient times, once playing a central role in many traditional rites and ceremonies. It has been valued for its medical, culinary and cosmetic properties for thousands of years.This traditional ‘cure all’ folk remedy is also one of the most popular essential oils. Rosemary oil is principally used to invigorate and stimulate the body, and provides a good counterbalance to calming oils, such as lavender. In this new guide, Julia Lawless explains why the oil is so versatile and how to use it therapeutically.Employed for a variety of purposes from liver tonic to the treatment of muscular aches and pains, rosemary is beneficial for many other common health conditions including:• Rheumatism• Arthritis• Headaches• Sinusitis• Low blood pressure• Hair loss• Dandruff

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