Website with information:
Finding aids:
[0637] Commonwealth Club of California Records, 1903-2012, Coll. 2003C87
Location: Hoover Institution Archives, 434 Galvez Mall, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-6010
Description: The Commonwealth Club of California is a private, nonprofit organization for the nonpartisan study of public issues based in San Francisco, California. Minutes, correspondence, reports, studies, speech transcripts, membership and financial records, printed matter, and sound and videotape recordings, relating to international, national, state and local public issues. Program File, 1916-2006, contains files on Dick Armey, Robert H. Bork, Sam Brownback, Patrick J. Buchanan, James L. Buckley, William F. Buckley, Robert Dole, Milorad Drachkovitch, Dinesh D'Souza, Jerry Falwell, Steve Forbes, Henry Ford, Milton Friedman, Newt Gingrich, Barry Goldwater, Billy Graham, Phil Gramm, Alexander M. Haig, Paul Harvey, Orrin Hatch, Herbert Hoover, Howard Jarvis, Jack F. Kemp, Jeane Kirkpatrick, C. Everett Koop, William Kristol, David Lawrence, Rush Limbaugh, Seymour Martin Lipset, Clare Boothe Luce, Patrick Lucey, Joseph McCarthy, Edwin Meese, Charles Murray, Richard Nixon, Robert Novak, Dan Quayle, Ronald Reagan, Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson, William A. Rusher, William Safire, Antonin Scalia, Phyllis Stewart Schlafly, John K. Singlaub, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Thomas Sowell, Alan Stang, Margaret Thatcher, Clarence Thomas, John Tower, Donald Trump, R. Emmett Tyrrell, Lewis Uhler, Richard A. Viguerie, George Wallace, and George Will.
Finding aid:
[0638] Commonwealth Club of California Sound Recordings Database, 1944–present
Location: Hoover Institution Archives, 434 Galvez Mall, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-6010
Description: Since 1903, the day's premier leaders, crusaders, and elected officials have spoken at the Commonwealth Club of California, with many such talks subsequently broadcast on the club's nationwide radio network. More than two thousand sound recordings of speakers addressing the Commonwealth Club of California are housed at the Hoover Archives. Speakers include John M. Ashbrook, Haley Barbour, Bob Barr, William J. Bennett, Robert H. Bork, Anthony Trawick Bouscaren, Pat Buchanan, James L. Buckley, William F. Buckley, Claire Lee Chennault, Mark W. Clark, John Crommelin, Matthew Cvetic, Dinesh D'Souza, Cecil B. DeMille, Robert J. Dole, Milorad M. Drachkovitch, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jerry Falwell, Milton Friedman, Newt Gingrich, Barry M. Goldwater, Billy Graham, Alexander Meigs Haig, Orrin Hatch, Herbert C. Holdridge, Sidney Hook, David Horowitz, Mike Huckabee, Howard Jarvis, Walter Henry Judd, Jack Kemp, Hugh Kenner, Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, William F. Knowland, Alfred Kohlberg, Arthur Bliss Lane, Clare Boothe Luce, David Lawrence, Seymour Martin Lipset, Jay Lovestone, Clare Boothe Luce, Henry Robinson Luce, Pat McCarran, Edwin Meese, Charles Murray, Richard M. Nixon, Ron Paul, Stefan Thomas Possony, Max Lewis Rafferty, Leonard Edward Read, Ronald Reagan, Eddie Rickenbacker, Matthew B. Ridgway, Carlos P. Romulo, Kermit Roosevelt, William Safire, J. F. Schlafly, Jr., Phyllis Schlafly, Fred Schwarz, William Shockley, John K. Singlaub, George E. Sokolsky, Thomas Sowell, Jack B. Tenney, Ralph de Toledano, Ron Unz, Harold Himmel Velde, Richard A. Viguerie, Edwin A. Walker, George C. Wallace, and Albert C. Wedemeyer.
[0639] Correspondence files of the Commonwealth Investigation Service, 1916-1960, Series A8911 [partly digital collection]
Location: National Archives of Australia, Queen Victoria Terrace, PARKES ACT 2600, Australia
Description: The Investigation Branch of the Attorney-General's Department, which included the Counter Espionage Bureau, was created in 1919. The Investigation Branch was responsible for internal security up to the end of World War II, including internees and prisoners of war. After the war, the Investigation Branch was re-organised and renamed the Commonwealth Investigation Service (CIS). Includes files on "The Link"- Organisation to promote Anglo-German Friendship - Mrs Melanie O'Loughlin, 1940; "The Record" (Seditious West Australian Roman Catholic Paper), 1918; Australia First Movement, 1935-1946 (partly digital); CIB. P. R. Stephensen. Copies of Transcript of Evidence at Inquiry (into Australia First Movement), 1944; Communist Activities, 1943-1945; Jews - Anti Jewish propaganda (Letter to West Maitland "Mercury" newspaper), 1942; Nazi Activities - Western Australia. [with lists of names of Germans], 1935-1946; Russian Fascists (in North Queensland), 1942-1945; and Russian Fascists and the White Russian Situation, 1941-1942.
Websites with information:
Finding aid:
[0639a] Communism, Socialism, and Left-Wing Politics Collection, 1891-1998, MS 452
Location: Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, Northampton, MA 01063
Description: The collection consists of printed materials, correspondence, journals and organizational records documenting women's involvement in socialist and communist movements in the United States, United Kingdom, and internationally. The series Printed Materials contains newspaper clippings, pamphlets, and printed material on Communism in the United States and Great Britain. These reflect both pro- and anti-Communist perspectives. Includes a copy of "Since the Buford Sailed" (1920) (on the Palmer Raids).
Finding aid:
[0639b] Archives of the Communist International (Comintern)
Location: Russian State Archives for Social and Political History (Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv sotsialno-politicheskoi istorii - RGASPI), ul. Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 15, 125009 Moscow, Russia
Description: Contains more than 100,000 personal files maintained by the Comintern, including files on persons who were prominent opponents of the Communist movement. USA: fond 495, opis 261 [Collection 495, Inventory 261], contains files on Warren Austin, Daniel Bell, William Benton, Theodore Bilbo, Spruille Braden, Ralph Owen Brewster, Styles Bridges, Earl (Dixon) Browder, Louis Budenz, Mark Clark, Paul Crouch, Martin Dies, Bella Dodd, Max Eastman, Dwight Eisenhower, Julius Epstein, Henry Pratt Fairchild, Henry Ford, James Forrestal, Benjamin Gitlow, Joseph Grew, Herbert Hoover, J. Edgar Hoover, Patrick Hurley, John Kasper, William Knowland, Owen Lattimore, David Lawrence, Jay Lovestone, Henry and Clare Luce, Douglas MacArthur, A.B. Magil, Karl Mundt, John Rankin, Carroll Reece, Leverett Saltonstall, Robert Taft, Dorothy Thompson, and Albert Wedemeyer. Great Britain: fond 495, opis 198 [Collection 495, Inventory 198], contains files on Leopold Amery, Jeffrey Hamm, Emrys Hughes, William Joyce, Oswald Mosley, and Freda Utley.
The INCOMKA Project. Communist International (Comintern) Archives Project (European Reading Room, Library of Congress),
Index to digitized collection:
Finding aids for USA: fond 495, opis 261:
Finding aids for Great Britain: fond 495, opis 198:
[0640] The Communist Party of Great Britain archive, 1920, 1943-1991 (microfilmed from the archive at Manchester's People's History Museum), Microform Academic Publishers [microfilm]
Description: The Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) was formed as a section of the Moscow-based Communist International (Comintern) in 1920. With the dissolution of the party in 1991, the archives were deposited in Manchester's People's History Museum. Central Party records, Organisation Department: Among the responsibilities of the CPGB's national Organisation Department, created in 1943, were the maintenance of membership and cadre records, internal discipline and liaison with the districts. The subseries CP/CENT/ORG/01/09 contains a file on anti-Communist activities of authorities incl. correspondence re police opening of letters and alleged harassment by employers, MI5 infiltration, etc. Creation dates: 1950s. The series Files on non-Communist Party individuals and organisations. [Subseries] CP/CENT/ORG/12/04, contains a fragment of file (surnames beginning with G) of personal notes on alleged fascists and extreme right-wingers. Creation dates: c1943. [Subseries] CP/CENT/ORG/12/07 contains a file on fascist activities incl. copies of fascist literature. Creation dates: c1948-1957. Scope and Content: Letter from Patricia Hunt with information on fascist activities in Birmingham, 1953; reports on local fascist activities of CP districts 1948 incl. report of meeting in Derby market place; letters from J. Tarver on fascist activity in Oxford University, 1952. The series Individual files. [Subseries] CP/CENT/ORG/21/04-CP/CENT/ORG/21/17, contains biographical notes on non-CPGB individuals. Mainly right-wing and establishment figures "A"-"R". Creation dates: 1940s. Central Party records, Miscellaneous central subject files: The central subject files comprise materials generated by ad hoc committees or of unclear provenance at the time that the archives were catalogued. The series Fascism & Anti Fascism. [Subseries] CP/CENT/SUBJ/04/01, contains Leaflets including Speakers Notes No 4 "Jews take away the Britishers Jobs". [Subseries] CP/CENT/SUBJ/04/10 contains British Union of Fascists material (leaflets, etc.), 1930s. [Subseries] CP/CENT/SUBJ/04/11 contains German propaganda from the Fichte Association printed in English, 1930s. [Subseries] CP/CENT/SUBJ/04/12 contains various leaflets from other or unknown fascist organisations including the Imperial Fascist League & the Nationalist Association, 1920s & 1930s. [Subseries] CP/CENT/SUBJ/04/13 contains various cuttings, 1933-1937, reflecting on anti-fascist and fascist demonstrations at Olympia, Hyde Park & Cable Street among others. Includes copy of "The Eye" (Nov 1936). [Subseries] CP/CENT/SUBJ/04/14 contains various leaflets dealing with immediate post war fascism, 1940s-1950s. [Subseries] CP/CENT/SUBJ/04/16 contains leaflets, pamphlets, etc., 1960s-1980s, from various fascist groups including the Racial Preservation Society, the National Socialist Movement, the National Front, National Party, British National Party, Board of Deputies of Jewish Control, & National Front Ex-Servicemen's Association. [Subseries] CP/CENT/SUBJ/04/17 contains newspaper cuttings re various fascist & anti-fascist demonstrations, etc., 1973-1981.
Daniel Tilles, British Fascist Antisemitism and Jewish Responses, 1932-40 (London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2015).
Websites with information:
Finding aid for Organisation Department:
Finding aid for Miscellaneous central subject files:
[0641] Communist Party of the United States of America Collection (CPUSA), 1919-1950's, MSS 357
Location: Special Collections, Michigan State University Libraries, 100 Main Library, 366 W. Circle Drive, East Lansing, MI 48824
Description: This collection of approximately 3,700 titles consists of works published by and about the Communist Party and its front organizations, books, pamphlets, newspapers and mimeographed reports. Included are materials not only from the Communist Party of the U.S.A. but also from a number of Trotskyist groups including the American Workers Party, the Communist League of America, the Revolutionary Workers League, and the various youth branches and front organizations of the Left for the years between 1919 and the 1950's. There are anti-Communist materials from governmental agencies and commercial publishers as well. Among the titles are Conservative Society of America, An invitation (New Orleans, La.?); Conservative Society of America, A declaration (New Orleans, La.? 1961); Ralph M. Easley, His collection ... (n.d.); Ralph M. Easley, What does it mean (1937); John Birch Society, miscellaneous pamphlets (4); and The John Birch Society, From our mail (Belmont, Mass., 1962?).
Websites with information:
Finding aid:
[0641a] Files of the Communist Party of the USA (CPUSA), 1912-1944 (bulk 1922-1936) (Leiden, IDC Publishers, 2003) [326 microfilm reels]
Description: The Russian State Archive of Social and Political History in Moscow ("Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv sotsial'noi i politicheskoi istorii" or RGASPI) holds 20 million pages of records of the Communist International (Comintern), the agency that supervised foreign Communist parties. The Comintern archive consists of all the records created under the authority of the Executive Committee (ECCI) of the Third Communist International. It contains original documents in more than thirty languages from seven Congresses and thirteen ECCI Plenums, by more than seventy Communist and Left Socialist parties, together with different international organizations. Associated with the Comintern collections are collections of the records of individual Communist parties, including the CPUSA. The CPUSA collection is fond 515, opis 1 (there is no opis 2). Fond 515 consists of more than 400,000 pages of the original records of the Communist Party USA along with other American-related material. The files contain the original incoming mail, carbons of outgoing correspondence, reports from regional and local organizers, and internal memoranda produced by officials and offices of the national headquarters. Contains files on American Vigilant Intelligence Federation, anti-Fascism, Civil Rights in the South, Dies Committee, and Farmers' Holiday Association.
Library of Congress Opens to Researchers the Records of the Communist Party, USA, January 18, 2001,; "Red Ink. Records of the Communist Party USA Opened," Library of Congress Information Bulletin, Vol 60, No. 2 (February 2001),; Gifts to the Nation. Americana. Preservation and Filming of American Records in Russian Archives,; "Comintern Archives: Files of the Communist Party of the USA (CPUSA),"; "Files of the Communist Party of the USA in the Comintern Archives,"; Microform Collection: Files of the Communist Party of USA (CPUSA), Yale University Library Slavic and East European Collection,; ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: B-12,
Finding aids:
Online index to finding aid:
[0642] Communist Party of the United States of America Records, 1892-2009 (bulk 1950-1990), TAM.132
Location: Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, New York University Libraries, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012
Description: The Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA) is a Marxist-Leninist political organization that was founded in Chicago in 1919. The collection includes a diverse mix of correspondence, convention and conference materials, essays and manuscripts, internal discussion documents, reports, speech transcripts, research files, printed ephemera, clippings, legal documents, and a wealth of personal papers. Series X: General Files, 1892-2009. Subseries E: Subject Files of Jim West, 1956-2003, contains subject files on American Nazi Party, American Opinion Bookstore, Anti Semitism (Anti-Communism), Aryan Nations Network, Aryan Resistance Movement, Black Legion, Conservative Action Foundation, Exposures of Ultra Right, Ku Klux Klan, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Liberty Forum, National Alliance Party, National Caucus of Labor Committees, National Caucus of Labor Committees (Communist Party, USA, Surveillance of), National Caucus of Labor Committees: US Labor Party, National Committee for an Effective Congress, Nationalist Socialist White People's Party, Neo-Nazis, Religious Right, Rockford Institute, Roster of Ultra-Right Media Names, Major General J.K. Singlaub, Spotlight, The Populist Party, Ultra-Right, Ultra-Right in Education, Ultra Right Newspapers, and World Anti-Communist League.
Patricia Cohen, "Communist Party USA Gives Its History to N.Y.U.," New York Times (March 20, 2007),
Websites with information:
Finding aids:
[0642a] The Communist Party USA and Radical Organizations, 1953-1960: FBI Reports from the Eisenhower Library (Bethesda, MD, University Publications of America, An Imprint of CIS, 1990) [microfilm]
Description: During the Eisenhower administration, the FBI, bolstered by public and government support for surveillance of radical organizations, engaged in an extensive program to survey, analyze, and research the activities of various organizations. Radical organizations under surveillance included the CPUSA, the Nation of Islam, the Ku Klux Klan, the Socialist Workers Party, and the National Party of Puerto Rico. Contains copies of The Ku Klux Klan. Section 1, 1865-1944. August 26, 1958, and The Ku Klux Klan. Section II, 1944-1958. August 1958.
Finding aid:
[0643] Concerned Women for America (Washington, D.C.) Records, 1992
Location: Wisconsin Historical Society, Library-Archives Division, 816 State St., Madison, WI 53706-1417
Description: Concerned Women for America (CWA) is a Christian action group founded in 1979 by Beverly LaHaye and nine other women. This anti-feminist, pro-life organization promotes traditional and Judeo-Christian values through education and legislative programs, and coordinates legal defense and humanitarian relief activities. Included in the collection is a brochure describing the organization, plus a tape recording of a broadcast interview with Carol Everett (identified as a "former abortionist") on the "Beverly LaHaye Live" show.
Websites with information:
[0644] Minutes of the Executive Board of the Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1935-1955 (Bethesda, MD, University Publications of America, An Imprint of CIS, 1994) [microfilm]
Description: The Executive Board of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) consisted of the leader of each of the thirty or so unions in the federation as well as top-ranking officers of the CIO itself. The Board met at least three times each year and often as many as six. Major topics on anti-labor include right-wing congressional investigating committees proposed; federal anti-labor legislation; anti-labor legislation in southern state legislatures; anti-union propaganda within U.S. military; anti-labor practices of U.S. companies; anti-union legislation; Ball-Burton-Hatch Federal Industrial Relations Bill; Smith-Connally Act; CIO efforts to repeal Smith-Connally Act; right to labor mobility; CIO opposition to Goldwater anti-Communist labor bill (1954); Taft-Hartley Act; Federal Concentration Camp (Hobbs) bill (1941); Mundt-Nixon bill; anti-racketeering bill as a threat to labor; Smith bill (1941); Smith Investigating Committee; CIO opposition to efforts to weaken National Labor Relations Act; federal bills against unions and aliens; and anti-Communist and anti-labor bills. Other topics include anti-lynching bill, anti-poll tax bill, anti-Semitism, Bricker Amendment, equal rights amendment, and fascism in the United States.
Finding aids:
[0645] Congress of Industrial Organizations. Organizing Committee. South Carolina Papers, 1946-1953
Location: David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Box 90185, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708-0185
Description: Papers of the South Carolina Organizing Committee of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (C.I.O.) principally relate to efforts to organize workers in the textile industries of the Piedmont region of South Carolina. Scattered papers concern issues such as the Ku Klux Klan and anti-union propaganda.
Guide to the Cataloged Collections in the Manuscript Department of the William R. Perkins Library, Duke University, edited by Richard C. Davis and Linda Angle Miller (1980), and
[0646] Edwin Grant Conklin Papers, 1885-1939, RL.00253
Location: David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University, Box 90185, 103 Perkins Library, Durham, North Carolina 27708
Description: Edwin Grant Conklin (1863-1952) was a biologist, eugenicist, and educator. Chiefly family and professional correspondence.
Finding aids:
[0645a] Congressional Papers, 1947-1950