Книга Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives - читать онлайн бесплатно, автор Archie Henderson. Cтраница 13
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Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives
Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives
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Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives

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[0102] Records of the American Jewish Committee, Alphabetical Files (GEN-12), 1924-1981 (bulk 1933-1962), RG 347.17.12

Location: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011

Description: This collection consists of general reference files from the New York City headquarters of the American Jewish Committee (AJC). Materials originated in various AJC departments and were maintained by a Central Records office until 1962, when records retention policy was decentralized. Document types include correspondence, memoranda, reports, clippings, and published materials concerning individuals, businesses, government agencies, and other organizations related to the work of the AJC. Files on Einar Åberg, All American Conference to Combat Communism, Frank Altschul, America Plus, Inc., American Action, Inc., American Nationalist Party, American Mercury, American Legion, George W. Armstrong Foundation, Harold Noel Arrowsmith, Jr., John O. Beaty (Iron Curtain Over America/Darlington), John Birch Society, John Birch Society— Robert Welch, Boris Brasol, Christian Front, Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, Upton Close, Committee for Constitutional Government, Congress of Freedom, Crusade for Freedom, George W. Ebey, Béla Fábián, Facts Forum, Henry Ford, Ford Foundation — Fund for the Republic, Ford Foundation, Foreign Policy Association, Benjamin H. Freedman, Freedom House, Merwin K. Hart, Prof. William E. Hocking, Henry Hoke, Joseph Kamp, Ku Klux Klan, Ku Klux Klan — Father Foley, Alfred M. Lilienthal, Charles Lindbergh, Henry Cabot Lodge, General Douglas MacArthur, Senator Joseph McCarthy — "McCarthyism Under the Magnolias", Senator Joseph McCarthy — Polls, Conde McGinley — Common Sense, Minute Women of America, Minutemen, Moral Re-Armament, Felix Morley (Human Events), Merwin K. Hart — National Economic Council, National Council for American Education, National States Rights Party, National Association for the Advancement of White People, Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League, John O'Donnell, Westbrook Pegler, Congressman John Rankin, Red Channels, George Lincoln Rockwell — American National Socialist White Peoples Party (Investigative), George Lincoln Rockwell, George Lincoln Rockwell — American Nazi Party (Investigative), Rabbi Benjamin Schultz, Fred C. Schwarz, Gerald L. K. Smith, George Sokolsky, Senator Jack Tenney, Father Arthur W. Terminiello, Dorothy Thompson, United States Government — States Rights (Interposition), United States Government — Loyalty and Security Program — McCarthyism, United States Government — Congress — Committee on Communist Aggression (House), United States Government — Tax Exemption — Reece Committee, United States Government — Loyalty and Security Program — McCarthyism — Roy Cohn, United States Government — Committees — House Un-American Activities Committee, Congressman Harold H. Velde, Edwin A. Walker, White Citizens Council, Gerald Winrod, Women's Patriotic Conference on National Defense, and Allen Zoll.

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[0103] American Jewish Committee Anti-Semitic and Extremist Collection

Location: Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Human Relations Library, American Jewish Committee, 165 E. 56th St, New York, NY 10022

Description: Contains files on John Crommelin, Rev. Carl McIntire, and J. B. Stoner.


Clive Webb, "Freedom for all? Blacks, Jews, and the political censorship of white racists in the civil rights era," American Jewish History, 94.4 (Dec. 2008), pp. 267-97, https://www.muse.jhu.edu/login?­auth=0&type=summary&url=/journals/american_jewish_history/v094/94.4.webb.html; Clive Webb, Rabble Rousers: The American Far Right in the Civil Rights Era (Athens, University of Georgia Press, 2011); Markku Ruotsila, "Carl McIntire and the Fundamentalist Origins of the Christian Right," Church History, Vol. 81, No. 2 (June 2012), pp. 378-407.

[0104] AJC General Correspondence Files, 1906-46 (bulk 1933-41)

Location: Special Collections, American Jewish Committee Library, 165 E. 56th St, New York, NY 10022

Description: The General Correspondence collection contains correspondence, including letters, memoranda, articles, reports, minutes, and abstracts that document the activities of the American Jewish Committee from 1906 through 1946. Series II: Subject Files, 1906-32, contains files on the Berne Trial, Boris Brasol, The Britons 1921-1930, Communism and Jews, Henry Ford, Industrial Defense Association 1931-32, Ku Klux Klan, Patriotic American Patriot 1922-23, W. D. Pelley 1925, Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, and Gen. Tcherep-Spiridovich 1923.


For more on the archival sources for the Berne trial, see Michael Hagemeister, "Russian Émigrés in the Bern Trial of the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion' (1933-1935)," Cahiers Parisiens / Parisian Notebooks, 5, 2009, pp. 375-391, http://dg.philhist.unibas.ch/fileadmin/histsem/user_upload/redaktion/PersonenDateien/Hage­meister/MH-Russian_Emigres.pdf.

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[0105] Records of the American Jewish Committee Executive Offices (EXO-29), Morris Waldman Files, 1905-1963 (bulk 1930-1945), RG 347.1.29

Location: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011-6301

Description: Morris Waldman was the Secretary of the American Jewish Committee, 1928-1943, and its Executive Vice President, 1943-1944. The Morris Waldman Files relate to all of Waldman's activities as acting executive secretary and vice-president of the AJC. Among the documents are correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, statements, reports, pamphlets, publications, press clippings. Contains files on America First Committee, Anti-Semitism, Boris Brasol, Communism, Communism and Jews, Constitutional Educational League (anti-union and anti-New Deal) and its president, Joseph P. Kamp, as connected to known anti-Semites, Father Charles E. Coughlin, Council Against Nazi Propaganda and its publication, The Hour, Martin Dies, Ralph Easley and his National Civic Federation, Robert Edward Edmondson, Henry Ford, foreign affairs, Foreign Policy Association, Benjamin Franklin forgery, Group libel, Hate and Hate Merchants, Hate Literature (including correspondence on possible legal action against Pelley and his Silver Shirts), Isolationism, Knights of the White Camellia and George Deatherage, Charles A. Lindbergh, Louis T. McFadden, Militant Christian Patriots and L. Fry, Nazism - "Mein Kampf," Nazi Propaganda (on pro-Nazi German press in the US, on propaganda activities of Pelley and Silver Shirts, on ABC Legion, on anti-Nazi German-American League for Culture), Nazi Propaganda- United States, Nazism, Senator Gerald Nye, Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Steuben Society, James True, United Nations - San Francisco Conference (Dumbarton Oaks), United States Flag Association, United States Government - Congressional Investigations - Dies, Senator Burton Wheeler, and Gerald B. Winrod. Also contains correspondence between Harry Schneiderman and Fortune's editor Archibald MacLeish on the preparation of "Jews in America," Fortune 13.2 (February 1936).


Guide to the YIVO Archives, edited by Fruma Mohrer and Marek Web (Armonk, NY, M.E. Sharpe, 1998).

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[0106] American Jewish Committee: Information & Research Service (IRS), 1930s-1940s, RG 347.8

Location: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, 15 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011-6301

Description: The collection includes press clippings on Jewish affairs, relating mainly to anti-Semitism in North America, England, and Europe. There are materials on Father Charles E. Coughlin; Henry Ford; Amin Al Husayni [Haj Amin el Husseini, former mufti of Jerusalem]; Oswald Mosley; Julius Streicher; the anti-Nazi boycott; and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.


Guide to the YIVO Archives, edited by Fruma Mohrer and Marek Web (Armonk, NY, M.E. Sharpe, 1998).

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[0107] American Jewish Committee Records, 1917-1987 (bulk 1933-1984), MS-780

Location: American Jewish Archives, 3101 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45220

Description: Consists of American Jewish Committee (AJC) records from 1917-1987. Series E. Civil Rights and Social Action Department. 1941-1976. Subseries 1. Director's Office. 1941-1968. Section ii. Subject Files. 1941-1968, contains subject files on American Mercury, American Nazi Party, Anti-Semitism, Harold Noel Arrowsmith, Jr., John Beaty, Christian Youth Corps, Common Sense, Federation of American Citizens, Group Research, Inc. (Wesley McCune), House Un-American Activities Committee, Ku Klux Klan, Let Freedom Ring, James Madole, Jr., Minutemen, Sir Oswald Mosley, National Renaissance Party, National States Rights Party, Neo-Fascists and hate groups, Radical right and extremism, Radical right and extremism. Greenwich conference. 1962-1965 [the Conference on Preserving the Democratic Process, sponsored by the American Jewish Committee and held in Greenwich, Connecticut, January 25-27, 1962], Radical right and extremism. Greenwich conference. Continuation Committee. 1962-1965, George Lincoln Rockwell, Gerald L.K Smith, James Venable, White Citizens Council, and Major General Charles A. Willoughby. Series G. Information and Research Services. 1947-1987. Subseries 1. September 1978 Accrual. 1947-1975. Section i. Alphabetical Files. 1947-1975, contains subject files on Incident at Massena: The Blood Libel in America, by Saul S. Friedman (1978); Jewish Defense League; and George Lincoln Rockwell. Section iii. Subject Files. 1947-1975, contains subject files on Abortion; Antisemitism; Church-State. Bible reading; Church-State. Federal aid to parochial schools; Church-State. Prayer in public schools; Codewords; Communism; Communism and Jews; Extremism; Radicals or Conservatives? The Contemporary American Right, by James McEvoy, III (1970); Radical right; Fluoridation; Fundamentalism and antisemitism; Integration; Race relations; and Intermarriage.

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[0108] American Jewish Committee Records, Domestic and Geographic Files, 1921, 1941-1962, 1995, RG 247.17.13

Location: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011

Description: The American Jewish Committee (AJC) was founded in New York in 1906 to defend Jewish civil and religious rights throughout the world. The records consist of briefs, conference proceedings, correspondence, legal documents, memoranda, minutes of meetings, printed materials, reports, resolutions, statements, studies, and surveys. Series I: American Jewish Committee Records, Domestic and Geographic Files, 1921, 1941-1962, 1995. [Subseries]. Alabama, contains files on Integration, John Crommelin, Hate groups, and Anti-Semitism. [Subseries]. Arkansas, contains files on Little Rock and Integration. [Subseries]. California, contains files on Hate Groups and America Plus Inc. [Subseries]. Florida, contains files on Communism, Hate groups, Hate violence, and Integration. [Subseries]. Georgia, contains files on Hate and violence, Hate groups, and Integration. [Subseries]. Illinois, contains files on Beauharnais vs. Illinois, Hate and violence, and Hate groups. [Subseries]. Mississippi, contains files on Hate groups, The Petal Paper, Race, and the White Citizens Council. [Subseries]. New York, contains files on Hate groups, The Gaelic American, and The Tablet. [Subseries]. Tennessee, contains files on Hate and violence, Highlander Folk School, and Integration. [Subseries]. Texas, contains files on Extremist groups and Integration.

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[0109] American Jewish Committee Records, Subject Files, 1930-1973 (bulk 1941-1961), RG 347.17.10

Location: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011

Description: The American Jewish Committee (AJC) was founded in New York in 1906 to defend Jewish civil and religious rights throughout the world. The collection documents American Jewish Committee's efforts to combat all forms of discrimination against the Jews in the United States. Additionally, there are materials pertaining to AJC's work regarding other minority groups in the United States. The American Jewish Committee Records, Subject Files consists of materials created by executive offices, departments, local offices and chapters of the Committee concerning a variety of matters; foremost Jewish civil and religious rights, immigration, and the Holocaust. The records consist of briefs, cartoons, conference procedures, correspondence, discussion guides, interviews, legal documents, manuscripts, memoranda, minutes of meetings, opinion polls, printed materials, questionnaires, reports, resolutions, scrapbooks, speeches, statements, studies, surveys, and television and radio scripts. Subject files on Anti-Semitism, including Anti-Semites, Anti-Semitic groups, Hate literature, Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and Swastika Epidemic; Extremism, including Radical Right; Genocide Convention; Group Libel Legislation, including Hate mail literature sent though the postal service; Hate and Violence, including Bombings, Terminiello case, Ku Klux Klan, Mothers, White Citizens, Anti-Lynching Legislation, Merchants (Austin Hancock, American Heritage Protective Society; Merwin K. Hart; Joseph Kamp; Conde McGinley; Gerald L.K. Smith), and Quarantine; Immigration, including McCarran-Walter Act; and Integration, including Hate and violence, Hate groups.

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[0110] AJC Subject Files (Gen-10), 1930-1962, RG 347.17.10 [digital collection]

Location: American Jewish Committee Information Center and Digital Archives, 165 East 56th Street, New York, NY 10022

Description: This series consists of alphabetical subject files. Main subjects include: anti-Semitism, bigotry and prejudice, church-state, civil liberties and rights, immigration, intergroup relations, race relations, restitution, and Zionism. The physical files are housed at the YIVO Archives. The subject file Anti-Semitism includes folders on Anti-Semitic groups 1934-1960, Hate literature articles and editorials 1933-1962, [Protocols of the] Elders of Zion, The New Nazis in Western Europe and Latin America (pamphlet, 1960-1962), Swastika Epidemic, and Neo-Nazi Youth Groups. The subject file Extremism contains a folder on the Conference on Preserving the Democratic Process, sponsored by the American Jewish Committee and held in Greenwich, Connecticut, January 25-27, 1962. The subject file Hate and Violence includes folders on Bombings, Terminiello case, Ku Klux Klan, Mothers groups, White Citizens, Anti-Lynching, Austin F. Hancock (American Heritage Protective Society), Merwin K. Hart, Joseph Kamp, Conde McGinley, and Gerald L.K. Smith. The booklet Anti-Semitic Activity in the United States: A Report and Appraisal (New York, American Jewish Committee, 1954) mentions American Heritage Protective Committee (San Antonio, Texas), George W. Armstrong, John Owen Beaty, Joseph Beauharnais, Frank L. Britton, Catherine V. Brown, Max A. X. Clark, Constitution Party, Edward A. Fleckenstein, Millard J. Flenner, Stephen Goodyear, John Hamilton, Merwin K. Hart, Jessie Welch Jenkins, Dan Kurtz, Andrew B. McAllister, W. Henry MacFarland, Jr., Conde McGinley, Kurt Mertig, George Van Horn Moseley, Eustace Mullins, National Renaissance Party, Stephen Nenoff, Gerald L. K. Smith, Jack B. Tenney, H. Keith Thompson, James R. White, Robert H. Williams, Gerald Winrod, Peter L. Xavier, and Allen A. Zoll. A mimeographed report on "The Dissident Political Movement—1956" (March 1956) cites American Good Government Society, Inc., American Mercury, The American Reporter (Sacramento, California), Prof. John O. Beaty, Black Monday (Judge Tom P. Brady), Judge Tom P. Brady, Mary D. Cain, Coalition Now (J. Harvie Williams), Christian Anti-Jewish Party (J. B. Stoner), Christian Nationalist Party (Gerald L. K. Smith), Committee for the 48 States, Congress of Freedom, Constitution Coalition Council, Constitution Party (San Antonio), Kent Courtney, Defenders of the American Constitution, Lt. Gen. Pedro A. del Valle (USMC ret.), Facts Forum (H. L. Hunt), Federation for Constitutional Government (John U. Barr), General Bonner Fellers, John T. Flynn, For America, Free Men Speak, Interim Committee for a New Party (ICNP), Iron Curtain Over America (John O. Beaty), Know Your Enemy, Colonel Robert R. McCormick, W. Henry MacFarland, Jr., Dean Clarence Manion, National Renaissance Party, Nationalist Conservative Party of Chicago (William B. Wernecke), Nationalist Party (West Hooker), Right (C. W. Thomas, San Francisco), W. J. Simmons, Dan Smoot, Gen. Stratemeyer, The Summit Sun, We, The People, White Citizens' Council, and Zion's Trojan Horse (Jack B. Tenney).


Inventory of records of the American Jewish Committee, 1906-80, by Seymour J. Pomrenze (New York, N.Y., American Jewish Committee, Institute of Human Relations, 1981); Index to the Inventory of records of the American Jewish Committee, 1906-80, by Jessica L. Milstead and Beverly A. Pajer (New York, N.Y., American Jewish Committee, 1994).

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[0111] Records of American Jewish Congress, undated, 1916-2006 (bulk 1949-2003), I-77

Location: American Jewish Historical Society, Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16th Street, New York, N.Y. 10011

Description: The records of the American Jewish Congress, a national Jewish agency, concerned primarily with Jewish and other minority civil rights, include the constitution, by-laws, and minutes of the Administrative and Executive Committees and Governing Council of the Congress. The American Jewish Congress Records collects archival material from the creation of the organization to its later years, from 1915 through 2005. Files on "Benjamin Franklin Vindicated" (November 1938), "Father Coughlin: His 'Facts' and Arguments" (1939) [online at https://ia800303.us.archive.org/7/items/FatherCoughlinHisFactsAnd­Arguments_201502/Father%20Coughlin%20his%20facts%20and

%20arguments.PDF], "The Claim of 'Nordic' Race Supremacy," by Johan J. Smertenko (1924), Academic freedom and Shockley [William Shockley], American Mercury, Anti-Semitic literature collection, Institute of Jewish Affairs, Anti-Semitism in the U.S., Richard Arens, Becker Amendment, Benjamin Franklin forgery, Bombings, 1958-1962, Bricker Amendment, Bricker Resolution, Patrick Buchanan, Camps for Subversives, Church and State - Religion in Public Schools (Becker Amendment), Church and State - Religion and Politics (Contract with the American Family, Moral Majority, New Christian Right, Religious Right, Pat Robertson, Thomas G. Tancredo, Paul Weyrich), Conde McGinley, Discrimination - Private Club Discrimination, 1952-2001, Discrimination - Ku Klux Klan and Extremist Groups (David Duke, Knight Riders of the Ku Klux Klan, Military and white supremacist activity, Neo-Nazi and Aryan Nation, Paramilitary training camps, Recruitment on internet, Skinheads), Discrimination - Anti-Semitism and Race Relations, Discrimination - Hate Crimes and Vandalism, Robert Dole, Equal rights amendment, Evangelical Right, Extremist speech, Jerry Falwell, Family Research Council, Farm crisis, Father Feeney, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Paul Findley, Flag salute and burning, Leo Frank, Genocide and Human Rights Treaties, Newt Gingrich, Gun control, Hate speech, Helms Amendment, Heritage Foundation, Holocaust revisionism, House Un-American Activities Committee, International anti-Semitism, Jewish Defense League, Jewish religious right, John Birch Society, Meir Kahane, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Ku Klux Klan, Liberty Lobby, McCarthyism, Moral Majority, National Rifle Association, Nazis, Neo-conservatives, Neo-Nazism, Oberammergau, Pat Robertson, Prayer amendments (Helms/Byrd), Promise Keepers Movement, Queens Nazi movement, Racial Segregation, Ronald Reagan, Reese Investigation of tax exempt organizations, Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Resolution regarding censure of Senator McCarthy, Pat Robertson, George Rockwell, School Desegregation, School prayer, School vouchers, Segregation, Skokie, Illinois, Skokie v. National Socialist Party of America, Soviet anti-Semitism, Valerian Trifa, United States Citizen vs. Senator Theo. G. Bilbo, and James P. Warburg.

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[0112] American Jewish Congress, Northern California Division records, 1957-1988, Coll. BANC MSS 2010/702

Location: Western Jewish Americana, The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California, 94720-6000

Description: The American Jewish Congress (AJC) was founded in 1916, and reorganized in 1920 and 1938. The Northern California Division was officially founded in December 1943. The collection documents the activities of the American Jewish Congress' Northern California Division from 1960 through the mid-1980s. It contains minutes (1960-1982, incomplete), financial records, membership records, annual reports, articles, programs, newsletters, press releases, clippings, correspondence, briefs and published material, and some photographs. Series 4 Subject Files. 1957-1988, contains files on Holocaust, Institute of Historical Review ("Holocaust Debunkers"), Jewish Defense League (JDL), John Birch Society, Nazi Activity in San Francisco (Vincent Suit), and Programs—Nazis and the First Amendment/L. A. Greenfeld

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[0113] American Labor Conference on International Affairs. Records, 1939-1950, TAM.038

Location: Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, New York University Libraries, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012

Description: The American Labor Conference on International Affairs (ALCIA), a non socialist group, was organized in February 1943 by several labor leaders. The primary purpose of ALCIA was to engage in research on international economic and political problems for the benefit of the American labor movement. ALCIA published reports on political, economic, labor, and educational questions, and a monthly magazine entitled Modern Review between March 1947 and 1949, whose contributors included Louis Fischer and Granville Hicks. The collection includes correspondence, resolutions, constitutions and by laws, reports, conference papers, financial papers, press releases, speeches, minutes, memoranda, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, rough drafts of articles, and form letters. Series 1. Correspondence, 1941-1947, n.d., contains subject files on Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, Foreign Policy Association, Foundations, and Institute of Pacific Relations. Correspondents include Max Eastman and Wendell Willkie. Series 2. Office files, 1940-1947, n.d., contains Albert Halasi's essay on the Bretton Woods agreements and George Denicke's article on the Dumbarton Oaks proposals, as well as files on Christopher Emmet, Alfred Kohlberg, and Gaetano Salvemini. Series 3. Modern Review files, 1939-1950, n.d., contains a file on Daniel Bell and his work as editor of the Modern Review in 1949. Correspondents include Richard Hofstadter, Seymour Martin Lipset, and Granville Hicks.