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The fourth industrial revolution glossarium: over 1500 of the hottest terms you will use to create the future
The fourth industrial revolution glossarium: over 1500 of the hottest terms you will use to create the future
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The fourth industrial revolution glossarium: over 1500 of the hottest terms you will use to create the future

In 2022, in a team with two co-authors (with whom in 2021 I worked on the development of the Program of the Artificial Intelligence Center of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University), the «Glossary of artificial intelligence: 2,500 terms» was prepared and published[3 - Chesalov А., Vlaskin A., Bakanach M. Artificial Intelligence Glossarium: 1000 terms.-М.: Ridero. 2021.-279 p. // – Text: electronic. – URL: ( (date of request: 24.01.2023).]. As it becomes clear from the title of the book, it already contains more than 2,500 terms and is defined in the direction of «artificial intelligence» in Russian and English. The first edition of this book was presented to a wide range of readers at the 35th Moscow International Book Fair in 2022.

In 2022, I completed another work and published the book «Glossary of digital economy: 1500 terms and definitions», which helped me a lot in my daily work with the analysis of a huge amount of different information, when writing and implementing various IT projects.[4 - Chesalov А. Digital Economy Glossary: 1500 terms and definitions. -М.: Ridero. 2022.-424 p. – Text: electronic. – // URL: (]

In 2023, the book «Glossary on digital healthcare: 2000 terms and definitions» was published in the third year.[5 - Chesalov А. Glossary of digital healthcare: 2000 terms and definitions. -М.: Ridero. 2022.-572 p. – Text: electronic. – // URL: (]

This book, as I said, combines experience from 2019 and was prepared by me for publication from 2021 to 2023. It contains terms and definitions that are widely used around the world. The book combines not only the best of the above books, but also includes terms and definitions from the topic of the Internet of Things and the fourth industrial revolution in general.

I, as the author-creator, do not claim authorship and uniqueness of the prepared text. The main goal of my work is to give you new and relevant information on the fourth industrial revolution, as well as a «tool» that will help you in your daily work.

The book is a personal project of the author and a completely free document for distribution. You are free to use this book however you like, but a link to the text in this book is required.

The book is published in electronic form, and I continue to work on improving and filling this book with new terms and definitions. I would be grateful for any feedback, suggestions and clarifications. Please send them to

You can get to know me and my projects in the digital economy, artificial intelligence and IT systems in detail on my personal website

This book is my gift to you.

Happy reading and productive work!

Yours, Alexander Chesalov.

03/15/2023. First edition. 1659 terms.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution Glossarium: over 1500 of the hotest terms you will use to create future


A/B testing – involves the testing of two variants in order to determine which one is better. For example, A/B testing can be used to find out which of two webpage options yields a better conversion rate. If it’s assumed that version A has a better conversion rate, it’s used as the basis for a new, slightly different version and then tested again to discover the better performing version[6 - A/B testing – Text: electronic. – ( (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: (].

Access Control – prevention of unauthorized use of a resource, including the prevention of use of a resource in an unauthorized manner[7 - Access Control – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 10.11.2022)].

Access history is a record of all activity related to an individual’s My Health Record. Every time My Health Record is accessed, changed or a user removes information from the record, an automatic audit trail is created and can be viewed[8 - access history – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 10.11.2022)].

Access in the context of security, is the privilege or assigned permission to use computer data or resources in some manner. For instance, a user may be allowed read access to a file, but will not be allowed to edit or delete it. Access is also the amount of admittance allowed to any given entity; or, it can simply mean the permission for admittance[9 - Access – Text: electronic. – ( (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL:].

Access list is a list associated with an individual’s My Health Record that specifies the registered healthcare provider organizations permitted to, or blocked from, accessing an individual’s My Health Record. The access list will show the healthcare provider organizations who have previously accessed the record[10 - Access list – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 10.11.2022)].

Access to information – the ability to obtain information and use it.

Access to information constituting a commercial secret – familiarization of certain persons with information constituting a commercial secret, with the consent of its owner or on other legal grounds, provided that this information is kept confidential.

Accessing organization – the healthcare organization that accesses the My Health Record system[11 - Accessing organisation – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 10.11.2022)].

Accountable care organization (ACO) is an association of hospitals, healthcare providers and insurers in which all parties voluntarily assume financial and medical responsibility for medicare patients[12 - Accountable care organization (aco) – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 10.11.2022)].

Achievement diary – developmental milestones throughout childhood, such as first words spoken or the first day of primary school, can be recorded in the achievement diary by an individual or their authorized representatives, such as a parent. Healthcare provider organizations cannot view these[13 - Achievement diary – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 10.11.2022)].

Active and Healthy Ageing is the process of optimizing opportunities related to health, participation and safety in order to improve quality of life[14 - Active and Healthy Ageing – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 10.11.2022)].

Active assisted living (AAL) is concepts, products, services, and systems combining technologies and social environment with the aim of improving the quality of people’s lives[15 - Active assisted living AAL – Text: electronic. – ( (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: (].

Active Learning/Active Learning Strategy – a special case of Semi-Supervised Machine Learning in which a learning agent is able to interactively query an oracle (usually, a human annotator) to obtain labels at new data points. A training approach in which the algorithm chooses some of the data it learns from. Active learning is particularly valuable when labeled examples are scarce or expensive to obtain. Instead of blindly seeking a diverse range of labeled examples, an active learning algorithm selectively seeks the particular range of examples it needs for learning.

Adaptive Design is an alternative to responsive design and relies on creating a separate program design (mobile vs. desktop) for each view. Adaptive design is often referred to as dynamic serving. Responsive Design refers to the planning of an adaptive online service, in which the appearance of the service is designed to be responsive. A responsive online service uses one code from one web address to cater for the various devices a user has (desktop, tablet, smart phone, regular cell phone), but displays the content differently depending on the screen size[16 - Adaptive Design – Text: electronic. – ( (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: (],[17 - Responsive Design – Text: electronic. – ( (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: (].

Adaptive system is a system that automatically changes the data of its functioning algorithm and (sometimes) its structure in order to maintain or achieve an optimal state when external conditions change.

Additive manufacturing (AM) or additive layer manufacturing (ALM) is the industrial production name for 3D printing, a computer-controlled process that creates three dimensional objects by depositing materials, usually in layers[18 - Additive manufacturing – Text: electronic. – ( (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: (].

Additive technologies are technologies for the layer-by-layer creation of three-dimensional objects based on their digital models («twins»), which make it possible to manufacture products of complex geometric shapes and profiles.

Administration portal – an online tool used by the System Operator for administrative actions on individual My Health Records, for example when assisting an individual with an enquiry[19 - Administration portal – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 10.11.2022)].

Advance care document custodian is someone who holds a copy of an individual’s advance care planning document. An individual can add their advance care document custodian’s name and contact details in their My Health Record so that doctors will be able to contact the custodian should the need arise[20 - Advance care document custodian – Text: electronic. – ( URL: (date of request: 10.11.2022)].

Advance care planning documents is a document that is a type of written statement regarding a person’s wishes for their future medical or healthcare treatment and may formally appoint a substitute decision-maker. Advance care planning documents detail your future medical care preferences. It provides guidance to your family, close friends and medical professionals if you are unable to communicate due to illness or injury. Advance care planning documents (and goals of care documents) can be uploaded to and stored on your My Health Record by a healthcare provider with your consent. Also refer to Goals of Care document[21 - Advance care planning documents – Text: electronic. – URL: ( (date of request: 10.11.2022)].

Advanced access controls – the access controls that enable a registered individual to set controls on the registered healthcare provider organizations and nominated representatives who may access the individual’s My Health Record or documents within it[22 - Advanced access controls – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 10.11.2022)].

Agency for healthcare research and quality (AHRQ) is a U.S. government agency that functions as a part of the department of health & human services (HHS) to support research to help improve the quality of health care[23 - Agency for healthcare research and quality (ahrq) – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 10.11.2022)].

Aggregate — a total created from smaller units. For instance, the population of a county is an aggregate of the populations of the cities, rural areas, etc., that comprise the county. To total data from smaller units into a large unit[24 - Aggregate – Text: electronic. – ( (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: (].

Aggregate Data is data that have been aggregated. Contrast with microdata. Also, Aggregated Data – data of several individuals that have been combined to show general trends or values[25 - Aggregate Data – Text: electronic. – ( (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: (],[26 - Aggregated Data – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 10.11.2022)].

Aggregator is a type of software that brings together various types of Web content and provides it in an easily accessible list. Feed aggregators collect things like online articles from newspapers or digital publications, blog postings, videos, podcasts, etc. A feed aggregator is also known as a news aggregator, feed reader, content aggregator or an RSS reader[27 - Aggregator – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 07.07.2022)].

Agile Development is a group of methodologies used in software projects aimed at producing fit-for-purpose software faster and more reactively. Agile development can be understood as the opposite of traditional waterfall software development[28 - Agile Development – Text: electronic. – ( (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: (].

Agricultural Financial Platform is a center of excellence in agricultural finance in the form of a financing system for agricultural micro-enterprises, which includes practical tools for farmers, agricultural experts, financial practitioners, and knowledge and best practices for policy makers[29 - Agricultural Financial Platform – Text: electronic. – ( (date of request: 07.07.2022) URL: (].

AI acceleration is acceleration of calculations encountered with AI, specialized AI hardware accelerators are allocated for this purpose (see also artificial intelligence accelerator, hardware acceleration). Also, AI acceleration is the acceleration of AI-related computations, for this purpose specialized AI hardware accelerators are used.

AI accelerator is a class of microprocessor or computer system designed as hardware acceleration for artificial intelligence applications, especially artificial neural networks, machine vision, and machine learning. Also, AI accelerator is a specialized chip that improves the speed and efficiency of training and testing neural networks. However, for semiconductor chips, including most AI accelerators, there is a theoretical minimum power consumption limit. Reducing consumption is possible only with the transition to optical neural networks and optical accelerators for them.

AI and machine learning imbues programs and machines with human-like decision-making capabilities. These capabilities become more advanced with machine learning algorithms and refined over time with exposure to larger data sets[30 - AI and machine learning – Text: electronic. – ( URL: ( (date of request: 25.02.2023)].

AI benchmark is an AI benchmark for evaluating the capabilities, efficiency, performance and for comparing ANNs, machine learning (ML) models, architectures and algorithms when solving various AI problems, special benchmarks are created and standardized, initial marks. For example, Benchmarking Graph Neural Networks – benchmarking (benchmarking) of graph neural networks (GNS, GNN) – usually includes installing a specific benchmark, loading initial datasets, testing ANNs, adding a new dataset and repeating iterations.

AI Building and Training Kits is applications and software development kits (SDKs) that abstract platforms, frameworks, analytics libraries, and data analysis appliances, allowing software developers to incorporate AI into new or existing applications.

AI camera – a camera with artificial intelligence, digital cameras of a new generation – allow you to analyze images by recognizing faces, their expression, object contours, textures, gradients, lighting patterns, which is taken into account when processing images; some AI cameras are capable of taking pictures on their own, without human intervention, at moments that the camera finds most interesting, etc.

AI chipset is a chipset for systems with AI, for example, AI chipset industry is an industry of chipsets for systems with AI, AI chipset market is a market for chipsets for systems with AI.

AI chipset market – chipset market for systems with artificial intelligence (AI), see also AI chipset.

AI cloud services are AI model building tools, APIs, and associated middleware that enable you to build/train, deploy, and consume machine learning models that run on a prebuilt infrastructure as cloud services. These services include automated machine learning, machine vision services, and language analysis services.