Книга Maximising the Benefits of Psychotherapy. A Practice-based Evidence Approach, Latchford Gary — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Latchford Gary - Maximising the Benefits of Psychotherapy. A Practice-based Evidence Approach

Maximising the Benefits of Psychotherapy. A Practice-based Evidence Approach0
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Автор: Latchford Gary
Название: Maximising the Benefits of Psychotherapy. A Practice-based Evidence Approach

Рейтинг: 4

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Автор: Latchford Gary
Название: Maximising the Benefits of Psychotherapy. A Practice-based Evidence Approach
Аннотация на книгу:

Maximising the Benefits of Psychotherapy critiques Evidence-Based Practice and describes other approaches to improving the effectiveness of therapy, such as Practice-Based Evidence and the use of client feedback. The authors include a summary of key research findings and an accessible guide to applying these ideas to therapeutic practice. Puts forward a critique of existing research claiming that certain psychotherapy programmes are more effective than others in treating specific disorders Includes an accessible summary of key research findings, a practical introduction to a practice-based evidence approach, and a series of detailed case studies Offers a timely alternative to the prevailing wisdom in the mental health field by challenging the practical logic of the Evidence-Based Practice approach Reviews the empirical evidence examining the effects of client feedback on psychotherapy outcomes

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