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[0454] Records of California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc. (CRLA)
Location: Department of Special Collections and University Archives, Stanford University Libraries, 557 Escondido Mall, Stanford, California 94305-6064
Description: Founded in 1966 with funding from the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO), CRLA provides direct legal services to the low income rural population in California, particularly to migrant farmworkers. On December 26, 1970, Ronald Reagan (then Governor of California) vetoed a $1.8 million OEO grant for CRLA's 1971 refunding. His veto was based on a report compiled by Lewis K. Uhler, a former member of the John Birch Society, who had been appointed by Reagan as director of the state's OEO. Uhler submitted to Reagan a report entitled A Study and Evaluation of California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc. (the Uhler Report). The report listed 127 incidents of alleged CRLA misconduct. In response to the outcry against the veto, the new director of the OEO, Frank Carlucci, formed a commission to investigate the claims contained in the Uhler Report. The commission concluded that the charges were irrelevant or unfounded, and its OEO funding was extended. In addition to copies of CRLA's responses to the Uhler Report, records related to this controversy held in the collection include news clippings, press releases, pleadings, hearing transcripts, correspondence, and commission reports, as wells as many letters of support for CRLA sent to President Nixon, Reagan, and Carlucci from a wide range of supporters, including other legal service organizations, law schools, politicians, labor organizations, religious groups, and individual attorneys and clients.
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[0455] California Surveillance Collection, 1929-1940,
Location: Labor Archives and Research Center, J. Paul Leonard Library, Room 460, San Francisco State University, 1630 Holloway Ave, San Francisco, CA 94132-1722
Description: The California Surveillance Collection consists primarily of undercover agent reports and other materials documenting the activities of labor organizations and organizations on the left, 1934-1940, including the Communist Party of San Francisco, and labor leader Harry Bridges. The materials were possibly gathered or created by Harper Knowles during his tenure as director of the Radical Research Committee, later the Subversive Activities Committee, of the American Legion in San Francisco, and Stanley M. Doyle, an associate of Harper Knowles. Series 1: California Surveillance Files, 1934-1940, includes material on the Industrial Association, a San Francisco organization of banks and employers created in 1921 to promote the so-called American Plan, an anti-union effort based on the open shop. Also included are advertising for conservative publications; campaigns against taxes; "A Professor Quits the Communist Party" (reprinted by the Industrial Association); "CIO 'Functionaries' Compiled by American Vigilant Intelligence Federation" (August 1938); Statement by the American Legion to the Dies Committee (October 21, 1938); and a brief prepared by the American Legion, charging Harry Bridges with being subject to deportation.
Simon James Judkins, "Under Prying Eyes: Repression, Surveillance and Exposure in California, 1918-1939" (M.A., Victoria University of Wellington, 2014),
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[0455a] California Tax Reform Association Collection
Location: California History Room, California State Library, Library and Courts Building II, 900 N. Street, Room 200, P.O. Box 942837, Sacramento, California 94237-0001
Description: A group of Californians formed the California Tax Reform Association in 1976 to promote tax reform. The goals were to abolish tax privileges and loopholes, cut property tax and taxes through a more progressive income tax, eliminate levies which hinder small business and redirect the support of education, welfare, and medi-Cal away from the property tax. The collection consists of mass mailings, brochures, clippings, and newsletters.
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[0456] California Townsend Club records, 1939-1969, Bx 181
Location: Special Collections and University Archives, Knight Library, 2nd floor North, Mail: UO Libraries--SPC, 1299 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1299
Description: Earl Tifft was the state director of the California club (chapter) of the Townsend Plan. The collection includes Townsend newsletters and convention materials, Townsend Plan constitution and bylaws, dissolution information, and testimony to the Ways and Means committee, International Members Council interviews, minutes, correspondence, financial records, reel-to-reel audio, memorabilia, a photograph, broadsides, and material from the Le Habre Townsend Club, the Pasadena Townsend Club, the Townsend Clubs of Southern California, and the Greater L.A. Advisory Council.
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[0457] California Un-American Activities Committees Records, 1935-1977, Coll. 93-04-12; 93-04-16
Location: California State Archives, 1020 "O" Street, Sacramento, California 95814
Description: In response to allegations that Communists had infiltrated the State Relief Administration, the California State Legislature began in 1940 what was to become a thirty-one-year investigation into un-American activities in California. The legislative committees, variously named, produced or received thousands of documents, audiotapes, approximately 125,000 index cards tracking an estimated 20,000 individuals or organizations, and Dictaphone audio disks. Topics include labor and labor unions; public schools and education; Hollywood and the motion picture industry; civil rights; universities and colleges (in particular, the University of California-Berkeley, the University of California-Los Angeles, and San Francisco State University); political parties (including the California Democratic Party, the American Communist Party, the Los Angeles County Communist Party, and the Black Panther Party); the Soviet Union and Soviet-American relations; Communism in China and Vietnam; fascist and Nazi movements in America; and, the anti-war and peace movements. The Committees paid attention to specific events as well, including the Alger Hiss trial.
Records in the California State Archives for the Study of Labor History (Sacramento, California State Archives, 2015), pp. 21-22,
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[0457a] Californians to Defeat Rose Bird Collection
Location: California History Room, California State Library, Library and Courts Building II, 900 N. Street, Room 200, P.O. Box 942837, Sacramento, California 94237-0001
Description: Rose Elizabeth Bird was the first woman ever to serve on the California Supreme Court. Appointed by Gov. Edmund G. Brown, Jr. in January 1975, she became Chief Justice March 16, 1977. In 1985, Californians to Defeat Rose Bird, led by Howard Jarvis and Paul Gann, and other citizens' groups began to campaign to remove her from office for having voted to vacate death sentences 61 times. She lost her seat in an election held in 1986. Clippings, press releases, notes, flyers, photographs, reports, audio and video tapes regarding the campaign to remove Chief Justice Rose Bird from the California Supreme Court. Files on Crime Victims for Court Reform, California Coalition for Court Reform, National Right to Work, Citizens for Law & Order, and Pro-Life Council.
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[0458] Call To Action Records, 1976-2009, MSS0076
Location: Special Collections and Archives, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, 2350 N Kenmore Ave, Room 314, Chicago, IL 60614
Description: Call to Action (CTA) is an organization of Catholics established in 1978 in response to the 1976 U.S. Bishops Call to Action Conference in Detroit, Michigan. In 1990, the Call to Action board developed a Call for Reform in the Catholic Church, a pastoral letter capsulizing the organization's cry for a church responsive to the world's needs and a call for the church to examine its own record on issues of justice, equality, and participation. The statement or pastoral letter was printed as a full page advertisement in the New York Times on Ash Wednesday 1990 [i.e., Feb. 28, 1990, p. B4], along with the names of 4,500 signers and an invitation for more signatures. (The Call for Reform in the Catholic Church is reprinted at The Call To Action records include publications created or collected by the organization, ready reference files documenting issues such as peace and justice, celibacy for priests, birth control, ordination for women, clergy sex abuse, and the nuclear disarmament movement. It also contains files about Call to Action's Annual Conference, their Performing Arts Ministry, and the 1990 Call to Reform pastoral letter. Series 001.002: Other Publications 1947-2008, contains files on Conservative Catholic Influence in Europe 1997 and Opposing Organizations 1992-1997. Series 005.004: Subject Files 1984-2003, contains a file on Right-wing opposition to CTA.
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[0459] Patrick Henry Callahan Papers, 1908-1939, CLN
Location: University of Notre Dame Archives, 607 Hesburgh Library, Notre Dame, IN 46556
Description: Chiefly mimeographed copies of "Callahan Correspondence" letters, 1923-1939, involving Monsignor John A. Ryan, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, Josephus Daniels, H.L. Mencken, and others; concerning such topics as Hitler, Father Coughlin, pacifism, anti-Semitism, profit sharing, and religious tolerance.
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[0460] Patrick Henry Callahan Papers, 1910-1940, ACUA 019
Location: The American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. 20064
Description: Patrick Henry Callahan (1866-1940) was president of the Louisville Varnish Company and a Catholic layman, active in social reform organizations. Correspondents include Monsignor John A. Ryan and John Raskob. The collection includes correspondence on his various activities, both received and sent, typed or handwritten, on regular and mimeographed paper. Also included are newspaper clippings, publications, and certificates. Mimeographed copies of "Callahan Correspondence" (ca. 1922-1940), circulated nationally by Callahan, discussing such topics as anti-Catholicism, H.L. Mencken, Hitler, Senator Glass, the Knights of Columbus Oath, Senator Nye, Father Charles Coughlin, and anti-Semitism.
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[0461] Patrick Henry Callahan papers, 1925-1938 and undated, 85894 Aa 2
Location: Michigan Historical Collections, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan, 1150 Beal Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2113
Description: Callahan (1866-1940), a lay Catholic leader, worked in the varnish manufacturing industry, first in Cleveland, later with the Louisville Varnish Company in Kentucky. In addition, Callahan was involved in several organizations, such as the Catholic Industrial Conference and the National Catholic Charities Conference. Callahan was also involved in other causes, many of these relating to his support of the Prohibition (or Eighteenth) Amendment. The papers consist of newsletters and other materials relating to his interest in temperance and the politics of temperance.
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[0461a] Cambridge Exhibition Against Fascism and War, 1935 (CDG-B Great Britain)
Location: Swarthmore College Peace Collection, 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, PA 19081-1399
Description: The Cambridge Exhibition Against Fascism and War, organized by the Cambridge Anti-War Council, took place at St. Andrew's Hall, Cambridge, on November 4-9, 1935, and 27 Soho Square, London, November 13-17, 1935. The exhibition included a letter from Ezra Pound to F. L. Lucas, 1935, on the Italian invasion of Abyssinia.
Matthias Schüth, Englands politische Universitätsjugend, 1931-1940: ein Beitrag zur Erforschung politischer Kollektivmentalitäten im Europa der dreissiger Jahre (Münster: LIT Verlag, 2001), p. 371; Amy Margaret Lilly, "'This way to the exhibition': Woolf, Joyce, Rhys and the 1930s fascist culture of exhibitions" (Ph.D., University of Iowa, 2002); Amy M. Lilly, "Three Guineas, Two Exhibits: Woolf's Politics of Display," Woolf Studies Annual 9 (2003), pp. 29-54; "F. L. Lucas,"
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[0462] Wofford Benjamin Camp Papers, 1919-1983, Mss 165
Location: Special Collections Library, Strom Thurmond Institute Building, Clemson University, 230 Kappa Street, Clemson, SC 29634-3001
Description: Wofford B. Camp (1894-1986) was a leader in agricultural innovation in California, government official in the United States Department of Agriculture, and supporter of a variety of conservative causes. He was a proponent of Right-to-Work issues. The Subject Correspondence Series, 1924-1983, includes files on Tom Anderson, anti-Communism, John Birch Society, Christian Anti-Communism, Lt. General Mark W. Clark, Communism, Connally Amendment, Dean Manion Forum, Dr. James W. Fifield, Jr., Henry Ford, Foundation for Constitutional Education, Freedoms Foundation-Valley Forge, Barry Goldwater, Alger Hiss, Herbert Hoover, J. Edgar Hoover, the House Un-American Activities Committee, Human Events, James J. Kilpatrick, David Lawrence, Liberty Belles, Incorporated, Joseph McCarthy, Dean Manion, Operation Abolition, John H. Rousselot, Allan Shivers, Senator Robert Taft, and Strom Thurmond.
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[0463] Campaign Collection, 1800-1972
Location: Special Collections Research Center, Syracuse University Libraries, 222 Waverly Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13244-2010
Description: The Campaign Collection consists of ribbons, campaign literature, posters, photographs, clippings, and more relating to nearly two hundred years of American political campaigns. Contains candidate information, literature, memorabilia, photographs, bumper stickers, and speeches relating to the campaigns of Barry Goldwater/William Miller (1964), Everett M. Dirksen (1952), Eisenhower/Nixon (1952, 1956), Herbert Hoover (1928, 1932), Alf Landon/Frank Knox (1936), D. MacArthur (1948), Robert A. Taft (1948, 1952), Strom Thurmond/Fielding L. Wright (States Rights Party, 1948), and Wendell Willkie (1940, 1945). Literature from the Committee for Constitutional Government. Taft campaign song, 1948. Anti-Roosevelt literature, 1940. Literature on the Republican Party, Republican National Convention 1942-1948, and Taft-Hartley Law 1948.
Websites with information:;collection=ead;sort=title;titleAlpha=CC;
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[0463a] Campaign for a Hate Free Oregon records, 1989-1993, Mss 2988-3
Location: Oregon Historical Society Research Library, 1200 SW Park Avenue, Portland, OR 97205
Description: Ballot Measure 9 on the 1992 general election ballot in Oregon was an attempt by the Oregon Citizens Alliance (OCA) to amend the Oregon constitution to prohibit the enactment of laws by the state, counties, or cities that outlaw discrimination against homosexual or bisexual persons, and to require public schools in Oregon to teach students that homosexuality was "wrong," "unnatural," "perverse," and "abnormal." The Campaign for a Hate Free Oregon (CHFO) was a political organization formed to defeat Measure 9. The organization was also known as the Right To Privacy PAC and the "No On 9" campaign of 1992-1993. Records include correspondence, contribution lists, records and receipts of expenditures, bank statements, volunteer and employee logs, election reports to the Oregon Secretary of State, and organizing and strategy materials. Series A: Right to Privacy PAC - Campaign For A Hate Free Oregon: No On 9 Campaign Materials, 1989-1993, contains Analysis of Passage of Amendment 2 in Colorado and Defeat of Measure 9 in Oregon, circa 1992; a copy of the Springfield Charter Amendment (1992) (an anti-gay charter amendment written by the OCA and adopted by Springfield, Oregon, voters (56%-44%) on May 19, 1992); Text of Measure 9 & Background on OCA (circa 1992); a copy of Freedom Journal (OCA PAC, n.d.), which includes articles such as "Gay rights degrades Black Americans, other minorities"; "Homosexuality is not a minority"; and "Homosexuals are a rich class demanding special rights at the expense of true minorities"; a copy of The Oregon Witness (July 1992), which investigates the Oregon Citizens Alliance and the Christian Right; and miscellaneous information about the OCA, including a report from a private investigator (1992-1993).
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[0464] Campaign for an Independent Britain Collection, 1961-2008, Ref. No. CIB
Location: Archive and Special collections, British Library of Political and Economic Science, 10 Portugal Street, London WC2A 2HD, England
Description: The Common Market Safeguards Campaign was formed in 1969. After the post-entry referendum (1975), the name was changed to Safeguard Britain Campaign in 1976 and changed again in 1982 to the British Anti-Common Market Campaign. It changed its name to the Campaign for an Independent Britain in 1990. Papers of the Campaign for an Independent Britain (CIB), including minutes of meetings, financial records, press releases, newsletters, pamphlets, journals, correspondence, and publicity material. This collection includes the papers of related/predecessor organisations such as the Anti-Common Market League and the National Referendum Campaign.
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[0465] Campaign For International Co-Operation And Disarmament (CICD) Collection, 1892-1988; 1991 (bulk 1953-1988), 79/152; 87/92; 87/93; 88/107; 88/121
Location: University of Melbourne Archives, Cultural Collections Reading Room, 3rd floor, Baillieu Library, University of Melbourne, Grattan St, Parkville VIC 3010, Australia
Description: The Australian and New Zealand Congress for International Co-operation and Disarmament, later known as the Congress for International Co-operation and Disarmament (CICD) and after circa 1987 as the Campaign for International Co-operation and Disarmament, was established at an international Peace Congress staged in Melbourne in 1959. It was set up to support the ideals of the World Congress for Disarmament and International Co-operation, held in Stockholm in 1958. Includes the anti-Communist brochure "Unmasking the Moratorium" (May 1970), published by Citizens for Freedom (a right-wing organisation), and leaflets published by Jennifer McCallum, the leader of People Against Communism (a right-wing extremist group).
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[0465a] Campaign for the 48 States television broadcast transcripts, 1956
Location: Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-6010
Description: Relates to the Byrd-Bridges bill to limit the size of the federal budget, and the Reed-Dirksen bill to reform the income tax laws.
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[0465b] Campaign Life Coalition Fonds, R5937
Location: Social and Cultural Archives, Manuscript Division, Library and Archives Canada, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa, ON K1A 0N4, Canada
Description: Campaign Life Coalition is a Canadian pro-life organization, established in Winnipeg in 1978. The series Correspondence with Organizations and Donors contains files on Alliance for Life; Anglicans for Life; Campaign Life of Canada; Catholic Women's League; Coalition for the Protection of Human Life; Prayers for Life; and Pro-Life Groups - Canada. The series Subject Files contains files on Abortion Law: USA - Correspondence; Abortion Laws - Reports; Campaign Life Coalition - Mission - Goals - "Pro-Life Manifesto"; Coalition for the Protection of Human Life; "News Exchange of the World Federation of Doctors Who Respect Human Life"; and Pro-Life Groups - Correspondence - Reports.
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