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[0431] Dan Burton Congressional Papers, 1983-2012, MPP 21
Location: Modern Political Papers Collection, Indiana University Libraries, Herman B. Wells Library E460, 1320 East Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN 47405-7000
Description: Danny Lee Burton (b. 1938) represented the 5th and 6th congressional districts of Indiana in the United States House of Representatives from 1983-2012. The collection consists of papers, audio-visual materials, and electronic records generated and received by the office of Congressman Dan Burton. Series: Political Files, 2000-2010, consists of responses to various candidate surveys. Files on Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, Christian Coalition, Indiana Family Institute, Marriage Protection Act (To amend title 28, United States Code, to limit Federal court jurisdiction over questions under the Defense of Marriage Act), National League of Taxpayers, National Right to Life Committee, National Right to Work Committee, Tea Party, U.S. English, Inc., ACT! For America, Advance America, Americans for Prosperity No Climate Tax Pledge, Campaign for Liberty, Gun Owners of America, Indiana Federation for Immigration Reform and Enforcement (IFIRE), Indiana Republican Liberty Caucus, Indiana Right to Life, National Association for Gun Rights, National Rifle Association (NRA), Pro-English, and Republican National Coalition for Life.
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[0432] Bernard Bush Collection on the Ku Klux Klan in New Jersey (1915-1946), 1913-2010, MC 1402
Location: Special Collections and University Archives, Rutgers University Libraries, 169 College Ave, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Description: Bernard Bush (1929- ) was the first executive director of the New Jersey Historical Commission. This assembled collection of primary and secondary source materials documents that the Ku Klux Klan, a secretive society with a philosophy of white Protestant nativism, gained its greatest following in New Jersey during the period from 1915 to 1946. The files focus on Klan and pro-Klan organizations, leaders, activities, and publications, as well as on opposition to the Klan. They include both extensive geographical files, as well as files documenting the KKK's ideas in relation to topics such as immigration, Prohibition, elections, Protestant churches, eugenics, African Americans, Catholics, Jews, and the German American Bund. Contains materials on Anti-Klan Organizations, Henry Ford, Target Groups of New Jersey Klan, Charles Coughlin, Marcus Garvey, Anti-Lynching Campaigns, Nazism / Fascism and Race Theory / Eugenics in Relation to New Jersey Klan, Nazi-Klan Relations, Sedition Trial, 1944, Charles Lindbergh, Edward James Smythe, Italian Fascism, Eugenics / Race Theory, Henry H. Goddard, Carl Brigham, and Edwin Conklin.
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[0433] Papers of Vannevar Bush, 1901-1974 (bulk 1932-1955), MSS14498
Location: Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE, Room LM 101, James Madison Memorial Bldg, Washington, D.C. 20540-4680
Description: Vannevar Bush (1890-1974) was a physicist, engineer, government official, and science administrator. The collection relates primarily to Bush's role as coordinator of the scientific community for defense efforts during and after World War II when he served as chairman of the National Defense Research Committee and director of its successor, the Office of Scientific Research and Development, where he supervised the Manhattan Project and other programs. Correspondents include Holmes Alexander, Frank Altschul, American Eugenics Society, Styles Bridges, James F. Byrnes, Committee for Constitutional Government, Charles B. Davenport, Irving Fisher, Ford Foundation, Foreign Policy Association, James Forrestal, Freedom House, Garet Garrett, Bourke B. Hickenlooper, John Edgar Hoover, Herbert Hoover, William Langer, Charles A. Lindbergh, Ben Moreell, Frederick Osborn, Edgar M. Queeny, Porter Sargent, William Shockley, Vilhjálmur Stefánsson, and Albert C. Wedemeyer.
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[0434] Bush v. Orleans Parish School Board and the Desegregation of New Orleans Schools [online exhibition]
Location: Federal Judicial Center, Federal Judicial History Office, Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building, 1 Columbus Circle Northeast, Washington, DC 20544
Description: On September 4, 1952, A.P. Tureaud, the chief legal counsel of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), filed the legal case Bush v. Orleans Parish School Board in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, with 21 sets of students as plaintiffs, including Earl Benjamin Bush. The lawsuit sought the racial desegregation of the New Orleans public schools. On February 15, 1956, a three-judge district court held that the state statutes designed to thwart school desegregation and the Louisiana state constitutional provisions that required school segregation violated the U.S. Constitution. Later that day, Judge J. Skelly Wright held that the Orleans Parish Schools were unconstitutionally segregated and ordered the Orleans Parish School Board to end school segregation. Historical Documents include Original complaint filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, September 4, 1952; Amendment to Louisiana State Constitution designed to forestall desegregation, Article XII, Section 1 (1954); Petition requesting an end to school segregation in New Orleans (signed by 17 black parents in New Orleans), June 27, 1955; Judge J. Skelly Wright's February 1956 decision requiring school desegregation in New Orleans (excerpt); Statement of Louisiana State Senator William Rainach in response to the decision of the three-judge district court, February 15, 1956; The Southern Manifesto, signed on March 12, 1956, by 101 U.S. Senators and Members of the House of Representatives from the eleven states of the old Confederacy; U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit decision affirming Judge Wright's desegregation order, 1957; Interposition resolution and legislation, Louisiana state legislature, November 1960; Speech by Governor Jimmie Davis on statewide television, November 13, 1960, expressing his opposition; to school integration but also his unwillingness to close the schools to prevent racial mixing; Through My Eyes, by Ruby Bridges (excerpt; by the first black student to integrate William Frantz Public School, on November 14, 1960); Joint resolution of Louisiana state legislature urging boycott of desegregated schools, November 16, 1960; Decision and order of U.S. District Court, November 30, 1960; and Letters Sent to Judge Skelly Wright During the Desegregation Controversy.
Robert L. Crain and Horton Inger, "School Desegregation in New Orleans: A Comparative Study of the Failure of Social Control" (Chicago, National Opinion Research Center, 1966), and and
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[0435] Fanny Butcher Papers, 1830-1984 (bulk 1910-1984), Midwest.MS.Butcher
Location: The Newberry Library - Modern Manuscripts, 60 West Walton Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60610
Description: Correspondence, clippings, manuscripts, photographs, and memorabilia relating to the life and work of Chicago literary critic and author, Fanny Butcher (1888-1987). The series Correspondence, 1897-1984, contains files on William Benton, Frank N. D. Buchman, Gilbert K. Chesterton, J. Edgar Hoover, Rose Wilder Lane, Owen Lattimore, Robert R. McCormick, H. L. Mencken, Ezra Pound, Wendell Willkie, and Owen Wister. Subject Files, 1912-1963, contains files on Hilaire Belloc, John Buchan, Communism, John Dos Passos, T. S. Eliot, Herbert Hoover, Rudyard Kipling, Rose Wilder Lane, Charles A. Lindbergh, Colonel Robert McCormick, H. L. Mencken, Rebecca West, Albert Edward Wiggam, and Owen Wister.
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[0436] Hugh Alfred Butler Papers, 1941-1954, RG2331.AM
Location: Nebraska State Historical Society - P.O. Box 82554, 1500 R Street, Lincoln, NE 68501
Description: Butler (1878-1954) was a U.S. Senator from Nebraska, 1941-1954. The bulk of the collection consists of legislative and committee files. Files on Brannan Plan, John W. Bricker, Communism, J. Edgar Hoover, Fulton Lewis, Jr., Douglas MacArthur, Joseph McCarthy, Mindszenty, Robert Taft, and Lt. General A.C. Wedemeyer.
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[0437] Nicholas Murray Butler papers, [ca. 1891-1947]
Location: Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Butler Library, 6th Floor, Columbia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027
Description: Butler (1862-1947) was president of Columbia University, 1902-1945. Correspondence; manuscripts of books, chapters, addresses, lectures, articles, and other writings; clippings and other printed materials relating to Butler's life and career, and memorabilia, ca. 1900-1947. Correspondents include America First Committee, American Citizenship Foundation, American Eugenics Society, Irving Babbitt, H.E. Barnes, Charles Austin Beard, Hilaire Belloc, Theodore G. Bilbo, L.M. Birkhead, William E. Borah, John W. Bricker, Styles Bridges, Vannevar Bush, California Crusaders, Arthur Capper, Alexis Carrel, James McKeen Cattell, John Jay Chapman, Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Child Labor Amendment, George W. Christians, Edwin G. Conklin, Luigi Criscuolo, Crusaders for Economic Liberty, Charles B. Davenport, Samuel Dickstein, Ralph M. Easley, Dwight D. Eisenhower, First Voters League, Hamilton Fish, Jr., Irving Fisher, Henry Ford, James V. Forrestal, Frank E. Gannett, Carter Glass, Madison Grant, Joseph C. Grew, Merwin K. Hart, Archibald Henderson, Hamilton Holt, Herbert Hoover, Roy W. Howard, David Starr Jordan, Henry B. Joy, Alfred M. Landon, William Langer, David Lawrence, Isaac Don Levine, Alfred M. Lilienthal, Charles A. Lindbergh, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., Henry R. Luce, J.B. Matthews, V. S. McClatchy, Robert R. McCormick, Henry L. Mencken, Robert A. Millikan, Raymond C. Moley, Paul Elmer More, Felix Morley, Benito Mussolini, John Francis Neylan, Albert J. Nock, Gerald P. Nye, Frederick Osborn, George N. Peek, Samuel B. Pettengill, Amos R.E. Pinchot, Odon Por, Ezra Pound, Giuseppe Prezzolini, John J. Raskob, Carlos P. Romulo, Edward A. Rumely, Jouett Shouse, Edward James Smythe, George E. Sokolsky, John Spargo, Dorothy Thompson, Burton K. Wheeler, Wendell L. Willkie, and Owen Wister.
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[0438] Wally Butterworth Papers, 1930-1973, Coll. 129
Location: Special Collections and University Archives, Knight Library, 2nd floor North, Mail: UO Libraries--SPC, 1299 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1299
Description: Herbert Wallace (Wally) Butterworth (1901-1974) was a radio announcer for NBC radio and host for numerous variety and quiz programs for both radio and television. In the early 1960s he became involved in conservative political causes, opposing the NAACP convention and attacking blacks, non-Christians, and Catholics, and privately producing records on political subjects. He organized the Defensive Legion of Registered Americans in 1962; one of its subgroups was the Christian Voters and Buyers League, which advocated the boycott of all kosher food manufacturers and Jewish-owned businesses. The Wally Butterworth Papers consist largely of correspondence, scripts for radio programs, and writings by Butterworth, phonograph records, and tape recordings. Political correspondents include Wickliffe B. Vennard, Pedro A. del Valle, and James Venable. Associated conservative materials, such as mailing lists and bumper stickers, follow the correspondence.
Jeffrey H. Caufield, General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy: The Extensive New Evidence of a Radical-Right Conspiracy (Moreland Press, 2015).
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[0439] R. Freeman Butts Papers, 1923-2004, Coll. 80114
Location: Hoover Institution Archives, 434 Galvez Mall, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-6010
Description: R. Freeman Butts (1910-2010) was a prominent American educator and prolific author in the field of education. Speeches and writings, correspondence, reports, studies, conference papers and proceedings, syllabi, curricular material, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to the role of education in society, civic education, education in the United States, and international education. The category Research materials, 1980-1991, contains files on Conservatism and women, 1981-1986; Iran-Contra scandal, 1987-1989; Ronald Reagan and conservatism, 1980-1990; Heritage Foundation, 1982; and Richard Viguerie and conservatism, 1983-1984. The category Notes and research materials, 1978-1997, contains files on Clarence Thomas, 1991; Robert Bork, 1987-1988; Conservative counter-reformation, 1985-1989; Emerging conservatism, 1981-1984; and New Right, 1978-1983. The category Notes and research materials, 1976-2001, contains files on Conservative reform in education, 1982-1985; and William J. Bennett, 1984-1989, 1985-1986. The category Notes and research materials, 1910-2001, contains files on Conservative renaissance, 1985; Sidney Hook, 1984; School busing, 1981-1982; Desegregation, 1970-1989; Religious right, 1995; Religion and conservative politics, 1980-1990; Creationism and evolution, 1981-1994; and Debate on prayer in public schools, 1980-1995.
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[0440] Hugh Byas papers, 1928-1941, MS 121 [microfilm]
Location: Manuscripts and Archives, Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University Library, 128 Wall Street, P.O. Box 208240, New Haven, CT 06520
Description: Newspaper correspondent. Scrapbooks, writings and research files. The latter, consisting of pamphlets, periodicals, newspaper clippings and news bulletins on all aspects of Japanese life were compiled for lectures at Yale University, 1941-1945, and for use in a book which was never published. Contains subject files on Color and Race Problems, Communism, reactionary societies, 1932-1934, and patriotic societies.
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[0441] Witter Bynner Papers, 1829-1965, MS Am 1891-1891.7
Location: Houghton Library, Harvard Yard, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
Description: Bynner (1881-1968) was an American poet and translator. The papers consist of correspondence (including carbon copies of outgoing letters); manuscripts of poems, plays, and prose writings; diaries and memoirs; scrapbooks of publications and reviews; photographs of family members and friends from the literary and theatrical worlds; manuscripts of writings by others, many with annotations by Witter Bynner. Letters to Witter Bynner from Charles Austin Beard, Usher Lloyd Burdick, John Dos Passos, Max Eastman, Devin A. Garrity, Edith Hamilton, Herbert Hoover, Patrick Jay Hurley, Gorham Bert Munson, Ezra Pound, George Ephraim Sokolsky, H. Keith Thompson, George Sylvester Viereck, and Peter Robert Viereck. Letters from Witter Bynner to James Francis Byrnes, Donald Davidson, Max Eastman, Dwight David Eisenhower, James Forrestal, Devin A. Garrity, Josef Washington Hall (Upton Close), Edith Hamilton, Patrick J. Hurley, Gorham Bert Munson, Ezra Pound, Henry Regnery, Porter Edward Sargent, George Ephraim Sokolsky, Dorothy Thompson, H. Keith Thompson, George Sylvester Viereck, and Peter Robert Viereck.
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[0442] Harry Flood Byrd, Sr. Papers, 1911-1965, Coll. 9700, 9700-b
Location: Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, P.O. Box 400110, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22904-4110
Description: The papers of Harry Flood Byrd, Sr. (1887-1966) consist of correspondence, memoranda, records, files, photographs, scrapbooks, etc. pertaining largely to the Virginia Senator's political and business careers. Correspondents and subjects include America's Future, Inc., John U. Barr, John W. Bricker, Senator Bridges, Connally Amendment, James O. Eastland, Charles Edison, Frank E. Gannett, J. Edgar Hoover, Herbert Hoover, Charles A. Lindbergh, General Douglas MacArthur, Manion Forum, Dean Manion, J.B. Matthews, Senator Joseph McCarthy, Col. Robert McCormick, Carleton Putnam, Gerald L. K. Smith, Senator Robert A. Taft, Senator Talmadge, Senator Strom Thurmond, A.C. Wedemeyer, and Burton K. Wheeler.
Nancy MacLean, Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America (New York: Viking, 2017).
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[0443] James F. Byrnes Papers, 1831-2007; bulk dates 1933-1972, Mss 090
Location: Special Collections Library, Strom Thurmond Institute Building, Clemson University, 230 Kappa Street, Clemson, SC 29634-3001
Description: James F. Byrnes (1882-1972) was a U.S. Senator, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Director of the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion during World War II, U.S. Secretary of State, and Governor of South Carolina. The collection has material concerning his growing disenchantment with the Democratic Party over civil rights, his support for Dwight Eisenhower in the 1952 presidential campaign. Correspondents include J. Edgar Hoover, Raymond Moley, and Strom Thurmond. Files on Alger Hiss, Ku Klux Klan, segregation, and Harry Dexter White, and the shorthand notes Byrnes took at the 1945 Yalta Conference. Copies of Georgia Farmers Market Bulletin, March 29, 1950; Common Sense (Union, NJ), January 5, 1952, and September 1, 1952; and Augusta Courier (Georgia), June 4, 1956. There is an article from the News and Courier on one of the Carleton Putnam letters ("Second Carleton Putnam Letter Analyzes Psychological Reasoning of High Court," News and Courier, Charleston, S.C., March 22, 1959). (The pro-segregation Putnam letter, in the form of an open letter to President Eisenhower, was published as "Distinguished New Englander Discusses High Court's Decision on Public Schools" [advertisement], Christian Science Monitor, Jan. 19, 1959, p. 3.)
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[0443a] CIA Declassified Documents Collection [partly digital collection]
Location: National Archives at College Park, MD, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Description: In April 1995, the Clinton administration issued Executive Order 12958, mandating that all secret government documents 25 years old or older, and deemed to be of "historical value," be released to the public unless federal agencies sought exemptions for specific files that remained sensitive. The collection contains more than 11 million pages of documents in electronic format that the CIA has declassified since 1995. Files on Arrow Cross Party, Bayerische Volkspartei, Menachem Begin, Junio Valerio Borghese, Ugo Dadone, Léon Degrelle, Stefano Delle Chiaie, Lev E. Dobriansky, Ivan Dochev, Krunoslav Stjepan Draganović, Haj Amin el Husseini, El Salvador death squads, El Salvador right-wing, El Salvador right-wing terrorism, Freedom Party of Austria, Fronte Nazionale, Reinhard Gehlen, Hans Globke, Jörg Haider, Rudolf Hess, Adolf Hitler, Hlinka Guard, Yoshio Kodama, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Johann Von Leers, Likud movement, Richard Nixon, Augusto Pinochet, Ronald Reagan, Hans Ulrich Rudel, Fritz Schwend, Otto Skorzeny, Slovak People's Party, and Ukrainian Congress Committee of America.
Bruce Falconer, "Inside the CIA's (Sort of) Secret Document Stash," Mother Jones, Apr. 3, 2009,
Online index to CREST (CIA Records Search Tool [full-text database]) files by title and date:
[0444] CIA Name Files - 2nd Release, Records of the Central Intelligence Agency (Record Group 263)
Location: National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Description: CIA Name Files and Subject Files are composed of documentation on approximately 1100 individuals and subjects. These files include biographical sketches, correspondence, reports, memorandums, messages, telegrams, publications, clippings, dispatches, translations, transcripts, legislative records, legal documents, statements, lists, and other records. Many of the records relate to people in one or both of two categories: Axis personnel accused of committing war crimes, or of belonging to criminal organizations, during World War II; and former Axis personnel who were used by the U. S. as intelligence sources during the Cold War. Contains information on Kodama Yoshio (1911-1984), an ultra right-wing organized crime figure and political power broker in Japan. "The CIA claimed that, in 1934, Kodama founded the Tengyo Society, a right-wing fringe group that sought to bring about a reactionary government by intimidating and murdering leading businessmen and politicians. . . . After release from prison, Kodama started the Japan Youth Movement and quickly gained the attention of many influential arch-conservatives in government and military circles." Files on Stepan Bandera, Krunoslav Stjepan Draganović, Reinhard Gehlen, Adolf Hitler, Johann Von Leers, Otto Remer, Manfred Roeder, Otto Skorzeny, and Viorel Donise Trifa.