Книга Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives - читать онлайн бесплатно, автор Archie Henderson. Cтраница 14
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Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives
Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives
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Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives

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[0114] Records of the American League for an Undivided Ireland (ALFUI), 1940-1965 (bulk 1947-1957)

Location: University Archives and Special Collections, St. John's University, St. Augustine Hall - Room B20, 8000 Utopia Parkway, Jamaica, New York 11439

Description: The American League for an Undivided Ireland was organized in New York City in March 26, 1947. The aim of the organization was to make every possible effort to abolish the partition of Ireland. The vast majority of the documents are letters between members of the organization, their correspondence with individuals from the U.S. Congress and with members of the Irish government, especially from the Parliament of Northern Ireland. Correspondents include Edward Lodge Curran, Everett M. Dirksen, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., John Davis Lodge, Joe McCarthy, and Burton K. Wheeler.

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[0114a] American Left Ephemera Collection, 1894-2008, AIS.2007.11 [digital collection]

Location: Archives Service Center, University of Pittsburgh, 7500 Thomas Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA 15208

Description: This is a collection of ephemera accumulated by Dr. Richard J. Oestreicher, Associate Professor of History at the University of Pittsburgh. The collection includes periodicals, photographs, letters, pamphlets, books, posters, flyers, labels, pins and other objects. The collection contains copies of The Fascist Revival...the Inside Story of the John Birch Society...Who is in it? Who is Behind it? Who Directs and Finances it?, by Mike Newberry, June, 1961 [online at http://digital.library.pitt.edu/u/ulsmanuscripts/pdf/31735061658757.pdf]; Pattern for American Fascism, by John L. Spivak, September, 1947 [online at http://digital.library.pitt.edu/u/ulsmanuscripts/­pdf/31735061537779.pdf and http://digital.library.pitt.edu/u/ulsmanuscripts/pdf/31735061659094.pdf]; The Fascist Danger and How to Combat it, by Eugene Dennis, August, 1948 [online at http://digital.library.­pitt.edu/u/ulsmanuscripts/pdf/31735061537613.pdf and http://digital.library.pitt.edu/u/­ulsmanuscripts/pdf/31735066246087.pdf]; The Truth About Father Coughlin, by A.B. Magil, 1935 [online at http://digital.library.pitt.edu/u/ulsmanuscripts/pdf/31735061659508.pdf]; The Real Father Coughlin, by A.B. Magil, May, 1939 [online at http://digital.library.pitt.edu/u/ulsmanuscripts/pdf/3173506

1658427.pdf]; How Can We Share the Wealth? The Communist Way Versus Huey Long, by Alex Bittelman, April, 1935 [online at http://digital.library.pitt.edu/u/ulsmanuscripts/pdf/31735061659979.pdf]; The Real Huey P. Long, by Sender Garlin, May, 1935 [online at http://digital.library.pitt.edu/u/ulsmanuscripts/pdf/­31735061658872.pdf]; Treason in Congress: A Record of the Un-American Activities Committee, by Albert E. Kahn (1948 April) [online at http://digital.library.pitt.edu/u/ulsmanuscripts/pdf/31735061656488.pdf]; San Francisco and the Un-American Activities Committee (San Francisco, Americans for Democratic Action, Northern California Chapter, 1960) [online at http://digital.library.pitt.edu/u/ulsmanuscripts/pdf/­31735061540922.pdf]; The Red Baiters Menace America, by Eugene Dennis (New York, New Century Publishers, 1946) [online at http://digital.library.pitt.edu/u/ulsmanuscripts/pdf/317350

61537621.pdf]; In the Shadow of Liberty, The Inhumanity of the Walter-McCarran Law, by Abner Green (1954) [online at http://digital.library.pitt.edu/u/ulsmanuscripts/pdf/31735061657205.pdf]; Behind the Lynching of Emmet [sic] Louis Till, by Louis Burnham (New York, Freedom Associates, Inc., 1955) [online at http://digital.library.pitt.edu/u/ulsmanuscripts/pdf/31735061656116.pdf]; Hate Groups and the Un-American Activities Committee, by David Wesley (New York, NY., Emergency Civil Liberties Committee, 1962) [online at http://digital.library.pitt.edu/u/ulsmanuscripts/pdf/31735061657270.pdf]; and Myra Tanner Weiss, Vigilante Terror in Fontana; The Tragic Story of O'Day H. Short and His Family (1946) [on vigilante and other fascist-type formations terrorizing minorities and labor organizations] [online at http://digital.­library.pitt.edu/u/ulsmanuscripts/­pdf/31735058194139.pdf]. The Rankin Witch Hunt, By William Z. Foster, December, 1945 [online at http://digital.library.pitt.edu/u/ulsmanuscripts/pdf/317350


Finding aid:


[0115] American Legion anti-Communist material, 1946-1952, Collection 793

Location: Special Collections, Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 333 S. La Cienega Boulevard, Beverly Hills, California 90211

Description: The American Legion is an American veterans service organization chartered in 1919 by Congress to benefit veterans of the United States armed forces. The American Legion's national headquarters is in Indianapolis, Indiana. The material relates to the Legion's National Americanism Commission and includes reports, articles, memos, and research material. The research material includes publications generated by Jacoby & Gibbons and Associates, anti-subversive public relations specialists in Los Angeles; the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC); and others. Vertical files 31-f.276. Miscellaneous 1947-1952, undated, includes: (1) "How You Can Fight Communism"; (2) "Inquiry Concerning Quasi-Military Forces Organized by the Communists"; (3) "Know Your Enemy"; (4) "Inquiry on Racial Incitations Practiced by Communists"; (5) "'Peace' Sign-Up Bait for Gullible"; (6) "Crippling Courts Taught by Book"; (7) "The Plot against the McCarran-Walter Act" by Herbert G. Moore, National Republic, December, 1952; (8) "World War III, Russian Style, Is Here," November 2, 1951; (9) "Darkness at Noon in American Colleges" by E. Merrill Root, July 30, 1952; (10) "Alert," no. 147, November 16, 1950; (11) "Alert," no. 153, December 28, 1950; (12) memos, 1947-1952; and (13) research material, "Daily People's World," January 1, 1949. Vertical files 31-f.276a. Miscellaneous 1946-1951, undated, includes: (1) "Communism in Action," 1946; (2) "Un-American Activities in California," March 24, 1947; (3) "Un-American Activities in California," June 23, 1949; (4) "What the Hiss Trial Actually Means" by Senator Karl E. Mundt, January 25, 1950; (5) "Testimony of Edward G. Robinson," October 27, 1950 and December 21, 1950; (6) "Guide to Subversive Organizations and Publications," March 3, 1951; (7) "Report on the Communist 'Peace' Offensive," April 1, 1951; (8) "100 Things You Should Know about Communism," May 14, 1951; (9) research material, "A Great Nation Like Ours Can Neither Stand Still nor Turn Back"; (10) research material, "Communist Manifesto" by Karl Marx (Chicago: Foundation Books).

Library Catalog description:


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[0115a] American Library Association Archives, 1920s to the present

Location: Archives Research Center, 105 Horticulture Field Lab, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1707 South Orchard St, Urbana, IL 61801

Description: The American Library Association, the world's oldest and largest national library association. The ALA Archives consists of official records, correspondence, publications, photographs, sound recordings, films, and videotapes. Record Group 6. Series Number 6/1/6. Office for Intellectual Freedom Subject Files, 1965-2008, contains files on Abortion; Accelerated Christian Education; Accuracy in Academia; Accuracy in Media; Accuracy in Media, Inc. (AIM) Reports; Ad Hoc Committee in Defense of Life; Alamo [Tony and Susan Alamo] Christian Foundation of Alma, Arkansas; Alliance Defense Fund; America's Future; American Center for Law and Justice; American Christian Cause; American Coalition for Traditional Values; American Conservative Union; American Constitution Society; American Family Association (Donald Wildmon); American Legislative Exchange Council; American Life Education and Research Trust [later the American Life League]; American Life League; American Life Lobby; American Party; Americanism Educational League; Americans against Abortion; Americans for a Sound Foreign Policy; Americans for Constitutional Freedom; Americans for Quality Education; Americans United for Life; Answers in Genesis; Arthur S. DeMoss Foundation; Aryan Nations; Attacks on ALA; Berean League of Minnesota; Bethany Baptist Academy; Birthright, Inc.; Californians for Biblical Morality; Campus Conservative Packs; Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation; Edwin Castagna's Response to an Article in "Let Freedom Ring" about Communist Influence in ALA, 1965; Catholic Alliance; Center for Constitutional Rights; Center for Constructive Alternatives; Center for the Study of Popular Culture; Center on the Family in America; Centre for Independent Studies; Children's Legal Foundation, Inc. [prev. Citizens for Decency through Law]; Christian Action League; Christian Action Network; Christian Anti-Communism Crusade; Christian Broadcasting Network; Christian Century Foundation; Christian Coalition; Christian Defense League; Christian Family Renewal (Anti-Smut, Anti-Abortion); Christian Leaders for Responsible Television; Christian Librarian's Fellowship; Christian Ministry; Christian School Action; Christian Voice; Church and State, Separation of; Church League of America; Church of Scientology; Citizens against Pornography; Citizens Concerned for the Constitution [later Advance America]; Citizens for Community Values; Citizens for Decency through Law [formerly Citizens for Decent Literature]; Citizens for Excellence in Education; Citizens for the Protection of Children; Citizens for True Freedom; Clippings on Right Wing Groups; Coalition against Pornography in Kansas City; Coalition for Freedom; Concerned Charlotteans (NC); Concerned Women for America; Conservative Caucus; Conservative Majority; Conservatives for America; Constitutional Heritage Club; Constitutional Revival; Coors [Coors Beer Corporation's involvement in Politics]; Coral Ridge Ministries; Council for National Righteousness; Council for National Policy; Creationism III; Crusade for a Christian Civilization; James Dobson; Dove Foundation; Eagle Forum (Education Reporter, Phyllis Schlafly Report, Stop Textbook Censorship Committee); Educational Research Analysis; Fairness in Media; Faith and Values Coalition; Jerry Falwell; Family Focus; Family Research Council; Far Right Media Task Force; FCC (Federal Communications Commission); FCC Fairness Doctrine; Federal Government - McCarran Walter Act - Ideological Exclusion; Federalist Society; Fellowship of Christian Athletes; Flag Amendment; Flag Desecration; Flashpoint [Evangelical Christian Minister Texe Marrs]; Focus on the Family (Citizen Newsletter, Community Impact Handbook, Family in Focus, Newsletters); Foundation to Defend the First Amendment; Free Congress Foundation; Freedom Alliance; Freedom Facts; Freedom Institute; Freemen Institute; Friends of Newt Gingrich; Front Lines Research; Hate Speech; Hawkeye Review; Heritage Education and Review Organization; Heritage Foundation; Heritage Today; Holocaust; Home Schooling; Howard Center for the Family, Religion, and Society; Human Events; Human Life Center; Human Life International; Hyde Amendment; Illinois Citizens for Family Life; Illinois Family Institute; Indiana Family Institute; Indiana Home Circle; Individual Rights Foundation; Institute for American Democracy; Institute for Historical Review; Institute for the study of the Religious Right; Intelligent Design; Interfaith Committee against Blasphemy in the Media; Iowa Freedom Foundation; John Birch Society; Key Project for Decency; Kitsap Educational Information Council; Ku Klux Klan; Law and Justice; Leadership Foundation; Leadership Institute; Let's Improve Today's Education; Liberty Foundation; Liberty Lobby; Life Amendment Political Action Committee; Loyalty Oaths; Media Research Center; Morality in Media [see also: National Obscenity Law Center]; National Association of Christian Educators; National Congress for Educational Excellence; National Conservative Political Action Committee; National Empowerment Television; National Family Legal Foundation; National Federation for Decency; National Forum Foundation [formerly Coalition for Decency]; National Justice Foundation; National Obscenity Law Center; National Pro-Life Political Action Committee; National Right to Life Committee; National Schools Committee; New Christian Crusade Church; New Right Report; Oklahomans for Children and Families; Operation Rescue; Opus Dei; Oregon Anti-Gay Initiative 1996 Ballot; Oregon Ballot Measure 9; Parents Aiding Education, Inc.; Parents for Unalienable Rights in Education; Parents of Minnesota; Parents of New York - United; Paul Reveres of America; People Concerned with Education; People for the American Way; People of America Responding to the Educational Needs of Today's Society; People Using Legislation Legally; Planned Parenthood (Planned Parenthood of the Columbia/Willamette, Inc. v. American Coalition of Life Activists, et. al.), 1999; Political Research Associates; Posse Comitatus; Prince George's County Coalition for Children; Probe Ministries; Pro-Family Forum; Progress and Freedom Foundation; Pro-Life Action League; Promise Keepers; Prospect House [Richard Viguerie]; Ralph Reed; Religious Alliance against Pornography; Religious Freedom Amendment 1997; Revisionist Literature (regarding the Holocaust); Right Wing; Right Wing Watch [People for the American Way]; Right Wing Watch Online; Rockford College; Roundtable Issues and Answers; Rutherford Institute; Joseph M. Scheidler [Anti-Abortion]; Dr. Laura Schlessinger; Southern Baptist Convention; Summit Ministries; Tom Tancredo; Taxpayer's Education Lobby; Randall Terry; Texas Freedom Network; The "New Right"; The American Cause [Patrick Buchanan]; The American Sentinel; The Limbaugh Letter; The National Conservative Foundation; The New American; The Religious Roundtable; The Right Woman; The Rockford Institute; Cal Thomas; Traditional Values Coalition; Truth Missions; U.S. Justice Foundation; United Families of America; University Conversion Project; USA Patriot Act Sec. 215; Violence Against Women; Voice of America; Voice of Liberty; Washington Educational Information Council; Washington Inquirer; Washington Legal Foundation; Watch on the Right; Western Center for Law and Freedom; Western Goals Foundation; White Power Publications; Wilcox Report Newsletter; Women's Watchcare Network; World Creation Science Association; Young Americans for Freedom; Young America's Foundation; Young Parents Alert; and Young Republicans (New). Record Group 97. Series Number 97/1/44. Personal Members. Papers. James P. Danky Papers, 1965-2001, consists of the papers of James P. Danky (1947– ), newspapers and periodicals librarian at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, including correspondence, publications, photographs, clippings, cassette recordings, bibliographies, coursework, and conference materials. Folders on Ku Klux Klan, 1981; Politics, Right-Wing, 1980; Right-Politics (3 folders), 1973-79, 1983-88; Siege (James N. Mason), 1983-86; "The Heart of Darkness" (Radical Right Publishing), 1985; and The Right in America: An Annotated Guide to the Literature, 1985 (2 folders).


Guide to the American Library Association Archives. By Maynard Brichford. Chicago: American Library Association, 1979. 2 microfiche and 8p. pamphlet

Websites with information:




Finding aids to Office for Intellectual Freedom Subject Files, 1965-2008:




Finding aids to James P. Danky Papers, 1965-2001:



[0115b] American Nazi Party Recruiting Materials, c.1966, Ms2015-060

Location: Special Collections, University Libraries (0434), 560 Drillfield Drive, Newman Library, Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

Description: This collection includes materials from a membership recruiting packet for the American Nazi Party, including a letter signed by Matt Koehl, the National Secretary for the American Nazi Party, a biographical article about George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, a copy of the Program of the World Union of National Socialists describing the party platform, an order form for the party magazine, The Rockwell Report, an order form for political flyers called "'Back to Africa' tickets," and a copy of a short comic book called Here Comes Whiteman.

Finding aid:


[0116] American Party Broadsides, 1847-1855

Location: Special Collections, The Filson Historical Society, 1310 South 3rd Street, Louisville, KY 40208

Description: The American Party rose to popularity in the mid-1800s owing to their anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic political platform. Political paraphernalia from the Know-Nothing Party including its platform and beliefs, a manifesto, and a warning to the voters of the Fayette Congressional District to unite immediately against the immigrants and Catholics in their region.

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[0116a] American Patriots Against Foreign Wars Collection

Location: Swarthmore College Peace Collection, 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, PA 19081-1399

Description: American Patriots Against Foreign Wars was a patriotic organization founded about 1938 by Eliot Edson Overdorf of Lake Forest, Ill.

Websites with information:


[0117] American political campaigns miscellany, 1868-2012 (bulk 1968-1980), Coll. 6477

Location: Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, 2B Carl A. Kroch Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853

Description: Print, broadside, ribbon, posters, buttons, bumper stickers, bubble gum, greeting card, headscarf, medal, postcards and inaugural programs from various political campaigns, both national and gubernatorial (New York State). Contains materials from campaigns of Hamilton Fish, Barry Goldwater, Herbert C. Hoover, Jack Kemp, Alfred M. Landon, Douglas MacArthur (Constitution Party 1952), Robert A. Taft, George C. Wallace, and Wendell Willkie. Articles, speeches, or remarks by Dwight D. Eisenhower, Barry Goldwater, Karl E. Mundt, Strom Thurmond, and James B. Utt. Copies of None Dare Call It Treason (By John A. Stormer), A Choice Not An Echo (By Phyllis Schlafly), and Where I Stand (By Senator Barry Goldwater).

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[0118] American Political Items Collectors collection, 1895-1988, C0023

Location: Special Collections Research Center, Fenwick Library, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive MSN 2FL, Fairfax, VA 22030-4444

Description: The American Political Items Collectors (APIC) is a non-profit membership organization that seeks to encourage and support the collection, study, and preservation of original materials relating to political campaigns of the United States of America. The collection contains donations of scholarly material that relates to national political campaigns as well as American history dating from 1895 to 1988. This collection is comprised of presidential campaigning materials that stem from bumper stickers to voting ballots. Not only is it an extensive collection of presidential campaigns but it also houses historical magazines, newspapers, and many other manuscripts and books. Series 1: Subject Files 1895-1982, is composed of campaigning materials such as informational pamphlets, stickers and stamps.. Files on J.S. Coxey (1895-1896), Dwight D. Eisenhower, Barry Goldwater, and Richard Nixon. Series 3: Oversize Material, 1940-1988, is composed of posters, newspapers, photographs, and political buttons. Includes posters for Richard Nixon, John G. Schmitz and Thomas J. Anderson (1972), and George Wallace.

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[0119] American Protective League, New York Division Papers, ca. 1917-1919, D.419

Location: Rare Books, Special Collections and Preservation, Rush Rhees Library, Second Floor, Room 225, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627-0055

Description: The American Protective League, New York Division Papers document the activities of an organization made up of private citizens who identified suspected German sympathizers and any other anti-American groups to protect the United States against foreign enemies during World War I. Members reported to the Department of Justice and the Bureau of Investigation. There were two classes of members: active and inactive. Active members were responsible for investigating cases assigned to them by government officials or agencies. Inactive members reported information to benefit the government and any potential investigation. Each member upon joining received an identification card. The rules and regulations of the League specified that members keep their affiliation with the organization a secret and only disclose their connection during the process of an investigation, if appropriate.

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[0120] American Protestant Association Records, 1842-1843, RG 323

Location: Presbyterian Historical Society, 425 Lombard St, Philadelphia, PA 19147

Description: The American Protestant Association was formed in Philadelphia in 1842. Its founders were alarmed at the spread of Roman Catholicism in the United States, feeling as they did that it was "subversive of civil and religious liberty." They formed an association to further their Protestant interests; to educate their congregations about the differences between Protestantism and "Popery," and to encourage a through study of the Bible. The records of the Association include its Constitution, minutes, and first annual report.

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[0121] APA Division of Public Affairs Papers, 1948-1980 (bulk 1960-1975)

Location: Archives, American Psychiatric Association, 1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1825, Arlington, VA 22209

Description: The American Psychiatric Association (APA) is the main professional organization of psychiatrists in the United States. Series: Government Relations, contains a file on Alaska Mental Health Legislation, 1953-1959. Series: Subject Files, contains a file on Anti-Psychiatry.