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Finding aids to the microfilm edition (Primary Source Microfilm, an imprint of the Gale Group):
[0659] Conservative Party (Great Britain) sound recording: The Conservatives: a history of the party, undated, Coll. 77057 [sound recording]
Location: Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-6010
Description: Relates to the history of the British Conservative Party.
Guide to the Hoover Institution Archives, by Charles G. Palm and Dale Reed (Stanford, Calif., Hoover Institution Press, 1980), p. 53
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[0660] Conservative Party Inc. Collection, 1962
Location: Special Collections Research Center, Syracuse University Libraries, 222 Waverly Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13244-2010
Description: Conservative Party Inc. (1962- ), or the Conservative Party of New York, is an American political party in New York State. The party was formed in 1962 in an attempt to counter the perceived liberalism of the Republican Party. The collection contains a variety of materials related to the Conservative Party's 1962 campaign. Included in the collection are an interview with David H. Jaquith (candidate for Governor), a press release announcing Jaquith's nomination, campaign literature, and copies of typescript speeches given by Jaquith and Kieran O'Doherty (candidate for U.S. Senator), as well as a series of correspondence.
Websites with information:;collection=ead;sort=title;titleAlpha=CC;startDoc=121
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[0661] Conservative Party Leaflets, 1946-1974, Shelfmark PP CONS 1
Location: Nuffield College Library, University of Oxford, New Road, Oxford, OX1 1NF, UK
Description: 438 items, including copies of Swinton Conservative College: calendar of courses, January – August, 1969, and Swinton Conservative College: calendar of courses, August – December, 1969.
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[0662] Conservative Party of New York State Records, 1962-2004, APAP-060
Location: Archives of Public Affairs and Policy, M. E. Grenander Department of Special Collections & Archives, University Libraries, University at Albany, State University of New York, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12222
Description: The Conservative Party of New York State, also commonly referred to as the New York State Conservative Party, was officially founded in 1962. Series 7: Subject Files, 1962-1986, contains files on Abortion; Accuracy in Media; Actions Speak Louder: The Story of the New York Conservative Party; Alexander Hamilton Conservative Club; America First Committee; American Cause; American Challenge; American Conservative Union; American Council for Free Asia; American Council for World Freedom; American Economic Foundation; American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; American Fair Play Institute, Inc.; American Friends of Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, Inc.; American Heritage Crusade; American Independent Party; American Legislative Exchange Council; American Party; American Security Council; Americans Against Union Control of Government; Americans for a Safe Israel; Americans for Constitutional Action; Americans for Effective Law Enforcement; Americans for Responsibility and Patriotism; Thomas J. Anderson; John M. Ashbrook; Spruille Braden; Patrick J. Buchanan; James L. Buckley; George Bush; Busing; Canada; Frank Capell; Captive Nations; Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation; Catholic Freedom Foundation--Anti-Communism; Church League of America; Citizens Against Sacrilege in the Media, Inc.; Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms; Citizens for Responsible Government; Citizens for the Republic; Citizens Legal Defense Fund for the FBI; Citizens Tax Council; Citizens for Educational Freedom--Operation Tax Credit; Citizens Foreign Aid Committee; Roy M. Cohn; Colorado Conservative Union; Committee on Public Safety--New York; Committee for the Protection of Family Life; Committee to Retire Jacob Javits; Committee of One Million (Against the Admission of Communist China to the United Nations); Committee to Free Ken Duggan; Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress; Committee for the Monroe Doctrine; Committee of Ten Million; Communism; Congo; Connally Reservation; Conservatism; Conservative Book Club; Conservative Campaign Committee; Conservative Caucus; Conservative Digest; Conservative Journal; Conservative Party of the United States; Conservative Viewpoint; Conservative Voters' Guide; Conservative Women of America; Conservatives; Constitution Party of New York; Constitutional Party of Pennsylvania; Constitutional Convention for a Balanced Federal Budget; Constitutional Alliance, Inc.; Constructive Action, Inc.; Contras (Nicaragua); Council for National Policy; Council on Foreign Relations; Phil Crane; Cuba; Bella Dodd; Douglas MacArthur Republican Club; Kenneth J. Duggan; Eagle Forum; Lee Edwards; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Equal Rights Amendment; M. Stanton Evans; Evans-Novak Political Report; Family Rights Coalition (Abortion); Federal Bureau of Investigation; Federation of Greater New York Rifle & Pistol Clubs, Inc.; First Amendment; Hamilton Fish, Jr.; Flat Tax; Florida Perspective, Florida Conservative Union, Inc.; Fluoridation; Flying Saucers; "For America"; Gerald R. Ford; Ford Foundation; Foreign Aid; Foreign Policy; Foundation for Economic Education, Inc. (FEE); Foundation of Law & Society; Free Congress Foundation: The Political Report; Free China; Free Enterprise; Free Trade; Free Congress Research & Education Foundation; Freedom House; Freedom School; Freedom Party; , Milton Friedman; Fund for Life, Inc.; Fund for a Conservative Majority; Gay Rights; Gay Rights Legislation; Genocide Treaty; Barry Goldwater; Gun Control; Alexander M. Haig, Jr.; Orrin Hatch; Jesse Helms; Hillsdale College; Alger Hiss; Homosexuality; Homosexuality--Legislation; J. Edgar Hoover; House Committee on Un-American Activities; Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc.; Human Life Foundation, Inc.; Human Events; Independence Party; Institute for American Strategy; Integration of Schools; Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Inc.; International Youth Federation for Freedom; Jacob Javits--Research from Americans for Constitutional Action; John Birch Society; Jack Kemp; Libertarian Party; Liberty Lobby; Liberty Amendment; Long Island Conservative (newsletter); Clare Boothe Luce; Manhattan Right to Life Committee; Maryland Conservative Union; Massachusetts Conservative Party; Morality for Media; National Committee for an Effective Congress; National Committee for Responsible Patriotism, Inc.; National Committee for an Effective Congress; National Conservative Party; National Council for Civic Responsibility; National Association of Manufacturers; National Conservative Political Action Committee; National Committee Against U.S. Recognition of Communist Vietnam; National Citizens' Committee for Fairness to the Presidency; National Alliance; The New Right Report; None Dare Call it Treason--Reviews; NYS Conservative Political Association; Obscenity; Operation Wake Up--Anti-Equal Rights Amendment; Panama Canal Treaty; Patrick Henry Group--Desegregation and Race Relations; Pennsylvania Conservative Union; The Phyllis Schlafly Report; Ronald Reagan; "Right to Life" Organizations; Rocky Mountain Conservative--Political Action Conference; U.N.I.C.E.F.; U.S. Senate Ratings by Conservative Organizations; United Nations; Vietnam--Ad Hoc Committee Against United States Recognition of Communist Vietnam; VIVA (Voice for Innocent Victims of Abortion); and Young Americans for Freedom (YAF). Series 8: Clippings File, 1962-1987, contains files on Lee Alexander; Robert S. Allen; American Conservative Union; American Party; John Ashbrook; Robert Bauman; Bilderberg; Robert H. Bork; Anita Bryant; Pat Buchanan; James L. Buckley; William Buckley; George Bush; Busing; Captive Nations; CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference); Equal Rights Amendment; First Amendment; Gay Rights; Libertarian Party; Henry Cabot Lodge; William Loeb; Clare Boothe Luce; Marijuana--Decriminalization; Joseph McCarthy; Hon. Larry McDonald; Medicaid Abortion; Mental Hygiene; Frank Meyer; William Miller; Sun Myung Moon; Moral Decline (NYC and NYS); Morality; Rupert Murdoch; National Renaissance Party; National Health Insurance Plan; National Security; Nazi Party--U.S.; Richard Nixon; Kieran O'Doherty; Paul O'Dwyer; Obscenity; P.A.T. (Parents and Taxpayers); Panama Canal; Patriotism; Howard Phillips; Population Control; Pornography; Prayer in School; Private School Aid; Private Schools; Ronald Reagan; Reagan Administration; China Red; Ogden Reid; Republican National Convention (1972, 1976) ; Republican Party; Republican Party National Platform, 1972; Reverse Discrimination; Rhodesia; Victor Riesel; Right to Life; Right to Work; Ripon Society; Julius and Ethel Rosenberg; William Rusher; William Safire; Phyllis Schlafly; John Schmitz; School Prayer; Sex Education; Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn; Sterilizations; Tax Revolt--Proposition 13; Terrorism; Margaret Thatcher; Donald Trump; United Nations; Vietnam; Richard Viguerie; Vouchers; George Wallace; John Wayne; YAF; and Young Republicans. Series 10: Buckley Files, 1963, 1965-80, 1982, contains the records of James L. Buckley and William F. Buckley. Subject and clippings files on America First Committee, American Challenge, American Conservative Union, American Economic Foundation, American Independent Party, American Legislative Exchange Council--Program for State Senators, American Party, American Security Council, Americans for Constitutional Action, Thomas J. Anderson, John M. Ashbrook, Bilderberg, Robert H. Bork, Spruille Braden, Anita Bryant, Patrick J. Buchanan, William Buckley, Frank Capell, Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation, Church League of America, Citizens Foreign Aid Committee, Roy M. Cohn, Committee of One Million (Against the Admission of Communist China to the United Nations), Committee for the Monroe Doctrine, Communism, Connally Reservation, Conservatism, Conservative Viewpoint, Conservative Book Club, Contras (Nicaragua), Council for National Policy, Eagle Forum, Fluoridation, Foundation for Economic Education, Inc., Freedom School, Genocide Treaty, Barry Goldwater, Jesse Helms, Hillsdale College, Alger Hiss, J. Hoover, House Committee on Un-American Activities, Human Events, Integration of Schools, Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Inc., John Birch Society, Liberty Lobby, Liberty Amendment, Clare Boothe Luce, Clarence Manion, Joseph McCarthy, Frank Meyer, National Renaissance Party, National Alliance, National Council for Civic Responsibility, Nazi Party--U.S., None Dare Call it Treason--Reviews, Kieran O'Doherty, Operation Wake Up--Anti-Equal Rights Amendment, Panama Canal Treaty, Patrick Henry Group--Desegregation and Race Relations, The Phyllis Schlafly Report, William Rusher, Phyllis Schlafly, John Schmitz, Richard Viguerie, George Wallace, and Young Americans for Freedom (YAF).
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[0663] Conservative Party Pamphlets, 1946-1969, Shelfmark PP CONS 2
Location: Nuffield College Library, University of Oxford, New Road, Oxford, OX1 1NF, UK
Description: Includes a copy of The literature of politics, by T. S. Eliot (1955).
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[0663a] Conservative Party Papers, PV638
Location: Archive for Contemporary Affairs, Stef Coetzee Building, Room 109, Academic Avenue South, University of the Free State, 205 Nelson Mandela Drive, Park West, Bloemfontein 9300 South Africa
Description: The Conservative Party of South Africa was a far-right conservative party formed in 1982 when it broke away from the ruling National Party.
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[0664] Conservative Party press-cuttings, 1931-1970, MSS.209
Location: Modern Records Centre, University Library, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK
Description: This collection of press-cuttings was created by the Conservative Party Central Office. It includes press-cuttings on political figures such as Ralph Assheton, later Baron Clitheroe of Downham; Walter Elliot; (Leonard) David Gammans; Harry Hylton-Foster; David Vivian Penrose Lewis, later 1st Baron Brecon; Gwilym Lloyd George, later Viscount Tenby; Edward Martell, publisher and founder of the People's League for the Defence of Freedom; Frank Medlicott; Percy Mills, later Viscount Mills; Osbert Peake, later Viscount Ingleby of Snilesworth; and (George Edward) Peter Thorneycroft, later Baron Thorneycroft.
Finding aid:
[0664a] Conservative Political Direct Mail Collection, 1985-1987, GC 1197
Location: Seaver Center for Western History Research, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90007
Description: Campaign mail and political publications as well as copies of The Spotlight on Washington and the World, published by Cordite Fidelity Corporation, Washington, D.C. (Feb. 1985-Feb. 1986); New Solidarity Nonpartisan National Newspaper of the American System, published by Campaigner Publications, New York, N.Y. (Jun. 1986-Feb. 1987; and Executive International Review, published by New Solidarity International Press Service (May-Dec. 1986).
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[0665] Conservative Revolution in Germany during the Weimar Period: Armin Mohler Collection (history of rightist consciousness in Germany during the Inter-War Period)
Location: Special Collections, Hokkaido University Library, Kita-8, Nishi-5, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0808 Japan
Description: Armin Mohler (1920-2003) was a Swiss-born far right journalist and historian of modern Germany and France. The collection contains 5,300 books.
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[0666] Archive of Conservative Video Broadcasting [videos]
Location: Berkeley Center for Right-Wing Studies, Institute for the Study of Societal Issues, 2420 Bowditch Street, MC5670, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720-5670
Description: The video archive consists of approximately 2,200 DVDs with content transferred from the videotape collection of People For the American Way (PFAW). Televangelist broadcasts occupy a good portion of the archive, including such television programs as Pat Robertson's 700 Club, The Old Time Gospel Hour, and Falwell Live, among others. In many instances the archive catalog indicates the guests or issues covered on a particular show. The archive also includes speeches by important figures on the Right (e.g. Ronald Reagan, Pat Buchanan); coverage of important Congressional proceedings (e.g. the Bork nomination); coverage of important conservative events (e.g., The Conservative Political Action Convention); and one-off productions on particular subjects by right-wing groups (e.g., Falwell's film on the Clintons, Circle of Power).
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[0666a] Conservative viewpoint and related ephemera, 1965-1971, MISC 576
Location: Department of Special Collections and University Archives, Green Library, Stanford University, 557 Escondido Mall, Stanford, CA 94305-6064
Description: Relating to Richard Cotten (1919-1998), spokesman for the Committee of Christian Laymen of Kern County, California, and to Richard Cotten's Conservative Viewpoint, a radio program and later a newsletter. Cotten began his radio broadcasts with the following introduction: "This is Richard Cotten, spokesman for the Committee of Christian Laymen of Kern County, California, and wholly dedicated to exposing socialism, commUNism, one-worldism, and any other form of totalitarianism that is undermining our way of life. We are for individual responsibility, for a return to constitutional government, for less centralization of power, for States' rights, and we are for exposing the Federal Reserve. We are for the sovereignty of the United States of America and are unalterably opposed to any plan to surrender our God-given republic to any form of totalitarian rule. Now, won't you join us and take one more look at the ever-increasing evidence that we are indeed being surrendered to a one-world government."
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[0667] Conservative women opposed to the Equal Rights Amendment, 1970-1980, MSS SC 1827
Location: L. Tom Perry Special Collections; 20th Century Western & Mormon Manuscripts; 1130 Harold B. Lee Library; Brigham Young University; Provo, Utah 84606
Description: Papers, newsclippings, flyers, notes, correspondence, statements, and miscellaneous items relating to conservative women's groups. Most of the women were either Catholic or Mormon living in Hawaii. They express resistence to the Equal Rights Amendment and other liberal causes for women.
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[0668] Conservatism on Campus
Location: Student Life and Cultural Archival Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Room 105, 1707 South Orchard, Urbana, IL 61801
Description: A list of archival materials on conservatism in various campus collections. Includes The New Voice: A Publication of the Conservative Club at the University of Illinois 1962-64.
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[0669] Records of Consumers' Research, Inc., 1910-1983 (bulk 1928-1980), MC 3
Location: Special Collections and University Archives, Rutgers University Libraries, 169 College Ave, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Description: Located for most of its existence in rural Washington, New Jersey, Consumers' Research, Inc., was the first American product testing organization to systematically document the reliability of twentieth century consumer goods. Administrative files. Series 8. Personnel--employees, directors and policies, 1917-1983, contains a file on Personnel: M. Stanton Evans (Board Member). Administrative files. Series 12. Publicity, 1927-1981, contains a file on Publicity: Speeches-J.B. Matthews. General Files. Series 21. Consumerism-Consumers Union, 1933-1980, contains pamphlets, handouts and other information documenting the alleged Communist connections of Consumers Union (CU), a rival organization which was formed by ex-CR associates or employees in 1935. The red scare information is particularly substantial in 1939-1940, when the House Un-American Activities Committee (Dies Committee) released a controversial report--written by Committee researcher and former CR Vice-President J.B. Matthews, on Communist infiltration in the consumer movement--and in 1953-1954 when CU was placed in and then removed from a list of "front organizations" by the Un-American Activities Committee. Several anti-CU broadsides or articles were produced by CR. General Files. Series 30. Government-National Recovery Administration (NRA), 1930-1958 (1933-1934-bulk), contains a file on Senators Borah & Nye Attacks on NRA, 1934-1937. General Files. Series 34. Labor, 1919-1980, contains files on Labor: CIO Communist Link and Labor: Anti-Labor Attitudes and Practices, 1935-1943. General Files. Series 41. Politics-Anti-Communism & Other Movements, 1930-1980, contains files on Fascism; Fascism-Agrarian Distributionism; Fascism in America; Fascism in America-Huey Long; Communism; Anti-Communism; Anti-Anti Communism; Martin Dies Un-American Activities Committee-J.B. Matthews Testimony; Martin Dies Un-American Activities Committee, F.J. Schlink letters to J.B. Matthews; Martin Dies Un-American Activities Committee, F.J. Schlink letters & News Release re Communist Connections in the Consumer Movement; and Senator Joseph McCarthy-Senate Permanent Investigation Sub-Committee. Publications include The American Legion Firing Line, ANR Report (American National Research Inc.), Borger (TX) News-Herald, reprints, 1952 (probably "We Owe a Debt" (April 16, 1952) by J.C. Phillips), The Communist Line Bulletin, Constitutional Educational League Pamphlets by Joseph P. Kamp, Counterattack, Exposure, Fighters For Freedom publications, Guardpost For Freedom (VFW), Headlines And What's Behind Them, Jews Against Communism, The Lewis-Bruce Report, J.B. Matthews publications, National Council For American Education- Educational Guidelines, Summary of Trends and Developments Exposing the Communist Conspiracy, Spotlight (American Legion), and VFW American Security Reporter. General Files. Series 42. Politics-Left-Wing Infiltration, 1930-1980, contains files on Exposé, Friday, Left-Wing Infiltration in Advertising Circles, Foundations (Fund For the Republic), Television-"Red Channels", 1949-1964, and Church League of America. General Files. Series 43. Politics-Front Organizations & Fellow Travelers, 1935-1980, contains files on Highlander Folk School, Uncensored, Attorney General's List of Communist or Subversive Organizations, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Federated Press, Foreign Policy Assn., Friday, Institute of Pacific Relations, Keep America Out of War Committee, and YMCA & YWCA.