Практическое руководство известного американскою хирурга по лапароскопической хирургии и прикладной лапароскопической анатомии органов брюшной полости и газа будет полезно как начинающим, так и опытным специалистам. Материал прекрасно иллюстрирован. Для специалистов в области малоинвазивной хирургии, акушеров и гинекологов, урологов, хирургов.
Познакомьтесь с мсье Валентином! Он – почка, важнейший орган в человеческом организме. «Я – настоящая квинтэссенция необыкновенных способностей. 24 часа в сутки 7 дней в неделю я обеспечиваю удаление отходов, стабильность состава крови, контроль артериального давления и производство красных кровяных телец – эритроцитов, активацию витамина D и насыщение костей кальцием! О моем здоровье нужно заботи…
В легкой и увлекательной форме норвежский уролог Стурла Пилског рассказывает о том, как устроена мочеполовая система у мужчин. Эта книга ответит на самые волнующие вопросы, научит отличать опасные состояния от нормальных и объяснит, что можно сделать, чтобы избавиться от проблем. На русском языке публикуется впервые.
В легкой и увлекательной форме норвежский уролог Стурла Пилског рассказывает о том, как устроена мочеполовая система у мужчин. Эта книга ответит на самые волнующие вопросы, научит отличать опасные состояния от нормальных и объяснит, что можно сделать, чтобы избавиться от проблем. На русском языке публикуется впервые.
Prostate cancer continues to be a major threat to men's health, the second most common cancer in men, in many countries. Therefore it is increasingly important that those faced with difficult clinical questions make the right decisions. Since the first volume was published in 2000, many debates persist but new controversies have also emerged, reflected in the chapters of this new volume. New autho…
A working guide to the use of drugs in the treatment of urological disease The content is arranged so that the busy urologist can go quickly and easily to the relevant section Coverage of treatment is evidence-based It is the only current book on drug treatment in urology Great strides have been made in the understanding of the scientific basis of urological conditions and this has allowed the dev…
The main urological conditions, including oncological diseases, and such an important problem as male infertility are highlighted in the textbook. A comprehensive information on modern diagnostic and treatment methods in urology is presented. A particular attention is paid to minimally invasive endoscopic and laparoscopic methods. For students of medical universities and residents in “Urology” and…
The main urological conditions, including oncological diseases, and such an important problem as male infertility are highlighted in the textbook. A comprehensive information on modern diagnostic and treatment methods in urology is presented. A particular attention is paid to minimally invasive endoscopic and laparoscopic methods. For students of medical universities and residents in “Urology” and…
The main urological conditions, including oncological diseases, and such an important problem as male infertility are highlighted in the textbook. A comprehensive information on modern diagnostic and treatment methods in urology is presented. A particular attention is paid to minimally invasive endoscopic and laparoscopic methods. For students of medical universities and residents in “Urology” and…
The main urological conditions, including oncological diseases, and such an important problem as male infertility are highlighted in the textbook. A comprehensive information on modern diagnostic and treatment methods in urology is presented. A particular attention is paid to minimally invasive endoscopic and laparoscopic methods. For students of medical universities and residents in “Urology” and…
The main urological conditions, including oncological diseases, and such an important problem as male infertility are highlighted in the textbook. A comprehensive information on modern diagnostic and treatment methods in urology is presented. A particular attention is paid to minimally invasive endoscopic and laparoscopic methods. For students of medical universities and residents in “Urology” and…
The main urological conditions, including oncological diseases, and such an important problem as male infertility are highlighted in the textbook. A comprehensive information on modern diagnostic and treatment methods in urology is presented. A particular attention is paid to minimally invasive endoscopic and laparoscopic methods. For students of medical universities and residents in “Urology” and…
The main urological conditions, including oncological diseases, and such an important problem as male infertility are highlighted in the textbook. A comprehensive information on modern diagnostic and treatment methods in urology is presented. A particular attention is paid to minimally invasive endoscopic and laparoscopic methods. For students of medical universities and residents in “Urology” and…
The main urological conditions, including oncological diseases, and such an important problem as male infertility are highlighted in the textbook. A comprehensive information on modern diagnostic and treatment methods in urology is presented. A particular attention is paid to minimally invasive endoscopic and laparoscopic methods. For students of medical universities and residents in “Urology” and…
The main urological conditions, including oncological diseases, and such an important problem as male infertility are highlighted in the textbook. A comprehensive information on modern diagnostic and treatment methods in urology is presented. A particular attention is paid to minimally invasive endoscopic and laparoscopic methods. For students of medical universities and residents in “Urology” and…