Книга Treating Depression. MCT, CBT and Third Wave Therapies, Peter Fisher — скачать онлайн в pdf, epub, fb2, txt бесплатно в электронной библиотеке Fantasy Worlds.
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Peter Fisher - Treating Depression. MCT, CBT and Third Wave Therapies

Treating Depression. MCT, CBT and Third Wave Therapies0
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Автор: Peter Fisher
Название: Treating Depression. MCT, CBT and Third Wave Therapies

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Автор: Peter Fisher
Название: Treating Depression. MCT, CBT and Third Wave Therapies
Аннотация на книгу:

A practical and conceptual guide to treating depression using both Beckian CBT and the latest, cutting-edge third wave CBT approaches, including mindfulness and metacognitive therapy. It provides an understanding of depression and its treatment and a clear practical guidance on how to use each treatment approach. Covers CBT, metacognitive therapy, and third-wave behavioural approaches within one volume Presents the theoretical background and evidence for each approach, and describes application in a clear case study approach which clearly outlines the contrasting features of the treatments Includes separate chapter commentaries on the theory and clinical material covered Internationally renowned contributors include Arthur Nezu, David A. Clark, Robert Zettle, Keith Dobson, Ruth Baer, Adrian Wells and Robert Leahy

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